as a thank you for 100k reads, here's an extra long chapter!
warning: this chapter is rated 18+
NCT DREAM (엔시티 드림) - WE BOOM
❚❚►_____________________________ 3:15
Jeongguk stood infront of his dresser, clothes in his hands quickly send to his bed with a throw, a mountain of pants, t-shirts and belts already forming.
"Everything looks like shit." He whispered to himself as he kept pushing and pulling his clothes around, still throwing the ones he didn't take into consideration for today's evening over his shoulder.
Today he was going to go on another date with Taehyung.
They had been going out very frequently for the past month or so, trying to get to know eachother better and spend their free time not only with their friends but also making space for eachother.
It has been going pretty well, Jeongguk learned a lot about the older one and his past.
He learned that Taehyung is from a wealthy family in the town of Geochang, explaining where all his money seems to just appear from, has two younger sisters and his parents encouraged him to pursue dancing out in Seoul.
How he wished he had parents as supportive as his.
Eventhough he learned a lot about Taehyung, Jeongguk still hadn't quite had the courage or energy to talk about everything involving Namjoon or his parents.
He talked about bits and pieces but never to the full extent.
He knew he couldn't bottle it all up forever and ever but he didn't want to open wounds who have healed already, didn't wanna open a deep canyon of complete darkness. He just couldn't talk to Taehyung about it -- not now at least.
That put aside, he was more than excited for today since it was Taehyung's turn to plan a date as they have been switching who does so each time.
But generally they were keeping it pretty simple, even just simply hanging out at one of their apartments, watching trashy netflix originals and eating their favorite take out.
It was such a completely different side from the Taehyung he got to know before. He was finally open about his feelings towards the younger one and not afraid to show him -- eventhough some of their bickering will always remain, in a good flirty way of course.
"shit." Gguk mumbled under his breath as his hand grapped another pair of pants, shoving them to the side, to his surprise -- revealing the outfit he wore to the dance competition neatly placed right underneath; black leather pants, black button up shirt and black strappy harness.
A smirk pulled on the corners of his mouth, knowing exactly what he was going to wear as he pulled out the combination of black pieces.
After somehow getting into the pants he hadn't worn in what felt like forever and managing to wiggle into the harness, he looked himself up and down in the mirror, smiling.
It just reminded him of the first time he wore it, winning his first competition and kissing Taehyung -- on stage, what a strange day that actually was considering the older had clearly established he wasn't interested. Old times.
Butterflies danced in his stomach, hoping the slight nostalgia of the outfit would do him a favor today as Taehyung nor him had even taken a step to just kissing again.
That night they talked everything out, they mutually agreed to start over and take everything slow, so all they really gotten around to was holding hands and a simple short peck on the cheek.
He sighed, picking up his phone from the kitchen table wanting to check the time but seeing a message notification pop up on his screen, tapping on it and unlocking his phone swiftly.
Taehyung 🥰
Am here to pick you
up babe
On my way
Gguk sighed lovingly, just the simple pet name 'babe' making his heart do a flip and the tornado of sweet butterflies in his gut intensify.
Without further wasting time, he grabbed his keys, petting Coconut goodbye and rushing down the stairs quicker that he has ever done before.
He took a deep breath, still nervous excitement coursing through him before going out with Taehyung, pulling his outfit and hair in place on last time before stepping out of his apartment complex, spotting the older one's car right infront and walking towards it.
He pulled the car door open with one quick motion, already hearing sweet music whisper through the turned on radio as he seated himself, eyes immediately looking up to Taehyung.
His hair was still black, a little shorter than before but he was still able to beautifully tug it behind his ear with no effort, making him look more etheral than he already does. Outfit complete with a simple black dress shirt, bold gold details painted across it and simple black ripped jeans.
"Hi." He saw the older's eyes sparkle and wander up and down Gguk's body, especially stopping at the harness that was carefully wrapped around his waist. "You look hot, Jeon Jeongguk."
Jeongguk couldn't help the blush painting across his cheeks as he noticed Taehyung's lip wander between his teeth, watching him lean in right towards his ear, thick tension flowing throughout the air -- different from their last dates.
"And beautiful too." He felt his hot breath tickle against his blushy ear but pull back almost instantly, bottom lip remaining trapped by his teeth.
Jeongguk noticed his own lips pulling into a smile, eyes looking right into Taehyung's chocolate brown ones, seeing something meaningful swirl throughout them, heart beat increasing."You do too, Taehyung."
Both pulled away ever so slightly, Gguk turning to reach for the seatbelt as the other one started the car. "Oh, where are we even going?" Jeongguk's voice laced with both curiosity and excitement as he got somewhat comfortable in the car seat.
