Chapter 03
Place Yoongi should go❤️
-The beach to see the view. He would like it, its pretty :>
-Make sure to go to the same hotel, the room is reserved for a week and since I said Thursday it should still be reserved just know I put it in his name so say Min Yoongi not Jung Hoseok.
-The food from the venders is nice, make sure to get lamb skewers for him. Its his favorite thing to eat.
The rest of the things to do was long and had reason for Yoongi to relax and be comfortable with.
"Have fun and relax its what he wants. Dont worry so much about him, he completely fine I promise." Namjoon says before waving and going upstairs. Yoongi then nodded. Namjoon then ran downstairs with a pencil as he grabbed the paper and then wrote something on it.
"Its my number. Call me if anything. Unfortunately I dont have Hoseoks number so I cant do anything there." He says. Yoongi nodded as he took the paper and looked at the number before he finally left and head to Incheon.
"Hello, I am Min Yoongi." He says at the front desk of the hotel that was written. The lady then smiles and nodded as she gave him the key.
"The 2nd floor, room 18." She says. He then nodded and bowed before he went to the said room.
"Your birthday.. Really." He mumbles as he chuckled a bit going into the room. It was nice and clean of course. He then neatly put his things down and flopped on the bed and then hugged a pillow. He then felt something. He grabbed it and then brought it to him.
Yoongii~ Dont spent too much time laying here! But isnt it comfortable :>
"Ugh. Fine." He says as he got up. He then went to the bathroom to wash up. He then saw a sticky note on the bathroom mirror.
Youre very good looking so don't talk to strangers, especially girls ^~^
"Geez.. Controlling what I do even when you arent in sight." He says as he took the sticky note down and washed him a face before he took a shower and then got dressed. He then walked out of the room.
"The beach.." He says as he looked at the paper. He then stretched before continuing out of the room.
Yoongi walked on the sand towards the water. The sun was setting it was a kind of long way so he did somethings on the list on the way over. He finally made it to the water and then stood there as the water made his feet sink in the sand. He then went more into it and couldn't help but let a small smile come upon his face as he felt the cold water slowly make its way up to his height.
"Having fun?" Yoongi sighed as he thought about what Hoseok would say to him right now. He imagined it, what Hoseok would do right now. He would be the one telling Yoongi to hurry and get it while he himself was shivering in the water but had the biggest smile on his face. Then eventually Yoongi would go in and Hoseok would splash water making it more fun for the both of them. He then sighed before he sank fully into the water and then quickly going up.
"Hoseok.. This would've been better if you were here." He says to himself. He then was put in thought for a bit, he hadn't realized he said that.
"Mh.. No denying it, maybe I do miss you." He says to himself as he got out of the water. He then walked a bit more to dry off as it got even darker. He then saw some people having a bonfire. He looked and then continued walking pass them. He then felt someone touch him. He turned to see a girl.
"Mh.." She says as she looked at him. He looked at her confused. Then others began to go over.
"What are yo—."
"I was just walking by I wasn't doing anything else." He says. They then observe him and then smiled and laughed.
"Come on! You have to come and join us!" One says. Before he knew it Yoongi was sitting down with others around him and others doing whatever and being stupid.
"How old are you?? You look pretty young." A girl says as she sat closely to him. Yoongi felt uncomfortable but sighed. If Hoseok were here, he would tell Yoongi to loosen up.
"Im 18. Still in Highschool." He says. She then giggled and nodded then another girl came over as she wrapped around his arm.
"You know Ive always had a soft side for guys in highschool. How would your friends react if you told them you were dating a college girl hm." She says as her face was really close to his and she continued to make the space smaller. He gulped and moved his head away as he looked at her lips with panicking eyes.
Dont talk to strangers, especially girls.
"They'd say I am not that type of person." He says as he stood up making the girl fall down. She then smiled at him.
"What you have a girlfriend or something already? Someone you like maybe?" She asks pulling him back down to sit. Yoongi then thought about it.
"Uhm.." He hesitated a bit as he gulped not know what to say then he sighed.
"I definitely dont have a girlfriend or anything.. I dont want one.. And.. No.." He says. She looked at him as he hesitated before he looking at her.
"I dont like anyone.." He says. She then gave him some space as she looked at him bluntly. He was confused at the way she looked at him.
"Whatever you say Min Yoongi." She says as she stood up. He was confused even more, he never told anyone of these people his name.
"If you dont like anyone, than why are you here in Incheon. Go back to Seoul. You liar." She says before disappearing with the crowd. He was confused as ever. She knew his name and where he came from.
"Why am I here.." He says as he stood up and then left the party. He wondered, why did he care so much for Hoseok now, why did that girl know about him, why is he in Incheon. He didnt understand himself. If Hoseok was safe at his house he would be treating him like he always does, but now that he is somewhere else he cant help but be more soft. He sighed and decided to just hurry home. He looked at the list it was filled with sand and kinda damp.
"Lamb skewers." He says to himself as he wanted to change before eating out.
He sat there at a street vender and ate his lamb skewers with a slight smile. Then his phone vibrated. He pulled it out of his pocket and then saw he had gotten an email.
Subject:The Runaway
I miss you, you take a long time to come, I heard that you actually are coming from Namjoon. Im glad, did you see my notes?? You better not have talked to any girls :( .. It isnt like I care but.. Dont. Okay I'll stop lying, I know you talked to a girl :,( But she wasnt just any girl.. She was my sister and yes that was a set up for you.. Sorry but what can I say, you came because of me and now I am putting you to the test my friend :) But I swear you are so dumb Yoongi.. I hate you.. No I cant hate you I am sorry for my sinful words >.< But anyways! You are dumb but I still love you because you are my bestfriend. Its friendly love.. No more than that! I never said it was like that so dont think it is! So if I ever say love just know its in a friendly way! Cause I wouldnt love my bestfriend that way.. You are like.. Uh.. Family! Yes.. Family? Ugh I dont know! Why am I writing to you this way I dont know! I should go now!
P.S: Dont email this back cause its a friends phone and I dont think he would appreciate getting spammed cause you think its me :> Plus Jeon is obviously not in my name and my nickname isn't kook:) If you dont know that have you been ignoring me that much when we were together :(
Bye bye
"Friend.. Him.. Jeon.. Kook.. What?" He says as he was confused. He didnt know Hoseok knew anyone where ever he was. He sighed as he finished his food and then paid before leaving back to the hotel.
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