Hey guys! Here's a small update hope you enjoy!
Stella began to walk to her first class with her head facing the floor. It had been a week since she talked to Devan and it was unbearable. He had spent so much time with her, now she cant even look him in eye without bursting into tears. Her heart longed for his warm presence but reality continued to remind her that he lied about his life. He lied to her. Was their friendship even real or a figment of her imagination?
Next to her was Annabelle, staring at her, visibly annoyed, "You really need to chill out." Stella lifted her head slightly from the floor and asked cautiously, "What are you talking about?" The girl with the short bob explained with her hands on her hips, "You know what; its Devan. Stop getting yourself worked up over this dumb kid. He's not worth it."
Stella winced her eyes slightly at her friend, "But he is worth me." Annebelle suddenly grabbed the young woman's wrist and pulled it towards her, "Get a grip, Stella. Letting yourself fall for him isn't changing what he did. He lied to you. He didn't trust you enough to give out part of himself. What does that say? You were never apart of his life." With a wide expression, Stella stared timidly at her grim friend, questioning such attitude that came out of her. Although...Devan wasn't honest with her. The ginger girl sighed sadly, pulling out of Annebelle's grip, "You're right.." With a deep pit growing in her stomach, Stella walked to her next class while the other followed with smug satisfaction.
{Time Skip}
Mare leaned her head back on her locker, a frown drawn overtop her once cheerful expression. Nothing was going exactly how she hoped this year would be. Her new friend was the delinquent of the school and avoiding her. As well as that, her best friend was now not talking to her anymore. She was alone.
A tear began to slide down her face and she didn't even try to wipe it off. Suddenly, a shadow began to float above the young girl. It spoke, "Hey Mare, where's that smile I always loved to see?" Mary gasped as she heard the familiar voice. She looked up as a wide grin grew across her face, "Devan!"
The two went in for a warm embrace, a comforting embrace. Soon they pulled away and Mare stared at the boys face, "I thought you weren't going to talk to me ever again." Devan sighed and spread a reassuring smile, "That was a terrible mistake. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."
"Good, it was starting to get a little gloomy without a friend." Mary watched as Dev's facial expression shift from happiness to tense. She frowned a little, "What's wrong?" The boy looked down momentarily then back up, "Can you help me out with something?" The girl smirked, "You didn't have to ask."
{Small Time Skip}
"Are you sure its okay with your dad we do this?" The Key boy asked cautiously, being dragged by the teen out of the school towards the front steps. Mare shrugged, holding onto his sleeve, "Why not? You're not gonna get what you need from this ancient place. My dad won't mind. Besides, have I ever steered you wrong?" When he was about to answer, Devan yelped, "Mare, watch out!"
The girl looked ahead of her and saw a bunny standing where she was about to step. In her attempt to move out of the way, Mary fell backwards off the small steps into a bunch of bushes next to them. Devan gasped and called, "Mare, you okay?"
Mary laid in the pile of shrubs and felt herself snort at how ridiculous that scenario was. She decided to check if she broke anything. She wiggled her feet, all good. She twisted her head, yep it's all fine. But once the young woman felt her arms, something scratchy rubbed against her wrist. Curious, Mary reached her opposite arm and grabbed to what felt like paper and lifted it to her eyes. She was right, it was wadded ball of paper.
She started to unravel it and noticed there was writing on the inside. It looked a little muffled and tried to make out the words when she realized the note was addressed to HER! She skimmed the words, they were so beautiful, so poetic, so romantic. Who wrote this to her? At the bottom she found her answer, written in black pen; Lukey :).
Mary's eyes widened in disbelief. Luke..wrote all that wonderful stuff to her? He cared this much? He loved her? When? Where? Why? So many questions began to swirl the girl's head that she couldn't—
"Mare? Are you okay?" With a gasp, Mary took her eyes from the rough letter and up at Devan, whom was holding his hand out to here. With a stutter, Mary nodded and folded up the piece of paper and shoved it in her pocket, "Y-Yeah, just took a wrong step is all."
The girl reached for his hand and he pulled her up, and she brushed herself off. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem..shaken." Mare glanced at him quickly and nervously looked down, "I...I'll talk about it later. Now," she grabbed her friend's hand and began to pull him down the sidewalk, "let's go get you some supplies."
Hey guys! Sorry I havent updated in a while but I felt inspired again and the next chapter will hopefully be up soon! I hope you enjoy this and please let me know your thoughts be cause your comments keep me motivated to write more! Love you all💗😊
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