Im Always Here Robin pt 2
My eyes are wide I'm literally looking at my dead bestfriend, the one I felt guilty for a couple years. The one I loved but never got
the chance because our stupid asses wanted to leave Finn in that basement to get some fucking help.
"Robin, you ramble in your mind to much, it's not your fault, you guys are alive it's better one than all"
"No it's better none than all, your supposed to be here with me growing old, having kids, going to parties"
He turned around , wow..... he looked... gorgeously dead. His eyes are white, big scar on his chest, it was like Vances older sister when he explained the details the cops told his parents, what was it called again.......Camp Nightwing Massacre??? I don't know I heard his other sister lived but hasn't been seen or spoken to in years.
"Oh I know her I met her before same with some other people from that incident"
"I keep forgetting you can read my mind also because it's new to me and that Im speaking to a gorgeous ghost"
"Are you saying that so I don't haunt you for the rest of your life"
My eyes widened
"I'm playing"
He smiled
"Actually I would want you to haunt me
I mean if it I knew it was you. I wouldn't care cause its you"
"Robin please don't cry, your gonna make me cry"
"You know when we grew up I wanted to children a daughter named Rinèle and a son named Leon, I wanted them with you"
"Robin it's fine have your dream kids with someone else I heard Lisa still has a crush on you still"
"Finney I'm gay"
"OH right sorry"
I sat down on the grass next to him, can I touch his face? or would it go through since he's a ghost?
He touched my face instead, he felt cold but it was the good kind
"Robin please, I love you, but you have to move on, I'm always here"
"But Finn-"
"No, you have done so much for me, and that you for taking care of Gwen"
Tears were were pouring down my eyes.
He looked over at something and then looked sad
"I'm sorry Robin I have to go , I'll be back soon though" he smiled
"I love you Robin"
"I love you to Finn"
"And remember I'm Always Here"
I smiled ' and I'll always remember that'
He read my mind, he smiled and then started to fade away
I got up and started walking back to the car
"Hey you ok man" Vance asked me
"Yea I'm fine, I think I'm gonna start coming here more often though"
Bruce smiled " well if you need a ride yu know who to call"
"Ghostbusters??" Griffin said
Vance turned around his seat
"Griffin SHUT YOUR -"
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