Finding Solace
Abbacchio took another swig of the bottle. He couldn't handle it anymore. Bruno had almost died today. If it hadn't been for Giorno running in after him...he took another drink and finished the bottle. He threw it across the room and it smashed against the wall as he screamed. The Boss was going to pay for it now. He'd thought betraying Passione had been a shock until he'd learned that the Boss tried to kill Trish and by consequence Bruno also.
He heard a creak outside the door and whispers. The footsteps of an interloper could be heard as if someone was backing away from the door. He was pissed that someone was there listening to his misery. He stood up and took two steps toward the door.
"If I open that door and find Mista, Giorno, or Narancia there, I will end you," Abbacchio yelled. He heard two sets of feet scurrying away in retreat from his door. He scowled and walked over to his desk and popped open his third bottle of the night. He chugged it for a few seconds as he heard more footsteps outside. He swallowed and turned to the door. Enraged, he stormed over and opened it.
"I swear to christ—" but he stopped as Bruno stood before him, poised to knock. "Bruno..."
"Leone. May I come in?" Bruno asked. He was dressed in silk navy pajamas and his hair was loose. Bruno only used his first name when they were alone and off the clock. Abbacchio leaned against the door frame with a fist. Abbacchio just stared down at the soft face and blue eyes looking into his own. He became aware that he was shirtless and only in a pair of grey sweatpants. He let go of the doorknob and the door swung open. "Thank you," Bruno nodded and walked past him into the room.
Abbacchio closed the door behind him. Bruno walked over to the bed and sat down, crossing his legs. He looked at the shattered mess on the floor and then stared up at him as Abbacchio approached with the bottle still in hand. Bruno's eyes lingered on the bottle; it took some seconds for Abbacchio's mind to catch up and formulate a response.
"A lot happened today," was all he said.
"You could certainly say that," Bruno agreed. His hand moved to hover over his chest. Abbacchio wanted to hold him to ease the look that glazed over Bruno's eyes in that moment. Before he could act, Bruno reached forward and took the bottle from Abbacchio and downed a third of it. He wiped his mouth after, breathing heavily. Abbacchio couldn't tell if it was from drinking or fear, or maybe a little of both. He sat down on the bed next to him and put his arm around him. Bruno glanced over at Abbacchio.
"I came here to see how you were doing. The others said you were drunk. I wanted to make sure you were okay," Bruno sniffed. "And here I am unraveling, being comforted by you instead."
"Unzippered even." Abbacchio tried to smile. Bruno smiled and leaned into the arm around him. Bruno smelled faintly of chocolate as Abbacchio leaned in. "I've never been so scared as when I saw Giorno storm inside after you. I knew something was wrong. I should have followed you."
"You were just following orders."
"Fuck orders." Abbacchio pressed his lips into Bruno's hair as he let the scent envelop him. He squeezed his eyes shut to stop the threatening tears.
"I died," Bruno whispered. He hugged Bruno tighter to him. "It wasn't a near miss. I left my body. Giorno pulled me back to life; I don't know how but he brought me back." The panic rising in Abbacchio's chest made him reach his other hand around to grab Bruno's head and pull him tight against him.
"Your intentions for going after the boss are noble, wanting to change the face of Italy," Abbacchio murmured into the raven hair. "Mine are purely selfish. I want him dead for hurting you. Whoever goes after you is my enemy."
"Leone..." Bruno placed his free hand on Abbacchio's arm.
"I had nothing to live for until you found me. I'd have drunk myself to death that night; I didn't care." Abbacchio took a deep breath before continuing, "You gave me a purpose. I don't know if that purpose would still be there if you weren't still here today. Or tomorrow even."
"You'd manage. I know you would," Bruno said.
"You think too much of me," Abbacchio murmured.
"I think so highly of you because you've proven yourself to me time and again. I don't trust anyone as much as I trust you," Bruno breathed the words and Abbacchio's heart ached. He didn't understand; what had he ever done to deserve that? He couldn't even protect the people that mattered the most. Abbacchio lowered his head so his eyes were lost in the soft, dark hair. His lips were so close to Bruno's ear.
