"And above all else, remember that the end of a [...] book is never really the end."
-Jen Calonita, On Location
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
BTS (방탄소년단) - Wings
❚❚►_____________________________ 3:49
Jeongguk looked himself up and down in the big mirror standing infront of him, breathing getting uneasy with anticipation and nervousness.
Competitions were never the easiest thing for him.
Especially the waiting for your actual turn made him feel nauseous, stomach twisted in anxiety and nervous energy clouding the atmosphere around him.
But he had always thought that the payoff was well worth it. Doing something he dearly loves on stage, showing off his accomplishments and well rounded skills to people made him feel a certain rush that he would describe as love.
And what made it even better is that he had actually found someone he loves more than platonically to do it with -- Taehyung.
Someone he had actually despised once a while ago, who he thought was too cocky to have a proper conversation with, who he was brought together with by the simple faith of both of them losing their partner for upcoming competition season.
And he honestly couldn't be more grateful to have their ways cross eachother in a proper way.
Taehyung and him have been working in a high pace, making changes, perfecting choreography the past week, trying their best to get ready for their second competition together.
Not only did they want to bring another trophy home but also they wanted this to be perfect -- for themselves.
This was their first time ever working together as more than acquaintances, working together as lovers now, as boyfriend and boyfriend.
And working with family or loved ones in serious business would always be hard as you have to put personal feeling aside, try and be objective so you can achieve the best possible result.
It was hard but somehow manageable as they were both focused on the having an amazing outcome, eventhough their affection really got limited to their occasional make outs in the bathroom and kissing on the couch at either of their homes.
His eyes still focused on his reflection staring back at him in the mirror, sparkly and elegant accents creating a fairyish look.
A slightly golden glitterly eyelid, perfectly swirling together with his golden complexion, a pink tinted lip and just the perfect dusting of pearl shimmering on his cheekbones.
Smile slowly tugging on the corners of his lips as his eyes started to wander lower to the clothing hanging on his body.
The outfit chosen much simpler than last time. Upper body drapped in a white blouse, soft silky material getting slightly bigger at the wrists, paired with simple black dress pants with a belt strapped through to accentuate the natural curve his body achieves.
Red hair was slightly faded out to a more strawberry-ish color by now, way too lazy and also too busy to redye it all over again and also liking the look of the lighter shade of red that was almost touching on a light pink.
Overall he was satisfied with his looks today, something he had learned to be way more often with the helps of therapy and just surrounding himself with the good positive energy radiating off his favorite people.
Generally reflecting; so many things happened since he had last gone on stage.
Taehyung and him started a relationship, someone he was sure he would break the heart of at that point, face Namjoon for the hopefully last time ever, leading him to finally seak the necessary therapy he needed and finally building the confidence to actually be himself openly.
Lost in a train of thoughts and nostalgia, vision getting slightly blurred in a daydream, suddenly having hands sneaking around the line of his waist, almost pushing out a squeak of surprise.
"Did i scare you?" Voice he instantly recognized as his boyfriend echoing though his ear as his vision got back to normal again, finally seeing that so pretty face that belongs to Taehyung peacefully placing on his shoulder through the mirror infront of them.
Dark blonde hair styled upwards and back, all accurated by a red bandana tied around his forehead, locks having grown slightly longer from not even having the time to go and cut it properly with all the practice lacing their day.
His outfit almost an exact copy of Jeongguk's own, just that the cut of the blouse was exact opposite, wider fit on the body and arms but closing in thigher at the wrists.
"No suddenly coming up to someone without warning and backhugging them isn't scary at all." He turned his head, eyes to eyes with the older one, sarcasm dripping from his tone.
He felt Taehyung squeeze together tighter, smile going to dance on his features, making Jeongguk's heart swell. No matter what, the sight of his boyfriend still made him flustered, butterflies coursing through his gut with every action.
"Are you feeling ready?" Loving looks cut off by the more serious question, knowing they had to go on stage fairly soon, Taehyung still not budging to release the younger from his grasp any time soon.
Jeongguk knew that Taehyung probably sensed his nervous energy as it felt like it was literally dripping down from his body.
Nevertheless he did infact feel ready in a way. He didn't exactly love performing, he did have an adoration for dancing infront of a smaller audience, something as small as the classes he is teaching.
But the bigger the audience the bigger the fear of making a mistake, doing something obviously wrong and not being able to recover that made him feel like his stomach was flipping upside down.
"I think i do, i guess." His voice obviously having a slight shake to it, trying to avoid the other's line of sight through the mirrored surface infront of them.
