Chapter 21
~~~Few Years Later~~~
"Yah, Yoongi! Dont do that to my baby!" Hoseok says as he grabbed her. Yoongi looked at him with a scrunched up face.
"Last time I checked, I got her from the pet store and you were all, "i love you but I also love my bed."" Yoongi says. Hoseok held his puppy in his arms.
"Yeah, but obviously Mickey likes me more. So she is my baby and I shall never leave her." Hoseok says as he turned away from Yoongi. Yoongi rolled his eyes as he got off of their bed and stretched. He then went to the closet and grabbed his hoddie. Hoseok glanced over.
"Where are you going?" He asked. Yoongi looked at him through the mirror and then chuckled.
"Well, to the beach of course, has Hoseok forgot our anniversary already." Yoongi says as he shook his head with his eyes closed. Hoseok did forget. He has been spending his days with Mickey more and not acknowledging other things for about 3 months.
"Well I guess Ill go enjoy it alone." He says. "Oh and remember, if you decide to tag along. It is us time, not us plus dog time." He says as he smiled and blew Hoseok a kiss before he left.
"Yah! You cant do that!" Hoseok yelled. Yoongi was at the front door downstairs as he chuckled.
"Last time I check! We didnt have a dog years ago did we?!" Yoongi says before he actually left the house. It was a small house. Nothing too fancy, perfect for the two. Yoongi slowly went to the beach as he had hoped that Hoseok would come to his senses. He sat down on the beach as he took his hoodie off tossing it away as he had his waist submerged in the water. He looked around. Hoseok still hadnt came. He then went further in and began to swim. After a bit he just laid floating on the water with his eyes closed since he figured Hoseok probably wasnt coming. Suddenly he was pulled into the water. He panicked as he felt arms around him. He had ended up hitting whoever it was woth his elbow and it made them let go. He then went back up and looked around. Soon enough another head went up. Yoongi looked at then saw it was Hoseok.
"Ow.." He says as he held onto his eye. Yoongis eyes widened as he immediately wont over.
"Im so sorry! You just scared me and I couldnt help it! Yah! Who sneaks up on someone like that?!" He says as he moved Hoseoks hand. Around Hoseoks eyes was already turning an ugly red. He sighed as he lead Hoseok out of the water. The two immediately went home even through Hoseoks protest telling him, he was fine. But Yoongi felt horrible knowing that he hurt Hoseok that bad.
"Hyungie, I swear I am fine." Hoseok says as Yoongi handed him an ice pack. Yoongi frowned as he sighed.
"I just.. Im sorry." He says as he hugs Hoseok. Hoseok hugs him back as he chuckled. Yoongi didnt like to make Hoseok feel any pain. Physically, mentally, emotionally, basically anything. Even if the two were dating, he was still so scared he could lose Hoseok with any wrong move he made. That does mean overly spoiled or not get mad at things or sweet talk him too much, but he did know how to apologize when he was in the wrong, but even so, he hated himself everytime he knew he was in the wrong.
"Its okay, I am fine. Dont worry too much about it. You didnt mean it, I know. So just relax." Hoseok says as he pulled away putting his hand on Yoongis cheeks as he rubbed it softly. Yoongi looked at Hoseok as he sighed. He looked at his eye and then went forward and gave it the softest, lightest peck that he could. Hoseok had to admit, it still hurt, but knew Yoongi would feel worse if he winced so he just smiled softly.
"I am gonna go wash up first, you relax okay." Hoseok says as he gave Yoongi a small peck on the lips as he stood up. Yoongi nodded a bit unsure as he watched Hoseok go to the bathroom. He then sat there with a frown. Then he heard a small bark. He looked down and saw Mickey wagging her tail as she looked up at him.
"What?" He says. She just looked up at him as her tail kept wagging. She then barked again. He then stood up as he went to the livingroom. He sat down on the couch as he sighed and closed his eyes. He then opened them feeling small legs on his thighs. Mickey was laid on his legs as she got comfortable. He chuckled as he slowly pet her head.
"Ugh, you are too cute.. Maybe this is why Hoseok likes you so much.." He says as he observed her. He then slightly picked her up making her move as he held her in his arms and laid down placing her next to him.
"I guess you arent bad.. I mean I got you.. But you make Hoseok happy in only 3 months.. Lucky you.." He says softly as he rubbed her head and closed his eyes. Hoseok always fell asleep with Mickey next to him, now Yoongi knows she is pretty nice to have to sleep.
"Im sorry for being so mean to you.." Yoongi says as he held her closely. She let out a small bark as she closed her eyes. Yoongi chuckled as he slowly fell asleep.
"Yoongi its your turn to wash all that salty stuff off of you." Hoseok says as he walked out of the bathroom in his clothes and a towel around his neck and his ice pack on his eye. He didnt hear Yoongi. He raised an eyebrow as he looked around. He then made his way downstairs and then looked around until he found Yoongi on the couch sleeping with Mickey snuggled close to him. His then furrowed a bit.
"Yah, I thought we would snuggle together.." He says as he pouted a bit. He then stopped and thought for a bit.
"This must he how Yoongi feels when my back is turned towards him when I sleep with Mickey.." He says. He then heard a small bark. He looked down and saw Mickey. He raised an eyebrow as he went down and tilted his head. She barked again as she ran over to Yoongi and then barked.
"No Mickey, dont wa—."
"What is it.." He heard Yoongi say as Yoongi turned his head looking at Mickey. He then saw Hoseok. He sat up as he rubbed his eyes.
"I guess its my turn to take a shower." He says as he yawned. Hoseok went over and shook his head as he hugged Yoongi. Yoongi was confused but rested his chin on Hoseoks shoulder tiredly. Hoseok then laid down as he didnt let go of Yoongi. Hoseok snuggled into Yoongi and closed his eyes.
"I love you.." Yoongi says faintly. Hoseok smiled lightly as he looked at Yoongi and then gave him a kiss. Yoongi kissed back with the lightly energy he had left before they pulled away.
"I love you too." Hoseok says as he snuggled back into Yoongi. The two then fell asleep. Eventually Mickey climbed on top of them and fell asleep there as well.
And so they rested.
Like one big happy family.
And done!
Finding the Runaway finally ends.
I like this story.
Now if you thought that this was just some typical story of romance and stuff.
Well no
This story actually had a meaning.
Yes the story does have romance in it and it seems to be the focus but really the story signifies someone who isnt used to the world and feelings of others.
Unable to identify things as quickly as others and feeling small and ashamed of who they are.
It takes people time to find themselves. Telling them how to do something this way, telling them theyre wrong.
Isnt helping them.
Time is what they need.
But thats not all they need.
They also need a sort of motivation, like how in this.
Jimin was seen as Yoongis angel. But it was only because Yoongi saw Jimin as someone who he can relate too. Jimin never tried to go hard on Yoongi with information because Jimin knew it wasnt what he needed cause he can relate to the situation and whats happening. He was more friendly and along with Jimin there was Yoongis mother.
Who supported him no matter what he chose to do.
So a person doesnt just need time, they need support from people they see fit and important or they relate to.
So if you are a very slow person.
Like myself.
Its okay to take your time. Sort things out.
I am kinda being a hypocrite because I hate taking too long for things and always push myself to understand things.. Even if I dont and just make it harder..
But as a person I am responsible for my own actions and responsible for my own lessons.
None of my stories have no meaning. There is always a lesson.
So I give this lesson in my own way to make sure that you can also learn.
So I sincerely thank you for reading my story.
I hope you learned something rather than Sope is infinity out of 10 :>
I love you💕
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