Do You Have a Crush on Someone Right Now?
Hey guys! So here is the next chapter! I hope ya'll enjoy it cause it's always fun for me to write this story! And look at that title! Wonder what its gonna be about... Welp, let's get to reading!
Video up top will come in handy in the chapter! 💕😄
Devan and Collins had thought for five minutes, splurging out ideas for their next YouTube Video. Then the younger one had an idea, "Let's make a video where we have our fans ask us questions and we answer them." Collins smiled at the thought feeling way better from before, "Yeah we haven't done something like that in a while. Great idea, bro." Devan smiled seeing his brother change from his gloomy emotion, "Good, now I'm gonna get myself some ice cream." He got up and started to head toward the kitchen while Collins sat and took a spoonful of the cookies and cream to his mouth. He sighed at the thought of Carla. Would she talk to him again? If only he knew... But the magician did know that he should remain positive and just enjoy his yummy dessert.
{Time Skip two days later}
Devan walked with Mary and Luke down the hall to the library because they had a study hall for the last hour of the day. The girl was as usual blabbing about something that had to do with the play, "...Like I said before, I'm not sure if I really need to memorize my lines. It's usually a piece of cake." Luke looked over at her quietly, "I think we should practice our dance a few more times though, the one where we perform together." The blonde boy grew a deep pink just thinking about being that close to her, Mare didn't seem to notice, "Yeah, I guess. But I think we practiced a lot--"
Suddenly, Mary tripped on a gum wrapper and lost her balance and screamed. Devan looked up from staring at the floor to see her trip and couldn't stop what was to happen. Mare winced but suddenly she felt someone grab her by the waist and one of her hands. She gasped looking up to see it was Luke. He looked shocked himself that he grabbed her and held his stance. Devan directed his eyes from his friends, Luke to Mary, him to her. They were still; like a statue at a museum or such a picture perfect moment you'd find in a movie. He saw both of their cheeks glow and smirked. It's happening.....
Mary pulled herself up and Luke let go of her and they started to laugh nervously. Mare grinned fixing her glasses, "Thanks for catching me.." The other smiled looking towards his feet, "No problem. I wouldn't have let you fall, Marebear." He looked up and Mary's eyes sparkled making contact with his. The girl didn't know what to say. Luke cleared his throat, "Umm..we should probably go to the library now.." Mary agreed starting to walk, "Yeah, we should."
All three of them walked silently to the library, unable to comprehend the previous events. As they reached the library, Luke told them he had to go talk to one of the librarians about buying a book and would meet up with them later. So Mary and Devan walked to a table and sat down. The Key boy couldn't help smile to himself about what he just witnessed. He couldn't believe they weren't together, and he realized he wouldn't have something like that with someone...
"Are you thinking about Stella?" That kicked the boy out of his thoughts as he heard his geeky friend continue, "Because honestly if you are, I swear-" Devan stopped her, "Whoa, whoa! How do you know I'm thinking about her?" Mary looked as if she knew everything, "Well, you've been very quiet all day. Also, you really think I didn't know what's going on?" Wait, did she find out he liked Stella? The new kid shrugged at her and Mary continued, "Listen, if you want Nathan to stop picking on you, you have to stop talking to her." He knew she was right but.., "I can't do that."
"Why not?" She didn't understand. Did anyone really? Devan answered nervously, "Because...," he rubbed his neck, "because..there's something about her..I can't just throw away." Mary was confused at first, then her eyes widened. Oh no.., Devan thought. Mary screamed excitedly, "OH MY GOSH!!"
Faces turned towards their direction as she yelled in the middle of the silent room. Devan winced and ran over across the table and covered the girl's mouth who still was freaking out. He shushed her, "You know why now?" The crazy girl nodded as he steadied his words, "Can we just keep this between us?" Mary nodded once more as he held his hand to her face. Devan spoke, "Now..I'm going to remove my hand from your mouth, and you aren't going to scream again, right?" She bobbed her head again and Devan slowly removed his hand from her face. Mary started to grin at him again, "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I knew you liked her, but I didn't know you liked her liked her! I guess it makes sense since she's so pretty and confident, and all that. But I didn't know I was right! You like her, you like her!"