"Remember last time?" Taehyung's voice much more softened, trying to distract from the topic at hand, curving to the previous time.
"Of course i do, can't forget it really." Worried look, he didn't know his features had morphed into, faded to pulling back into a smile, remembering the euphoria of winning for the very first time ever.
"I was such an asshole to you." Taehyung chuckled, head nuzzling into the crook of Gguk's neck, tickling sensation spreading over his skin.
"I knew you didn't mean it." Own little chuckle escaping his lips, little heart blossoms blooming inside his chest. "Your soft spot for me really showed sometimes." His hands wandering to place on top of Taehyung's that gripped eachother securely on his stomach.
"Oh really? I thought i did amazing at pretending to be completely uninterested." He felt his hold slightly tighten even more, squeezing together in a hug.
"You kissed me-" He scoffed, orbs connecting in the mirror infront again, little stars glistening in them. "-on stage while the lights were out and dragged me to the bathroom to make out." His head turned again to look him right in the eyes, already completely having lost count of the amount of times he's gotten dragged into them so deeply.
"Well, maybe i wasn't as good as i thought but you know i couldn't help it, you looked gorgeous and still do." He saw his right eye pressing together in a brief wink. His confidence would really never fade.
Gguk felt the grip on his waist release, turning him lightly to face him, his arms instantly slinging around Taehyung's neck, the older one's arms placing at his waist.
"You won't ever stop this flirty thing will you? I'm already yours, Tae."
"I know-" His head dropping low and bouncing up the next second in laughter before starting to move closer, head titled slightly to the side. "But i'm still not planning to stop."
Words sealed with their lips attaching and eyelids fluttering close, sweet cotton candy coloured cloud surrounding them in lovingness and adoration for one another but pulled apart quicker than they would have liked which would probably have been the next morning, knock on the wide open door making them pull away.
"Don't wanna break y'all up but-" Hoseok's whole sounding voice coming from same direction, both of their heads turning to look at their widely smiling boss. "It's your turn next."
Words hitting like a stone dropping in Jeongguk's stomach, the whole fact that they were at a completion had slipped to the back of his mind with Taehyung's distractions.
The two pulled apart quickly giving themselves a quick checkup in the mirror, pulling both their hairs and clothes back into place.
"I'm back in the audience with Yoongi. Good luck. I know you guys will take home the win." He smiled, knocking on the door once again as a farewell before sprinting off to sit with his just recently labeled boyfriend.
"Let's go?" Taehyung asked, head turning to look at him, a smile on his face, no worries to be detected in the slightest -- oh, how Jeongguk wished he could feel the same right now.
"Let's go." Gguk breathed out forcing a smile onto his lips, feeling himself fall back to old ways, slowly following Taehyung walking out of the dressing and break room right up to the side of the stage.
Jeongguk closed his eyes, nauseousness rising up in his throat with the thought of the hot bright lights shining down on him, feeling dissapointment in himself cloud his brain.
The past months he had such a great process with building confidence in himself, being true to what he wanted and just -- being Jeon Jeongguk.
He felt like all he worked for, he was throwing in the trash with how he was feeling at this exact second, feeling beads of sweat running down his nape, pure nervousness infused into it.
Pit in his stomach growing majorly, hearing his name blasting from the speaker with the
enthusiastic voice of the announcer.
But suddenly he felt a soft hand intertwining with his own, touch loving and encouraging.
"Baby." Taehyung's voice even softer than his touch, whispering right into his ear, calming energy flowing through to his chest.
His eyes fluttered open, taking in another deep inhale when he felt his boyfriend's other hand slide under his chin, turning his head to face him.
Jeongguk's bambi eyes starred back at Taehyung's calming ones, connecting in a loving manner, electricity running down their spines.
Older's thumb smoothing over Gguk's cheek, the younger's eyes falling close again upon the soothing sensation. "We are going to do great. Remember, we practiced so much. We -- you are going to do amazing." Voice raining down in his head softly, slowly feeling some of the nauseous feeling fade to a minimum with every of his actions.
"You are so incredible, bun. Believe in yourself and in your skills. We already did this once before and this isn't any different." Opening his eyes again, he looked back into Taehyung's, orbs conveying way more than the words that left his throat.
He nodded, real smile dancing om his lips as calm energy started to slowly swirl around him, feeling his boyfriend squeeze his hand, their names echoing through the background, followed by a cheer, all a sign to get on stage.