"Why do you trust me so much? What do you see that I can't?" Abbacchio started crying quietly against Bruno. "I'm fucking trash. Just an alcoholic that can't even protect what matters." Bruno pulled himself out of his grasp to turn and face him. He placed his hand on the side of his face.
"Leone. You are one of the most important people in my life. I need you with me. Not just for the team, but for me. I need you." The next thing that happened, Abbacchio chalked up to being drunk and nothing more. He grabbed Bruno's face and kissed him; it was soft and slow. He immediately regretted doing it. Bucciarati was his boss first, friend second, and nothing after that. He pulled away, taking the bottle from Bruno's hands and stood up. He took a long drink and didn't look at Bucciarati when he spoke again.
"I'm too fucked up to stay awake much longer. If you wanna stay that's your business." He felt a hand grab his. He turned to see Bucciarati standing there next to him. The look in eyes was full of emotion, love and pity. It hurt to look at.
"Will you be able to sleep through the night alone? After...." he didn't need to finish, Abbacchio knew he meant all the shit that happened today. He hadn't slept right in years, relying mostly on alcohol to put him out.
"No different than any other night," he lied.
"I don't really wanna sleep alone tonight either..." Bruno whispered as he played with Abbacchio's fingers in his.
"Fine, then." Abbacchio led him over to the bed as he sat the bottle down on the nightstand. Bucciarati let go of his hand to climb under the covers. Abbacchio crawled in and laid on his back while Bucciarati turned onto his side to face him. Once they were situated with enough space between them Bucciarati spoke.
"Buona notte, Leone," Bruno breathed.
"Sogni d'oro, Bucciarati," Abbacchio answered. He wished they could cuddle together but he knew better. However, once Bruno fell asleep, Abbacchio would just hold him anyways. Now that there was alcohol in Bruno's system, he wouldn't have to wait long. It was the only way Abbacchio ever slept peacefully anymore, with Bruno beside him.
Dark thoughts clouded his mind for the next hour as he stared at the ceiling. He would look at Bruno's face every now and again. He heard the hitch in Bruno's breathing that indicated that he was in deep sleep now. He'd slept in the same bed as Bruno enough over the years that he'd come to know the exact moment he slipped into unconsciousness.
Abbacchio brushed Bruno's hair behind his ear and stroked his cheek. His skin was soft for a guy and his appearance was very feminine and beautiful, especially when he slept. Abbacchio longed for these moments they had together. It had been so long since he'd been with another person. He used to have a girlfriend when he was a cop but that fell apart quickly after being convicted of bribery. He'd briefly dated a guy a few years ago, trying to get Bruno out of his head. It was mostly sex and ended quickly. Occasionally, he would sleep with random men and women he'd meet at bars and clubs. He knew Bruno had found similar comfort in people. He'd always been vague about who he was with but Abbacchio knew that Bruno similarly released tension on those outings.
Bruno moved in his sleep and Abbacchio pulled his hand away. Bruno then turned onto his other side away from Abbacchio. He waited several minutes in silence before sliding one hand slowly around Bruno's waist. He snuggled in close and nestled into his hair. He loved that Bruno smelled faintly of chocolate. He didn't know if it was a soap, lotion or perfume but he loved it. It always made him want to lick the back of his exposed neck to see if it really tasted the way it smelled.
As he breathed in, he exhaled his tensions into the dark hair, and eventually sleep found him.
He woke to light streaming in through the curtain into his eyes. He raised a hand to rub his eyes and found it hard to move. He looked over to see Bruno sleeping on his chest. He put his other arm around him and stroked his hair. We can't do this. It's too dangerous for both of us. I would be a weakness to him and he for me. His death would end me utterly.
Bruno continued sleeping peacefully beneath the fingers that played in his hair. Maybe once they finished this mission and Giorno achieved his dream of overthrowing Passione, maybe then they could pursue something. For now, he needed to put distance between them. Abbacchio carefully extricated himself from Bruno's hold and grabbed a shirt from his bag.
