Chapter 1
The blinding red lights pierced my eyes as I held onto my stomach for dear life. Once I released the pressure from my abdomen, I noticed the blood slowly dripping from my fingers. A siren began blaring into my ears as I clinched my teeth. The panic began to set in as my breathing rapidly increased. My hazy view picked up a silhouette hunching over me and everything went black.
I awoke to the steady beeping sound of my heart rate as my eyes tried to adjust to the fluorescent lights. My head began to ache with every erupting sound that emerged from the giant machine placed beside me. Looking down at the tiny veins that escaped from my arms, a massive needle was delicately placed in my arm. Drip. Drip. Drip. My eyes followed the clear tube as I saw the medicine bag constantly flow into my cold body.
My train of thought was disturbed as a young nurse walked through the door. She immediately stopped and looked at me anxiously. My body shuddered as the door came to a harsh thud and I heard the lady say, "Doc, she's awake!"
A loud murmur was heard in the hallway. I drained out the conversation and shifted my attention to the small window located on my left. The cars were a full on blur whisking by each other to get where they needed to go. They had a destination. Unlike me. I didn't know what it was like to go home or...
"Abigail, how are you feeling?" asked the doctor.
I wondered how long I had been staring out this window aimlessly until he finally decided to speak up. Why was I so numb to reality?
"Fine, I just have a headache," I responded still glancing out at the world.
"We can get the nurse to give you medication for that. But, how are you really?"
Trying to stall on his question even longer, I squinted outside making out an elementary school across the street. A lone vacant car was parked in front as a little girl quickly emerged out of it in a hectic mess. Just as the girl almost made it to the glass doors, what I assumed to be her mother, ran out of the car clinging onto a little lunch box. Her daughter grasped the box and hugged her mother even tighter. My heart suddenly began to ache as anger enveloped inside me.
"What are you trying to get at?" I questioned him with more vigor in my voice than normal.
"If you don't want to talk about it.." he said calmly.
"There is nothing to talk about. I was taken against my will when I was 10. Simple as that. I'm done with this conversation," I remarked.
My eyes slowly swung and met his. His greyish hair fell flat on his face and he looked as if he hadn't slept for days. He set down his pen and slowly sighed looking over at the door.
I knew exactly who was waiting outside of that door but I was too afraid to ask. I didn't want my thoughts to become a reality. Just one thought in my head was just hoping that someone else would come bursting through the door. Pursing my lips, I decided to keep my thoughts to myself.
"Well I just have a few basic questions that's protocol, do you think you can answer those for me?" he asked with a pleading look.
I hesitantly nodded.
"What is your name?"
"How old are you?"
"20," I replied.
"Where are you from?" he asked.
"No where," I quickly responded before he could almost finish the question.
The doctor tilted his head sideways trying to understand what just escaped my mouth.
"I don't quite understand Abigail, what do you mean no where?"
"I don't belong anywhere. I don't have a true home, at least that's what I've been told," I said.
My brain to search for any memories but all that came back was nothing, absolutely nothing.
"Who told you that?" he questioned as he leaned closer to me in his chair.
Suddenly, the door swung open as the nurse came in with a cup in hand. I gave her a half smile trying to look amused as she placed the cup in front of me with a glass of water. I stared down at the multiple pills, each different sizes, ranging from blue to pink in color. She silently stood there staring at me waiting for me to swallow all of them. I slowly picked up the cup and water gulping down the pills. Sarcastically, I opened my mouth valiantly showing her that there was nothing left.
Halfheartedly the nurse laughed and said, "Good job."
The doctor looked at me with concern in his eyes and said, "We will be back in a few, okay?
I nodded smiling. Once the door shut, I put my finger under my tongue taking out the three pills. Rotating them in my hand, I slowly got up from the bed. My feet hit the piercing cold floor as I tried to regain my strength in my legs. Gripping onto my medicine pole, I staggered to the bathroom. Looking down into the toilet, I threw the pills and forcefully flushed the toilet. I watched as the pills swirled down, away from my view.
Begrudgingly, I walked back to the bed and laid down. Staring at the ceiling, I noticed the grooves in the walls. They were much different from what I was used to. Being in one place for over 10 years, I was used to a dark and gloomy one-bedroom room. My vision began to get hazy as my headache became stronger. Clenching my temples, I tried to smooth my head to regain consciousness. The bright lights were new to me and my body was not thanking me for it.
As I lowered my head from the shining lights, my eyes focused on the door to the hospital room. I knew what awaited me outside of that room and it terrified me. The haunting questions that I had no answer to would envelop and entangle me until I suffocated. Most importantly, I knew who was expecting me outside of that door and that was enough for me to want to pack up my stuff and run away. No one can seem to grasp the fact that even though I was kidnapped I can't remember even half of it.
I can hear the police in my head asking me to profile the person but I can't even profile what I ate last night or even what happened. I was a broken record and no one, not even what awaited outside of that door knows how to fix it. Maybe I just didn't want to come to terms with what actually happened to me, or maybe it's something even bigger than that.
My thoughts were intermittently interrupted yet again as the doctor came in to the room holding open the door and staring at me with a pleading look.
Mumbling a few words to himself as if to practice how he should go about this situation, the doctor finally sputtered out, "We have someone here who we think you would like to see."
I held my breath awaiting the big "surprising" reveal that I had been anxiously regretting for a long time. I stared down at the ground watching as a pink pair of Nike's entered the room. My view slowly followed up her body as I saw her baggy jeans envelop her tiny figure and a big sweatshirt with "YALE" written across it in big blue letters. Her brown eyes fixated on mine while her hair neatly fell across her shoulders. I studied her now wrinkled face and older complexion.
"This is your.." the doctor began.
Before he could even utter out another word, the look of pure disgust seemed to utterly envelop my appearance as the woman took a few steps towards me.
"I know who she is," I spat.
The woman took a few more steps towards me and knelt in a squatting position, a foot away from me. Her teary eyes wept over her face as she gazed at me with an unknowing compassion.
"She's my kidnapper," I exclaimed in the utter silence.
Also, I do not have a weekly day that I will uploading a new chapter so for now they will just be a surprise. I am writing this book a bit differently than Firefly in that I want to spend more time on this one and make it even longer. So hang in there with me and I will try to upload a new chapter each week and make a schedule for you guys in the near future!
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