Chapter Five "Reno, Really?"
Our flight was in less than two hours and the four of us were scrambling to get everything together. We were supposed to do it last night, but we got side tracked with a competition of who was the best at Mario Kart.
Abby and I were running around our dorm, throwing a week's worth of clothes in a suitcase and the essentials in bags. Her 2005 Sedan was parked in front of the building and the boys were stuffing their things in the trunk.
"Dylan, we have to go!" Abby called, holding her suitcase in her right hand as she stood in the doorway.
I was picking through my makeup brushes, trying to decide which ones I wanted to bring. Definitely not my good ones, I could easily lose those.
"Yeah, I know.' I tell her with a sigh.
She knew I was stalling, but she didn't say anything. She must have sensed by anxiety about this trip. I didn't want to go, not in the slightest, but what she said the other day was true.
In fifteen years from now, I want to be able to say I at least tried to find the father to be apart of my kid's life. I don't think they'd ever forgive me if I didn't.
I throw the brushes in my little makeup bag and place it in my suitcase before zipping it closed.
"Okay, let's go." Abby reached her hand out to me, and I gasped it with dear life.
I was scared shitless for this trip.
We walked hand in hand down the stairs, holding out suitcases in our opposite hands. When we got outside, we saw Nick and Owen standing around the car; the trunk was wide open.
"Ah, there they are! We were afraid you had ran out the back door." Owen yelled and I rolled my eyes.
"You can't get rid of us that easily, Owen." Abby said with a smile as she handed him her suitcase.
He put her suitcase in the trunk, and then followed it with mine before he closed it. He rubbed off his hands as if cleaning off dirt.
"Alright! Let's go." Owen cheered and ran around to the passenger seat. "Las Vegas, here we come!"
Nick and I were placed together (which I found suspicious) in the back seats, while Abby drove and Owen called shotgun. The drive to the airport was uneventful, other than the four of us screaming songs at the top of our lungs. It helped ease my anxiety.
I kept catching Nick staring at me, and through my peripherals, I caught him stealing glances too. That also eased my anxiety.
Owen paid to keep Abby's car in the airport parking lot, so we all gathered our things and made our way to bag check.
~ ~ ~
Once everything was said and done, we were waiting next to the terminal with all the other passengers that will soon be boarding the plane. It was mostly old people, which didn't surprise me.
It was like a bad case of déjà vu, we were even sitting in the same chairs we did just over a month ago when we were flying to Vegas for the first time. It stirred my anxiety; the thought of going back to the same place this whole situated started.
"Are you scared of flying?" I blink and whip my head towards the voice.
Nick was watching me intently, his green eyes twinkling with curiosity. I furrow my eyebrows.
"What would make you ask that?"
"You're shaking," He told me, and I look down to see my leg bouncing. "I figured it was because you were afraid of flying."
Quite honestly, I was terrified of flying. I always have been, since I was a child. But I was so consumed with everything else, I hadn't even thought about the fact that I was flying today.
"Yeah, I am." I force a smile and a humorless laugh.
I could never tell him why I was actually shaking right now. Which brought on a whole new problem I had never even thought of.
How are we going to find this guy while simultaneously hiding everything from Nick?
"Don't worry, I fly all the time. I'll protect you." I couldn't help but smile at his words, but my heart hurt at the same time.
He's only being nice to me because doesn't know the true reasoning for this trip. He doesn't know how fucking stupid I am. He's getting himself into something he has no clue about.
His eyes scan the airport. "I'll be right back, okay?"
I nod and he stands up from his seat and walks off. I waited until he was out of ear shot to pull on Abby's hair.
"Ow!" She whipped her heard around to me, giving me a clear view of Owen's face as well. "What was that for?"
"What am I going to do? Nick has no idea that I'm pregnant. How am I going to hide it from him? You invited him, you fix this."
Owen and Abby share a glance.
"See, I hadn't thought of that when I invited him." Owen tells me and I could feel my body temperature rising.
"Well, it's too late to go back now, isn't it?" I say through gritted teeth.
"You could always just tell him? He could help find this guy."
"Are you fucking dumb? Nick doesn't know me like you guys do We aren't as close. His first impression of me is going to be 'that slut that got knocked up in Vegas and doesn't know who the dad is'."
"And why does that matter so much to you?" Abby questions with an eyebrow raised.
"Because-" I stop myself before I could finish the sentence. Like Abby, I was never good with feelings either.
"Because you like him." Owen smirks and I roll my eyes.
"Okay, so what? Nothing will ever happen. Not now, anyways." Without realizing I'm doing it, I look down at my flat stomach.
It was hard to believe there was a person growing in there.
"You don't know that. Maybe he's into pregnant chicks."
"Shut up, Abby."
She shrugs and I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest.
About ten minutes later, I noticed Nick walking towards us. He was holding a blue neck pillow in one hand and an iced coffee in the other hand. When he sat down, he held them out towards me.
"What's this?" I chuckle, taking them from him.
"You said you were scared of flying, so I got you a pillow so you can sleep on the plane and since I always see you with a coffee in class, I thought I'd get you one to make you feel better."
