Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Can Do More Damage
Hey yall! Sorry this is sort of sad and REALLY long! Lets see how this goes! Hope you guys enjoy! :)
{Five days later}
Devan shuffled his feet across the floor in his house. He barely got any sleep last night. The homework was piling on him about burying his head to breathe. Why did he have to wake up so early? Good thing he had one thing to look over to at school, Stella. Devan had starting dancing with her a little bit after school to prepare her for the play. He was beginning to like it a lot, however; he wasn't sure if he wanted to join the play. Well, he really enjoyed dancing and being alongside his friends, but was it his best choice?
He heard his mom preparing something in the kitchen and walked over to see what she was making. Devan rubbed his eye, "Mom, what's for breakfast?" Mrs. Key replied without looking up, "Waffles and bacon." The younger one suddenly licked his lips, "Ooh yum!" His mother's homemade waffles were like heaven to the boys. Pretty much EVERY one of his mother's baked goods is delicious and can get anyone out of a bad mood.
Collins walked into the room with bags hanging under his eyes. Devan teased with a laugh, "Good morning, sunshine." The older one yawned, "Leave me be, short stack." He sat down and sank his head into his arms and felt himself drifting to sleep once again. The young key bro chuckled, "Dude, when did you go to sleep last night?" All that Collins responded with was a moan into his sleeve which made Devan laugh harder. The short one usually was the one all annoyed in the morning but something flipped.
Devan sat down across from his brother and let out a long yawn as his mom handed them both plates filled with waffles and bacon. Devan started to dig in and Collins slowly followed as well. No one could pass up mom's pancakes, not even if they were in a different country. It was enchantment on the boy's lips as they continued to take large bites. It was like a lost love for the two, like falling in love every meal.
Their dad walked into the room grabbing his brewed coffee and noticed his boys stuffing their faces with waffles, "Why don't you just marry it for crying out loud! You two are practically inhaling them." Their mom stepped in too, "Yeah, seriously slow down boys." Devan answered her with his mouth covered with maple syrup and bacon bits, "Sorry, but these are so good!" Collins agreed with his cheeks looking like squirrels filled with acorns, "Mom, you should start a bakery."
Her upset expression flipped around and she leaned on her husband. Mr. Key kissed her cheek, "They're right, hun. You'd be great at it." She pulled on his shirt closer to her, "Oh Steven, stop being a suck up." He leaned toward her, "Anne, you know you love it when I compliment you."
"Just come here." They started to kiss right there in the kitchen. Devan and Collins didn't mind it. At least they weren't fighting and still had a strong bond with one another. They knew so many families broken up and it was such a strain on everybody in the household. The key brothers didn't want that for their family. If that meant their parent would kiss in front of them, they'd be fine with it.
Anne and Steven pulled away and looked at their sons who just smiled at the couple. The husband and wife giggled and pulled away. Their dad asked them nervously, "Shouldn't you guys be heading to the school?" Collins answered, "Yes we are but just know that I'll be back home in a half an hour." Mr. Key rubbed his neck, "We got thirty minutes." Their mom giggled, "Bye, my darlings."
Devan and Collins got up and started to head out the door. The older one smirked as they both got in the car, "Well, there goes our parents.." Devan shook his head holding his hand out, "I don't want to picture it right now, Collins!" They laughed. The other replied, "We should be happy they are kissing back there or we wouldn't have this close family." They both silently agree and blasted some music in the car.
Devan arrived in his Art Class and sat down next to Stella who waved him over. He felt the rhythm of his heart quicken as her smile directed to him. Stella spoke giving him her full attention, "Hey, so can you teach me some of your art techniques today?" He was surprised to hear her ask those words. Devan fumbled out, "S-Sure! But..don't we have to learn a lesson today?" Soon he heard another voice beside Stella that sounded familiar, "Look at the board, genius."
He did and it read 'Sub today. Free period' Now that just made him feel stupid. There was a giggle and he turned to see who had made the snarky comment. It was Annabelle. Devan felt himself get upset as an evil smirk was plastered on the mean girl's face. Stella barely noticed it, "See? Now you can help me to make my waterfalls not look like upside down trees," She quickly stood up, "I'm gonna grab us some paper."
The ginger haired princess got up and started to walk away. He stared off at her watching Stella's dress bounce in the timing of her step. Then he felt a tug on his sleeve. Devan turned and saw Annabelle's eyes pierce into him, "Step off, mama's boy. I was her friend first and I don't need your shrimpy paws in my way." Her short black hair whipped his face and she sat politely in her seat as if nothing had happened.
What was her deal? Stella can have more than one friend.. Soon the girl in question came and gave Devan and Annabelle a piece of paper and neither said a word to her about what went down.