He headed downstairs and found he was the first one up. He put on coffee, his head was killing him from last night. He knew that Fugo would want some too when he got up....Fugo. That's right. Fugo wasn't coming back. He wondered where he might be now that the gang went on without him. Fugo bugged him the least of the younger ones. He had the most intellectual conversations. He imagined he could talk with Giorno but the blond pissed him off too much to even try. Fugo understood him on a level most didn't. He understood what it was to wallow in the depths of one's own misery. He would miss those early morning discussions when neither of them could sleep.
He poured a cup of coffee and clutched his head. He looked out the window and wondered what would happen from here on out. There would be a lot of traveling to find the Boss's identity and Abbacchio would be there to see it through, no matter what. He would never leave Bruno's side.
"Did you sleep?" Abbacchio looked up to see Bruno leaning in the doorway watching him. He didn't know how long he'd been there but probably long enough. He nodded.
"Better than I have in a long time," Abbacchio said. Bruno poured himself a cup and sat down next to him.
"About yesterday..." he knew what Bruno was going to say and stopped him.
"I don't remember a lot of last night. I'm so hungover right now that I don't know if I'll remember this in an hour." That shut him up real quick. He saw something sad in his eyes but said nothing. Bruno blew on his coffee and took a tentative sip. He had a sensitive mouth, he couldn't handle much heat from temperature or spice. Abbacchio could down a fresh cup of coffee without noticing the heat. He preferred it scalding, it helped him feel alive as the hot liquid traveled down his chest and into his stomach. However, today he took his time. He wanted to enjoy this moment with Bruno, even though he'd just quashed it.
"Bucciarati, we'll have to wake the others soon and leave this place. The longer we have Trish in one place the more dangerous it is. We should start traveling by Coco Jumbo solely from now on."
"Why are you pushing me away, Leone?" Bruno asked. He knew Bucciarati noticed he hadn't called him Bruno.
"We have a job to do. I just want it done."
"There will always be another job," Bruno said quietly.
"You're my capo," Abbacchio grunted sternly.
"And I'm also your friend." He held Abbacchio's gaze as the sounds of footsteps on the stairs ended their conversation. The voices of Mista and Narancia could be heard getting louder as they approached. Mista walked in first.
"Oh hell yeah! Coffee!"
"Yuck, I don't understand how you drink that shit." Narancia pulled some orange juice out of the fridge as Mista poured the coffee. Bruno looked down at his cup as he lifted it to his lips. Giorno walked into the kitchen with his hair loose and looking exhausted. He could imagine that Giorno was tired after yesterday's efforts. Mista jumped at the sight and handed him his mug.
"Here, Giorno, fresh coffee."
"Mm, thanks, Mista," Giorno mumbled sleepily. He smiled at Mista who blushed and turned away to get himself another cup. Abbacchio just rolled his eyes. Trish walked into the kitchen and observed the scene.
"Is there anything to eat here?"
"There should be, this safe house is stocked just in case." Narancia pilfered through the cabinets.
"Can we make pancakes?" Trish walked next to Narancia and looked through the cabinets.
"Best to keep it light. We shouldn't stay here longer than we have to." Bucciarati said and everyone stopped to look at him. "Now that everyone's awake, we should get ready as soon as we can. Abbacchio and I think it's best to travel solely by Coco Jumbo from now on. We'll take shifts so the others can rest, but we must always be on the move from now on. The Boss has all of Passione against us now. We're only going to be running into even more stand users from here on out. So do whatever you have to do, but we leave in an hour." There was a stern silence that followed as the rest of the gang nodded in agreement.
"I'll take the first shift," Abbacchio said and drained his cup. Bucciarati just nodded and continued to sip his coffee. Abbacchio stood to get ready while the rest of them ate. He wasn't hungry anyway, nervousness was making his stomach roil in a way that made him sick. Maybe they would stop somewhere later, at a cafe or something. He changed into his clothes and packed the last of his bag and looked at the bottle on the nightstand. He downed what little of it was left, enough to calm his nerves.
It was going to be a long day and an even longer journey.
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