The Drakes
(Missy's POV)
I'm sitting on the floor next to the couch in our apartment and Roman is pacing in the hall that leads to the kitchen. I glance up to him from my phone and give him a sympathetic smile.
"Roman, it'll be fine," I promised. It was a promise I shouldn't make, but my brother needed to hear it.
"No, no it won't," I stopped his pacing and looked at me. Worry was flooding his eyes, "His parents are going to be so nice and then ours are going to look like complete asses," he stressed.
"In their defense, they are complete asses," I shrugged.
They are. I grew up watching them be disappointed in Roman for everything he loves. He likes theater, they don't. He struggled in school and that was unacceptable. He was supposed to have girlfriends and girlfriends only, it didn't matter that he likes both. Now, he has a soulmate, and his soulmate is a guy. I was raised by the line "Make us proud," with a silent "because your big brother didn't,". For the most part I was able to fit their standards. I do genuinely love volleyball and I am straight and school came easy to me, but I like theater and LGBT+ people are just as beautiful and valid as anyone else; Roman was just the only one of us brave enough to stand up for himself. I still felt terrible whenever our parents would make pointed jokes about Roman's sexuality and make fun of how much he likes Disney and theater. All I ever seemed to have the guts to do was look at him and pray he saw the apology on my face. They even dismissed how quickly I go through guys as it being me coping with losing my soulmate. I mean, it holds some truth to it, but if it was Roman who didn't have a soulmate and he was the one sleeping with guys every other weekend, they'd kick him out of the house. I moved out as soon as soon as I got a job and could help Roman with the rent. I was seventeen and don't regret it. I get to spend more time with my brother and I get to blast showtunes without our parents whining about it.
"Virgil's gonna hate me," he covered his face with his hands.
"No he won't, stupid," I mocked him, "That boy loves you, he's not going to hate you because of our parents. He's smart enough to know that whatever shade gets thrown at him gets thrown at you too and he can't blame you for that," Roman peeked at me through his fingers.
"It's just not how I imagined our parents meeting my soulmate," he whimpered. My heart went out to my big brother. This has always been his main goal in life. Being on broadway was always a dream, but to him fulfilling dreams without someone who loves him by his side was pointless. I remember when he found out about soulmates when we were kids. He ran around the park and 'played tag' with every kid he came across to see if his gem would start glowing.
"I know, but it's really our parents loss," I attempted to make him feel better. Roman nodded sadly.
"You're still coming with, right?" he looked at me.
"Yeah, of course Roman," No way I was letting him gave our parents alone. In the past I was pretty useless, but tonight I swear if they say anything I'll let them have it. I'm tired of our parents pushing us around, "Could I maybe bring my own date? So I'm not third wheeling?" I asked in the sweetest voice I could pull.
"Yeah I guess," he sighed, "At least you don't have to worry about your date being scarred by our parents. He probably won't be around for a second family reunion," Roman added.
"Hey!" I pulled a pillow off the couch and threw it at my brother, "I take offense to that!" I teased.
"Sorry," Roman smiled weakly, "It just slipped, but you can't say I'm wrong. Your longest relationship was what? Two weeks?"
"Excuse me, it was two and a half weeks," I held a hand to my chest for dramatic affect. Roman rolled his eyes, "I thought he was the one for sure," I sighed, "But now my longest relationship is ongoing," I added. Roman arched an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Oh come on, Roman. Have you no sense of time?" I smirked at him. He just looked confused. "It's been over a month since Pranks' birthday!" Roman frowned.
"Wait. Pranks is still a thing? Is he who you want to bring tonight?" He gasped. I nodded. "Oh that's amazing! You've been in a relationship for over a month! You have a legitimate boyfriend!" he squealed.
"Relax Roman. It's not like we're soulmates," I joked. In the past if I made that joke there would be a twinge of sadness behind it, but Pranks being in the same boat as me somehow makes the loss more bearable. That's all my relationships ever were. Dating someone until they realized that they were worth more and had someone waiting for them. Neither Pranks or I have that. For now we're enough for each other, and that works.
"Well, you better send him a text!" Roman exclaimed. "Us boys need time to prepare for dates like this!"
"Oh whatever!" I scoffed, "You boys throw something nice on and rake your fingers through your hair. Us girls need to pick an outfit, get in the shower and wash, shave, and exfoliate, then we still have to do all of our hair and makeup which takes forever."
"Oh we have to mentally prepare ourselves for the pressure of taking someone out on a date," Roman argued back.
"Or you're all a bunch of wusses."
