Paige woke to Nathans arms wrapped around her. Her back was to his chest and his arm lay across her waist. She snuggled into him, reveling in the feeling of being his. She had always been his, but now she had stopped fighting it. She was his and he was hers. A big grin spread across her face at the thought.
She stayed as long as she could before feeling nature's call. She started to move his arm but it was too heavy for her at this awkward angle. She tried to squirm out of his grasp but felt him wake behind her. "Where do you think you're going?" His morning voice low and gravelly, it made her heart flutter.
"I'm getting up. Can you move your arm?"
"The last time I let you get out of bed after a night together, you disappeared. I had to take a transatlantic flight to find you again."
Paige smiled at the memories of last night. They had loved each other until they didn't have any energy left. They fell into an exhausted sleep, pressed tightly together. It was now morning, Paige could tell by the shadows on her wall that it was close to nine AM.
She rolled over to face him, "I promise I'm just going to the bathroom." She looked deeply into his eyes. "I'm done running away from this, away from you." He smiled before kissing her. He tried to deepen it but she pulled away. "As much as I want too, I really have to pee." He chuckled slightly before letting her go.
When she came back, she was ready to climb back into bed with him until her stomach growled. His growled in response and he laughed. "I guess we need some nourishment before we do anything more."
"Guess so." She smiled. "I don't think I have anything in though and Lennette's a vegetarian so I doubt we'd find anything to appease your appetite."
"I'm sure I'll survive."
"Nah, we can go down to the diner. Get you a proper English Breakfast."
"They have diners in London?"
"Well they call them cafes but they're basically a diner. Best place to get a fry-up." Paige declared.
"And what's a fry-up?"
"You'll just have to wait and see." She smirked. "I'm gonna go shower, then you need to shower, we both reek."
"We could shower together." She rolled her eyes at his cheekiness. "What?!" he asked in mock indignation. "I'm just thinking about the planet. Saving water and all that." She scoffed and walked to her bathroom attached to her room but didn't say anything when he followed her.
After their shower, which took longer than strictly necessary, Paige found him some clothes an old fling of Lennette's had left there and they walked to the cafe. Nathan marveled the plate they set before him. When Paige ordered him 'The Works' he wasn't expecting this. "Why are there beans on it?" he asked in wonder.
Paige laughed at the look on his face. "Don't question, just eat." Nathan was smart enough not to argue further. Their meal was fun and light. They both loved the feeling of being together. Paige knew there were things that they needed to talk about. Things that needed to be worked out but right now she was happy just to eat breakfast with him.
"So," she said as they finished their tea. "I was thinking, since this is your first time in London, we could do all the touristy things today. I can show you my world for the last five years."
"I'd like that," he said with a smile. "But if you need to work, I can sit quietly by your side and read or something." He gave her a heart stopping smile before twisting it into a smirk, "I'd also be happy to stay in bed with you all day. I'll do anything you want as long as I do it with you."
Paige looked down at her mug to hide the smile creeping across their face. "I have to stop by campus for a little bit but after that I'm all yours." She grinned at the smile that spread across Nathan's face at her words.
They paid and walked out of the cafe. Hand in hand they strolled towards her university.
"Paige?" She sighed at the irritation that was Anton. "You said there was no one else! Who's this bloke?" Nathan let out a low growl at his aggressive words and pulled her closer to him.
"A werewolf?! You're going around with a werewolf?!"
"Anton, I swear to the motherfucking gods, if you don't get the fuck out of my face right now I'm not going to stop my werewolf boyfriend from ending you."
"I'm not gonna let you take her from me so easily wolf." He spit the last word as if it burned his mouth to say it.
"The fuck are you talking about?"
"Paige, he's a vampire." Nathan said quietly, subtly shifting them so that he was standing in front of her.
"YOU'RE A FUCKING VAMPIRE?!" Paige screamed at him. They'd been going off and on for the last three years.
"That's right I'm a vampire. And you're mine! I told you we was meant to be, why else do you think you kept coming back to me?"
