Chapter 15
Yoongi and Jimin were waving to Taehyung as he waved from inside the train. They waved until it left and then they all left.
"So Yoongi Hyung! What should we do? Hobi Hyung didnt leave me anything like the others, he said that we should figure it out." He says. Yoongi nodded as he thought about it only to shrug.
"Ugh.. How about an arcade?" He says with the sudden idea. Yoongi then nodded as the two then began to continue walking past the house.
The two bonded over some racing and air hockey happily just like little kids. Honestly.
Yoongi had never been this happy before.
He felt free of everything he went through, of course he didnt forget about Hoseok. But he knew that if Hoseok wanted something it would be for him to have fun. When they were done they sat down and got some pizza getting know each other.
"So Taehyung was about to tell me how you became gay.. How did you?" He asks. Jimin chuckled as he smiled as drank some soda.
"Well I am not gay. We call it Taesexual, I would never want anyone else but Tae is what that means. But he had just came back home from shopping and when I came home for my job I went upstairs and walked into his room. And he had on the gayest outfit he has ever had and he just looked so cute.. I couldn't help myself." He says as he still had a smile on his face with a light blush. Yoongi laughed lightly.
"I mean I figured I did like Taehyung a while before that.. I just wasn't honest with myself and convinced myself he was just my bestfriend and I loved him as family." He says. Yoongi nodded as he felt the same for Hoseok.
Just my bestfriend
I love him but as family.
"Taehyung apparently also liked me and I didn't know until almost the very last moment we would have together." He says as he leaned back on the booth. Yoongi nodded a bit confused.
"What do you mean last moment?" He asks. Jimin sighed as he chuckled a bit.
"Well that was a week before his break was going to be over and he was already telling me to go back home to Busan.. Not even my sudden realization would change his mind.. He didn't want me to not go to school." He says. Yoongi nodded now understanding the meaning of Jimins words. Jimin then cleared his throat.
"And you? Got any love stories?" He says. Yoongi shook his head immediately and Jimin laughed a bit.
"Well then tell me some moments with you and Hobi Hyung." He says. Yoongi then sat back ans thought about it.
"Well.. He is always wanting to kiss me.. I dont know why." He says. Jimins eyes widened as he looked at Yoongi.
"Kiss?? Have you guys ever kissed?" He says. Yoongi then nodded a bit confused at the surprised Jimin.
"Hyung, do you know the difference between a peck and a kiss??" He asks. Yoongi got more confused as he shook his head.
"Ah okay, then you guys have never kissed. A hyung of mines once told me. The difference between a peck and kiss is that, a peck is more soft and gentle, whereas a kiss has he presence of a tongue. And I highly doubt you would like that.... Not now at least." He says. Yoongi listened and slightly nodded but unsure of where he got that information and the last part. Jimin then smiled a bit as he drank some of his soda.
"Well I learned a lot about you today. I am glad you decided not to leave you know." He says. Yoongi nodded a bit. The two then sat in awkward silence as they proceeded to drink and eat.
The two walked back to Taehyungs house bonding so more. Jimin did his best to keep every conversation going and have a new one when one finished. The two already felt a close bond.
Maybe because in terms of their emotions they have been in the same place.
"So I assume you want to go to sleep early so that this can all go by and see your lov— Bestfriend." He says quickly changing his sentence. Yoongi nodded as he set his shoes to the side and then walked upstairs with Jimin following him.
"You can wash up first. The bathroom is the third door down, your room is the one afterwards, and I will be sleeping in Taehyungs room,naturally, which is the second door down." He says. Yoongi nodded as he turned when Jimin was going into Taehyungs room.
"Dont make such a mess, his dad will go crazy about one little thing." He says with a small chuckle. Yoongi nodded and then continued to go on as Jimin made sure to observe him as he went to his room and saw his bags already in there.
Yoongi laid down in his bed and sighed.
He just couldnt sleep.
He stared at the plain white ceiling as he hoped he would get bored enough to fall asleep, until the colors of the outside lit it up making it nit so plain and his mind run everywhere due to the colors that were everywhere. He sat up and looked around. He got up and then slowly opened the door to his room. He heard some noise downstairs. He slowly made his way down as he was as quiet as can be. When he got downstairs he saw a head of hair watching TV.
"Jimin?" He says. Jimin turned around and then smiled as he waved and gestured for him to come. Yoongi then went down and Jimin moved a bit putting his legs closer to himself leaving space for Yoongi to sit. Yoongi sat down and looked at the younger who looked at him.
"Cant sleep either huh?" He says. Yoongi nodded as he leaned back getting a bit more comfortable. Jimin nodded in agreement.
"Same, probably too early for that." He says. Yoongi nodded and then the two watched TV silently. Jimin then looked at Yoongi.
"What do you like about Hoseok?" He says suddenly. Yoongi looked at him, his eyes were filled with curiosity as he stared into Yoongis. Yoongi then thought about it.
"I dont know.."
It was silent as Jimin blinked a bit.
"Eh?! What do you mean you dont know!" He says. With the look on Yoongis face he knew it wasnt a lie. Yoongi was clueless at the time about it.
"Uhm.. He is my bestfriend.." He says. Jimin then shook his head as he sighed and then sat up as he patted Yoongis shoulder.
"I wish you luck for tomorrow my friend." He says. Yoongi was confused as ever when Jimin laid back down silently. Without question the two just watched the TV.
Jimin yawned as he blinked slowly processing his surroundings. He saw Yoongi sitting, but sleeping at the other end of the couch. He then felt a vibration. He slightly sat up and grabbed his phone. It was an alarm.
Get on the train
at 7:00am
Jimins eyes widened as he checked the time. It was 8am. His eyes widened.
(A/N: I dunno about you but when my alarm snoozes too much the snooze button disappears and it just starts automatically ringing nonstop until you hit something so thats why the alarm for 7am if going off at 8am with no snooze)
He stood up and then shook Yoongi frantically. Yoongis eyes shot open as he looked at Jimin.
"We missed the train to Busan!" He says panicking. Yoongi immediately stood up with wide eyes.
"What?!" He says. Jimin sighed as he rubbed his eyes in frustration as Yoongi was freaking out and probably on he verge of tears.
"When is the ne—."
"The next train to Busan doesnt come until 7pm.." He says. Yoongi then sat down as he put his hands over his eyes.
"Im really sorry Hyung.." Jimin says. Yoongi stayed silent feeling like he was probably going to let it out if he said a word.
"Oh would you two calm down." The two jumped as they looked at the stairs. Yoongis eyes widened. Hoseok sat on the stairs with a tired smile on his face.
"Goodmorning." He says happily. Yoongi and Jimin stared at him. Yoongi in shock as Jimin stared in confusion.
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