*Adam's POV*
I always make sure that I don't make myself too known in public. A lot of times no one even realizes or knows who I am. I'm absolutely fine with that! Since I guess some could call me "famous" (I don't quite agree), it makes it hard to go grocery shopping without having some thirteen- year- old screaming your name. I don't mind the signatures and the picture taking, but somehow my nerves always get the best of me!
It's crazy to think that I've been known as Owl City for just about 8 years and I still haven't gotten used to the "limelight"!
I've always been the shy kid. In school I'm pretty sure my friends and I were all considered nerds or geeks, something like that.
I pulled into a small, practically empty parking lot. The local Owattana Wallgreens was almost always open and it was a good thing since it was about the second biggest store in the little town. Okay, maybe it wasn't the second biggest, but it was close. Wal-Mart was where most everyone took their grocery shopping, but Wallgreens had always been a close favorite. The small store sold just the basics, candy, soda pop, and band-aids. There was a pharmacy attached to the store and you could pick up medicine subscriptions there.
I slammed my car door shut and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was almost grateful for my black eye today. That way I wouldn't be noticed as much.
As I started for the automatic sliding doors, a beautiful rainbow caught my attention. I hadn't seen one in a while and the sight made me smile in relief. Rainbows always reminded me of God's promise He made to Noah- to us all. It gave me the relief and reassurance that God really was there.
*Crystal's POV*
I saw the rainbow as I drove to work. It used to mean something to me, but now- now I wasn't so sure.
I had always considered myself a Christian until two years ago... the year my mom died...
My thoughts ceased abruptly when I heard a loud pop and saw a cloud of gas rise up.
"No... no, no, no! No, please no! Not today... Ugh! " I could already picture it in my head. My tire must have popped and now I was going to be late to my very first day at work!
I could hear the thud of the worn rubber against the road as I pulled off onto the shoulder. I turned on my hazard lights and looked out the window and said more of a hope than a prayer.
When I got out to examine the damage, I saw that I was less than a block from my new job. In fact, it was just around the corner.
My small something definitely had a flat. There was still a plume of smoke and gas that billowed up from underneath the car.
I decided that I wasn't going to be late for my first day at a new job and that I would make sure I got there on time no matter what, so I hopped back inside and started slowly around the corner. I was not going to be late!
I parked farthest away from the front of the building so that customers would have better parking spots.
I put my car into park and turned off the engine. The time was 9:53 before I turned it off.
*Adam's POV*
I didn't really know what I needed for my eye and I really didn't care to explain what had really happened to my eye, so I didn't ask anyone either. Instead, I looked down an isle that had medicine and ointments. I found something that looked like it would help.
A pretty young girl checked me out and chuckled to herself when she saw what I had bought. I didn't think too much about it though. She rang me up quickly and glanced up at my eye.
"Dude, what's up with the eye? You get in a fight it something?"
I had worn sunglasses, but obviously it was still pretty noticeable. At least she didn't recognize me.
"Uh, yeah, I wish," I said quietly. "It's actually kind of embarrassing..."
"Oh, come on! It can't be too bad!" She was leaning on her hands now, obviously awaiting a story of some sort. And she was in no rush.
Her eyes were wide and attentive as I began. "Well, uh..." I ran my fingers through my dark hair and squeezed my scalp as if squeezing hard enough would somehow provide a simple, logical explanation of my bruised and swollen eye. My muscles tightened as I thought of any possible way of getting out of answering her question. But, there was no escape from her.
I leaned in a little closer abd whispered, "I punched myself in the eye."
Suddenly the volcano erupted and laughter arose from within the small girl. "Ok, never mind, that is pretty bad!" I blushed and looked around to make sure no one else had heard. "But hey, I guess I shouldn't laugh cuz someone I know someone who did that once, except I don't think he got a black eye from it!" She paused for a moment, then sighed, her hands on her hips. "Okay, so maybe I don't know him. He posted something on instagram this morning saying he accidentally punched himself when he was pulling up the covers. He's famous." She brought her hand to her head and looked as if she might cry for added drama. "But alas, he is too good for me. A Prince like him would never notice a quaint peasant like me!" She suddenly turned towards me and smiled again, with her same spunky attitude. "He's the singer of Owl City. He was raised here. I just wish I could meet him!" She grabbed the receipt and placed it in the bag.
"Well, here." She handed me the bag and smiled. "Have a fandiferous day!"
I smiled shyly and took the bag from her. "Wait one sec. Do you have a pen?"
"Yeah, sure. Why? You giving me your number or something?" She chuckled at her own joke as she passed the pen to me.
"Something like that," I said jokingly. I took the receipt out of the bag and pulled off the lid to the pen. I looked up to see that her nametag said that her name was Emily. On the back of the receipt I wrote, "To Emily, from Adam Young". I handed her the receipt and before she could say another word, I walked away with my head down.
*Crystal's POV*
I flew out of my car and rushed toward the entrance to Walgreens. I had gotten a job here at the CVS pharmacy so that I wouldn't have to drive very far from home.
My dad was working two part-time jobs and small little jobs here and there. And I now had a small full-time job here at Walgreens.
My purse was slung over my shoulder and my strawberry blonde hair was swept over my shoulders. I was practically running now. There weren't many cars in the lot, so I figured I'd be fine rushing into the building.
*Adam's POV*
I was walking swiftly toward the door, kind of zoned out. I was trying to figure out what a cob was. Corn on the cob... so was the core of the corn the cob or was the cob the core? Wait, did corn have a "core"?
I was just beginning to step out of the building onto the concrete sidewalk when a jumble of long hair and a pretty face flew right in front of me.
*Crystal's POV*
I was in such a rush I didn't even look up. I just charged forward, determined not to be late. I didn't even see the poor guy that was coming out the door I was coming in.
*Adam's POV*
I looked up just as a young woman practically flung herself on me.
*Crystal's POV*
I looked up in just enough time to notice the guy standing in front of me. I barely got a glance at his features, but I almost hoped that he wasn't cute... for my sake! Because if he was, I'd be making a joke out of myself!
*Adam's POV*
I could only see a dark silhouette from behind my sunglasses and the most gorgeous sparkling eyes I had ever seen...
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