BTS (방탄소년단) - Skool Luv Affair
❚❚ ►_____________________________ 4:21↺
Jeongguk stood outside the dance studio, luggage with a ryan emoticon printed onto the front standing to his right, pulling up the hood of his dark blue pullover as it was starting to softly rain down onto the sun setting in the far distance.
He tapped his right foot, blanketed in his black plattform sneaker, getting slightly impatient for his colleagues to arrive.
They were going to drive 2 hours to the competition tomorrow, the last few days packed tightly with hard work and training.
Taehyung and him pretty much were running on very little sleep and a lot of coffee, which neither of them actually likes but everything for the sake of winning.
Winning was actually why Jeongguk put his plan of screwing up Taehyung aside temporarily, he knew he had to focus and not try to unnecessarily bug and try to seduce him. He had enough time for that after competing as they were gonna stay partners for a while probably.
Gguk saw some of his colleagues trickle in little groups in the distance that were also attenting this small trip.
Taehyung and him were not the only one's competing tomorrow but they were the only one's from Hope Dance studio in their category which was one more reason why they had to win in Gguk's eyes.
He heard the slamming of car doors turning around to see Taehyung getting his luggage out of the trunk. He was wearing a simple black loose hoodie, comfortable looking pants, just looking like he has prepared for a relaxed vacation which sure wasn't the case.
His eyes shifted to the side seeing a colleague of his helping Nayoo out of the car with her crutches, Gguk immediately feeling way more at ease having his best friend on his short work trip as his emotional guidance and supporter.
Walking over to them, he was immediately greeted by hug from his much smaller best friend, Gguk being extremely careful -- he didn't want her to fall down not having the crutches in her hands properly -- and also helping her load in the luggage into the prepared vans.
After some more waiting around and playing a deliberate amount of luggage tetris, they finally all were ready to go, having to split up into the two vans in front of them.
"So i suggest that Nayoo gets a front spot so she has more space for her cast and i guess Jeongguk would wanna be in the same one?" Hoseok smiled sweetly, already gesturing them both over to the snowy white painted van, Gguk immediately hooking his arm around Nayoo's waist, helping her inside.
"You nervous, kooks?" She turned around facing Jeongguk who started to settle himself in the seat behind her.
Of course he was. More than nervous actually since this was the first competition were he actually knew they had a chance. Nothing against Nayoo at all since they competed a lot of times before but always in the same category as Taehyung and Lia so they never really stood a chance.
"I guess i am. We trained so much for this." Gguk threw his head against the headrest of his seat finally settling down completely after putting his seatbelt on.
"Speaking of we." He saw Nayoo wink at him, her glaze wandering to the car doors, making Jeongguk tilt his head in confusion before swinging his head to the side as well.
Slightly jumping in his seat as the car door got pulled open, revealing a messy haired Taehyung, airpods stuck in both his ears, stepping into to cramped space sitting down right next to Jeongguk.
Gguk felt his heart stop, knowing that the next two hours he could not move from the older one's side making a put of nervousness form in his stomach.
The past weeks he did spend a lot of time with him but that constant nervousness never seemed to go away completely, even when trying to carry out his plans of screwing Taehyung's feelings up, he still felt that slight blush streak his cheeks and something buzzing through his stomach.
Gguk turned back to Nayoo seeing her smirk, eyes bouncing between him and Taehyung and just as Jeongguk wanted to throw her an annoyed glance, Hoseok and the driver entered the car, averting their eyes to them.
"Everyone's packed in. We are ready to go." Hoseok sat down next to Nayoo smiling brightly, Gguk sighing quietly knowing that tomorrow was going to be the big day he's been training for, the reason why he put up with Taehyung and maybe if they win even get a chance to be promoted to teaching advanced classes.
The next two hours were a blur to Jeongguk only remember leaning his head against the window, looking at the raindrops sticking onto it and racing eachother on their way down before closing his eyes and eventually heading off to dream land.
He woke up with a soft shake on his side of his head, noticing that he was laying on something that was softer than a glass window, fluttering his eyes open.
He looked up seeing Taehyung with his eyes shut, hearing a soft snore espace beside him, noticing how his own head was softly placed on his shoulder, heart beat increasing.
This was the most peaceful he's ever seen Taehyung, noticing how his mouth was slightly ajar and his hands cutely transformed into sweater paws.
Before he could even wonder how his head ended up on Taehyung's soft shoulder they arrived, everyone stroming out of the cars, stretching their sore legs and arms from not moving for over two hours, taking their luggage and walking inside the expensive looking hotel.
Jeongguk helped Nayoo out of the van, making sure she was stable on her crutches before also taking his and her luggage on either side of him.
"Kooks, i'm sure i could have carried that, dumbass. I'm not a weak bitch." Nayoo laughed as they walked up to the reception, Hoseok organising their check in.
"Okay but how? You're the dumbass." Jeongguk stuck out his tongue, mocking Nayoo's use of the word dumbass -- really is her favorite word in the dictionary to be honest.
