Baby Don't Like It 나쁜 짓
❚❚ ►_____________________________ 2:38↺
Jeongguk stepped out of the shower, freshly shampooed hair smelling like a mixture of vanilla and lemongrass, little water droplets running down his body and the melody of his current favorite song humming in the background.
He quickly snatched a towel, wrapping it around his waist, a shiver running down his spine at the cold air hitting him, battling his warmed up body from the steaming shower.
He was going to train with Taehyung today for the first time in days eventhough they were on a time crunch but the Studio was closed for the weekend and they both kind of made a slient agreement to wait after what happened a few days ago.
Jeongguk told himself that he wouldn't spend a single thought on Taehyung anymore that didn't involve him taking a revenge on the older boy.
He was going to make him feel inferior to him, gonna leave every conversation with his head and confidence up in the clouds. That was his goal at least, hoping he could follow through with it.
Stepping into his bedroom, he saw Coconut rest on his spread out clothes on his bed, nuzzling into them as she took a nap -- sometimes he just wanted to be a cat too, take naps all day and not having to worry about anything in this world.
His hand wandered to caress Coconut's ears softly, his princess emitting a sweet purr, before picking her up and putting her on her kitty bed on the window bench.
He stared at the clothes again that he laid out before going to shower, a white t-shirt with tiny holes around the shoulders and the words 'safety first' written across the chest, paired with medium washed patched jeans.
He picked out a flashy outfit with a purpose; he wants Taehyung to see him a bit differently than his usual lazy outfit he wears to the studio, wanting to make heads turn, Taehyung's in particular.
He looked at the clock on his side table, seeing he was already running late, slight panic setting in -- he hates being late.
So in a hurry he quickly finished the rest of his regular morning routine; brushing his teeth, giving Coconut a scoop of her cat food and new water, grabbing a banana milk and a bowl of cherrios, followed by scarfing it down and out the door he went.
Stepping out of his apartment complex a dash of wind with just the right temperature hit his body, immediately feeling comfort and happiness wash throughout him.
He loves the spring for multiple reasons but the main one clearly was the average not too cold, not too hot temperatures during that time.
He felt some stares of people walking beside and pass him, pushing himself to feel as confident as possible as he reached the dance studio, absorbing the attention he was getting by stranger's looks.
Opening the door and getting in confidently, posture straight, head held high and hands stuffed in each of his pockets, he instantly made his way to the practice rooms, greeting everyone he passed with a nice smile.
He peaked into the practice room, not seeing anyone, deciding to go in and wait because he had nothing to do but to wait for a late Taehyung -- another trait that annoyed the living crap out of him.
He knew the older one does it to piss him off but he smirked to himself remembering his plans to show him who was the one in charge of the two.
Lost in his thoughts he almost missed the sound of the glass door screeching while opening, seeing not only the bright aqua haired Taehyung but also that fucking girl walk in almost draping herself onto the him.
Gguk rolled his eyes at her clingyness and even more at Taehyung seeming to forcing himself to enjoy it.
"Hey Jeon, you know Yunee already, don't you?" The older one smirked, pissing Gguk of immediately but trying to keep his cool, he wasn't going to crack today.
He was determined to walk out the studio today being the bigger person.
"I guess so." Gguk moved from his spot wanting to appear somehwat nice, stretching his hand out to greet the girl, well aware himself he didn't have quite a good impression of Yunee the first time he saw her, literally throwing herself onto Taehyung.
He watched Yunee stare at his hand, both of hers still tightly gripping at Taehyung's biceps, not moving an inch. "Hi." The word seemed to be forced out by her vocal cords with a lot of effort.
"Hello, heard of good manners once? You can cling to him all you want after he's done with work." Jeongguk spat annoyed at her bratty attitude, nice facade fading at her behaviour, thinking about it -- she fits Taehyung's personality perfectly.
He heard Taehyung chuckle quietly which not going to lie made Jeongguk's heart swell slightly, Yunee's face falling into a shocked one. "Excuse me? Taehyung invited me here to watch him train, i'm not here to introduce myself to you."
Gguk shook his head in disbelief at that girl's entitlement. "She's not going to stay here, Taehyung."
"Taking all my fun away, Jeon." Taehyung slightly started shoving Yunee off of his arm, her not giving in instantly but trying to continue to grip at him.
"We aren't here for fun, Kim." Gguk crossed his arms over his chest, putting emphasis on the Kim, something he never dared to call Taehyung. One out of respect for him being older and two because he has a first name for a reason so use it, unlike what another person in this conversation does constantly.