Taehyung detached the hand that so lovingly had grazed the peaches of Jeongguk's cheeks, nodding back at the younger, both stepping on stage, their other hands still remained glued together.
Cheers roared through the background again as they both took their starting positions, Jeongguk swallowing the lump in his throat, closing his eyes once again and placing his elbow on the other's shoulder.
Taehyung's words of encouragement repeating in his head, every single tone calming his heart, his mere presence beside him making him feel like the crowd was disappearing infront of his very eyes.
He could do this and he was going to try his very best, go to his limits, take a trophy home and most importantly -- do what he enjoys.
He opened his eyes again, line of view trying to focus on some dot back in the audience, feeling his expression morph to a fierce one, body going into performance mode like a simple flick of a switch.
With a racing heart he heard the first beat hit loudly from the speakers beside them, head shooting up, posture straightening.
Rush of confidence pulsing through him as he heard awes from various directions, hand raising up to snap with the with the one's placed in the melody of the song, stepping away one by one.
Body expertly moving like they had practiced, rolling his body as he synced the words of the song with his own lips.
Even making sure to keep all his stage presence when it was all Taehyung's solo parts, his own normally innocence swirling big eyes closing together in a more powerful, intimate look.
It was slowly getting to their combined parts, Gguk making sure to search Taehyung's eyes, the two connecting briefly, heartbeats racing.
The two came to dance as one like they were really meant to be, Tae stepping behind him raising his hands up to make up the effect of controlling every of his movements.
Every swing of the younger's head had the audience cheering, energy they radiated undeniably captivating.
It was like they owned the stage, like it was their own little concert, no competition with the other people taking up most of it's time.
They were both giving their everything, their all, their entire energy.
The song was coming to an end, melody softening and words getting more hushed, the pair finished their steps, hitting each beat on the dot, Jeongguk dropping his behind low and back up in one smooth motion, endless practice really paying off.
He turning to have his back face the people watching, the other right infront of him, arm swinging around his boyfriend's neck, the other's hands wrapping around his body on the exactly last note.
Brief silence hit their ears as their eyes instantly searched of eachother, heavy breathing fanning from both their slick lips.
He immediately felt a wave of relief hit his heart, shimmering glaze of tears coating his orbs and vision getting blurred.
Cheers of the audience fading into the back of his attention as happiness and accomishment washed over him.
"I love you." Was all that was able to hit his eardruma and the next thing he knew he felt himself move closer to the one infront, other hand attaching to Taehyung's cheek, connecting their breathless lips in a deep kiss, tears not being able to help but run down his cheek.
Arms that wrapped around him closing in tighter as more cheers roared through the background.
Heart full like it has never been before, pride washing throughout his whole soul, nervousness long gone as their kiss seemingly continued endlessly as time halted in their little world until they forced themselves to pull apart.
Hearts connected deeply through their galaxies sitting in their eyes as mulitple i love you's passed through both their lips.
And in that moment Jeongguk truly felt complete like he had met his own paradise, combining everything he had gained, achieved, worked for the past months, weeks, days.
He couldn't have ever imagined being able to fully be himself, even kiss a boy he truly loves with all his heart infront of an audience after performing a choreography they had worked so hard for.
And the most surprising probably the fact that that boy is Kim Taehyung.
Someone he once despiced, someone he crushed on, someone he got hurt by, someone in whose heart he tried to finesse his way to pay back the same hurt -- someone he fell in love with through the passion of dancing.
Someone who managed to finesse his way into his heart and the other way around.
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the end.
💫090319 - 290919; [ongoing story]
And here we have something i have been dreading to write. The end of finesse.
Well, there will be at least one epilogue chapter since i only have an idea for one but i would appreciate any idea you guys might have for a second one!
This book has really grown close to my heart. It's characters managed to develop more than i had thought they would, ending completely different than i had originally planned.
It also made me connect my love of dancing to writing, something i didn't even know would make me so happy to intertwine.
I even choreographed a lot do the things i made the pair dance and who knows -- maybe eventually i feel comfortable enough to show you guys :)
During my process of writing i sometimes felt like i couldn't keep up with everything. Life is stressful.
But i somehow always managed to pull through.
Mostly thanks to you. Everyone who keeps giving me support eventhough i feel like a lot of the chapters i write are very much lacking.
I love you all so much and i really mean it when i say it.
I hope you will look forward to the beginning of something new and exciting, that being '365 days' which will start next week with the epilogue of finesse.
I would really appreciate if you guys would give it a try and support it just as much as you did this book :)♡
Have a wonderful day!
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