"I kept coming back to you because you were convenient. I didn't feel like finding anyone else and you were a good enough lay."
"Nah, you kept coming back cuz you're mine. You should have seen that last night."
"I am no one's but my own. Leave Anton."
"NO! I'm not lettin' you go!" He lunged at Paige. She braced herself to fight him off, but his hit never came. She looked around and saw that Nathan had Anton up against the wall.
"You heard her," he spat in his face. "You and her are done. And she is under MY protection. You come around her again and I'll tear your head off."
"You think that means something here you stupid yank? You're a long way from home. We've got treaties with the local packs. Once a human's claimed by us that's it. There's no going back. I claimed Paige a long time ago. There's nothing you can do."
"Try me," he growled. "I don't give a damn about your treaties. If Paige doesn't want you that's the end of it. She said she's done it's done." He dropped Anton and punched him in the gut. Anton doubled over. Vampire's while strong, aren't as strong as werewolves and they aren't invincible. Hit's from other supernats are painful. It didn't help that Nathan had twice the size on Anton. They were the same height, but where Nathan was broad and muscled, Anton was slim and lanky. "Get out of here."
Anton stood, still coughing from Nathan's hit. "This isn't over wolf." Throwing a glance at Paige he left.
Nathan turned and gathered Paige in his arms. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright." She let go of the tension she was holding with a breath. "He's really a vampire?" She looked up at him.
"He is, a young one, but yeah."
"I never knew. I thought I was pretty quick on the uptake but we've been on and off for three years and I never figured it out."
"I doubt that."
"What do you mean?"
"Vampires can alter human memories and exert influence on your emotions. I'm willing to bet he altered your memories, maybe even your emotions to get you to take him back."
"That motherfucker! I'm going to kill him." She pulled away and moved to chase after him. Nathan grabbed her hand holding her back.
"I am all for that, but maybe not right now. Let's face it when we decide what we're going to do."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, we don't know where we're going, we can go anywhere. Do you have a particular attachment to London?"
"Not really."
"Then it might be a moot point." She smiled at him, he was right, it didn't matter where they went, as long as they were together.
"You're right." She took another breath. "Come on, the faster I finish up what I need to do the faster we can do what we want."
Paige finished up her work at the college quickly. While she was working Nathan reached out to the local packs. He didn't want to cause trouble with the vampires for them, despite what he told the bloodsucker. He was relieved when they told him that because wasn't actually human the claim Anton laid wasn't viable. They also told him that there were werewolves living in London that had dormant wolves that managed to wake them up. When he told her, Paige was excited about it. She really did want to wake her wolf. Nathan was going to stay with her either way but she wanted to share this with him. They made an appointment with one of the wolves for later in the week.
The rest of the day was spent being a tourist in a city Paige had lived in the last five years. She had done all the tourist things years ago after that horrible dinner. London was her first stop but it was different doing them with Nathan. She also showed him all her favorite non-tourist things about London.
They ended the day eating dinner with Lennette at their local pub. Nathan surprised Paige by enveloping Lennette in a big hug the minute he saw her. Lennette was tense at first but when he started telling her how thankful he was for taking care of Paige she softened and hugged him back.
"Just know, if you hurt her again, I'll cut your balls off." She told him before pulling away.
"Not kill me?" he joked.
"You're a werewolf, you face the threat of death all the time. Losing you balls is much more personal." She shrugged before hugging Paige.
Dinner was spent reminiscing and laughing about their travels. Most of the laughter was directed at Nathan who didn't always make the soundest decisions. Toward the end of the evening Paige noticed that Lennette kept looking towards the bar.
"Who you looking at?" Paige asked after the millionth time.
"You've been eyeing someone at the bar for the last ten minutes. Who is it?"
"Over by the end, next to the blonde."
"The guy in the blue bomber jacket?"
"Yeah, isn't he just the most attractive man you've ever seen?" Paige saw the guy smile into his drink.
