Happy birthday Mi Amor~
pastFinney: 15
Rinèle: 23 (adopted)
Fluffy Angst(idk)
Robins pov
It's been years since me and Finney confessed to each other
We met 2 months before his birthday, but we confessed on his birthday... that was the best day ever too.
Flashback to 1980
Finneys pov
Me and my little sister Gwen was walking to school
"Hey Finney" "yes Gwen"
"You have any advice for Me.Johns class"
"Umm not really umm...I just told myself "Just get it over with" to be honest
"Ok, thanks "
We arrive at the building to see a group of kids yelling someone's name , not surprised this literally happens every week
Me and Gwen see who's fighting this time
Ok I know I said I was not surprised but now I'm actually really surprised it was moose, my bully, and some random bandana boy, who very let's say attractive.
"Finney he must be new here"
*Yea I think I can tell"
"Should've ran back to your country scrawny little beaner"
That's when the bandana socked him in his nose making me moose fall to the ground, I was flabbergasted,he kept beating him until moose was drenched in blood
He got off of him, and we both made eye contact we stared for a second then I broke it, I grabbed my sister's hand and dragged her away
"Hey whats wrong Finney your face is red" she said smirking
"Nothing let's just get to class"
I walked into my math class, we're waiting for our teacher, just in time she walks in
"Okay class we have a new student who came here from Mexico"
It was the bandana boy
"Everyone meet Robin Arellano"
All of us looked at him, I heard some girls say he's cute which they weren't wrong
"Robin you can sit next to Finney" she points at me and he walks over and sits down.
"Hey as you heard I'm Robin"
"Well as you heard I'm Finney"
"Well Robin I heard you've been failing math in your other school so since you and Finney want to talk a lot, Finney's gonna tutor you"
"But-" I started
"I don't wanna hear it Mr.Blake"
I looked over at Robin and he didn't seem fazed at all by this I thought he would be uncomfortable since he's new and all but if he wasn't worried neither am I.
Back from flashback
Robins pov
I look back at the pictures we took on his birthday too
So I'm gonna skip a month later to when it was 2 weeks before his birthday
Flashback 2
Finneys pov
It's been a month in a half and me and Robin were like best buds, he always fought bully's for me, and sometimes he'd even teasingly flirt with me which made me blush.
I'm not gonna deny it , I had a crush on Robin Arellano, it was 2 weeks before my birthday and I already knew I was inviting him
I go over to his house to 'tutor' him
I knocked on his door
"Hey Finn come on in"
"Hola Ms.Arellano"
"Hola Finney"
I only let Robin call me Finn besides Gwen of course but she never really calls me it
"So Finn I heard your birthdays coming up I'm gonna give the best gift ever"
"Aww Robin you really don't have to"
"Your right I don't but I want to" he smirked
He his so fine
"So wanna watch a movie"
"Let me guess Texas Chainsaw Massacre" I smiled
"You know me so well" I laughed
We watched the movie and I held onto him like I always do
I like holding him he's so warm and he always laughs when I get scared we enjoyed the movie well he did I hid
Back from the flashback
Robins pov
Then it was his birthday the day I confessed to him and the best too.
Back to flashback
Finney pov
Its finally my birthday I'm now 15 Robin is coming over
I heard a knock I ran down stairs
"Happy birthday Finn"
"Thanks Robin let's go to my room"
We went up to my room and talked about stuff that just came to our minds
"Okay so you know how I said I was gonna get you a gift"
"Well close your eyes and hold your hand out"
I did what I was told
I felt something in my hand like a fabric and a paper
"Okay now open your eyes"
My eyes widen, it was one of his bandanas
"Omg thank you Robin"
"Read the paper to"
The letter:
Hey Finn so I know we only knew each other for almost two months, but everytime I look at you, it's like I was seeing heaven,you made me better,I love when I'm there for you because....well..its you. What I'm trying to say is.... I love you Finney Blake
-love Robin
I was full on crying now, tears of joy of course
I looked at him smiling
"Robin I love you to"
Robin smiled and the next thing you know he kissed me and I kissed him back, it was like I was in heaven
we pulled away
"Happy Birthday Mi Amor"
I knew exactly what that meant.
we spent the day just cuddling, talking and watching movies best day ever.
Back from flashback
Robins pov
I look up to see me and finneys daughter coming up
"Hey dad, you okay?"
"Yea Rinney (short for Rinèle) Im fine"
"I miss him to but were gonna be okay"
I hugged her and looked back at my loves grave
"We miss you so much Dad I hope your resting in peace,Happy Birthday"
I was now crying both sadness and happiness
I bend down to put the bandana on his grave, the one I gave him years ago on this very day
"Happy Birthday Mi Amor~"
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