"Mare!" Devan whisper-yelled at her. She covered her own mouth, "Sorry, just fangirling here." That's when the short boy smugged a grin, "Speaking of fangirling...what was that moment between you and Luke?" Mary fell silent and raised an eyebrow, "You're a fangirl?" He felt weirded out just then and confused. Is she serious? "I mean, it makes sense with your spaghetti arms and all--" Devan made a frown, "Hey!" Mary snorted and hit his chest playfully, "I'm just kidding, geez! Don't be such a baby!"
He felt his rib where the girl hit him and realized she had changed the subject. Did she do that on purpose? Devan persisted again, "Uh, Mare, what happened between you and Luke?" She looked baffled, "What do you mean?" He felt irked, "Um..that moment you guys had in the hallway? You guys staring at each other as if you two were the only people in the world?" Mary gave a laugh, "Shoot, Devan! I didn't know you were a romantic!" He smiled a little starting to chuckle, "Well, I do know a thing or two about it to see that you may have thing for Lukey." She replied in return, "Hey, that's my nickname for him and also..we're just friends."
"Sure..," Devan got a slug in the arm from Mary, "I don't!"
Soon the argument ceased and the school was dismissed for the evening. So the Key bro walked to his locker to get his stuff when his brother texted him. He checked the notification and it said, Hey bro, I'm gonna b a few minutes late cause traffic is rough! Stay put omw! Devan shrugged it off and didn't care to be staying a little longer. He wanted to check out the Auditorium. It wasn't because he left anything in there, he just wanted to feel the presence of the stage again.
As the boy walked into the hallway, he heard a soft echo of music coming from not so far away. Devan walked farther and the music grew its volume. It was coming from the auditorium. He recognized the song. It was Want To Want Me by Jason Derulo! He loved that song! The curious one opened the Auditorium door to find the music being played in the speakers and someone doing moves on the stage. It was Stella! Devan couldn't believe it! She was doing an elegant choreo yet it had a fresh sense of hip hop style. She was graceful, with powerful force that was beyond words. He had no idea she could dance, and she was amazing! Stella was killing it in Devan's eyes.
She was really into it and suddenly realized he was there. Her smile grew and she quickly grabbed the remote and paused the music. She put her hands on her hips and took a few breaths, "Hey Devan!" He smiled at her, "Hey Stella, what's going on here?" Stella shrugged taking a sip of water, "Oh, I'm just getting ready for the play with some choreo moves I found from our teacher, Mrs. Kline. I know I'll get in, but I just want to be ready for the show." Devan admired her determination and drive. She looked behind her then back at him, "You wanna come practice with me?" Devan was surprised by her question. He'd love to, wasn't one of his favorable things, at least what he thought was unfavorable to him, "Uh, I'll pass this time. Thanks for the offer though." She rolled her eyes playfully and grabbed his hand, "Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Stella pulled him up onto the stage and she pulled her hair back once more, fixing her yoga pants and crop top. She turned towards Devan as he looked cautiously at himself after setting his things on the side of the platform.
(Up top that song I mentioned earlier, you can start playing wont last the whole part so I may have to pause it in the middle but it just gives a feel for what's happening.. okay continue! XD)
"I think you'll like this song," She said starting to turn on the music. The song she started to play was Swalla by Jason Derulo. She was right, Devan really liked this song! Stella started to do a silly move in front of him to make him feel comfortable, "We have to dance to this song in one of the scenes." He started to dab making the girl giggle, "That's it! Definitely a killer move." Devan fired back, "Oh yes, I started that trend." They laughed. He had no idea having a crush felt so good... Stella got into position and spoke, "Okay, I'm gonna start and you just follow along." He nodded as she began in formation. The tenth grader did some small moves with her arms and legs, finishing with a spin. And to her surprise and his, Devan was following along perfectly! Stella grinned tilting her head towards him, "WOW, you're getting it!" Then she started to some more footwork and choreo with her hands. Devan called to her after mimicking her steps, "This isn't so bad." Stella spoke facing his direction, "Now we are going to join each other in some moves."
She went over to Devan and placed her hand on his shoulder and walked around his as he swayed to the rhythm of the music. She did her own movements and he added his. Then Stella spun around toward Devan and her body fell into his with her hand on his chest and his arm around her. They stopped dancing and stared into each other's eyes. Their heartbeats were in sync and their breathing quickened. The boy and girl felt nervous. Devan didn't know what to do. Stella slowly moved her hand off his chest to his fingertips and held them, continuing to dance but as one. He caught on and they did the hip hop moves along to Derulo lyrics with Devan dipping the dancer and spinning her around.
