This Is Goodbye
Here's the next chapter! I hope you enjoy! Sorry I may revise some parts or extend it but I feel bad for my inactivity.. Please give me feedback cause it really does help motivate me rather then a vote. I love you all!😊💗
Devan quietly came through the front door of his home. It was now late and he was worried to be too loud. He crept into the living room, peeking around the wall, no one was there. He must be in his room, the boy thought. So he climbed up the staircase and down the hallway towards his older brother's room. Without warning, Devan swung the bedroom door open and whispered excitedly, "Bro bro bro bro bro!!"
Collins tilted his head towards the doorway and saw the younger ones expression. It was vibrant and filled with childlike cheer. He smiled at that, "I see you're perked up today. Did you tell her?" Devan nodded, too eager to speak. The other crossed his arms, "Andd...?"
Devan couldn't hold it in, "And..then we kissed!" Collins got excited to and gave his brother a high five, "Dude, that's awesome! I'm really proud of you bro!" The boy sighed and fell back on Collins's bed, "I still can't believe it's real.." The blonde one sat on the bed next to his brother and laughed a little, "Well it is, and you know what that means.." Devan glanced up at him with a smirk, "What?"
"No more three wheeling," Collins nudged his brother playfully, "We can have an actual double date." Dev wiggled his eyebrows, "You know it!" Collins but his tongue from laughing too hard since it was late. Then he thought of something, "Yo bro, you know what we should do right now?" The other licked his lips, "Go get some ice cream in the freezer?"
"Yes! The cookies and cream is calling to me!"
{At Stella's}
Stella waited for Annebelle to arrive at her house so she can tell her the big news, she was dating Devan Key! She had walked calmly into her house, her dad wasn't home because he was with his girlfriend again.. But she wasn't gonna let him ruin her mood, she couldn't be anymore happier!
Soon there was a ringing from her IPhone. Stella reached into her back pocket and pulled it out to see it was Annabelle. Her friend texted;
Bella: Hey, should I leave my bike outside?
Stella: Yeah, come in!
Stella: My dad's not home so ull b fine
Bella: k, whats this about?
Stella: I'll tell u upstairs ;)
Bella: O.O
The ginger girl put down her phone and waited happily for Annabelle to come. I can't wait to tell her.. The clacking of hightop sneakers interrupted her thoughts. That must be her! Stella grinned as she saw her best friend walk into her room, "Hey Bella!" Annabelle gave a soft smile, "Hey..," she parted her hair from her eyes, "so what is this about?" Stella began to blush, "So you know how Devan made that portrait of me in Art Class?" Her friend's expression hardened but she kept at ease, "Yes?"
"Well..I just talked to him about it earlier and we both found that we like each other and WE'RE DATING!" Annabelle's breathing tensed, "Oh." Stella began to ramble, not noticing her friend's change in behavior, "I know! I couldn't believe it either! We just talked and talked and I never thought any guy could be so sweet, genuine, caring like he-!" Annabelle snapped, "For gosh sake Stella, can you stop blabbering about him like a lovesick puppy?!"
Stella stood in front of her bed, suddenly in distraught of Annabelle's reaction, "Why are you screaming? Isn't it good that I found someone I like?" Annabelle looked flustered as she clenched her fists, "Yeah, but not with him. Don't you get that he's trouble? He'll ruin everything we have!"
"What does that even mean?! We were friends before he even showed up." Her friend bent her head down, looking out of her element, "Things won't be the same, even now things have been different! Devan's changing things..he's changed you," she pointed at her, "I mean, look at you! You've been so distracted by this boy to even see you're making a mistake."
Suddenly, all of the rage filled inside Stella. She was able to contain it before but was about to erupt, "Listen Annabelle, Devan isn't doing anything wrong. I think your the one who's changed. You were never this—this cruel. At the moment I told you I had feelings for him you grew strange," she stepped closer, locking eyes with the girl, "Here's the facts, I love him and now we're together. Can't you be happy for me?!"
Heavy silence hung in the bedroom expect for Stella's slow breathing. She was expecting for Annabelle to shout at her, but nothing came from her mouth. The black haired girl just muttered, "I can't be happy for someone who's making a horrible decision." Nothing could be said at that moment for either one of them. What was there to say? Neither dared to..
Annabelle shifted her weight towards Stella, causing the other to grow nervous. Having no clue what she was about to do, she just stood there, not leaving eye contact with the green eyed diva. Now inches from her face it was quiet. The air thickened as Annabelle's breathing stopped and her face collided with Stella's cheek. Her small lips pecked her friend tenderly. Stella eyes widened and her mouth gaped at the warmth on her cheek. Did her best friend...?
A shadow hovered then pulling away, an evident flush across Annabelle's complexion. Stella had no words, she was baffled. What just happened? The teenager in front of her swallowed her tears and said in a low tone, "That was goodbye." And with that, Annabelle turned away and walked out the door with no other words.
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