He watched Taehyung physically grip Yunee's hand and release them from his arm and chest, placing his own on her back to shove her towards the door. "Sorry, Jeon is such a fun killer."
Jeongguk rolled his eyes again, a huff escaping his lips at the audacity that boy had, he couldn't quite fathom why he has some sort of effects on him, making him blush and his heart race which he planned to flip on it's head. Soon it was going to be Taehyung who'll feel that way.
"I'll see you soon, Taehyungie?" Yunee threw herself onto him one more time, puckering her lips, obviously wanting Taehyung to kiss her, all while side eyeing Gguk the whole time.
Jeongguk felt like gagging at her bluntness and entitlement, hands curling into fists as obvious anger rose to his head, wanting to turn around not ever feeling ready to face Taehyung kissing her.
But to his surprise Taehyung moved his face away, releasing himself from her strangling hug and shoving her out the door, a dissapointed look painted all across her face. "Yeah, i'll text you." Taehyung winked at her before closing the glass door, separating them from the outside world.
"Really always gotta ruin my fun, Jeon." Taehyung strolled over to where Gguk now decided to seat himself, back pressing against the mirrored walls of the practice room.
"Do i look like i give one shit? Why the fuck did you bring her with you in the first place?" Jeongguk stretched his legs out in front, Taehyung sitting down next to him, too close for his personal liking, heart beat increasing and confidence he had coming here slowly fading.
"Was over the night for a quick booty call and stuck to me, what else was i suppose to do? Let's just move on and start now." Gguk felt anger rise to his head again upon what Taehyung said, which was something he didn't need or wanted to know because it confirmed his suspicions that right after he left that day, crying and hurt, Taehyung and Yunee had a fuck, almost making Gguk vomit right then and there.
"You know what? Go train with that bitch if you decide to invite her everywhere." Jeongguk was about to get up and walk out, wanting to cool off his hot head from the anger and annoyance -- and heartbreak if he was honest -- but Taehyung held him by his arm.
The older shoved him to the side, so he was laying on his back, the older hovering above him, placing his arms right to the sides of his head, trapping him in completely. "Why are you being so difficult again? I just wanna get shit done now for fucks sake."
Jeongguk placed his hands on his own chest, feeling his own heart race at their position, wanting to curse himself out for getting affected by him.
"I just don't like your damn attitude, Taehyung." he tried to stay unbothered, not making eye contact as the older one pinned him to the ground. "You do, Jeon? You know i could just look at you and you'd melt in my arms."
Jeongguk felt like his breathing was coming to a stop, the older one looking him straight in the eyes, already feeling his cheeks redden.
He closed his eyes momentarily reminding himself of his own words -- he wasn't going to let this happen.
So Gguk grapped onto Taehyung's arms that were entrapping him, swiftly pulling them to the side, rolling over their bodies and pinning the older one to the floor just like he did before.
"You think that, huh Taehyung? But i think it's the other way around. I make you so weak and you can't acknowledge it. Who of us initiated our little makeout session a few days ago? And out of tension you said? I think you might be lying to yourself sweetie." Gguk smirked, seeing Taehyung's eyes widen, cheeks flushing an adorable rosy color, opening his mouth to defend himself but no words coming out.
"Mhm but maybe i'm just seeing things like maybe your cheeks aren't a flashy red right now. Looks like we'll never know, Taehyung." Jeongguk swiftly got off Taehyung, smirking to himself. "We should start now, shouldn't we?"
Gguk went to turn on the speakers, seeing Taehyung trying to gather himself in the corner of his eye, feeling as confident as ever, knowing her made Taehyung feel what he planned him to feel, his cheeks red, heart exploding.
And it was going to continue until he had him even more wrapped around his finger, just to diminish his feelings in the end, leave him as hurt as he was.
hello everyone <3 i hope this chapter is somewhat livin up to expectations uwu
Today i just wanna drop a little message here in my author's notes since i learned such an important lesson this week;
I bought a crop top for like the first time ever which i never would have dared to do since i thought it would look stupid on me but i actually feel super confident in it!
so what i learned is, push yourself out of your comfort zone to find things that'll make you feel good and confident about yourself because you never know until you try and i encourage you all to do the same <3
And to prove a point that i feel very confident in that wardrobe here's a picture!
✄ ((picture got removed since i dont wanna risk my privacy for a long time i hope you understand <3 ))
on another more book and bts related note this is 100 percent finesse Taehyung try to change my mind;
sigh hes flat out gorgeous huh
have a nice day everyone!
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