"This. This is why we have to prepare. You girls are difficult," He sighed and turned to go to his room. I waited for a moment after he disappeared and then giggled as I picked up my phone.
(Underline is Missy. Italic is Pranks)
What's up, Princess?
You wanna go on a date tonight?
Like a date date or like a make out session at your apartment?
I rolled my eyes even though Pranks couldn't see me.
Like a date date
Ohhh getting serious are we? ;)
Shut up. We've gone on dates before!
One date. Otherwise we're at your apartment
And we have just as much fun there and the time is just as valid
I wasn't complaining
So where are we going? Somewhere fancy? Minigolf? Movie theater?
Whoa really?
I should probably tell you...
It's a double date with Roman and Virgil.
Oh. That's fine. I was nervous for a second there.
And my parents are going to be there.
I held my breath and waited for an answer.
Wow Princess I had no idea my kissing abilities meant this much to you
I felt my face turn pink and I bit my lip nervously. I don't know what kind of reaction that was. I get that Pranks and I aren't a certain thing, but it'd be nice to have a relationship work out, and he's the first boy that's even been a possibility for. I don't want to scare him away.
I mean you don't have to
It doesn't mean anything
you don't have to
it's for my brother
not us
not me
Relax Princess I'm teasing you
Sounds fun. Where we going? How fancy am I getting here?
I bit my lip, "Roman!" I yelled down the hall.
"What's the dress code for this place?"
Roman walked out of his room and looked at me for a minute before speaking, "Fancy."
"Can we afford this?" I asked.
"No, but we're going to anyway," Roman sighed.
"Oook," I said and turned back to my phone.
Can I afford this?
lol ok
We're paying anyway
Well I better get ready
Be here by 5:30?
Sounds good
Alright talk to you later.
I'll be counting the minutes Princess
I rolled my eyes again.
I weep for the future
And I went to my room to get ready. It's 3:00. I have two and a half hours to get ready. Pranks is getting here at 5:30 which means I need to be ready by 5 in case he gets here early. We have a fancy dinner at six which means I need to look nicer than the usual ripped jeans and sweater. We were going to the showing of Rent at Roman's work theater and were meeting Virgil's parents there and watching the show together. I shaved yesterday, but no way was I going somewhere I can't afford with day old legs. I showered, shaved, exfoliated, and stared at my closet in a towel for twenty minutes. Normally if I had known something was this fancy I would have gone out and bought a new outfit, but I was under the impression that was a semi casual event until today. After ripping through my closet and throwing dresses all over my room I found something suitable. It was a nice black dress with a lace, off the shoulder neckline and flared out at the waistline. The front fell just above my knees it was longer in the back and went to the middle of my calves. I did my hair in a nice loose side braid. Very Elsa style, but blonde. Normally with an outfit like this I would do a smokey eye look, but dinner with the parents and meeting my future brother-in-laws parents made me lean towards a more casual look. Once satisfied with my hair and make up I had to look for shoes. I looked longingly at my black flats, but I could not afford the luxury of comfort with an outfit like this and went with my sickeningly hot lace, toe-show, heels. I got them strapped on and nearly screamed when I realized my toes were painted pink. I looked at the clock. 4:45. I took the heels off and scrambled to find my black polish. I took way too long doing it, but I couldn't have paint miss my nails and get on my skin. By the time I finished it was five o'clock and I was pacing my room waving my hands around frantically trying to get them to dry off faster. 5:15. I yelped and rushed to find my silver clutch and restrapped my heels. I looked at my mess of a room and decided Pranks would just not be allowed in. There was no time to clean.
I went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Then got up again because I was going to kill it when Pranks gets here, not be sitting on a couch like I was casually waiting to go to McDonald's. Roman got out of his room and stood at my side. He looked really nice. Black dress pants with a crimson shirt and a gold and white tie. He was holding a black blazer in his arm at his side. I like to think I was killing this look and was a complete beacon of self confidence, but Roman looked like he was going to pass out.
"Relax brother, you look awesome and you've got nothing to worry about," I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.
"Thanks Miss," he squeaked, "you look absolutely beautiful."
"I know," I winked at him and he let out a breathy laugh. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by the sound of the apartment door opening.
"We're here!" Virgil's voice called from the entryway. Roman sucked in a breath and squeezed my hand. Virgil and Pranks walked about half way to me and Roman and then stopped. Virgil was dressed in all black. Black shoes, black pants, black shirt, black jacket, black tie. He had his usual pale foundation on but skipped the dark eyeshadow underneath his eyes. His usually messy bangs were now nicely combed and hung low just above his eyes.
