Another plan
Katelyn's POV
I walk to the house and I see Aphmau at the door "hey Aphm- APHMAU" I run to her she's crying on the floor "Aphmau what happened" she doesn't move her head she just mumbles "Vlyad " and "feelings" "Aphmau speak up I can't hear you" she looks at me and stands up still crying "Vlyad almost killed him self over me" she screams at me "Aphmau- I...I don't understand " she looks at me and walks to the kitchen "he almost stabbed himself and....and I couldn't " she say between sobs "shh it's ok" she hugs me "Katelyn is he ok" I let go "he's fine hey how about this you go get dressed and I will take you any where" she looks at me and grins "any where?" I nod "OLIVE GARDEN" she jumps up and down and gets ready
~after Olive Garden~
Garroths POV
~Garroth is texting Zane~
G- What are we going to do
Z-get her to sign the papers
G-Ok I'll write new ones
Z-but don't write 'you will never see or speak to each other ever again as long as you both shall live' that's just mean
G- But we have to
Z- if you write that I'm out
G- fine go play with your ponies then
G- heh what ever you say XD
Z- Garroth what ever I'll leave you to play with you dolls
G- there not dolls there action figures
Z- of Aphmau
Z- what ever cya bro
Nichole's POV
-gets text-
Meet me at Aphmau's house no questions asked -Katelyn
Why does she want me to meet her
I'll go and find out
Conversation time
N-Nichole D-Dante K-Katelyn T-travis KC-Kawii~Chan
A-Aphmau Aa-Aaron L-Laurence Lu-Lucinda all-Everyone
K-the reason I asked you all here is because Garroth and Zane have gone crazy
A-they won't let me see my friend any more
All- WHAT who
A-Vlyad they thought we were dating and made Vlyad go
Aa- Aphmau why would they do that especially since y-
A- ok Aaron they thought that and vlyads gone but I need help
T- I'll help but it will cost ya
All- of course
T-I want you to get me a date with any lady I want
All Girls- WHAT
N-yeah what half of us have boy friends
T-only the single ones count in this
A-we will deal with Travis later but will you help me
All- YES
-they made a plan-
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