The Spy And The Date
Aphmaus POV
"Vlyad " i hand him a coffee "dont you feel like some ones watching you?" i look around but see nothing "Yeah... well im going to see zane let me know if there is anything i can do" he says in a kind voice "yeah i will" i say in a uncomfortable voice i sigh "theres something wrong isnt there?" he sits next to me "you can tell me anything" he says holding my hand i sigh
Garroths POV
1= garroth 2=zane
-talks on walkie talkie-
1-Come in emo gorilla
2- how many time have i told you not to call me that -he sighs- what do you see
1- their holding hands HES HOLDING HER HAND
2-shh you don't want them to hear you
1- right i cant hear them
2- get in closer then
-garroth walks around the house and into the back yard-
1- come in Zane
2- im here what do you hear?
1-aph is saying i like and vlyad is saying its ok we will get through this together
2-ok get back to base now!!!
Aphmaus POV
"vlyad i like" i say "i know and we will get through this" hes so carming but i cant get through this
Aarons POV
DING DONG "Aphmau are you home?" i can hear some noise aphmau walks to the door "y-yes aaron?"
she looks so beautiful standing there
"Aphmau will you......." i can't do it "will i what aaron?" she says leaning against the wall "Aphmauwillyougoonadatewithme" i say as fast as i can "yes aaron" she says "r-really" i say nervously "now?" she says so sweetly "how about tommorrow?" i say "sure pick me up at 6?"she says "y-yeah" she giggles "cya at 6 aphmau"
Aphmau POV
i shut the door "VLYAD HE ASKED ME" vlyad stands up "REALLY?" he looks as exsited as me "YEAH" i say yelling its a good thing the girls are out "What are you going to wear" he says "AHH" i scream "I DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR" im fraking out "does he mean that much to you?" vlyad says in a sweat voice "yeah" i say "then lets go shoping ill pay"he says "no you do-" "yes i do now get your butt in the car ill drive" he says so kind i hug him "thank you".
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