Chapter Fourteen - Farewell
Blinky left the same day after saying goodbye to everyone. AAARRRGGHH!!! was sad about him leaving after only a year, and his mouth was curving down in a frown.
Jack had left, driven home, saying he had things to take care of.
"You could always come with me, my dear friend!" Blinky said, but AAARRRGGHH!!! was torn about it.
Letting out a sigh, Toby went closer to him and put a hand on his cold arm. "You can go, you know. I'll be fine here. I know you want to see the new Trollmarket, and Blinky has only been here for one year. 'Ts not a very long time for a Troll, right?"
AAARRRGGHH!!! nodded. "Don't wanna leave Wingman."
His human friend shrugged, giving AAARRRGGHH!!! a smile, though there was a small strain in his green eyes. "I'm sure everything will be fine. If you go, we'll see each other soon. And don't you want to see all of the other Trolls again?"
"Yes," AAARRRGGHH!!! admitted, turning to look at Blinky, Claire, Douxie, Archie, NotEnrique, and Jim's mom. "I... I will go."
Toby reached forward and hugged him as tightly as he could, and AAARRRGGHH!!! Hugged him back. To his surprise, tears pricked Toby's eyes. "Man, I'll miss you."
"You too. I should say bye to Jim." AAARRRGGHH!!! Rumbled.
"Yeah," Toby looked at Claire, who put a hand on his shoulder. He smiled, and they watched as AAARRRGGHH!!! went upstairs to talk to Jim. Blinky went, too.
"So... you're going, too, huh?" Jim asked as AAARRRGGHH!!! gave him a gentle embrace. As AAARRRGGHH!!! pulled away, Jim sighed. "You'll love the new Trollmarket. It's different, but the heartstone makes it feel homey, familiar."
A big smile grew on Jim's face. He was excited for AAARRRGGHH!!! to finally see the New Jersey Trollmarket, though he never thought it would happen like this. "I'm afraid we must depart momentarily, Master Jim." Blinky announced.
"Oh. I thought we'd have a little more time."
"I'm sorry," Blinky said shortly and sadly, hugging Jim. "I'll miss you, Blink." Jim said, closing his eyes, then opening them to look at Blinky.
"Wait, are you walking to New Jersey?" Jim asked.
"I'm afraid that is unavoidable. Any other way of travel across the country for a Troll would frighten many humans, and likely disrupt our plans of getting there on time. If we were only travelling within the state of California, it would be a different matter, as many people here are used to these abnormal occurrences.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm glad you have AAARRRGGHH!!! to protect you. We ran into some dangerous situations the last time we walked there."
Blinky smiled. "Yes, and you fought bravely. Like a true Trollhunter."
"Say hi to the Trolls for me, okay?" Jim asked, missing the Trolls of New Jersey, most of them Arcadians that migrated.
The next few week was relatively peaceful. Between zoom classes, dates (that consisted of Claire coming over to his house and them chatting or watching movies or studying) hanging out with friends (again, them coming over, Jim not being able to do anything), and being grumpy, Jim was feeling restless.
Every day, he was waking up at any time he wanted, not really able to do anything except stand on one leg and sit in his spinny chair. When he wakes up, he usually hops to his window and sticks his head out, talking to Toby on his walky-talky. Toby would always update him on the drama between students and such, and Jim would wish him good luck at school.
Most days, Jim did video calls while the classes were on to not fall behind and take as many notes as he could, though he felt a little embarrassed about it, as he was the only one. But then again, it wasn't his fault he'd been stabbed in the leg.
Not wanting to inconvenience his mom or anyone else, he opted to stay in his room rather than have someone else carry him down the stairs every morning. And to do what? Make a meal (which he was dying to do) or sit on the couch, just for someone else to carry him back up?
He didn't want that, not if he didn't have to. The repercussions, though, were harsh, and he was sure he'd go crazy if he didn't get up and walk around normally soon.
Toby said that there were rumours flying around about him, about his injury. After the Jim Lake Disease and all of those missing days that had given Jim a reputation at school, Jim wasn't sure he wanted to know. But he asked.
"Well," Toby said, sitting on Jim's spinny chair while Jim sat on the corner of his bed, legs dangling down. "A few kids were kinda scared for you after everything else you've gotten yourself into, sooo. They thought-actually, some kids did call it."
Jim raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"Yeah! Shannon. And that guy that hung out with Brock. Forgot his name... But whatever," Toby waved a hand dismissively in the air.
