~Chapter 10 - Rings~
~Chapter 10 - Rings~
~Nana Moeka Ashida~
I held Zane's hand as we walked to the back of the garden. He stopped me and let go of my hand. I looked up into his eyes and cocked my head, curiously. He chuckled.
"Don't do that...You look too cute when you do that." He smiled. I giggled slightly.
"Nana Ashida...You make me the happiest man alive...Would you..." He got on his knees and held out a small box. I gasped. "Marry me (SOFSOJFAOSDHFOADSHFOADSHFOASHDFODSHOIDAHODIAFIHDSIHSFAOPIHDSOPIHIOSDAHOAPIDHASOHOPDHASDHASPOIHDSIOFHAPSIDFAOIPSDJFAOSIPCFASPOIJFPOWHFPWHFWOQHORWEGHOIDFH! MY FREAKING SHIP! ~Broken Pleb)?" I felt happy tears streaming down my face and my smile got wider.
"O-Of course!" I whispered. I stoof up and slipped the ring onto my finger. I pulled down his mask and kissed him...
* . * . * . *
I held onto Zane as we walked back...The gem on the ring was in the shape of a heart...Black fading into Pink. We got into our Sleeping bags. My ring was on my hand, hidden in my sleeping bag...
In the morning, I tried keeping my hand in my pocket.
"Kawaii~Chan- Er- Nana," Aphmau said.
"You can still call me Kawaii~Chan!" I said.
"Thanks...Why are you hiding your hand?" Aph asked. I blushed.
"Promise you won't tell anyone," I whispered. She nodded with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. I showed her the ring. She gasped.
"I'm so happy for you!" Aph exclaimed. The crystal glistened in the afternoon sun.
"It's break," I said, looking up. We went inside the house together, my hand in my pockets again. Shi was STILL being flirty with Zane. I went to the kitchen and began making cupcakes, careful to not let anyone see the ring or let the ring get dirty.
I placed all 14 cupcakes on a tray. Aph helped feed Aaron which I thought was EXTREMELY cute! When I got to Shi and Zane, Shi took the black one and attempted to feed it to Zane, but Zane refused. Instead, he took the last pink ones. I went to put the Tray away. I sat down next to Zane. He fed me one of the pink Cupcakes. I giggled (TOO. FREAKING. CUTE! I AM MURDERIN MEHSELF RIGHT HERE! ~Pleb).
That night, we went to sleep at the Hotel. I snuggled up to Zane. The rest of my Family was here too. Shi was sharing a room with me and Zane along with Eito. Eito was fast asleep. I could sense Shi giving me a death stare. That only made me snuggle Zane even more. I felt him place his hands on my hair. I rested my head on his chest, calmed by his steady heartbeat. I closesd my eyes, knowing that everything is fine now...We would be going back to MyStreet next week.
* . * . * . *
I waved to my family, Zane's arm around my shoulder. We went into the airport.
Once we boarded the plane, Zane fell asleep on my shoulder. He actually looks kinda cute...
A week later, I woke up to notice my ring was missing! How?! I never took it off! It fits just perfectly so it wouldn't slip off! I frantically looked around. I decided to go shopping with Aphmau and Katelyn to get my mind off the ring. I whispered to Aph what happened. She said that it would be okay and that Zane would understand. I certainly hope so. When I got home, Zane looked at me, surprised.
"I-I thought you were upstairs!" He exclaimed. I looked confused.
"What do you mean?" I asked. "I left you a note saying I went shopping with Aphmau and Katelyn!"
"You came back!" Just then...A pink haired girl came down the stairs...I knew who that was immediately...Shi...
"SHI?!" I exclaimed.
"W-What do you mean?" Shi asked, innocently. She even forced her voice to sound like my Hyper voice! "I-I'm Nana!"
"Yea right!" I scoffed. "How did you even get here Shi?" That was when I noticed her hand. A ring...The band made of Pure White Gold (Mhm...White Gold is real...) and a Black and Pink heart shaped Crystal. "YOU STOLE MY RING?!" I screamed.
"W-What?!" Shi exclaimed. "This is my ring! Zane gave it to me!"
"I-I'm not sure what is happening," Zane said. He looked shocked and surprised. "How about I test both of you?"
"S-So you're saying, you don't believe me?!" Shi cried.
"I don't know who to trust," Zane said. I crossed my arms.
"We'll start off easy," Zane said. "Full name?"
"Nana Ashida!" Me and Shi said in Unison.
"Dyed hair color?"
"PINK!" We both exclaimed.
"Now it is where it really gets hard..." Zane said. "Highschool?"
"PHOENIX DROP HIGH!" We both yelled. Of course...I kept my uniform.
"College?" Zane asked.
"FALCON CLAW UNIVERSITY!" I yelled out. Shi mouthed it...Cheater...
"Kawaii~Chan!" Me and Shi said.
"Reason why she called herself Kawaii~Chan?"
"I wanted to stand out!" Me and Shi said...Shi said it silently...
"Final question..." Zane said. "Where did we become Girlfriend and Boyfriend?" I waited for Shi...She glanced at me. She sighed. Then I answered...
"The Haunted House in Starlight Wonderland!" Shi smirked and mouthed along with me. Zane frowned.
"Fine then..." Zane said. "What was the nickname you gave Aphmau when you spoke in third person and called yourself Kawaii~Chan?" He motioned Shi to go first.
"Uhh-" She looked worried. "Arf-Mew?" Zane motioned me to go next.
"Aphmau~Senpai," I said with ease. Zane smiled. I grabbed Shi's hand and pulled the Ring off. "I'll be taking that back my dear sister," I hissed. I put it back on my finger. Shi grumbled and stomped away.
Just as I promised! :3 Another Chapter! Thanks for 100 views!
~La Pleb has been Here...She has become Ded from getting over 100 views
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