"You might call me dumb but-" Taehyung turned his head to get out of his parking spot, smile stretched across his face. "I maybe booked a slow dance lesson for us as a date." He chuckled, knowing himself that it was a silly, but cute idea. "Got work out clothes in the back all prepared. I thought it would be nice to do something we both love and learn something new."
"You are so crazy." Gguk laughed out loudly, utterly amused of the date idea he had come up with.
"Crazy for you, babe." Taehyung winked, blush intensifying on the younger one's cheeks as he felt a hand smooth over his thigh carefully before pulling away, placing themselves on the steering wheel and driving them to their dance lesson.
And before he knew they were standing in a packed dance studio full of middle aged people, both bodies layered with Taehyung's work out attire, trying to learn something about slow dance, just as they wanted to.
Even though they got the occasional weird stare and obnoxious whispers between some woman who 'didn't feel like such a couple should attend this class', they had a fun time dancing, learning, being close to eachother.
They did have the advantage of being actual dance teachers but in a completely different fashion and neither of them had done slow dance before.
Their hands wrapped around eachother and gracefully strutting over the dance floor to the melody of an emotional love song, one occasionally spinning in the others arms -- and it sure was nice being in Taehyung's arms if Jeongguk might say so.
Taehyung's hands grapping at his waist and his own hands placed at his broad shoulders and stepping side to side with the instructions of the trainer both of them actually happened to recognize from earlier competitions.
As they changed back to their date wear from their training attire they mutually agreed to go back to Taehyung's place, both not wanting to part yet as the date seemed awfully short to them -- like always.
The drive back was somehow quite in terms of conversation but in a good way.
Just the two of them humming along to the sweet melodies echoing through the speakers, occasionally exchanging glances, Jeongguk feeling his heart beat higher in his chest.
They made their way up to his apartment hand in hand, little giggles at Taehyung stupid jokes flowing through the air that was surrounding them.
"Did you enjoy today?" The older one squeezed his hand harder as they were walking up the last few stairs, reaching their destination quickly and Taehyung starting to fiddle with his keys one handed, not ever letting go of Gguk's hand.
"Of course i did. Was very fun." Jeongguk smiled eye to eye, heart feeling full and warm as his hand was still locked with the older's who was struggling to unlock the door with only one hand.
"Maybe unlock the door twohanded." He chuckled, sliding his hand out of Taehyung's grip but before he knew it, his hand was pulled right back and intertwined with the other's again, the latter's sparkly eyes looking right into his own as he edged closer.
"Nope, as if i'll let go of your hand." Taehyung teased, space between them slowly closing, making Jeongguk's heart race as if he was running a marathon with Taehyung being so open about liking him.
It really made the pain in the past dissapear to the back of his head, made him forgive actions that were out of line as he was now here; Taehyung's hand holding his own and their distance slowly closing.
His eyes already started to flutter close as their lips attached in a soft manner, butterflies roaming through his gut as an endless fog of honeymoon surrounded the two in the empty cold hallway.
Gguk's hands wandering to finally detach from Taehyung's only to wrap themselves around his neck, feeling the older one's hands rest peacefully at his waist -- somehow just like they were taught in slow dance today.
To Jeongguk the kiss seemed like a never ending story of unspoken feelings and more, slowly moving against eachother as he softly twirled Taehyung's hair that reached his nape around his finger.
The cloud surrounding them got thicker as he felt the other lick over his lips parting them skillfully as he squeezed his waist, Gguk's hands now at the collar of the older one's shirt pulling him in even closer.
But before they could get any more heated they slowly pulled away from eachother with the lack of air but their close proximity remaining, lips ghosting over eachothers.
Jeongguk really didn't know what got into him all of the sudden but he just expected and wanted more, gripping into the older one's collar tighter than before.
He felt more than ready to take their relationship back to a level it's been before at this very moment.
The younger leaned close to Taehyung's ear, close enough to have his lips ghosting above it. "Is that all you got, Taehyung?" He whispered quietly, a suductive note laced through out his words.
He felt the older one's breath speed up, hands wandering from waist downwards placing themselves at his butt, giving a slight gentle squeeze. "You would know best it's not all i can do if i might remind you."
And that's how they ended up stumbling into Taehyung's living room, clothes ripped off their bodies faster than imaginable both still in their undergarments and Gguk remaining in his dress shirt and harness, Taehyung making no efforts to take them off for some reason.
Jeongguk sat in the olders lap om
n the big soft couch, slowly moving above his crotch in circles as quiet whimpers escaped his lips and Taehyung's hands roamed around his lower back, twirling with the harness he was still wearing, lips making marks on the younger's neck.
"Tae-" Gguk couldn't help but moan out louder as Taehyung's kisses made their way to his collarbone, his hands pushing the shirt off his one shoulder, picking a spot and softly starting to suck, making the younger throw his head back and close his eyes.