Then music started to fade and the two were quiet still holding their hands. Stella was smiling bright with her eyes twinkling, "Whoa...that was awesome!" Devan nodded, "It was.." She smirked at the boy, "I thought you were only good at art?" He cocked his head playfully at her, "There are a lot of things you don't know about me." She chuckled and he did as well.
"Devan? Are you in here?" The two both turned towards the big doors to see Collins walk into the room. The younger boy's eyes widened with realization, "Oh, dude! I'm sorry, was I making you wait?" The other answered walking to them, "Nah, you're cool bro. I see you're taking up dance lessons." He gestured his head towards Stella, who let go of Devan's hand now, "More like he should teach me! You've got a talented brother, Joseph." Devan tried not to blush until he saw Collins's face go blank. Oh crap, did he forget about the plan?? But to the little bro's relief, he remembered, "Oh! Yeah yeah, Devan's a super talented guy. And please, call me Joey." The girl smiled, "Okay, Joey!"
Devan looked over at Collins who winked at him. He wasn't sure if he was winking about our agreement, or the fact he was dancing with Stella. The younger one started to ask, "Hey, so do we have to go?" The older one nodded, "Yeah, the reason I was late was because the rush hour is starting where everyone is getting home from work. If we don't leave now, we might get stuck in traffic." Devan sighed but understood, "Okay, I'm ready," he turned to Stella as he grabbed his book bag from the ground, "Do you need a ride home?" The beauty shook her head, "Nah, I'm staying back for a play meeting. But this was fun, Devan! You should totally join the play, it'd be awesome with you in it!" Devan would jump on the dot with a big fat yes, but..., "I'll think about it." Stella nodded, "Okay, I'll see you later!"
"Will do!" The two bros walked out of the Auditorium and towards the car. They weren't even driving away when Collins gave an evil smirk at Devan. He couldn't help get nervous and blush, "Bro stoppp! I know what you're thinking." The older one laughed at his brother's anxiousness, "Chill dude! It's okay, I was the same way with Carla. This is definitely way different from the crushes we use to have with my friends."
"You know Brooklyn and Bailey..," Devan was still confused so Collins clarified, "You liked both of them." The younger one flushed but flung his arms out as they were standing in front of the car, "Why wouldn't I? They're twins!" The magician countered unlocking the car door, "Veronica and Vanessa Merrell are twins and you didn't like either of them." Devan was frowning but suddenly smiles, "But you did." Collins smug grin flattened as he turned faint red, "Yeah, I did." He soon smiles once more putting his keys in the ignition.
Collins had a thing with Veronica a few years ago but she was interested in someone else more than she was with him. Good thing he wasn't super crazy about her. As for Devan, he was more interested in Bailey and Brooklyn. But of course, they both got a boyfriend. At least they were still friends with both pairs of twins and still to this day.
{Time Skip}
A few hours pass and the brothers were about to film one of their newest videos. They found a few questions their fans asked and set up the camera in their living room. Their parents were in their own room unable to bother them and the brothers placed their chairs in front of their computer. As usual, Devan should've stood behind the camera but instead he sat in his chair and Collins started talking, "What's up, it's Collins Key and welcome-" Then Devan interfered, "Wait, dude why am I in it? Don't I have to..start from out there?" The older one nodded and waved his hand at him, "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.. You should get out for a second."
He obeyed and got out of the shot and Collins did his intro once again laughing as he did so then he finally introduced his brother. Collins continued his speech, "Today we are going to be doing an #AskTheKeyBros because you guys have been sending us a bunch of questions that we are going to answer right now!" Devan looked at the screen and read one of the questions, "'What color underwear are you wearing?'" The immature boys smirked at the question and Collins responded, "Okay, we're going 0 to 100 real quick. What color do you have?" He looked over at Devan who was checking. The younger one turned his head up towards the camera with a smile, "Black underwear."