"Oh god he's hot," Roman whispered just loud enough for me to hear.
"Sup Princey."
"Hey Princess." Our dates greeted us.
"I feel you bro," I whispered back to Roman and continued to check out Pranks. He was wearing nice dress shoes and black pants. He had an emerald green, long sleeve, button up shirt on with a black tie. I never noticed before, but Pranks' right ear was pierced. Tonight he had a small golden hoop going through it. I let go of my brother's hand and took steps to get closer to Pranks. "Hey Handsome." I said with a smirk.
"Missy. You look amazing," he said and I feigned a gasp.
"Missy? Who is Missy? I thought I was Princess. Don't tell me you're seeing another girl!" I put the back of my hand to my forehead dramatically.
"Only you Missy Drake. Most of the time I just think you're worth the title of royalty," Pranks smiled.
"Oh. And here I was thinking it was because you think I look like Rapunzel," I crossed my arms with a grin.
"That too," Pranks grinned and I giggled. Roman pushed pass us and greeted Virgil with a kiss.
"They're so cute," I muttered.
"Mmhm," Pranks agreed. Roman brushed Virgil's hair out of his eyes and then pulled him into a hug and stayed like that for a while. "Is Roman ok? I've only met him twice, but from what I've seen he's usually more... energetic?" Pranks asked.
"No, you're right," I sighed, "Did I fail to mention that our parents are a bit homophobic?" Pranks mouth fell open.
"What? Really? Sometimes I forget that's a thing. It seems so dumb," Pranks shook his head.
"It is. It's very dumb," I said.
"Like... what did they want him to do? Pretend soulmates aren't a thing and fake feelings for some girl?"
"I don't know. It's all so stupid, but Roman still loves our parents and wants them to be part of his life, so they're going to have to meet Virgil," I shrugged.
"Sounds pretty important. You sure you want me there?" Pranks looked at me. I moved a bit closer to him and grabbed his hand.
"Yeah," I said softly, "Yeah I'm sure. Roman's going to need me to back him up and I'm going to need you to back me up," I explained.
Pranks eyes widened, "If you think I'm arguing with your parents when I first meet them you are sorely mistaken," Pranks stated.
"You don't have to say anything just nod in agreement with me and Roman. Plus, you make me smile and I might need that if things don't go over well," I pushed.
"Aww Princess you make my heart melt," Pranks smirked.
"Just doing my job," I grinned.
"You two lovebirds done flirting? Can we go?" Virgil's voice called and we turned to see him waiting by the door with his arms crossed and Roman's arm around him.
"It's not like you guys are any less flirtatious than we are," Pranks threw back.
"Yes, yes, we're ready," I butted in before Virgil or Pranks could say anything else.
We all went in Roman's car. Roman drove, Virgil had shotgun, and Pranks and I took the back. Pranks didn't know much Broadway music, so we listened to Disney the whole way there. We were jammin to Under the Sea when we pulled up to the restaurant.
"Right, you guys ready?" Roman twisted to see us in the back.
"As I'll ever be," I said and Virgil and Pranks nodded with me.
"Ok. Let's go," Roman sighed and stepped out of the car. We all headed to the door and Roman and Pranks stepped inside while Virgil held the door. I was about to go in, but Virgil seemed frozen where he stood.
"You ok Virge?" I asked him and stayed outside.
"I g-guess," He stammered and let go of the door so we were just standing outside of the restaurant, "There are just so many things that can go wrong," He said and hugged himself.
"Yeah, there are," I agreed flatly. This apparently wasn't the response Virgil was expecting because his attention snapped from the ground to me. "Our parents are kind of asses to Roman," I added.
"He's just so obviously worried. I-I try keeping a positive face for him... but I... I don't.. I don't want them to hate me," Virgil said shakily, "I get that you're not worried, and I know it's not Roman's fault, but.... I don't know, it just matters."
"It's good that it matters to you," I said, "It means you care. I can't promise that my parents will love you right away, but I don't think they need to. No matter what their reaction is Roman still loves you and I would hope you still love Roman. Just show them how happy you make him. Even if they don't make it easy for you, you and Roman still have each other," I shrugged.
"Yeah but," Virgil started.
