~Chapter 4 - Nana...~
~Chapter 4 - Nana...~
~Zane Kestin Ro'Meave~
The next morning, I was about to call Nana back when I found out I didn't have her contact...I called up Aphmau and she said she didn't have her contact either. I called each friend, one by one, and they all didn't have Nana's contact. That was strange...She would never delete all our contacts...I sighed. This was highly unusual. I tucked my phone away and went back to my Place.
"Zane!" Garroth exclaimed as I opened the door. I gave him a questioning look. "Do you know why the Japanese news is here?" I shook my head. "I don't either." I looked at the TV screen. It was translated into English...
"There have been more related deaths recently." Deaths? "So far, they have all been related to the Ashida family. If you know anything about their Deaths, please call..." Her voice trailed off...Nana...Nana was an Ashida... "So far, Sado Ashida, Juu Ashida, Ire Ashida and Wan Ashida has been killed along with their father, Otou Ashida. Otou Ashida had been electrocuted. Wan Ashida and Ire Ashida had fallen from a high place and both, Juu Ashida and Sado Ashida had been stabbed." I sat up. There was a picture of Nana's apartment. Part of the wall had been blasted apart and still sparkling wires were hanging down.
"Garroth. Pack your bags. We have to get to Japan."
"Why?" Garroth asked me.
"I'll tell you when the time is right," I said. I quickly texted the others and hurried up to my room to pack.
* . * . * . *
"So, why are we going to Japan?" Aphmau asked as we boarded the plane.
"I'll tell you when the time is right," I repeated. I was too worried about Nana...The clues were useless now. We had to get to Nana...
* . * . * . *
We got off in Japan. I wasn't sure where Nana lived, but I do know her Apartment has Wires hanging down from it...Aphmau helped Aaron to a Taxi. We had to call 3 taxis. I was in one with Garroth and Kim. Lucinda was with Katelyn and Travis. Aphmau was with Aaron and Melissa. I kept looking out the window at the front. Then I saw it...The apartment. The wires hung downwards, nearly touching the ground. Electricity still sparked from them. The ground here was Damp and in the shadows. The wires were close to touching the ground. Water was still pouring out of the 7th floor into a deep hole. I stopped the cab and climbed out. The rest came after me. Aphmau gasped.
"W-What happened?!" Kim asked. I was worried about Nana. Then I saw her. A woman. She looks like Nana with Black Hair. She was also a Meif'Wa. She was talking to some people. Nana had to be close by. I went down the sidewalk, away from the shade. The others followed.
"Where are we going?" Lucinda asked. I shrugged and placed my hands in my hoodie pockets. As we passed a garden, Melissa tapped my shoulder. I turned around.
"Welcome back Ma!" Exclaimed a girl with Black Hair...Her voice sounds...Familiar.
"Thank you Shi," her mom said. Shi...Isn't that a name of...Nana's Sister?! They both walked into the garden.
"I got an idea," Lucinda said. She took potions out of her bag. "Cat Potions. We can walk in as Cats," Lucinda said. "Kawaii~Chan will recognize us as Cats, most likely and we won't have to expose ourselves.
"That is a GREAT idea Lucinda!" Melissa said.
"But one of us has to stay with Aaron," Aphmau said. "I'll do it."
"I'll help you Aph," Melissa said.
"Great! Those who are turning into Cats, come," Lucinda said.
We all turned into Cats except for Melissa and Aphmau. Aphmau squealed.
"Me, Melissa and Aaron will get us rooms at the Hotel across the street," Aphmau said. "Just tell them my name."
"Mew," Lucinda said in reply, but I knew that meant, "Okay!"
Garroth ran into the Garden. We followed him. Two black haired girls came out from the house.
"AWW!" A girl that sounded like Shi cried out. "Kitties!" The other girl bent down...She was wearing my Hoodie! That HAS to be Nana! She picked me up. She smiled. Shi bent down and tried picking up Kim.
"Mew! Mew, Mew!" I told them that the one holding me was Kawaii~Chan
Kim hissed. "Don't touch me!" It was Ghost. Then, all of us were near Nana.
"Why do they like YOU so much?" Shi complained. Nana just shrugged. Shi went back into the house. Nana put me down and kneeled down.
"What are Kawaii~Chan's friends at her house?" Nana whispered.
"Mrow." Katelyn batted at Nana's face. Nana giggled.
"Kawaii~Chan has to get back to work," Nana told us. She petted my Fur. She kneeled down over some dirt. She began putting Seeds. Pigeons began fluttering down and pecking at the dirt. Nana looked back surprised. I jumped up and clawed at the pigeon. Nana smiled and Giggled. More birds fluttered down. Katelyn hissed and clawed at the birds.
"Nana! Where did you get those cats?!" Travis mewed, asking why the old man called 'Kawaii~Chan', Nana.
I think this might be my shortest story ever...Who knows? :3
~La Pleb has been Here...She has become Ded from thinking this might be the shortest story she had eva made
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