"Keycards everybody!" Hoseok interrupted their little banter and chatting, handing out the room's keycards.
Gguk knew the chances on getting a room with Taehyung were rather high, being partners and five males all together, not knowing what he was going to do if they were forced into a room together, spending their whole day not a minute apart.
They only ever met up for practice, nothing else, eventhough it turned into something else, being a make out session, that one time.
"So Nayoo and Hara, room 203. Hyunjae and Woorin, room 204." His shoulders sank and stomach turned in nervousness, knowing there was no other male dancer left to be in a room with him -- other than Taehyung.
It just had to happen this way didn't it.
"And here, Taehyung and Jeongguk, room 205." Hoseok stretched his hand out handing them both the keycards, Gguk not even turning his field of sight to look at Taehyung because he knew he gained back all his confidence and cockiness since Gguk hasn't taken action in a few days now but he was sure after this completion the older one would lose it all and never gain it back.
They all collectively made their way up to their rooms, Gguk sticking with his best friend most of the way since they were on the same floor, throwing her nervous and worried glances about the situation but only getting eyebrow wiggles and a smirk back.
They arrived at the second floor after a couple awkward seconds of silence in the elevator, everyone going off to their rooms, so did Jeongguk, just feeling Taehyung following him wordlessly without even turning around.
He placed his palm with the keycard in hand against the lock, a click sound indicating that the door opened, pushing the handle down and entering the room, eyes windening.
This was the most luxurious hotel he's ever been to; modern interior, a flat screen television, view onto the river which was streaming through the city and he had to share all this -- with Taehyung. Great.
Gguk groaned as he lifted his luggage onto one of the two bed, indicating that he chose that one, almost crushing on top of it as he was tired already, whole body sore and hurting.
Noticing a piercing stare on him, he turned to see Taehyung on the other bed, looking right back at him.
He immediately felt a herd of butterflies swirl up in his stomach, wanting to slap himself for still not being able to ignore those meaningless hopes and feelings.
"W-why are you staring?" Gguk questioned him, wanting to curse himself for stuttering. Why did his words have to keep failing him when he needed them the most?
"Nervous about being in the same room, Jeon?" He watched the older one get up, really noticing how his blue hair was almost completely washed out as he was coming closer by the second. "Weird how you acted all tough but still are so nervous, i see right through you Jeon."
Faces now incredibly close, Gguk feeling his cheeks warm up and heart beat tremple.
He closed his eyes for a brief second, remembering the last time he got into this situation which was just a week ago.
Don't break. Don't let him get to you.
Pushing his face even closer, he placed his hand right at Taehyung's cheek, watching it change in color almost instantly and the older one's eyes widen, his hands somehow placing themselves at Gguk's waist.
"Aw Taehyung, gotta project every of your insecurities on me? Because i notice that with every of my action that you are the one to be nervous on the end." Gguk breathed into Taehyung's ear purposely, almost close enough to leave a chaste kiss behind.
He pulled away slightly to reveal Taehyung's now completely rosy face, a plan spinning itself in Gguk's mind. He promised himself to give him a taste of his own medicine, didn't he?
He edged his face closer again as if he was going in for a kiss, watching Taehyung close his eyes and his hands squeeze at Gguk's waist, noticing his stomach turn.
For a second it felt like time stopped completely as Gguk took in Taehyungs features from so up close again. His two different eyelids, dominant eyebrows and oh so sweet looking lips that he was getting incredibly close to and really wanted to feel in that moment.
Jeongguk could slap himself for what he was thinking, about really wanting to have his lips right on Taehyung's, having him pick Gguk up and hold him up against a wall.
Yes, he did want that but he also remembered what Taehyung did to him in the same situation, stopping himself and getting his mind back into what he planned just seconds ago.
Before they could connect, Jeongguk swayed his head to Taehyung's other ear. "We should sleep. Competition is tomorrow." And before the older one even opened his eyes, Gguk was back to unpacking the essentials of his luggage, acting calmly but heart about to explode at how close they were.
Noticing no sounds behind him for a few seconds, he threw a glance over his shoulder, seeing the older one obviously blushy and embarrassed, still glued to his spot.
"You should unpack too Taehyung, shouldn't you? Standing around won't get you anywhere." Jeongguk chuckled and smirked to himself as Taehyung snapped out of it, clearing his voice before going to do so.
Oh, he was going to mess up this boy and he knew exactly he was on his best way to do so.
hello everyone <3 i hope yall somewhat enjoyed?
Sorry for this being so late but i'm really struggling at this time to keep pushing out chapters because of my studies.
But this is literally my save place, you guys and writing is, so i could never do a week completely without it.
Also no worries i didnt put my studys aside to write this or anything! I wrote this in my study breaks ♡
ans now to make up for being late, heres a teeny tiny sneak peak at what i'm working on rn!!
coming mid june probably!! pls look out for it <3 (creds to onelasttae for inspiring that layout!)
Also hehe 69 ;)
literally so sorry for making this joke whoops
have a nice day everyone!!
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