Found Out
Here's the next chapter! I bet you probably know what's gonna happen just looking at the title..😰😰 I hope you enjoy it!!🤗💕
It had been at least a week since the "almost kiss" between Stella and Devan. They didn't talk about it at all after that but their actions with one another grew deeper. When they practiced together, there bodies had inched closer towards each other. They have even spent more time outside of class, Devan loved it. He really was falling for her..maybe she felt the same way. But..what if she didn't? What if she wanted to just be his friend? Although, every time Stella smiled at him, he didn't care. All he wanted was to be apart of her life.
"So..are you and Stella a thing now?" Mary asked as she walked with the key boy down the hallway. Devan shrugged not giving her eye contact, "I don't think so.." She smirked and nudged him slightly, "I bet you guys will in a day or two..OR WHAT IF YOU ARE?! You better be giving me all the facts Devan!!" A laugh preceded out of the boy's throat. He moved his hands cautiously at her, "I'm telling ya, we aren't together!" All of a sudden, Mae had a blank stare on her face, "Oh, okay."
Devan frowned as he saw her immediately switch gears, "What's wrong?" She sighed heavy-heartedly and glanced at him. He got the picture and knowingly nodded, "Oh..right." For some apparent reason, Luke abruptly cut any connection he's ever had with the two and completely ignored them. Yes, they all do coreo together, but once practice is over-he's gone without speaking to them. This was off because they didn't do or say anything to him that would make him do this or did they.
It really took a toll on Mare. She's always been so close to Luke, he was her best friend! Now he was shutting her out, and she has no idea why. Devan gave Mary a side hug, "It's okay..he'll come around." She just wiped under her glasses with a sniffle. After that, it was uncomfortably silent as they thought.
{At Carla's House}
Collins kissed Carla again softly on the lips as they sat in the living room together. They were watching a romantic movie and were taking advantage of their alone time. He smiled and brushed his hand on her cheek without even needing to say a word. His affectionate stare into her complexion just screamed; Oh my gosh I love you. Carla smiled back leaning into her boyfriend with a long hum, "This is really nice.." Collins agreed resting his head on on hers, "It is...just you and me."
They sat there quietly enjoying each others company while "The Fault in our Stars" played in the background. A buzz came from Collins phone and he glanced at it and saw a text from Devan: Bro not tryin 2 bomb ur date but u have 2 come pick me up. Practice was cancelled :) Collins sat up a little and spoke, "Darn it, I have to go get Devan now.." Carla looked saddened but stayed positive, "Hey, we'll just hang out more later." He stared at her lovingly, "Okay, love you." Carla came closer to his frame, "Love you too." They went in for another lingering kiss, then the older brother left to go get his little brother.
{Time Skip}
Devan stood by the door waiting for Collins to arrive for him. As he did, he felt something inside him grow queasy. It wasn't nausea off feeling. Ignoring it, he watched outside the glass window for his brother. And as if it were timed, a familiar vehicle came rolling around the bend and parked itself in front if the school. Devan smiled when he saw the figure jog up the steps and come though the front door. Collins looked at the young boy and asked with a slight bounce, "Ready to go?" When he was about to say yes, he realized something, "Oh shoot! I think I forgot my folder in the auditorium." The other shifted his body towards him and said, "Well, let's go get it."
The two brothers made there way down the hall. It was quite silent, no teachers or students were around. It took only a few minutes to reach the auditorium and once they did, Devan opened the door. Stepping into the room sent a weird vibe through the teenager. He saw the other classmates apart of the performance all huddled amongst each other in low whispers. But once he came into the picture, they all turned their attention onto him with deep shock and anger. Oh no, Devan thought as his eyes shifted around the room. It was an iry feeling. There were no words. No sounds. Just silence.
Then someone came from the crowd towards him. Stella. There was a ora of confusion and concern that came from her, "Devan, is it true?" Devan asked, unsure if he really understood, "What do you-" She cut him off and blurted, "Are you actually a Youtuber?" Her eyes never left his but she pointed behind him, "Is his name really Collins Key not Joseph?"
Devan didn't know what to say. Thoughts rushed through his head. Should I tell her? How did she find out? What is happening? Stella's eyes were persistent, the deep blue melting into his memories. He couldn't get out of this in a clean fashion. Everyone was watching them. The truth needs to get out.
He sighed and looked down, ashamed, "Yes...I am related to Collins..we're brothers and I do videos with him on his Youtube channel." There was a light gasp that filled the wide space and Devan wasn't sure how to react. Suddenly Annabelle comes alongside Stella, her phone in hand, "And look at this, it seems that they are both pretty famous.. Hmmm, doesn't look like just a past time." Devan felt threatened by her easiness with his betrayal, as if she wanted him to look bad. But who could blame her, he wasn't honest with anyone.
Stella had her eyes now on the screen as she watched a clip with Collins and Devan doing a bunch of dance moves on stage for a bunch of screaming fans. Her body expression changed from baffled to plain distraught. She put a hand to her face and she looked over at the short boy, "You...lied to me. Not only lie about your brother but about something that's part of your life! I thought you trusted me!" Devan felt her step closed to him and he walked backward, "Stella.."
"I can't believe you thought you couldn't tell me this. I thought we were friends! I even told you about my feeling about my parents' divorce! My dad's girlfriend!" Tears sprung from her eyes making Devan feel worse. No no no no! Why was this happening?? Soon Dev was up against the wall and Stella was standing in front of him, "Stella, I'm so sorry!"
"Oh, and is that a lie too??" Stella snapped at him and just glared at him. It wasn't of anger, more so disappointment. The air stiffened as it was hard to even breathe. The girl in front of him spoke, "I thought we were friends..I thought you were an honest guy and Annabelle was wrong about you..but she was right. You're are nothing more than a cliche and this relationship was a joke," she gave a grim laugh and shook her head, "And to think I was actually starting to fall in love with you." Her words went into Devan's brain and he couldn't believe it. What did she say? She was falling in love with him..?
Stella turned away from him and began to flee. But before she could, Devan grabbed her wrist, "Stella please—." Her arm was yanked from his grasp and the princess spun her head at him and pleaded as tears poured down her face, "Just...just get out of my life!" With that, she ran towards Annabelle and clung her arms around her and wept. Devan's heart shattered. She was crying...because of him. Annebelle wrapped herself around Stella comfortingly, but stared at Devan of what felt like a devious smirk. The boy caught it and knew he was played, not only by her but by himself.
He glanced around the room at all the faces. He saw Nathan smirking at him evilly, then Mary whom looked sad for Stella, but he didn't see Luke anywhere. He didn't have much time to think about it. His heart was pumping. His legs were shaky. He had to get out if there. Not even looking at Collins, Devan began to exit out of the building in a huge hurry and all the way the booming sound of Stella's weeping could be heard. He made her cry...what had he done?
Oh no! Poor Stella! Poor Devan! Why is Annabelle so at it against Devan? Where was Luke? What is to come of this???
Sorry for the rushed chapter. I wanted to get something updated and I wanted to do this. Also it probably looks really bad because my eyes are really blurry right now for some reason... Anyways, I'll probably edit this later.
I hope you guys enjoyed that and lemme know your thoughts! Please vote and comment and I love you guys!!🤗💕
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