after explaining the case in full detail, yoongi goes ballistic at the announcement that namjoon will assign the case to him.
namjoon puts his head into his hands because of his annoyed state. all because yoongi couldn't stop blabbering about things other than the case infront of him.
"what do you mean i have to do this case namjoon-ssi? you know i just finished my latest one yesterday! THAT TOOK MANY MONTHS TO SOLVE! i think my brain is still fried as hell from all that annoying ass paper work and court showings! i thought you said that good detectives should take at least a week break after-"
"BE QUIET DETECTIVE MIN YOONGI. we have no choice and seeing that you might seem to know the victim, as one of her handmade jackets is on your coat rack, you could be more interested than you think you are"
the detective rolls his eyes at the mention of the clothing, clearly unimpressed by his superior's explanation.
"apologies for the sudden case assignment but this is your job and i don't give a damn if you'll get mad. it's urgent"
"how urgent could it be that you are putting me through another wave of stress and work?!"
yoongi took a deep breath after admitting to his current condition with working.
his sergeant quietly gasped at shock from the emotion yoongi had just confessed.
"it's not fair sir, i have been working my hardest yet you never seem to properly acknowledge that"
namjoon's tense eyebrows begin to soften.
damn. i fucked up.
"i- i didn't know you felt like that yoongi-ssi, i'm sorry for being an incompetent boss."
"it's fine sir, but please just understand what i feel"
the room goes silent, even the busy office sounds outside the space couldn't puncture the deafening silence.
yoongi and namjoon felt.. awful.
wanting to remove the tension, namjoon coughs before speaking.
"i realize my lack of support, to own up to you.. i will find another detective that can take the case. just take the week off and come back if you want to-"
"no sir"
the latter blinks in confusion.
this man is so indecisive.
"i'm not sure if i can take the case fully right now but.. i'm willing to give you my answer on thursday"
"yoongi that's in 2 days, we don't have the ti-"
he gets cut off once again.
"that's my only offer, other than that i'm off this case completely and taking a 2 week leave. let me think about my thoughts on this please"
yoongi sits back in his chair comfortably, clearly enjoying the emotional control he has on his superior right now.
namjoon sighs a second time, this little bit-
"you hold such a tough bargain.. but fine. except you have to send me your choice early in the morning on thursday. this case cannot wait or else i will change your secretary"
this makes yoongi's eyes widen, ms. manoban was his lifeline when working. well this is mostly due to the fact that she never snitches on him when he wasn't working or was sleeping when supposed to. but to add the fact that though she can't cook for shit, her coffee making skills are the best in the department.
"is that a deal yoongi-ssi? yes or yes?"
"ugh deal"
sergeant kim feels slightly better and stands up to leave, yoongi follows him to the door.
before leaving, namjoon turns around and says one last thing.
"well that's the final deal and you can't change that. remember your deal"
"and yours too"
they both jokingly scoff towards one another and wave their goodbyes.
yoongi-ssi please accept this case. my poor jennie needs help.
lastly, namjoon thinks about everything and wishes for the best.
the tall, quartz door closes shut and yoongi takes in all the information he has just been told.
in all honesty, yoongi was only trying to buy time. just enough time to find out why he even had the brown jacket by this rubyjane person... thing? woman? girl? maybe even alien?
why is that jacket bothering me all of a sudden?
his office started to feel stuffy from the somewhat climatic entry and departure of sergeant kim.
yoongi takes the brown jacket, putting it on his shoulders because the sleeves were too tight, and grabs his belongings with him before leaving to go home.
