When they made it back to the house, the Gamma, Allen's, black SUV was out front again. She assumed he mind-linked with someone to get it moved. Or maybe this was an entirely new vehicle, Paige didn't care. He started walking towards it and Paige asked, "You're leaving?"
"No ma'am, I'm just going to sit in the car." She gave him a questioning look. "The Alpha told me to protect you but he also wanted me to make sure I wasn't 'over-crowding' you. His words, not mine."
"He's making you follow me around under the guise of protection and he wants to be sure you're not 'over-crowding' me?" Paige asked with a hint of disbelief. When Allen nodded Paige snorted, "Gods, that man is an oxymoron personified."
"Like I said ma'am, his words, not mine." Allen replied. Paige rolled her eyes.
"Well come on then." He gave her a confused look. "I'm not going to make you sit out in your car for hours just because I'm pissed at your boss. It's not fair for you to suffer for his mistakes. You can hang out in the living room."
Smiling, he started following her into the house. Before she opened the door she turned to him, "But if my family is home and asks what's going on, you are to say nothing. Nothing about what you saw this morning. And nothing about what you may know from his side of it. My family didn't even know Nathan existed for me until yesterday. Not even as an idea. I'd prefer it if they thought it was a one country/one month/one beach thing like you did. They don't need to know the depth of what happened."
"On offense ma'am but they heard everything you said last night," he said with trepidation, "Just as we did."
"I know. I haven't figured out exactly what I'm going to tell them, but whatever it is it won't be the whole truth. I don't need you complicating it when the time comes."
"Isn't that-?" He started. She raised her eyes at him in challenge, "Nothing, I say nothing." She nodded and went inside.
"Living room's through there," she pointed out the door, "Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee? Looks like there's some left in the pot?"
"No that's okay, thank you ma'am."
She gave him an appraising look. "Okay, suit yourself. I'll be upstairs." He nodded and went into the living room.
She was relieved to find that none of her family were home. She knew she was going to have to talk to them at some point. They were probably burning with curiosity and maybe some worry, but that part of her life was behind a door that she wanted to keep closed. Last nights crack was enough, she couldn't let that door open any further.
She took a longer shower than normal. She wanted the scorching water to burn away any lingering feelings that might come up. She couldn't afford to break down again. She had to keep it together so she could make it through this week. She was here for her brothers binding and nothing more.
When the water began to cool, she got out to hear her mother talking to Allen downstairs. It sounded like it was just small talk at this point but she knew if she didn't hurry her mother would turn the conversation to ask about her and Nathan. She dressed quickly and went back downstairs.
"It's not really my place to say ma'am." Allen was telling her as she walked into the living room. Her mom turned as she entered.
"Paige! We were just talking about you!" Her mother said sweetly.
"All good things I hope." She said smiling at her mother. She hoped that she could distract her from asking her burning questions.
"Of course dear. I only ever have good things to say about you." Her mothers sincerity touched her heart. Cooling the anxiety swirling around inside her. "How are you doing?" She asked, turning serious.
"Oh ya know," Paige said looking away. "Never a dull moment."
"No, none of that now." Her mom said, "Look at me. I need to see your eyes." Paige gave her a small smile and turned back to her. Her mom would always do this. She always could tell how they were by looking in her kids eyes. Paige could never hide anything when looking in her mom eyes.
Her mom looked at her with a questioning concern written all over her face. Her shoulders dropped and her concern etched even deeper. "Oh honey." Paige swallowed hard and said,
"I'm fine Mom, it's fine." She was trying her best to not break down again. She didn't want to worry her mom, not to mention cry in front of Allen, again.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked quietly.
"No," Paige said, trying to sound more firm than she felt. "I just want to do my work. I was going to text you to ask what the Wifi password is."
"Oh, well I can give it to you but I can tell you it's not the greatest connection. You know how it is living all the way out here. If you need it for a significant amount of time or need to upload or download anything, I'd go to the library." She said. "Or there's the café down on main. They also make the best lattes." She added. Paige had to fight to stop her shoulders from slumping. She didn't want to go into public. She had grown a thicker skin while living in the human world and most of the time she didn't mind when people looked at her. Being back at the pack was causing all her old insecurities to come creeping back in. She was fighting hard to keep all the strength she had learned in the human world from running away.
She took a deep breath. "Okay, I guess I could use a cup of coffee."
"Do you want me to come with you?" Her mom asked.
"No, that's okay. I'll just be absorbed in my work. I'd be horrible company. Thanks though." She went upstairs to get her bag. She took a few steading breaths while she was up there. She could do this. She could go face people, it was nothing she hadn't faced before. She headed back down stairs to find Allen waiting for her.
"I guess we're going to the café?"
"I guess so. Are you going to let me drive myself or do I have to ride with you?"
"I would prefer it is you rode with me but if you're more comfortable driving yourself, I understand. I don't want to over-crowd you after all." He said with a smirk. She smiled back at him and asked her mom if she could borrow the car. After assuring her she'd be careful and call if she needed anything she made her way into town.
The café was quaint and cozy. It was full of bright colors and eclectic art pieces. It was something she'd expect to see in the art district of Boston rather than a werewolf pack town. The menu was on a large chalk board behind the counter. Looking at it she saw they had a London Fog on the menu. A surge of longing for her life burst through her at the thought of some tea, so that's what she ordered. When she pulled out her wallet to pay she realized that she hadn't exchanged her money and only held British pounds. She cursed herself slightly and rummaged in her bag for something, even though she knew nothing would be there. "We have tap to pay." The barista said to her.
"I'm sorry?"
"Tap to pay," she said pointing to her phone. "If your bank account is hooked to your phone you can tap to pay."
"Oh," she said, slightly surprised. "Great." She held her phone to the reader. Tap to pay was not something she expected in a pack town. Moon Wind Pack was much more modern than Summit Pack had been. Had so much changed since she'd been away? Or had something else prompted this change?
While she was waiting for her drink she connected her phone to the wifi. After her call with Anton she had switched her phone into airplane mode to avoid roaming charges. With everything that had happened yesterday she hadn't even thought to try and check it.
She had a barrage of texts from Anton, through all the internet texting apps she had. She shook her head and left them unopened. She had a few messages from her roommate asking if she had arrived okay and how it was going. They didn't know much about about where she came from because she rarely talked about it, but they could tell before she left that she was anxious. She sent quick reply's back. She had warned them that she might not have a lot of connection while in the states but she didn't want them to worry. After collecting her drink from the barista, she found a table near the back, pulled out her laptop and got to work.
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