A little bit later, Devan was alongside Stella teaching her a shading technique with her drawing. "Okay, now you wanna gradually make the shading lighter as you go," he watched her, "That's it, you got it!" The girl grinned, "I'm actually not sucking!" The boy then directed to the art, "You just have to now emphasize the lining right there.."
"Like this?" Devan furrowed his eyebrows slightly, "Umm..sort of. Here--," he reached his hand towards hers and grabbed it, helping her create the bold part of her drawing. His felt flushed as his body was close to her. Devan asked after pulling away and clearing his throat, "..So how does that look?" Stella turned to him after staring at the drawing, "...I think it's the best drawing I've ever made." He smiled at her kind statement and she smiled back.
"Excuse me!" Devan turned around and he felt something smear across his face. He closed his eyes as the substance landed on half his complexion. He opened his one good eye and touched the slimy red coding. Was this..paint? In front of him was Annabelle holding a paintbrush covered with red paint. She gave an innocent shrug, "I told you to move." He bit his tongue forcing him to not say anything he'd regret. His hand began to clench his fist as her smirk looked vicious. He felt someone behind him, "Oh my gosh! Let me go get you a hand towel."
It was Stella walking over to a cabinet and soaking something with water. Annabelle sneered in his ear, "I'm gonna find out your secret and expose it, Devan." That ran chills down his spine. What secret? That he was related to Collins? But how would she figure it out? This town barely knew he existed. She wouldn't figure it out, right? The witch walked calmly away towards her painting which was a pile of flames. That wasn't creepy at all, Devan thought.
Soon Stella came back with a wet towel and ordered, "Sit down." He smirked at her, "I would think it's courteous if you would say please." She rolled her eyes and laughed, "Fine. Devan Key, could you please sit down for me so I may wipe the paint from your eye?" He nodded as he sat, "Most certainly." They both shared a laugh as she wiped his face.
She moved her hand to his cheek as she scrubbed his face of the slimy paint. Stella apologized, "I'm sorry this happened to you." Devan wasn't sure why she was asking for forgiveness but said, "It wasn't your fault. You didn't paint a Picasso and use my face as a canvas." She started washing his eye softly, "I'm sure Annabelle didn't mean to do what she did." Devan would beg to differ but he shouldn't fight with her about it, "Yeah I guess." Soon his face was clean and he could fully see the beautiful maiden standing in front of him.
"Alright everyone, into the locker rooms to change and we'll head outside." Devan stayed silent as the coach spoke to the gym class. It was his fifth time in the locker rooms and he wasn't going to like what he was expecting. They were dismissed and he went to his usual corner away from everyone, minding his own business. The other guys were goofing off with one another, in their own twisted humor and Devan wanted no part of it. His classmates were very masculine and popular and immediately made fun of him for his skinniness and lack of muscle. The new kid just lets it be and avoided them altogether. But one just couldn't leave him alone.
Nathan leaned on the lockers next to Devan as he was about to get his shirt on, "Hey, shrimp." Devan tried ignoring him but the buff guy continued to pester, "Miss our little talks?" He continued to do his own thing till Nate remarked, "Do you ever lift weights? Is that bone?" Devan felt his stomach turn into a knot. Why was he being a piece of crap? He looked up at him, "What do you have against me, Nathan?" The other one shrugged his shoulders, "I'm just saying, you could have all of this muscle and an eight-pack like me, but ya know at least you aren't fat like Jim Crawford."
The shorter one glanced at the bully's abs and big arms. Sure, he's always wanted to be a bodybuilder of some sort, but he never thought it was anything special, until now. He grimaced and started putting his shoes back on. Nathan pressed it harder on him, "Chicken arms. Come on, cluck chicken arms!" Others started to overhear and cackled. The new kid looked down and tried to forced his mind away from Nate's remarks. This time Devan couldn't take it. All the anger was building inside him and it was about to erupt, "Can you stop it! Why can't you let me be?!" Suddenly Nathan pushed Devan's body into a locker behind him, "Because for some reason Stella has been ignoring me and I've been hearing she's been dancing with some shrimp." Devan grunted as he felt the pressure of Nate's hand on his chest. He tried using the strength he had to pull away, but all it did was have the bully push harder. In between movements, Devan spoke, "What I do with her...doesn't have anything to do...with how she sees you." Nathan was inches from his face, "You're right. That means you're nothing more than a weak shrimp that everyone can feel sorry for," he whispered into his ear, "If you know what's good for ya, stay away from her. You're just embarrassing yourself."
The bully let go of his grasp and snickered at Devan. The Key Brother's confidence in himself was just mangled and abused. Was he just embarrassing himself? Was he just there for people to pity him? He sighed looking at his arms. Scrawny twigs are what they were. He held his head down, holding the tears back not wanting to cry in front of the enemy. But why was it so hard to hold back?