Staring up at the ceiling, Jim fell back onto the bed with a groan.
"You really hate this, don't you?" Toby asked.
"I do, Tobes. I can practically feel my muscles shrinking. I haven't trained in, like, two weeks!"
Toby gave him a look. "That isn't gonna ruin your progress. Maybe it'll take away a few week's worth of muscle development, but-"
Jim raised his head. "That's still not good. I wonder if my mom will let me walk this week."
"Your leg looks pretty healed to me, but I'm not an expert."
"Mhm, she'll probably check it again."
"Wanna play polytopia, Jimbo?"
"Sure, Tobes. Wait, Claire told me she'd come over after school sometime. Let me check when," Jim picked up his phone and checked the text Claire sent him. I'll be at ur at 3:30. <3 u.
Jim texted her back, Can't wait. Ily.
She immediately texted right back. Enrique and the little monster r coming with.
Pulling open polytopia, Toby sat beside Jim on the bed and they played for the next half hour. The doorbell rang, and Toby and Jim both stood and started walking to the door.
They looked at each other, mouths hanging open. Jim laughed nervously and plopped back down onto the bed, saying, "You go, I'll stay here."
So Toby grinned and left to get the door. Jim listened and heard the voices as Toby led the guests up to Jim's room. Claire burst in with Enrique in her arms and Jim stood and hugged her and Enrique.
Claire's brother grabbed Jim's forefinger tightly and didn't let go, stubbornness showing in his small eyes. Jim used his other hand to ruffle his hair. Enrique opened his mouth and said, "Fhimm, vhim," trying to say Jim.
Jim smiled. "I missed you, too, buddy." And he kissed Claire on the cheek.
Someone made a retching sound. They looked down at NotEnrique, who crossed his arms and scowled. "Too much mushy bushugal."
Jim's smile faded. Claire noticed and glared at her Changeling brother, who shrugged. Toby frowned, too.
"Wanna play polytopia with us?" Jim asked Claire and NotEnrique.
"Whassthat?" NotEnrique muttered.
"Come see, if you're sooo interested!" Jim said sarcastically, and Toby and Claire chuckled. They all sat on the bed and restarted the game. After forty-five minutes of playing (Claire was in the lead), the doorbell rang.
"I can go get it." Toby walked out and came back in with Barbara, who smiled.
Pushing her glasses up, she placed her hands on her hips. She was in her hospital scrub and her hair was tucked behind her ears. "Hi, guys! Jim, how does it feel to walk on that leg?"
Jim raised his eyebrows. She understood, and said, "I know you've rpobably already walked on it. I mean, what are the chances that you'd actually stay off it for that long? Show me,"
"Okay," Jim put his weight on his feet, standing up near his mom. Her hand came out to steady him if he lost his balance, but he was perfectly fine. Jim took one step, then another, and another. "It feels... pretty good, to be honest. Way better than a few days ago."
"Well, you shouldn't be cooped up in here anymore. You can make dinner,"
"YES!" Jim shouted, his face glowing. "Can they stay for dinner?"
Jack leaned back in his chair, flipping through the pages of his diary. The pages were old and worn, the entries and notes and lists filling up every square inch of paper.
The very last entry was written about his brother.
Dear Mother,
I can't find James. Why would he ever want to leave like he did? It makes no sense. Even with everything that had happened before he ran away, I never would have thought he'd go to such lengths to hide himself from me. There is a mystery here, I can feel it. Isn't there?
Forever searching for more answers and praying that you are in heaven—though I shouldn't be worried, you are a saint—your loving son, Jack.
He sipped his tea and looked up at the wall of his study. On it hung a massive portrait his father had painted for his wife many years back. Shown perching regally on their most expensive couch in the lounging room with her ankles and wrists crossed, her hands on her lap, she looked like a queen.
She was a queen, to Jack. Her eyes were the crystally colour of a clear, exotic lagoon, which was brought out by her sleek gown. A couple small jewels adorned her, but nothing over the top.
"I love you, ma," Jack said. The beautiful, dead eyes seemed to twinkle. The last time he'd ever experienced her lovely face was the day she'd died and her eyes had been cold, the love she had in her for so long leaking out of her body and vanishing.
He shot to his feet and crossed the medium-sized room, winding his way around the couple chairs and leaning his arm on the window. Looking out at the majestic landscape, Jack made the same vow he did on every one of his birthdays: that he'd get James back.
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