The room was hot and humid, a bead of sweat rolling down Jeongguk's back as he was still half clothed but not stopping his continuous movements, grinding their hips together.
"What, babe? Tell hyung." He felt him release the spot briefly only to attach his lips back onto it, eager to leave a visible purple mark.
Gguk almost froze at the words, blood rushing to his cheek and elsewhere at the question, throat dry as he parted his lips but no words escaping.
"Shy all of the sudden?" He heard Taehyung chuckle deeply, the rasp running down his spine, reminding him of the last time they had sex and all their other encounters before that. It really was like the older had two sides to him -- the cocky one and the sweet one which Jeongguk somehow managed to bring out in him.
"I'll help you find your voice again, Jeon." He saw the older bite his inner cheek as he
gently placing him down on his back, Gguk's head feeling cloudy with lust and nervousness as Taehyung slowly unbuttoned his shirt for more access, leaving kisses on his stomach around the harness, trailing down until he reached his crotch area.
He felt his hands place themselves and squeeze at his butt, his underwear getting pushed aside, hot air hitting his skin directly and Taehyung's face disappearing out of his line of sight all in a second, head circling back and eyes fluttering close already.
"A-ah Hyung-" Gguk slipped out right as he felt Taehyung starting to eat him out, his tongue immediately deep inside of him, not testing his patience and almost making Jeongguk choke on thin air, hands going to grip at his hair.
It has been a while since they were this intimate and Jeongguk really had missed it. He felt like Taehyung understood him with no words, knew exactly where his spots are without question on how to make him feel good.
He bit his lip almost hard enough to make it bleed, wanting to contain any loud noises from escaping as Taehyung continued to push his tongue in and out of him, causing a great wave of pleasure.
But as quickly as it was building up, it was gone as Taehyung rose his head up again, Gguk's hands still tangled in his pitch black hair, eyes looking like their own little galaxies, sparkling without any light hitting them.
"Can take more?" The older whispered deeply really only for Jeongguk to hear, licking his lips suductively making him feel completely dizzy with lust, nodding automatically.
And with that he saw his beautiful features disappear back to his crotch and feeling one of his hands slide away from his butt, gasping as he felt a finger circling around the rim and entering him.
"Oh my g-" He couldn't even finish his sentence before he felt Taehyung's tongue dip back in, finger moving in and out, making him grip the pillows scattered around him for support, pleasure shooting through his gut as continuous whimpers escaped his lips.
"More- more-" Jeongguk blabbered out, just needing something more as Taehyung continued to work both his tongue and finger in and out of his, skillfully adding another his middle one, making the younger one's head feel like it was surrounded by cloud 9, drowning in lust and love.
His breathing steadily got heavier, chest moving up and down, hand tightly gripping the soft grey furry pillow above his head, feeling like he was about to reach his peak, wanting to open his mouth to warn the older whos face still burried itself inbetween his legs, but his vocal cords tied together not making a single sound.
But somehow Taehyung pulled away himself, head lifting up and fingers pulling out, making the other release a harsh whimper at the sudden loss of pleasure.
Jeongguk looked right into the sparkling orbs of the older as he came back into his line of view, almost moaning at the mere sight of him -- his jet black hair wet and sticking to his forehead, lips slick with his own spit and one single beat of sweat running down the side of his face from the incredibly hot air surrounding the two.
Without a word spoken, Taehyung pulled himself up between his legs until they were eye to eye again, hot steaming breaths escaping his parted lips before attaching them to Jeongguk's again for a short sweet peck, pulling him back on his lap.
"Ride me, baby?" Taehyung whispered out as they parted their lips, hands instantly finding their way to Gguk's bottom, smoothing over it as Jeongguk almost whimpered at the simple tone of his voice.
He felt like with every word, sentence that left the older one's lips he wanted more, felt like the words he would normally say with confidence were stuck in his throat.
Jeongguk nodded softly, slightly embarrassed that he was more eager than he would admit to himself and knowing that he had wanted this for a while again.
Taehyung was quick to pull of his own underwear throwing it to the side carelessly as Gguk was sitting on his lower stomach, looking down at him in deep thought, slight smile decorating his lips.
This was gonna be huge step in their new beginning, a step of trust and deep affection for one another and Jeongguk felt ready for it again -- felt like Taehyung's feeling are truely genuine after getting to know him with all his little flirty gestures, his occasional clinginess and smile that could light up a world, his world.
"You really want this? Again?" He was pulled out of his thoughts with the sound of his raspy voice, eyes shining beautifully beneath him, grip on his waist with so much unspoken affection.