I smiled gratefully at him, my heart fluttering at is gesture. He remembered all those iced coffee I would bring into class. He remembered and he brought me one because he knew I was upset.
"Awe!" We both turn towards Owen and Abby, who were watching us with gushing faces.
"Bud out, Owen." I snap and he raises his hands in surrender.
It was only a half an hour later that they called our flight to board, so we all gathered out things and made our way in line.
~ ~ ~
The flight was six hours long, as expected. I hadn't remembered the flight last time being so miserable, but maybe it was the adrenaline of going on vacation to a new place. Now, it was the anxiety of going back.
I guess it wasn't so bad, though. Nick and I were put together (again, suspicious) and we talked most of the flight. I did manage to get an hour of sleep, too.
We were walking through the jet bridge now, and we were all turning our phones off airplane mode so we can see who texted us.
I had a text from my dad:
have a great trip :D call me when you land
Note to self, call dad.
I had only told him we were going back to Vegas, but I didn't tell him why. I'd die of embarrassment if he hadn't already killed me himself.
I think it only being us two while I was growing up made him a little more protective than needed.
Owen took a deep breath in through his nose. "Ah, it's nice to be back."
I roll my eyes at him and close my phone.
We stopped at the carousel and waited patiently for our bags. Abby and Owen argued about some cute guy that had sat between them on the plane. Abby had said he was straght, Owen had said he was gay, In the end, they had asked him and he said he was taken.
But that didn't stop them from arguing over if his partner was a guy or a girl.
I look around the airport as they bicker. "Guys!" They shut up and look at me, "Why does the airport look different than last time?"
Owen and Abby look around like I had.
"Wait, that is weird. Does Vegas have more than one airport?" Abby questioned.
"I don't think so." I pull my plane ticket out from my back pocket. My eyes almost bulge out of my eyes. "Owen! This ticket says Reno, Nevada."
"No, they can't be-" He pulls his own ticket out of his pocket and examines it. "Well fuck me."
"Owen, you idiot! You booked a flight to Reno, not Vegas!" Abby smacked him in the back of his head.
"I'm sorry! I saw Nevada and I clicked." We all groan at him. "Look, it's not a big deal. We'll just rent a car and drive to Vegas, but I really have to pee first."
"You know what, me too." I comment and Abby groans.
"I could actually use a bathroom break, too." Nick adds, and Abby groans louder.
"Y'all and your small bladders." She mumbled to herself.
We all make our way towards the sign that said RESTROOMS in giant letters. Surprisingly, there wasn't a giant line.
"Watch our stuff while we pee, please?" I ask nicely to Abby as we all drop our stuff against the wall next to the bathrooms.
"Yeah yeah, just hurry up." She tells us and pulls her phone out.
I decided it was a better idea to leave my phone in my suitcase. I had dropped it in the toilet too many times to make that mistake again.
I split off down the opposite end of the hall from Nick and Owen and walk into the women's bathroom. There were a few people in here already, but I quickly found an empty stall and pee. When I finish, I wash my hands and walk back out.
When I turn the corner, I froze. Abby wasn't there anymore.
And neither was our stuff.
I spin in circles, looking for Abby. Maybe she had moved our stuff. Maybe the boys already came out and took them. The second theory was quickly disproven when Nick and Owen walked out of the bathroom.
"Where's our stuff?" Nick asks.
"I don't know, I just came out."
"Where's Abby?" Owen asks and I give him a flat look.
"Jeez, Owen, you think if I knew I'd also know where our stuff is?"
"No need to be a bitch about it." He folded his arms and looked down at the ground.
"Is that her over there?" Nick points behind me and I turn around to see her talking to some guy.
He was very attractive, which made me believe she was flirting with him and not just talking. He seemed very into it as well.
"Abby!" I yell, making her turn around. I waved her over and she rolled her eyes.
I see her say something to him before she grabbed a pen from her back pocket and scribbled something on the palm of his hand. They wave goodbye and she walks over to us, a smile on her face.
"I gave him my number." She beamed.
"That's great, but where's our stuff?"
"Right there-" She points to the floor next to us but freezes. "It was right there when I left."
"You mean you walked away from our stuff?" Owen almost screamed with rage and a few people looked over at us.
"I'm sorry! But he was really hot!" We all groan.
"Are you serious! My phone was in my suitcase!" I tell her and she scratches her head with shame.
"So was mine!" Owen and Nick echoed each other.
"What? Why?"
"I put it in my carry-on before we got off the plane." Nick explained.
"I didn't want to drop it in the toilet." Owen told us on a small voice.
Curse us and our clumsiness.
"Okay, don't worry. I still have my phone-" Abby reached into her back pocket. "Uh-"
"What now?" I widened my eyes.
"I think I threw it on my suitcase when I saw hot guy walk by."
We all groan again.
"That thief hit the jackpot." Nick commented, making us glare at him. He looks at us, and then looked back down at the ground.
"So, we're stuck in Reno, seven hours away from Vegas, with no money, no phone, and no clothes."
I lean back against the walls and slide down until my butt hits the floor, all the while a tear slides down my cheek.
Could this trip get any worse?
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