Rafe managed to find Amelie and convince her to come back to the house as long as he agreed no one else would enter the premises. Seemed easy enough.
He had made the announcement to the pack that the house would be off limits until further notice, and we decided to meet in the study. It had easily controllable lighting and it was the most central location, keeping outside distractions to a minimum.
Amelie and I sat in the leather chairs facing each other while Rafe stood in the corner of the room. It almost seemed as if he didn't trust the witch as much as he claimed.
"Thank you for agreeing to come here today," I said.
"The Granger line has helped mine many, many times throughout the year asking for little assistance in return. It's the least I can do. Now, what do you wish to accomplish from this visit?" The woman crossed her leg and leaned back.
"I was hoping there was a way you could help me get in touch with the moon goddess. I've tried to call on her, and she won't answer me anymore."
"Gods and goddesses are fickle creatures. They intervene as little as possible. There is no guarantee she will show."
"I understand. I don't want her to intervene. I just want to learn more from her. There are questions I have, and if I can get those answered, then maybe I can get my wolf back."
Amelie's nose wrinkled slightly. "Rafe told me about your predicament. I hadn't believed it until I smelled it for myself."
"Smelled it?" I shifted in my seat.
"Wolves have a distinct smell to witches, and you don't smell like a wolf, well not as strongly. I can smell the little wolf growing inside."
I placed a hand on my stomach, feeling the baby move inside. "So can we do this then?"
"Like I said, I can try. There is never any guarantee when it comes to the gods."
"Okay, then let's get started."
Amelie stood from her seat. "I would normally have you lay on the ground, but I don't think that would be the best in your current situation, so I'll have you stay right in that seat." She pulled herbs from her bag, placing them around my chair.
"These are going to help calm you and bring you closer to a spiritual state. The area needs to be pure." She continued to lay everything out. "Rafe, if you're going to stand there emitting that energy, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
"I'm not leaving her." His voice was almost a growl, and it sent a shiver down my spine, lifting the hairs on my arms. It was his Alpha voice.
"Well you can't stay here. Your energy is going to block everything we're trying to accomplish here."
He glared at her, his eyes saying exactly what he wouldn't say out loud. If anything happened to me, there would be hell to pay. Rafe then stormed out of the room, and I could feel it then. The weight his presence had put on the room. The weight lifted and the room felt light and fresh.
"Is that what you always feel?" I asked the witch.
"To some varying degree, yes. It's always stronger when a ritual spot has been set up, which is why you felt it at all." Amelie grabbed a book out of her bag, placing it on the desk beside me.
"That must be exhausting." I couldn't imagine feeling everyone like that every day.
"Why do you think witches prefer to live on their own in the woods?"
"Fair enough."
"Now," Amelie walked around, standing in front of me. "I need you to clear your mind. I want you to focus on the goddess you're wishing to meet."
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, picturing the raven-haired goddess. The wisps of white cloth that floated around her, and the serenity she brought with her presence. I could faintly hear Amelie chant in a different language, and my limbs began to tingle.
Everything started to fade, starting with the witch's voice. Each word became quieter until I heard nothing but a gentle breeze, the tingling followed shortly after until my body was completely numb. All I heard was the wind, and all I felt was sunshine on my skin and grass beneath my feet.
I thought we were done young wolf, the goddesses voice echoed around me.
I need more help, goddess. I've tried everything and still I've gotten no results. I'm no closer to my wolf than I was the first time we talked.
I already told yo-
That it had to come from within me, I know that. But I just don't know how. You said something about Rafe being a True Alpha and me being a True Luna, but if that were the case, then shouldn't we have figured this out already?
Do you know why the Luna is singlehandedly the most important position in a pack along with the Alpha? The goddess asked.
Because the Luna is wed to the Alpha. It seemed a rather silly question to me. The Luna was always respected because she was the Alpha's wife. She may not have as much say in what went on depending on the pack, but she was still well respected.
No, it is because she represents the moon, much like me. Wolves are bound to the moon. Your strength increases on nights of the full moon, and you feel weaker during the new moon, do you not?
Well yes, I suppose that's true.
Dear child, the moon is responsible for the push and pull of the ocean, it is responsible for the night after the day. If it weren't for the moon, the world would be out of balance. A True Luna represents the very meaning of the moon. She will bring balance to the pack, but first she must be balanced. You must be balanced.
How can I possibly be balanced when I don't have my wolf?
This has nothing to do with your missing wolf, and everything to do with your mortal side.
What is that supposed to mean? It made no sense. The problem was inside of me?
I've said too much already. I must leave. In the blink of an eye, the goddess stood before me, she leaned down, her lips pressing to the top of my head, the touch sending a wave of heat through me. You're stronger than you think, you and the little one inside. That's a special one. He will be a real leader when his time comes. Now I must go. I cannot give you anymore hints. You are on your own.
I bowed my head, and by the time I looked up, she was gone.
The scenery began to dissolve around me, the tingling in my arms and legs coming back into focus, and then the chanting of Amelie.
I inhaled loudly, my heart pounding in my chest. It felt as if I hadn't taken a single breath the entire time I'd been with the goddess, and as far as I knew, I hadn't.
Amelie stopped chanting, closing her book and placing it on the chair across from me. "Well, did it work?"
I nodded, not sure if I trusted myself to speak.
As if he had been listening right on the other side of the door, which was entire possible, Rafe burst through, rushing right to my side.
"Did it work?" He echoed the witch's question.
"Yes. It worked. Well, sort of. She was there, but I'm not sure I'm any closer to figuring out what I need to do.
I slowly pushed myself up from the chair, trying to push the weight of the baby forward so I could stand. Standing seemed to get more difficult with each passing hour.
"Thank you for your time Amelie, I greatly appreciate it."
