"He made me forget. Even if it was for just a second."
I got back to the room and cleaned myself up.
It wasn't much but it'd do for today.
🎶Burn it dowwwwwnn!🎶
My phone blasted nearly startling me. It was Roman. I sat on the sofa as I silenced my phone. I knew they would all be on the other end of that call and I wasn't in the mood to talk to them.
"Whatcha doing?" I nearly screamed...nearly. She smiled. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." I scoffed.
"You didn't scare me."
"Sure. Anyway, what're you doing here? Thought you'd have plans or something."
"Unfortunately I don't. Not till tomorrow."
"Yeah, same here." She spoke softly as she sat down a few spaces from me. "We could hang out if you want. I mean since neither of us is busy...and not talking to anyone of our 'friends'."
"Right...yeah. I'm down. Anything in mind?"
"Uh, well I haven't eaten so I was just gonna order room service and maybe...a movie?"
"I'm fine with that."
"Okay...you pick the movie. I'll order the food. Want anything in particular?"
"Uh, chicken...along those lines."
"Sure." She smiled flashed a smile and walked to the bedroom. I turned on the tv. Netflix popped up almost immediately. I lazily scrolled until I saw the Toy Story series. It was my all time favorite Pixar movie. But would she want to see this? Is it too cartoon-y? Too childish? Too f-
"Ooo. I love Toy Story." Well that answered a lot. She sat back beside me as I played the first one.She was not kidding when she said she loved it. She knew all of them word for word. I barely watched the movie. I merely listened to her copy it. Weird...kinda. Oh well.
By the time the credits rolled for the last film it was nearing 6. She didn't appear to care since she didn't make a move to get up. Instead she stretched out placing her feet over my lap.
"Wanna watch again?" I looked at her like she was crazy. I loved the movies but not that much.
"Or not." She dropped the remote on the table and sat back.
"Sorry. If I watch another it'll haunt my dreams." A faint giggle sounded. Of course it was Nikki. I was being nothing but serious but I'm glad it made her feel better.
"What do you wanna do then? It's only 6. Too early for bed."
"Wanna go out?" I quickly back tracked after what I said settled in. "Like go....leave the room..."
"Oh," I don't know if I was seeing things but I'm pretty sure she looked disappointed. Her quick recovery made be doubt that though. "Sure! I know this amazing place to grab dinner. Brie and I always go when we're in town."
We sat in a corner booth, menus in hand. I barely looked at it though. This...it felt surreal. It wasn't a date but it looked like it. Just the two of us. Dinner. This kinda fancy restauraunt. It was the perfect set up.
"You okay, Rollins? Zoned out for like five minutes." I looked up and saw Nikki looking at me. I felt like her eyes could put anyone in a trance.
"Y-yeah," I shook the thoughts away."I'm fine. Just can't decide what to order is all."
"What do you like?" I shrugged. Her eyes lit up as a soft laugh escaped her lips. "Okay, how about...something chicken? They have Chicken Parmesan, Spaghetti with chicken instead of beef...," Her eyes scanned the menu quickly. "Ooh, Chicken salad. It's the special too."
"Chicken salad it is." Just as we sat out menus down a waitress came to take our order.
"I'm Abby, your waitress tonight. Are you two ready to order?"
"Yes, two of the specials. A glass of lemon water extra ice." Nikki ordered before looking at me. "Drink? Lemon water? It's good." I nodded. "Two lemon waters."
"Anything else." We both said no. "Your meal will arrive shortly." She walked off leaving us alone.
"Sorry if I took control. You just seem...out of it. It's about earlier? You can talk to them if you want. I don't mind."
"It's not that. I...I guess I'm just tired."
"We can take it to go if you want." I nodded.
Nikki's POV
So much for going out.
We were back in the room eating now. I didn't mind though. That waitress was getting on my nerves. Staring and flirting with Seth. Like I wasn't even there. He's mine. Or he will be.
"Nikki...your phone." I had been so deep in thought I hadn't heard my phone. It was Dean."
Phone call
N: Hello? (i spoke around my food.)
D: What's wrong with you? You and that ratface haven't been answering your phones.
N:That's rude. Saying that about your brother.
D:I'm being serious. Roman and Brie have been M.I.A all day. Well Brie. Roman and I talked about an hour ago.
N:What's your point?
D: You should know Brie. She's the closest you've got. She cried all day. Feeling bad. You could at least go see her.
N:I'm not wrong here.
D: You're her big sister. Go talk to her. Talk ratface with you. Roman and him need to talk too.
N: Ugh, fine. In the morning.
D: As soon as you wake.
N: Okay. I guess. Night.
D: Yeah yeah. Night Bella.
I sighed dropping my phone. Could things get worse? Would it get better?
"What's wrong?" I shrugged.
"Just Dean. We have to go see Brie and Roman in the morning" He face held the same expression as mine.
Pure dread.
"I think we should. We have to be the bigger people and let it go I guess. According to Dean at least."
"Okay, if you go I'm behind you."
"Yeah, thanks." I stood running a tired hand through my hair. "He said first thing in the morning. I'm heading to bed."
"Night, Rollins." I went to my temporary room and stripped down and got in bed. The day filled my thoughts. From Brie not believing me to spending the day with Seth, to Dean's phone call. So hectic yet I wasn't ask upset over. All because of...
He made me forget. Even if it was for just a second. A smile filled my face as his image came to mind. Sleep came soon after.
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