Many years ago, Collins had a friend over after school. Collins was in 6th grade and Devan was in 4th. Collins's friend was named Lewis. He hadn't been over before and everyone expected him to be a fun kid for the boy to invite. Little Devan was excited too since all of Collins's friends immediately became his own. After twenty minutes of a nerf war between Collins and Lewis, Devan came out to join the fun.
But once Collins went to grab some water, the friend showed his true colors, "Hey sticks! Wanna see if I can fix that stupid smirk on your face?" The little one's mouth quivered as Lewis jumped on him and start hitting him in the head. Although, he didn't realize that Collins saw everything and came to defend his little brother. The slightly taller kid fought his "friend" until his mom came out and separated the two, and calling Lewis's mother to come pick up her son. Collins went back to make sure Devan was okay to find the tiny one curled into a ball on the grassy floor sobbing.
Turns out Lewis had bruised Devan's forehead and cheeks and it hadn't healed for weeks, neither did his heart. From that experience, Devan didn't want to have someone physically bully him again. He wouldn't care about it if someone had spit fire at him, just not beat him. But right now the teenager's dignity and self esteem was tortured to death by the words of a bully, and it hurt him.
Devan's mood persisted to grow worse as the day continued. His friends began to notice but didn't say anything about it. Soon after school came and all the boy wanted to do was go home. He was at his locker grabbing his things when someone came to him. It was Stella, "Hey Devan, you ready to dance?" His heart wrenched when he saw her and her beautiful smile. Devan looked down, "Sorry, Stella. I think I'm just gonna go home today. I'm not feeling well." Her excitement began to drain, "Oh..that's fine. I hope you feel better," she started to walk away, "See ya." As she left he felt his spirit increasingly become hardened and started to walk towards the exit.
Collins drove in his car to pick up his little brother from the school. The magician felt so much better going back home and taking a nap; he was more refreshed and awake. He looked over as he pulled over in front of the school and saw Devan standing there as if he has been waiting for him.
The older one was confused, Devan was earlier than usual. The younger key would always be inside for at least five minutes at this time. Something was up. Collins just acted naturally as Devan walked over to the car, "Hey little bro!" All his brother did was look over and fasten his seatbelt. Whose face now was falling straight, Collins started to drive out of the school area towards the road. The eldest asked slightly, "Is something bugging you, Dev?" A lump started to swell in the younger one's throat unsure if he could speak or not. He fought back tears once again and stared out the window. Collins noticed and lowered the radio volume, "Devan...what's going on?" Devan let out a shaky sigh, "Bro, can we just not talk about-"
"No we can't. I know you, when you start putting up a wall it means you need to let something out. You've always liked talking, Devan. Talk to me." The young key brother sucked it up and closed his eyes, "Why does high school have so many bullies?" Collins ears flickered with attention as he heard his brother uttered those words.
Bullies? What bullies? Was someone hurting Devan? Without giving it too much thought, the magician answered trying to act calmer than he felt, "Because kids can be jealous and feel sorry for themselves. They like manipulating others emotions to get some sort of sick satisfaction." The other just nodded. Being the protective brother, Collins asks cautiously, "Is someone hurting you?" Devan shook his head slightly, "Not physically...this guy just likes calling me 'shrimp' and 'chicken arms'," Once he spoke it out loud his heart felt like it was stinging, "I tell him to stop but he won't unless if I distance myself from Stella..but I don't want to, ever."
His cheeks began to burn from the thought of her and feeling guilty for skipping out on their after school practice. His depressed expression continued to stay on his face. Collins nodded as Devan said all of it to him, feeling angry for his brother, but suddenly smiles as he ends the thought. Devan notices and raises an eyebrow, "Why are you smiling? Can't you tell that I'm upset?" The other nodded still grinning, "Devan, don't you see?! Why would this dude make fun of you for hanging out with some girl if he thinks 'you're not good enough' for her? He thinks you're a threat!" The younger one is still confused, "A threat?"
"Yes! He's jealous that you have all of Stella's attention and he doesn't. That means you're at the top of the scale. He wants to knock out your confidence so you'd be under his roof again!" He's letting him win for sulking about's not that he isn't good enough, it's that NATHAN isn't good enough. Devan started to smile, "Dude, you're amazing!" Collins started to cock, "Thats why you love me." His brother laughed, "Yeah but you're still annoying."
"That's how you like it." Their feelings began to ease as they felt way better from a moment ago and Devan turned up the radio.
Heyy so that was the chapter! How did you enjoy it? Please vote and comment your thoughts! I will be posting in a few days! Love you all!!💕💕
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