"But what? My brother has been in a panic for the last week trying to figure tonight out. He's worried about our parents, but he's used to them. He's more worried about you," Virgil raised an eyebrow and tilted his head in confusion, "Roman loves you Virgil. He doesn't know how our parents are going to react. He doesn't know how you'll react to our parents. He doesn't know if tonight is going to go well. All he knows he can't lose you, so tonight's been stressing him out. Yeah he wants our parents to get along with you, but in the end it doesn't really matter. You two aren't going to change for them. You have the upper hand. So don't sweat it too much," I put a hand on his shoulder to get my point across.
"Ya know, you kind of suck at comforting people," Virgil muttered.
"Yeah, I know, but I'm good at stating facts and sometimes that's all the comfort you need," I replied, "You ready?" Virgil shrugged in response, "Great, let's go," I said and pulled him inside.
(Pranks POV)
Ok, I was not expecting to meet Missy's parents this quickly. We've been dating for over a month, but we never really had the 'ok are we taking this seriously' talk. I'd like to think we are because truth be told I really like her. We've only been on one official date. Ya know like dinner, movie, and walking home together, but we've spent tons of time together. Between coffee, McDondald's, and sneaking in and out of her apartment whenever Roman's gone, we've gotten to know each other, and she's great. So God help me, but I got excited when she asked if I wanted to come tonight. As far as I knew, Roman didn't even know we were dating and Logan and Patton sure as hell don't. I went out and bought a new outfit for Christ's sake. The only other fancy thing I own is the suit I wore to my granddad's funeral, and I was not wearing that to meet Missy's parents.
In the end I'm glad I went with something new instead of going in black jeans and polo shirt because holy shit Roman outdid himself when he booked this place. Red and black walls kept the restaurant darker with amber, crystal lights keeping a warm glow in the place. A gold painted mural depicting a single women dancing in the center of a ring of less detailed men. She was beautiful. Different shades of gold made up her facial features and the folds of her skirt. Her eyes were closed and her face was titled upward. One of her hands clutched her skirt and the other was stretched up in the air like she was trying to reach the stars. The mural took up most of one wall. There was barely anyone here so the only sound was the soft classical music playing and the occasional clinking of silverware and glasses. There was a meeting of men in suits in a separate room and a couple sitting near the back wall.
Roman went to the hostess to call for our reservation. A lady nodded and soon we were off to find our table. I turned around to flash a nervous grin at Missy, but she wasn't there, neither was Virgil. I frowned. I went to stop Roman, but the moment I tapped him on the shoulder I felt Missy wrap her arm around me.
"Yeah Pranks?" Roman asked. I glanced around Missy was there and Virgil was looping his arm around Roman.
"Nothing," I blinked. Roman shrugged and continued after the hostess, "Where were you two?" I whispered to Missy.
"No where," Missy shrugged, "Virgil got a little nervous, but everything's fine."
"Ok?" We took our seats and I glanced at the two empty ones next to me. Missy and I were sitting across from each other and Virgil and Roman were sitting next to Missy. We didn't wait long for another couple to come in. They rushed over to Missy and the woman pulled her out of her seat and into a hug.
"Oh Missy darling it has been far too long!" she cried and Missy hesitantly wrapper her arms around the lady.
"Hi mom," she smiled. The man, her dad, gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Your mother's right, we haven't seen you since your graduation," he said.
"Your big brother had to go and steal you away didn't he?" Her mom sighed and shook her head.
"You guys know I'm the one that left, he didn't steal anything," Missy rolled her eyes.
"Hi Mom, Dad," Roman squeaked and rose from his seat, awkwardly bumping the table as he did so.
"Hello son," their father nodded his acknowledgement to his son.
"Hello Roman," Mrs. Drake smiled sweetly and Roman kissed his mother on the cheek. "So we're meeting someone tonight?" She looked to the table where Virgil and I were still seated, "Or two?"
Missy sat back down across from me and kicked at my feet from under the table. I gave a half-smile and glanced at her parents. Her mother squeaked and pulled me out of my seat.
"And who is this handsome young man? Missy do you have a boyfriend you want to introduce to us?" she grinned. Missy opened her mouth, but I answered for her.
"Well yes, but also no," I said.
"And what's your name sweetie?" She asked. Her eyes twinkling with joy.
"Pranks, but-" I started.
"Pranks! My that's a new one, but I'm sure you are lovely and Missy is lucky to have you," Her mother grinned.
"Thank you ma'am, but I'm not the one you're meeting," I said.
"I'm not sure what you mean, son. I don't see any beautiful young lady besides my daughter to meet," their father laughed and clapped me on the back, "What could possibly be more important than you making our daughter happy?"
"Your son being happy," Missy chimed in. I looked to Roman to see that he looked like crying. Virgil looked like he was trying to become one with the table and completely disappear.
