Chapter 06
Yoongi laid in bed. Everything he talked about with Jin was still running through his mind. He wasnt understanding anything right now. He sighed as he got up to get some water. When he did he saw that Jin was already in the kitchen with some water.
"I knew you would come. After what your dense mind just went through with me.. I would assume you have a slight headache and is in need of rest but with you I feel you are afraid to sleep with the thoughts and questions you are carrying." He says as he held the cup up to Yoongi. Yoongi grabbed it and sighed as he drank some.
"Min Yoongi.. You are honestly the most dense person Ive ever met. Even I could hear it in Hoseoks voice the answer to the questions you are asking yourself now even if Hoseok didnt tell me anything related to those questions its pretty obvious." He says. Yoongi was starting to feel something he didnt understand, strangers like this knew his bestfriend more than him.
"I understand how you feel, but I wont know until you tell me. How are you feeling Min Yoongi?" He says. Yoongi looked at him and then thought about it as looked away.
"Jealous.. You probably know Hoseok for about 2 days.. And Ive known him for years and I dont understand.. I dont understand how you know so much and I know so little..." He says as his expression soften. Seokjin then went over and hugged him as he pat his back. Yoongi gulped before he slightly hugged back.
"You have to learn to communicate with others in order to understand. You have to be willing to do it as well. Hoseok told me how much you would ignore him.. You didnt put so much effort into paying attention to him. But now you are.. Why do you think you are doing that? You must be realizing something." He says. Yoongi was silent his head filled with many things, his head started to hurt. He then closed his eyes and then breathed out.
"No.. I never ignored him. No matter what he said.. It was hard not to have his voice in my head every second of everyday.. And that isnt a complaint.. Hearing Hoseoks voice.. Gave me a weird happiness.. I may have been cold and insensitive many times and I am very dense.. But I have never ignored him.. Because I care about Hoseok and weither others believe that or not it isnt my problem. Its theres for judging a book by its cover.." He says as he sighed and looked up at Seokjin. Seokjin smiled and clapped as he let go of Yoongi.
"Wow.. That was a very out of the box thing to say considering everything Hoseok told me. I am glad you feel that way.. Cause even if I knew Hoseok for 2 days, I could tell he was an amazing person and he deserved someone good. Now I see the good in you he was talking about. Now from this point on.. Be honest with yourself okay. Speak your feelings dont keep it inside and be confused about them yourself." He says as he patted his shoulder. Yoongi nodded, but he knew he wouldnt be able to do what just happen again to anyone else, Seokjin knew that too but hope he had at least learned something.
"Out of the two days you were supposed to be here I think you could just leave tomorrow morning since you have improved quite a lot." He says. Yoongi then thought for a minute and then remember Hoseok wanted Jin to take him places.
"Aren't we supposed to go places together?" He asks. Jin then looked away a hit nervously as he chuckled a bit.
"About that.. I think I could only do one thing and that would be in the morning because I have a lot of work to do.. The only reason I took up Hoseoks favor was because I thought I wouldnt be busy but turns out I am very busy. So lets do one thing and then you could go. I dont really know where Hoseok decided to stay in Goesan but he said he would be alright and seeing as he has come running back he must be fine and he must already have something arranged for you." He says. Yoongi nodded as he knew Hoseok always found a way to live smoothly anywhere.
"Well how about we go to a sauna tomorrow morning and you can relax and yeah. Its good for your mind and as of now I think you need to do a lot of thinking in there." He says as he patted his shoulder walking past him. Yoongi then turned and watched as Jin was heading to his room.
"Go and sleep okay. Whatever your thinking let it happen so you can understand your mind okay. Goodnight." He says before going into his room. Yoongi nodded and then finished as he washed the cup and then went to the guest room. He sighed as he laid down and then closed his eyes.
[Everyone picked up that when he sleeps and there is a flashback its what he is dreaming and remembering. So everything here already happened and he is just reviewing it kinda and like trying to understand. These are completely random so like all the flashbacks are different times most of the time okay bye.]
"Yoongi come here please." Hoseok called out quietly. Yoongi then went over to him. Hoseok pulled him down and then pointed out of the window. Yoongi looked out and saw where he was pointing at. Two teachers holding hands.
"I won, now you have to buy my lunch for a month." Hoseok says. Yoongi then glared at him and sighed.
"Okay fine. Whatever. I dont understand they dont seem like people who would date." He says as he shrugged. Then a girl came up behind the two.
"You know, you two dont seem like people who would date but all the girls are certain that one of you is gay for the other." She says making them jump. Hoseok blushed as Yoongi gave her a weird look.
"I havent even been here for 3 months and already girls are making me out as gay." Yoongi says. The girl then shook her head giggling.
"Most of their bets are on Hoseokie being the gay one since no one really knows you other than him. Plus Hoseokies always trying to be with you whenever we have activities." She says as he smiled. Hoseok blushed and nudged her.
"Yah, you all have known me since last year and no—."
"It shows this year though well it shows if you really are gay because you have someone you like now which is yo—." She stopped when she felt a glare. She gulped and then sheepishly smiled as she stopped.
"Hoseok is my bestfriend, I highly doubt any of you were his bestfriend to know him well enough to see how he is towards a bestfriend, I am pretty sure if you guys were bestfriends with him he would act just as clingy to you guys as to me." He says. She then nodded a bit unsure as she stood up and bowed her head.
"Im sorry, for what I said. I guess it is wrong to just accuse someone of being something and giving reason that could be for everyone so yeah. I am gonna go." She says as she left the two. Hoseok looked at Yoongi as he had a light blush on his face.
"Im n—."
"Yes you are.. You are very clingy." He says. Hoseok pouted a bit and crossed his arms as he looked outside. Yoongi observed Hoseoks face, the way it was a bright pink through the whole talk made him question but he shrugged and then looked outside with Hoseok and they talked a bit.
~~End Of Flashback~~
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