"He is rather attractive." Nathan gave her a look and she swatted him. "He's also a werewolf."
"What? No he's not."
"He 100% is, he can also probably hear everything we're saying right now."
"So if I said I want to climb him like a tree, he'd hear me?" Paige laughed as she watched the man snort into his drink at Lennette's bawdy language.
"Oh he most definiatley did," Nathan laughed with her. "It looks like he's coming thing way."
"Oh shit!" Lennette said. She turned to Paige, "How do I look?"
"Come here." Lennette leaned in and Paige cleaned some smudged lipstick off her face. "Teeth check?" Lennette bared her teeth, "You're good."
"Hello," he said to Lennette.
"I'm Thomas." He held a hand out to her.
"Lennette." They stared into each others eyes for a long moment. Paige and watched them as it became awkward. Paige nudged Nathan and he cleared his throat. Lennette broke their stare and looked over at them.
"Sorry, hello." He finally pulled his gaze away from Lennette. "Thomas Carter, London unpacked." He held his hand out. Nathan stood slightly and shook it across the table.
"Nathan Grant, American Moon Wind Pack. This is my mate Paige Robins."
"You're the visiting Alpha. I've heard about you." Paige felt Nathan tense slightly as he sat back down.
"You have?"
"Yeah, I got the email as I walked in here."
"Email?" Paige asked.
"Yeah, there's an inner pack email that some of us unpacked are included in. They warned us the vampires might try to stir up trouble because of some Americans."
Nathan relaxed, "Would you like to join us?"
"Seriously?" Thomas asked.
"Of course."
"I've never known an Alpha to sit with an unpacked before. Are things really that different in the states?"
"No," Nathan said. "But my mate has been teaching me a few things." He smiled at her and her stomach did a little flip.
Thomas sat and they shared a few rounds before Paige and Nathan said their goodbyes. "Remember Auckland!" Paige told Lennette as the left. Lennette gave her the finger without taking her eyes off Thomas.
"What happened in Auckland?" Nathan asked as they walked hand in hand down the alley that led back to Paige's apartment.
"She didn't use a condom and got the clap. We ended up going to the ER because we couldn't find a doctor to treat her."
A figure stepped out in front of them, putting both of them on alert. "Hey wolf boy!" A voice called behind them. They turned to see Anton at the end of the alley. "I've come to claim what's mine."
"We've been over this Anton." Nathan called back. "Paige is no one's but her own." A few more men slinked out of the shadows.
"That's where you're wrong. She's mine and I'll take her from you by force if necessary."
"That's not a wise move." Nathan kept his voice calm but Paige could feel his agitation.
"There are more of us than you. And I think you'll find it a little hard to fight us without your wolf."
Nathan looked down at her in concern. "What is he talking about?" she asked.
"I can't feel Malcolm," he said in alarm. His agitation was barely contained now. "What did you do?"
"It's amazing what money can buy. Like a little flavorless wolfsbane and a bartender paid off to slip it in you drink. You're no better than a human now." Paige felt her worry rise, wolfsbane was harmless to humans but can be deadly to wolves if too much is consumed. "Take 'em." Anton said.
The men surrounding them jumped into action. Both Nathan and Paige started to fight. Wolf or no, Nathan was still a good fighter, and Paige had trained for this. They fought back to back knocking the vampires back but eventually they separated them. Paige kept fighting with everything she had.
"Stop!" Anton yelled at her. "Or I rip his head off!" Paige stilled to see Nathan on his knees. Two vampires held his arms and Anton had his head.
"No!" She screamed and lunged towards him. The other vampires reached for her but she was too fast. She knocked Anton away from Nathan. The two vampires holding him were stunned enough that their grip lessened slightly and Nathan started fighting again.
Paige fought with Anton throwing every combination she knew. She heard Nathan let out a cry of pain and turned to see Nathan fall to the ground. When he didn't get up, rage burned through her. Fire coursed thorough her veins as she saw red. She let out a roar of anger, which morphed into pain as every bone in her body started breaking at once.
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