"Oh, we're so rude," Mrs. Drake shook her head, "Roman, who's your friend?" she glanced at Virgil.
"Not a friend Mom," Roman said quietly.
"Roman, how many times have we been over this," Mr. Drake growled, "Nature and God don't allow such things to exist." Roman winced and Virgil shrank down further. I said I wasn't going to argue, but I lied. Homophobia in general is dumb and I couldn't imagine someone saying that to my brother, so I spoke for Missy.
"You know that your 'God' is the one who made them like that, right?" I crossed my arms.
"Yes, of course we know that Pranks darling," their mother patted my arm, "We're all born with flaws and sin, some people just are born with an extra burden to bear. We love our son, and we want to help him through this," she tried to sound sweet.
"I don't think he needs any help," Missy argued, "If anything he's got it."
"What's that supposed to mean Missy?" Mr. Drake asked with a frown.
"Virgil," she answered and jerked her head to Virgil, "If he needs help through anything, it's getting through your bullshit." Roman gaped at his sister and I had to stifle a laugh.
"Missy!" their mother gasped.
"Just saying," she shrugged, "You two have given him crap about who he loves for as long as I can remember, and he doesn't deserve it."
"We're trying to help him," Mrs. Drake whined.
"He doesn't need help, can't you see that?" Virgil croaked from the table.
"This doesn't concern you, this is about our son's future," Mr. Drake warned.
"I'm your son's future," Virgil snapped, "a-and he's mine. He wants you to be part of it too, but... but I'm n-not moving," he said less confidently at the end.
"Our son's not yours to take," Mrs. Drake frowned.
"I'm not taking him, I hope I don't have to," Virgil said softly, it was evident that whatever confidence got him to speak up was wearing off now, "I... I love your son, a-and he loves me, and that's what really matters."
"Why don't we let Roman speak for himself?" Mr. Drake snapped his attention to his son, "So son? Family or some boy?" he looked like he was glaring lasers into Roman.
"He's not some boy," Roman gulped, "Like Virgil said, he's my future and I love him," he said firmly.
"Well, I suppose you've made your choice dear," Mrs. Drake shook her head and hugged herself.
"I haven't made any choice," Roman snapped, "I still love you, I'm not going to stop. I'm trying to let you in, but you guys are the ones shutting me out. I'd do almost anything for you guys, but not leave my soulmate. I can't do that."
Mrs. Drake's head snapped to Virgil, "Soulmate?" she breathed.
"Wow, did we really just figure that one out?" Missy shook her head, "Roman hasn't brought a guy home since he was fourteen and didn't know that you two would lose it. You think he'd just take you out to dinner with someone if he wasn't important. Like soulmate important?"
"Yeah, soulmate," Virgil said and got out of his seat and went to Roman's side. Roman took Virgil's hand and a faint glow of pink shone through both of their shirts. Roman reached to his neck and pulled the pendant out so it illuminated our little section of the restaurant in a warm pink.
"I invited you guys tonight to introduce you to my soulmate. Mom, Dad, this is Virgil. Virgil this is my mother Linda and my dad Max. Mom, Dad. Virgil and I are eating dinner here tonight. You are more than welcome to stay, but if you're just going to make things uncomfortable, I ask that you leave. Besides, it'll be two less meals I have to pay for," Roman gulped. Mr. and Mrs. Drake, Max and Linda looked at each other and then looked to the ground.
They stayed. I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed, but they stayed. There were still a few awkward moments, but we tried not to focus on the bad. The fact that they stayed means that they want to try right? I can't say for certain. We all got our food and light conversation filled the dinner. We talked about how Roman and Virgil met, and how Missy and I have been dating for the last month, and even Logan and Patton got brought up, but we decided not to mention that they were also soulmates. I don't know how much more homosexuality Mr. and Mrs. Drake could handle in one night, but they're going to have to face it eventually. If Missy and I work out, I know it's early, but I hope they do, we're all going to be one big, happy, slightly awkward, rainbow loving family.
Over all, dinner could have gone worse. Now we have another set of parents to meet and a play to watch.
Hey guys! Just wanna say: holy shit 15k reads?!? I didn't even think I would make it to a thousand so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm sorry if this chapter sucked, but it was kind of a different one. Haven't had a Missy or Pranks chapter yet.... but holy moly this book is getting close to being over. 2 more chapters and an epilogue... ahhhh I'm going to miss this one. Thanks to anyone who comments or votes you guys make my day! Hope you are still enjoying the story!
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