G-CITY's police department grew bright as the night went on. but as yoongi takes each step away from the building, darkness took over and the once street-lighted sidewalks faded and became dim ones.
they should really put more lights here.. so damn dark and terrifying.
yoongi could drive, but cars are far too expensive according to himself. his preferred transportation for home was taking short lone walks and not so lonely train rides.
it put his mind at ease seeing the populated city being active this late at night, while driving made him feel anxious and nervy. the isolation he got being all alone, driving in a confined space was not ideal. wanting to drive was never his thing, though he doesn't exactly remember why, it just wasn't.
looking at his watch, the man is confident that he won't miss the train if he keeps his walking pace. however his pace was a bit fast and the wind tonight was particularly strong.
so the brown jacket on his shoulders decided to flow with the air and be gone.
yoongi noticed this and immediately ran after it, holding his bag tightly as he began sprinting down the sidewalk. getting stares from some street dwellers.
the jacket magically decides to stop flying away and stops infront of a sage green lightpost. yoongi takes short breaths after finally catching up with it, grabbing it putting tightly on his shoulders.
this damn jacket keeps making my day worse.
it's the reason he was closer to getting the unwanted case namjoon was talking about earlier, yet he didn't even know where he got it from.
his apple watch suddenly gives him a reminder that his train to go home will be coming at G-CITY Hall Station in 5 minutes. with that he starts sprinting the opposite direction the jacket wanted to go to.
god for sure blessed the detective that night, because he miraculously made it on the train all sweaty and mildly annoyed.
soft room lights turn on as yoongi steps into his medium sized apartment. he gets ready to do his premeditated night routine.
yoongi's night routine consists of three things:
1. eating a snack (most likely a ramen cup from the convenience store 3 blocks away).
2. cleaning himself up in the bathroom,
3. and finally, going to sleep.
no tv. no netflix. no electronics. well maybe a few twitter scrolls but nothing else!
it's been like this for the past 6 years since he moved into G-CITY and it doesn't seem to ever change. he finished the routine and gets in his bed.
slowly drifting away into deep, deep slumber.
dreams can be confusing and the one yoongi's having right now definitely is.
sitting in a dark, mature bar, his point of view is currently at a brown haired beauty whose arguing with an older woman, both of which having furrowed eyebrows and fierce eyes.
everything was so familiar yet uncanny and it felt like real life except the man couldn't control anything. not to mention everything was moving weirdly and it felt like he had one too many drinks.
yoongi drunkenly sits there watching the argument unravel, all of sudden the beauty starts throwing paper money at the older woman with so much anger.
"tack this mooneyz since you are SOOO obsehed with martoriak teengs instead of your own dawutgher " was said by the younger woman, who also seemed to be drunk.
is this how rich people fight? i wanna join, let me throw money too!!
he checks his pockets, but alas his pockets were empty. even in yoongi's dreams he still is broke as shit.
the young lady quickly gets up and messily walks out the room, not looking back at her supposed mother who was shouting for her to come back and forgetting the fuzzy brown coat she had on her chair.
yoongi notices her forgotten clothing and follows the woman to give it back, as if he had to give it back like his life depended on it. he stumbled around like a human who just learned how to walk 20 minutes ago.
now outside, she was walking extra slow so yoongi caught up eventually. tapping her exposed shoulders carefully, though she still flinched.
"ay wut the hell man, ever hears of persoanly space?"
"my bad, it's just your jacket, you forgot it" yoongi says clearly, as if he wasn't drunk like she was.
"were you stalkin me!? get away before i coll the p-police!!"
"lady you are talking to a police, no need to dial 119" his voice oozing with playfulness.
he reaches out to pass the jacket, however she ignores it and looks right at him. she sighs as if she was sobering up.
"just keep it, i don't need that anymore"
"what do you mean? it's like 3 sizes smaller than i am, i can't possibly wear this"
"it's not my problem... and hey! i am gifting this to you, you should be honoured"
"but i didn't ask for a gift lady! just take the damn jacket already"
"don't call me lady!"
"then what should i call you? ma'am?" the teasing tone he had once before slowly comes out the more they talked, or i guess argued?
she rolls her eyes "just call me j-"
before she could continue, everything fades away like that one scene from avengers end game. except instead of thanos doing the snap it was yoongi's mind.
just like that yoongi woke up.
i haven't made a graphic needed for this chap but i figured that i my last chapter was so long ago i decided to just post it now. thank you for the patience!!
also this has not been edited and it's like 12 am on a school night so i'll recheck some time tomorrow 😭
soooo what do y'all think??? i will continue the dream scene in the future, but is it really a dream? hmmmm..
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