Hey guys sorry for the slow update! I wasn't getting inspired to write in this story, frankly many others also. But I'm hoping you enjoy this update thanks everyone! 🤗💕
{The Next Day}
It was after their rehearsal for the performance, and everyone was grabbing their rides or hopping into their cars. Then there was Luke, a nervous mess, palms sweaty, breath quickening, and a handwritten letter in his hand. This was it. He was finally going to have Mary Kimbel know how much he loves her. He remembered the first time he met her..
She sat on the middle school stage with her bulky glasses, rainbow braces, and a giant grin across her face. He was new. Being a twelve year old nerdy boy, Luke had no friends and trouble talking to people. But Mary..was the opposite. The young boy walked into the ginormus auditorium and then there she was, running straight towards him. She leaped on top of his back, "Hey, my names Mary! I've never seen you before. Are you new? Your pretty strong! Can you do crunches? Let's be friends!" He looked up at her in amazement and saw she was waiting for a response out of him, "Oh, uh..my name is Luke, I just moved here from Washington. Also thanks and I don't know if I can do crunches...and I would like to be friends, Mary." Mary smiled at him, "I like you, but don't call me that. Call me something better since we're friends now!" Luke thought for a moment staring at her complexion, "..uh, how about Marebear?" His cheeks began to burn as her eyes sparkled hitting his. What was he feeling? The girl giggled, "I've never heard that one before! I love it! I'll call you...Lukey!" She jumped off his back and grabbed his hand, "Come on, let me show you around Springfield Middle!" And ever since they've always been close...
Luke smiled at the memories. He hopes nothing changes if he gives her this. Mary knew she wouldn't which made him braver. He turned a corner and saw her standing beside Devan whom was telling her something with a smile. This was his chance! Taking a deep breath, the boy walked over to them till he saw his friend lead the girl out of the room saying, "..I always keep my promises." Promise? What did that mean. Curious, Luke began to slowly follow them out.
Where were they going, he thought to himself. He didn't know why he was creeping weirdly behind, but if it was important he did want to bust on a conversation. They turned a corner and there was a sudden squeal coming from Mary. Startled, Luke round the corner quickly yet remaining silent and what he found brought him to complete and utter distraught. There, the love of his life, with her arms and legs wrapped around this tall man he couldn't quite identity and she was continuously kissing around his face and even on his lips.
Luke's heart shattered, ambition and joy crumbled away, leaving him sick to his stomach. Why was she kissing that guy?! He's never seen him with her. Luke thought they were friends..or even more than that. Then he recognized the face; Collins Key. It was Devan's brother. Devan, the guy he thought he could trust. Why would he tell him to go for her when he set up Mary and Collins together? Was it to just make fun of him?
Unable to take it anymore, Luke stumbled backward as they continued their proceedings, still unaware that he had seen the whole thing, and fled the scene. Not wanting to go in the Auditorium, the heartbroken boy ran for the side doors and went outside. Why was he so stupid?! How could Mary ever like him?! Tears sprang out of the boy's eyes as he glared at the letter he spent all night writing, pouring all his feelings into it. Waste. Angrily, he began to crumple the letter in his hands and chuck it into a bunch of bushes. Luke slumped to the ground and sat there, the droplets trickling down his cheeks.
"Luke?" It was a feminine voice, one that was familiar to the boy. He stiffened but didn't respond. The footsteps came closer and a body soon sat beside him. A hand touched his shoulder, "What's wrong? I'm willing to listen if you want to talk." Luke turned to meet the eyes of Annabelle. He took a deep sigh.
"Mare! Chill, this man has a girlfriend now!" Devan exclaimed in between his laughs as the girl kissed his brother's cheeks. Mary pulled away and blankly said, "Oh, okay sorry!" She hopped off of Collins whom was in confusion to why the girl leaped onto him like a monkey, "Wow..I never had that greeting before from a fan." The younger key just crossed his arms, "Well, you don't know Mare." The girl just geekly smiled, "Hi, I'm Mary! I'm such a big fan of you—and Devan too I guess. I've watched ALL of your videos and even started repeating some of them! Wow, may I say you went through puberty incredibly well! I've always had such a huge crush on you but since you're dating someone I'll back off," she whispered loudly, "If you guys break up, lemme know...."
Collins rubbed his neck as the girl finished her rambles, "Will do, but I don't think I'll be leaving her anytime soon." Mare frowned, "Awe, well that's okay. Maybe I'll find someone else to like." Devan couldn't help but grin, "I have the perfect dude for you..." Mary didn't seem to hear and asked, "Hey, can you drive me home? My parents are working and the afterschool bus takes FOREVERRR!" Collins nodded, digging for his keys, "Sure, of course."
Devan frowned, "What about Luke? Don't you usually ride with him to his house?" Mary shrugged, looking behind her, "Yeah but I didn't see him when I got out of the Auditorium. I think he left.." The friend solemnly agreed to that, "I guess so..." Soon the three went off and Devan couldn't help look back to see if Luke was gonna come and make his move on Mae. What was he wait for?
That's my update you guys! Please vote and comment your thoughts!! Love you all!😄💕
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