"I have black underwear as well," Collins replied looking back up. Devan spoke, "Next question." The other read the next question, "'Who has the longer left ear?'" What a bizarre thing to ask, Devan thought. Before he knew it, Collins whipped out a measuring tape and stretched it out as long as he could. He laughed and went to measure the height of the shorter ones ear, "Okay, we're going from the bottom of the voluptuous earlobe to the tippy top of the elf ear..3 inches!" Devan wasn't sure if that was big or not but grabbed the tape measure from him and started, "We're going from the bottom of the slightly voluptuous lobe...barely voluptuous. He is 2 and a half inches!" Collins snorted, "Well, I guess that makes Devan the winner, I guess. Is there really a winner for this?" The other shook his head smiling, "I don't think so." Collins leaned back a little as he stared over at the younger one, "Read the next one, bro."
Devan tilted his body to read the comment and gave a sly smile reading the message with goofiness, "'Do you have a crush on someone..right now?'" He continued to look over at Collins to see his reaction since they both knew he liked someone. But the magician just answered not really thinking about it, "Yes I do." Dev was surprised yet he knew his older brother would be 100% honest. One thing he absolute knew about Collins without a doubt was that he had nothing to hide when it came to his fans, no matter what. Suddenly the blonde one asked, "Do you?"
The key brother felt himself stiffen. What would he say? Before he fought with himself, Devan spit out, "No, I do not." Collins raised an eyebrow with surprise, "Really?" The older one obviously knew his brother was lying about his crush, but he asked anyway. Trying not to expose his fib, Devan played along with it and started to make a dance at the camera making the older one laugh and copy his moves. The artist wasn't sure he had as much integrity as the other. Then they did more questions from who can eat the most bananas while running to if they were single. The brother's looked over at each other awkwardly while Collins answered, "Yes, um very much so." They laughed at their facial expressions.
After a couple minutes of filming, they closed up shop and Collins grabbed the camera to upload and edit the video. Devan went to the fridge to warm up some leftover roast beef when he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. He pulls it out and sees it's a text from an unknown number. He saw the person sent; 'Hey Devan!! It's the one and only Mare!! :)' Devan was shocked and confused. How did she get his number? He asked her and she replied: 'I took ur phone during class when u went 2 get a drink!' Note to self, don't leave your phone where Mary can get to it, he thought. He sat down as he microwaved the cold meat. 'That isn't creepy at all, Mare :/'
Devan laughed to himself as he sent the text and put her number on his phone. As he did, he noticed Stella's number, untouched yet so alluring. Devan grew nervous, should he text her? His finger lingered over her name and he tapped it hesitantly. He breathed in and typed; 'Hey :)' then quickly sent the message before his brain could hold him back. Then he closed up his phone and suddenly got a notification.
Wow did Stella text that fast? But he soon realized it was just Mary again. Although what she sent to him gave him an chilling feeling, 'R u texting Stella rn?' Oh gosh.. He slowly looked around himself making sure no nerd was poking their head through the windows. When he didn't see anything, he was even more freaked out. Devan texted her, 'How did u kno tht?!' Mare replied as he went to grab his supper, 'Just a lucky guess..' Okay... The boy sighed at his friend's creepiness and crashed on the couch, turning on the TV.
Collins yawned as he continued to cut and drag and export the Key Bros video. He continued to do so and she popped into his mind. The boy tried to make those thoughts disappear, but they continued to return. He looked over at his iPhone. Collins picked it up and sighed as he pulled up a picture of him and Carla. He missed her, but he shouldn't push her if she doesn't want to talk to him anymore. Carla made it clear, although Collins isn't the kind to just give up on something he cares about.
He dialed her number and put the phone to his ear, hearing the ringing on the other end. "'Hey it's Carla. Sorry I couldn't get to the phone in time. Please leave me a voicemail and I'll get to you as soon as I can. Bye!'" He spoke into the phone, "Hey Carla. It's Collins...please call me back." He hung up and started massaging his forehead. Well, he tried, let's see if he can break the wall. Collins shook it off and focused on working on the video, right now his main priority.
So there you guys! What did y'all think? Devan's decision about his relationship with Stella? The two having an epic dance moment? How about the youtube video? Did you guys think Devan should've been truthful about his feelings for Stella in the video? Collins's phone call? Please vote and comment your thoughts cause I love hearing from you guys! Love you all! 😄💕
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