BTS (방탄소년단) - Map Of The Soul: Persona
❚❚ ►_____________________________ 3:54↺
Jeongguk nervously sat on the couch, tapping his fingers and bopping his leg up and down as Taehyung was in the other room changing into work out clothes.
He couldn't even concentrate on rehearsing the choreography in his head like he planned to, the sound of his own heart beating fast distracting him.
He still couldn't put together why he was so nervous, so easily distracted, as usually Gguk knew himself to be extremely concentrated and determined but somehow it seemed to turn when he had to spend time around the person he disliked the most.
"Let's go, Jeon." His incoherent thoughts got interrupted by Taehyung's deep voice, coming from the hallway beside him.
He looked over to see Taehyung standing in the door frame, somehow the light coming through the windows hitting his features perfectly, making his red hair almost sparkle.
Looking up and down, Gguk noticed his outfit, consisiting of slightly tighter grey pants decorated with the puma logo and a white gucci t-shirt, somehow his red hair perfectly accenting his look.
He got interruped by a familiar deep chuckle bouncing through the room, pulling him back to reality.
"Seems like you loving staring, huh, Jeon?" The older said teasingly, a slightly blush streaking across Jeongguk's cheeks, shaking his head in no.
"Don't, just questioning your outfit choices." He clapped back, trying to ignore his red cheeks and slight nervous tone in his voice.
"Sure." Taehyung scoffed, walking to the music box next to his TV and pressing a button to turn it on and picking the appropriate song for them to practice with.
Jeongguk immediately felt himself jolt more awake with the first beat of the track he's been practising to, the choreography repeating itself in his head as the song progressed, moving his muscles involuntarily.
But he was distracted when suddenly Taehyung put himself right infront him, facing the mirror and dancing the choreography by himself.
Gguk noticed him hitting each beat perfectly, his movements fluent but strong on the accents, feet moving inhumanly fast which was something Jeongguk really was struggling with the past few days.
He continued watching in slight awe as the red head was invested into reviewing himself in the mirror as he was dancing alone, noticing his hair messily flying around and shirt flying up once in a while.
The music came to an end, Taehyung stoppinhmg beforehand as the last part required a partner, required Jeongguk, to be executed correctly.
"You planning on moving too, Jeon?" Taehyung turned back to him, breath heavy and a smirk drawn on his lips, Gguk noticing his tongue poking out to moisture his lips.
"Wouldn't want to interrupt you and be rude like you are, Taehyung." Jeongguk rolled his eyes, arms crossed infront of him protectively.
His sudden nervousness around the red head was scaring him, those comebacks for the teasing comments coming to him as a defense mechanism.
"Anyways." Taehyung huffed, restarting the song again with a remote. "How about we do a lazy rehearsal? Just to see how the choreography works with another person, position wise and such."
Jeongguk nodded his head, agreeing with the older eventhough he hated to do so -- of course he did.
They never danced together before, not knowing how the other one moves in a situation like this.
So they did as Taehyung suggested, lazily executing their moves, Gguk only putting about 20 percent of his energy in, noticing how fluently Taehyung was at changing positions and how careful he was with his moves, eventhough he was only doing them half way.
"Pretty good. Expected worse from you, Jeon." He heard Taehyung's chuckle, a shiver running down his back.
He knew this was suppose to seem like a compliment to him but he could read between the lines -- he isn't stupid, knowing just not acknowledging the comment was the best way to shut the older boy up.
"Let's go again but full power this time. So i'll use like 50 percent and you'll use all of it." Jeongguk watched the older one wink at him, rolling his eyes as all those teases were slowly getting even more annoying than usual -- and weren't even one bit funny.
"How about you just shut up and we both use full power?" Gguk groaned in annoyance, that dumb smirk not close to disappearing from Taehyung's face, just a simple nod coming from the older.
Jeongguk stood up and got into position which was him sitting on the floor, left leg stretched out, the other crossed over it, arms behind supporting his upper body in sitting up as Taehyung was also getting into his starting position.
Taehyung pressed play with the remote again, the sensual song starting and Gguk immediately counting the tact in his head, starting by rolling his head.
He tried his best only focusing on himself but couldn't help but glance at Taehyung once in a while.
They were already near towards the end of the choreography, everything going fairly well for Jeongguk so far, somehow managining the occasional close proximity and the unusual feminine moves.
Gguk opened his hand up quickly, pulling his fingers back to his palm one by one until only his pointer finger was still streched out attaching itself to Taehyung's chin and pulling him insanely close, making Jeongguk break out in a cold sweat.
It was followed by Gguk swinging his head to the other side, his butt directly brushing Taehyung's crotch, hands resting on his legs and arching his back slightly, feeling the older one's hands right on his hip.
He turned back, face dangerously close to Taehyung's yet again, feeling his face get even hotter than before.
He attached his hand to the red head's chest sliding it down and dropping to his knees before getting lifted up again by his thighs.
As the music was slowing down hitting it's last beats, he felt Taehyung drop one of his legs to get into the end pose, one leg still wrapped around the older one's hip, Taehyung's right arm latched onto his waist and other carrasing his face, Jeongguk's trembling hands slinging around the red head's neck.
The music quieted completely, only heavy exhausted breathing echoing in the room.
Gguk felt his and Taehyung's chest heave up and down, somehow neither of them letting go of the other, staying in extremely close proximity.
Not exactly knowing why he started paying attention to the small details on the older one's face, noticing how red dyed beats of sweat were running down the sides of it and how tiny moles on his lip and nose were accentuating his features.
His eyes travelled to Taehyung's who were staring back at him, something erupting in his stomach at the view of the older one's chocolate brown eyes.
Jeongguk felt the other's breath hit him extremely close to his lips, coming closer, swallowing heavily as he felt himself almost being entranced by the red head's stare alone.
Closing his eyes as he felt the wind of Taehyung's breath come closer and closer, not really knowing what he was expecting to happen, what he was allowing to happen without any protest.
Somehow he felt the string of breath pass his face and hit his ear sensually, another shiver running through his body.
"Jeon." Taehyung whispered into his ear, Gguk almost feeling like melting right into the older's arms at this point, not putting one thought into what got into him.
"Your phone's ringing." He heard the older laugh in delight and break him out of the trance completely, shooting his eyes open and fighting himself out of Taehyung's grip as fast as he could.
Snatching his phone from the couch table, he stumbled out of the apartment with a rosy red face, somehow managing to shout and awkward 'i got to go' before storming out.
˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚
hi bbys <3 i had a really great last week of school aka senior week w a prank and everything!
persona = namjoon is an actual god pls
boy with luv = has my heart ): ♡
Mikrokosmus = fuCKIN BOP
make it right = so freaking gOOD
Jamais vu = makes me damn sentimental i love it literally listen to it while writing this
heres some great pics,
*sigh* blessed 💖💕💞💖💞💘💞💖💞💘💖💞💘
have a good day everyone!
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