"Yes." Gguk uttered out with the sudden shift in moods from one that felt like the air was solid around them and exceedingly passionate to a soft breeze of affection and care swirling around them refreshingly.
Holding his length up with one hand, and holding Gguk's waist with the other Taehyung lifted him up a bit, guiding him right above his exposed length with much care and gentleness, grip on his waist tight to make sure he wouldn't slide down too fast, not wanting it to hurt for Jeongguk.
Gguk sighed in pleasure feeling the tip of Taehyung's length edging at his entrance, biting his cheek and slowly starting to drop down as he tried to keep his underwear pushed to the side.
A soft sigh escaped him as he felt the tip entering and going past his entrance, continuing to carefully slide down until he was fully seated, chest heaving up and down and eyes closed in pleasure.
"Shit-" He heard Taehyung grunt in the back of his head, too busy and lost in the sensation of his own pleasure and the slight burn from the stretch, feeling the other grip at the harness tightly he still had wrapped around his torso. "You look- so fucking hot-"
Jeongguk threw his head back at the comment, giving him that push to move his hips up and down in a slow and steady rhythm, Taehyung's fingers still playing with the leather around his waist.
And before Gguk knew, he was bouncing up and down Taehyung's length faster and faster, knowing no limit as he felt his thighs burn with pain, voice becoming strained as his moans and whimpers got louder and more frequent.
"Fuck- Baby-" He heard Taehyung groan under him, head also thrown back into the pillows, one hand lazily trying to help the younger with his pace the other gripping at the bands of the harness, biting his lip.
Gguk suddenly felt the older one shift upwards, making him stop his movements for a second and before he knew he was lifted up, screeching from the surprise and Taehyung grabbing at his butt with much strength, wandering over to the big mirrored wall, length still resting inside of him.
"Hyung-" Gguk moaned as the older one slammed his back against the cold, shiny wall, looking right into his eyes, noticing the thin layer over sweat covering their bodies, just now paying attention to his own soaking wet dress shirt that was sticking to his torso.
"Call me that again-" The older started to thrust up painfully slow, hands holding the younger one up by his bottom, Gguk smiling on the inside as he noticed the pattern Taehyung seemed to have kept since their last encounter.
"Hy-" Jeongguk was about to say it again as really wanted to reach his heaven tonight but a choked up moan interrupting his own words as Taehyung delivered a hard thrust hitting his spot that made him see stars swirling around him.
"C-Can't say it?" Taehyung chuckled inbetween groans, smirk painting his lips as he continued his slow steady thrusts, now obviously missing that one spot on purpose.
"Hyung!" Jeongguk screamed out in return, face burying in the other's neck out of embarrassment for his volume, Taehyung immediately speeding up his pace without further question, only moans and groans being spoken from then on.
Gguk felt his shirt ride up as he was pushed up and down on the smooth surface of the glass mirror behind him, thrusts getting stronger and faster with each second, passing by and ruthlessly hitting his spot, feeling his high approaching fast.
With his lust fogged head he still managed to notice Taehyung's one hand wander up to grip at his harness again, now only holding him up with one arm, his hot breath fanning against his nape, knowing he was close too.
"Coming, babe-" The older uttered between quiet groans and hot breaths, thrusts getting significantly sloppier and even faster making Jeongguk's head dizzy with pleasure.
"Tae- hyung-" And with one sudden thrust against the right spot, Gguk was pushed over the edge coming all over Taehyung's exposed chest, moaning his name loudly and completely strained, pretty much collapsing in his arms.
The moan of his name send the older to his own heaven as well, pulling out as quickly as he could, coming against the mirror infront him.
Not being able to hold him up they both sank to the floor, mirror fogged up around them and heavy breathing echoing through the quiet room.
After catching their breath, Taehyung raised his head to look at Jeongguk face to face, slowly a weak smirk making it's way onto his face. "Round two?"
"Shut up." Gguk laughed feebly, raising his hand balled in a fist to hit his chest, truely feeling like he felt more than just liking Taehyung -- more like actually being in love with him.
thoughts? wishes? worries? anything else? :)
Hello uhm well this is the most i've ever written like 3900+ words is a record for me djeekdjd but all for 100k which i'm incredibly grateful for!!
i never thought this book would reach anywhere as many people as groupie did so thank you to those who wait for updates each week who comment and vote or even just leave a read ♡
now since i want to give y'all some choices in this book we are going to have a little poll for Yoongi's ship :^)
leave ONE comment on ONE ship and only!! one!! dont comment on multiple or comment mulitple times on one (excluding answering people) i'll be very very angry ):<
Namgi (Namjoon×Yoongi)
Yoonmin (Jimin×Yoongi)
Sope (Hoseok×Yoongi)
OcYoongi (Original Character×Yoongi)
have a nice day everyone ♡!
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