Chapter 08
Jungkook had brought Yoongi to his house where Jungkook lived with his aunt.
"Mom, Im home." Jungkook called out. A woman then walked to the door with a smile as she went over and hugged him.
"Welcome home my dear son." She says. Jungkook smiled and hugged back. The two then pulled over and looked at Yoongi. Yoongi observed the two, they didnt look much alike so they couldnt have been mother and son.
"My son has a new friend, hello I am his mother." She says. He then slightly bowed and nodded a bit. She then went over to hug him. Jungkook watched expressionless, his mind seemed to be somewhere else. She then pulled away as she looked at Yoongi closely.
"Such nice sugary skin.. Just like my sons.." She says as her hand rubbed his cheek. Yoongi looked at Jungkook as he was looking down, Jungkooks skin was way more tanner than Yoongis so he didnt understand. She then let fo and looked at Jungkook.
"Go on upstairs you two." She says lightly. Jungkook looked at her as she smiled. He then grabbed Yoongis arm and pulled him upstairs to his room. When they were in there Jungkook looked the door.
"Whatever you do, don't wonder the house and become alone with her okay.." Jungkook says. Yoongi noticed now that Jungkooks mood had completely changed. Yoongi nodded as he put his things down.
"Your mom huh.. The two of you dont look to much alike.." He says. Jungkook then shook his head as he began to clean up a bit.
"She is my aunt. But she lost her son.. Ever since then she has called me her son and I called her mom because she says it would help her but everytime someone comes over she would say why they looked like her son, and then when you are alone she would change, she'll slap you and ask you what took you so long to come home. She has done it to many people.. Even Hoseok.." He says. Yoongis eyes widened. Someone touched Hoseok in a harmfulway. Knowing Hoseok he would say something like.
"Oh its fine! I am completely fine! One slap isnt going to hurt me! Im strong!" He imagined Hoseoks voice saying. Yoongi couldnt help but still be mad at this, not even his imaginary Hoseok could change that. Before he realized it Jungkook was in front of him. He had his phone on the voice recording app. He then played the one at the bottom.
"Yah! Min Yoongi! I may have been slapped but if you dare snap or lay a finger on that poor woman I will kill you!" Hoseoks voice came out of it. It went silent as Yoongi blinked.
"Dont take it serious, I love you AS A BESTFRIEND! So I wouldnt hurt you but dont hurt that woman.. She isn't as bad as she may seem.." He says in a soft voice. Yoongi nodded as he sighed and leaned back now being able to slightl listen to Hoseok.
"Ah! Also! Be nice to Kookie! He is kinda like you in a way so if you accepted him you two would make good friends." He says with a small chuckle coming afterwards and that was the end. Yoongi looked at Jungkook as Jungkook shrugged. Yoongi then sighed.
"Okay, now I want to get along with you. Because Hoseok wants me to of course. So I think we should try to come to a peace treaty." He says as he sighed. Jungkook then nodded in agreement and then Yoongi chuckled.
"Looks like we just got along." He says. Jungkook nodded as he smiled. The two then sighed and it went silent.
"Okay this is awkward, lets go do something." He says as he opened Yoongis bags and looked through his clothes.
"Ugh, your clothes are so depressing." He says as he sighed after he had looked through all the clothes Yoongi had. Jungkook then went to his closet.
"Red would look good with you." Jungkook says as he tossed Yoongi a red shirt with a simple design. He then went back to Yoongis clothes. He then found some black pants of Yoongis and grabbed his scissors as he began to cut them.
"Yah! What are you doing?!" He says. Jungkook then held the jeans up as Yoongi observed it.
"I want to make you look cool." He says as he smiled. Yoongi rolled his eyes and then grabbed he things Jungkook gave him and then put them on.
"Wow you dont have a lot of muscles for a person your age." He says as he observed Yoongis flat tummy with only a small bit of detail. Jungkook then pulled up his shirt and Yoongis eyes widened.
"How can a kid your age get all that?!" He says. Jungkook laughed lightly as he shrugged and then decided to change himself. When the two were done Jungkook grabbed his phone.
"Lets take a picture!" He says. Yoongi sighed and shrugged as he was going to take a mirrored picture. Jungkook wrapped his arm around Yoongi and then took the picture as Yoongi allowed just a small smile. Jungkook then smiled and looked at his picture and then nodded satisfied with it.
"Alright now lets go." He says as he linked arms with Yoongi and bolted downstairs and out the door.
"WE ARE GOING OUT!" He yelled out. The two didnt really hear or see any reaction since they went to fast. Jungkook then lead Yoongi somewhere more urban and you could hear the music from outside.
"This is where everyone comes to hang out. Dont worry you wont get hit on a lot, they've all met Hoseok cause we came here together and he told his story so they all like him.. Well since new people come everyday then you probably will still get hit on.. But dont worry too much!" He says as he pulled Yoongi in. Yoongi wasnt sure but just followed Jungkook. Soon enough he was sitting down with some people Jungkooks age and some people his age. They all seemed to really like him already, he didnt know if it was because of Hoseok or because they just wanted to hit on him.
"Hyung loosen up a bit." Jungkook says as he sat next to him slightly pushing over some people. Yoongi looked at him.
"Hyung?" He says. Jungkook chuckled and then nodded a bit.
"Yeah, I realized that you know you are new here and stuff and I shouldn't treat you like I treat most people until you have fully have a taste of here." He says as he smiled. Yoongi smiled a bit and nodded he felt a bit better now that he was actually getting along with Jungkook.
"Now have fun, let loose! Step out of your comfort zone!" He says as he smiled. Yoongi then nodded a bit he was starting to feel it. So he began to socialize mostly with the kids Jungkooks age and his, no one really out of that range because he thought he'd probably get in some sort of trouble.
But unfortunately the older women got tired with the young man avoiding them and gave him a bit of trouble.
In his drink.
After that the rest of the night was a blur for Yoongi.
So I think I will slow down updates only because I am going to fast and also I havent finished writing the whole book yet.
When I am in a mental state of sadness I tend to get slightly sad.
Since I am in that mental state I might get sad towards I think chapters 14 and up until the end.
So yeah sorry in advance.
Bye bye~💕
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