"As I said, the thanks are quite unnecessary, but I will be going now if you no longer require my services at the moment."
"We will be in touch," Rafe said as he pulled the door open.
Amelie walked out, and Rafe shut the door behind her, his hand lingered on the knob as he pressed his forehead against the door.
"I didn't was to spring this on you. Not like this," Rafe began.
"Spring what on me?" I wondered if maybe I should sit back down.
"I was talking with Mrs. Greene, and she reminded me that there is to be another full moon by the end of the week." He turned back around, moving closer to me.
"Okay. Is there going to be another pack run?"
"No. I was hoping that we could finally have our wedding."
"Wedding?! I'm not sure this is the right time Rafe."
He raked a hand through his hair, his eyes wild and full of fear. "I don't think there is ever going to be a right time. Ordinarily we would wait until a blood moon, but that isn't for another two months, and..."
He didn't have to say it. We both knew the baby would come before then, and the likelihood I would survive it was minimal.
"Well, in order to have full Luna rights instated, we would need to be married."
"Full rights?" I tilted my head.
Rafe pulled out a set of papers. "I'm assuming you were wanting me to sign these, and for your signature to be legal, we would have to be wed and your full Luna rights instated."
With everything going on, I'd completely forgotten about removing Aphrodite from the pack. Apparently he'd found the form though. My fears flared up again. Would she try to move in on Rafe if I did die? If she did, how would she treat our child? My cheeks started to turn red.
"I know you probably don't want to, she's a member of your pack, I get that." The words were hard to say.
"But she's part of the past. I understand your dislike for her, and if I'd been in your position, I honestly don't know what I would have done. I doubt she would still be walking around though." His voice was dark, the voice of the Blood Alpha. "But you've kept a relatively cool head on your shoulders. She has crossed the line too many times, and I agree that she should no longer get away with that. Marry me this week, and I'll sign the papers."
It was as if he thought that was the only incentive he could give me, but he gave me so much more than that. He offered me comfort with his presence, a heart full of love, and there was nothing more I could ask for than that.
"Of course I'll marry you. It was never a question of 'if' but only 'when' and I guess this week is as good as any time.
Rafe cupped my face and pulled me in for a long kiss, his lips brushing against mine. In that moment, pull or not, I wanted him, and I didn't want to wait.
I pulled the man closer until I could feel more of him pressed against me. One of his hands went to my swollen stomach before sliding around to the small of my back, well aware of just what I wanted. I ran my hand up until my fingers went through his hair, grabbing tightly at the dark locks.
Rafe turned and back me up to the desk, pushing papers to the side before he lifted me onto the top. I could feel his hard bulge as he stepped closer between my legs.
My desire was hot, the need pooling in my panties as his mouth searched mine.
He expertly removed my pants before teasing the waist of my panties, his fingers dancing along the thin line between fabric and skin.
My lips parted on his and I let out a soft moan.
I could feel his lips curl into a smile against my own and he swiftly pulled the fabric down.
His fingers teased me, testing the waters, first one and then two as they curled inside. I needed more though. I needed him, all of him, and I moved my hips closer to the edge.
Even without the bond we were completely in sync. In a swift motion, he removed his fingers and I felt his shaft press against the entrance and he slowly made his way in. He pulled back slightly, loosening up the path before moving forward again until he couldn't go any further.
My nails dug into his back as I moaned. It had been too long since we'd been close like this and I'd missed it. I could tell by the way Rafe picked up the pace that he had missed it too. Each stroke came faster than the next as he went all the way inside.
Rafe pulled all the way out before dragging me off the table. "Turn around," his voice a gruff whisper.
I turned around to face the desk and he pulled me back until my back was flush with him. His hands traced every inch of me, sending a shiver straight through my body as my core melted with my desire. His lips played at my neck before he nipped lightly. My responding gasp lit the fire again as he bent me over, my breasts pressed against the desk.
"Spread your legs for me, Katarina."
I widened my stance and I could feel my desire start to drip, moving dangerously close to my thigh as I waited, my breathing ragged.
He wasted no time the second time around, entering with a sharp thrust until he made his way all the way back. Every time I thought it were impossible to feel him as intensely as I did with him in front of me, but every time he took me from behind, each thrust reached deep into my soul.
Rafe reached around, placing a hand on my stomach as he made each powerful thrust and I could feel myself getting closer to that sweet release. He then grabbed my hips tightly, holding me in place as he burrowed himself deep inside again and again. My walls tightened around him and I tightly grabbed the edges of the desk.
He slid one of his hands forward, playing with the tender nub as he thrust inside me and my legs began to quiver as I tightened around him.
"Come on my sweet Katarina," he whispered to me.
And with his words, I tipped over the edge completely unraveling. And with a final thrust deep inside, I felt him finish as well. We stayed right there for a moment, breathing heavily.
Rafe moved first, and as soon as he pulled free, I could feel our climax drip down my leg. I quickly pulled my panties on to contain the mess.
"I think I'm going to run to the shower before you allow people inside."
"Are you tempting me with a second round?" Rafe spun me around and kissed me hard.
"And if I am?" I asked with a smile.
"Then you better be ready for more than just that." He winked and grabbed my ass.
"Don't tease Mr. Alpha, I'll be sorely disappointed if you don't deliver."
"You don't have to worry about my delivery. You should know that by now."
"Hm. I do. However, I think I should really get moving."
Rafe leaned down and kissed my forehead. "I do love you, Katarina."
"And I kinda like you too," I said, sticking my tongue out before sliding out from under him. I picked up the pants on my way. "You'll just have to watch this walk on out of here." I looked back slightly, watching him stare at my ass as I walked out.
Another chapter has come and gone. So, we have a wedding planned for this week and we had a bit of steam after quite the long break.
Let me know what you think!
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