Midnight - What Happened Those Nights?
I stroke the ripped out page of the book. I feel it's roughness and ridges. Over and over again. It's uneven, as if the page was ripped out in a hurry. A rush. Why was Aster rushing? What made her rip out the page? Why is that page gone? Why was nothing written after that?
Kitty's words ring in my ears. That was the night her dad died. Everyone in Eastmore knew what happened to Allan Roseavelt. Well, except for Eilon, he spend spent more time on the internet than in the real world.
Allan Roseavelt was Eastmore's town hero, and the Roseavelt family basked in the glory of it; after all, they were perfect; policeman hero father, successful lawyer turned housewife mother and two popular, clever children; Catherine and Samuel. The Roseavelt and Evans families were interlinked.
Until the night Allan was shot. He was doing the rounds of the neighborhood late one night, when he was shot in the head. One bullet and it all ended. They say it was an ex-criminal who Allan put behind bars; back to do their revenge, but a culprit was never found; grief, despair and confusion flooding the Roseavelts' hearts.
But now there's a new twist on the story. Aster's diary can't just be a coincidence, can it? Was she there? Did she she it? Did she do it?
I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Kitty swings the door of the East's office; enveloped by the musty smell of books and the unusual darkness of the vintage-decorated room.
"Hey," she said, "I know we had plans to meet here this afternoon, to talk about the diary, but I uh...just wanted to let you know I won't be able to make it. I...um...am having dinner with Fox's family."
I raise my eyebrow, "Huh! I heard about your rendezvous last week; stones at the window and all."
"Hey! How did you hear about that?" she seems defensive.
"Oh, please, gossip about Kitty Roseavelt and Fox Grey in Eastmore travels faster than, well anything really." I explain.
"Well, it's not like that. Not all. It's with my family. Our moms are best friends...and Sam's tutoring Fox's little brother; you know, he's falling behind in science..." she replies.
I give her questioning look.
"No, no, I...uh, I guess I'm over him now. I mean I've learnt he loves Aster, like he really loves Aster, still. And I need to respect that. I guess I just need to find myself a guy who loves me like he loves Aster." Kitty smiles, she seems to have gotten a large weight of her chest.
I shrug, "Sounds fair. Guess I'll see you Monday?"
She nods, smiles and turns out the room, "Don't do too much without me, 'Night!"
I smile to myself, as she shuts the door; leaving me alone with my thoughts.
"A whole weekend and nothing?" Eilon taps his chin; then fidgets with his glasses. "No thoughts? No leads? No relationship between Kitty's dad's murder and Aster's disappearance?"
"Mysteries aren't solved in a day," I roll my eyes, "besides, all of you abandoned me on the weekend."
"Sorry we have a social life," Kitty teases, and I scowl.
"Anyway," I say, "What do you know about the night your dad died?" I address her directly, and her gaze shifts to the floor. She finds an antique chair beside the large bookcase against one wall, sits down and takes a long, deep breath.
"The fourth of December. Friday. Dad had just received a promotion the week before. Our family has a tradition of having a family movie night every Friday night; it's the one day Dad always finished early. Anyway, Mom and Sam and me were getting ready - we always take an hour to choose a movie, but we'd found one. the most important movie in my life, but I can't even remember its name.
Anyway, Sam was popping popcorn on the stove, and Mom was making the lounge room all cozy when we got a call from Dad. I picked up the landline, and Dad was complaining he'd be late that night. He was on patrol and said he saw some delinquents hanging around the back of the movie theater with some bottles of spray paint. He didn't think it'd take long, just to knock some sense into them."
Kitty casts her eyes around the room, but they don't take in the surroundings; too focused on retelling the night her father died.
"We waited an hour and a half until Jonathan Seymour arrived at our doorstep. He's a fellow cop, and Dad's lifelong best friend. He told us Dad was in the ER; he'd been shot and was in a critical condition. He said the hospital staff didn't have time to call, as they were too busy. We didn't think anything of it and rushed to the hospital." Tears started forming in her eyes.
"It was empty and hollow. Dark and blindingly bright all at once. Dad was bleeding so much I couldn't bear to look at him. They'd tried to operate, but it was too late." The tears streamed down her face. "He took my hand just before he went. He said, "I love you Kitty. I need you to know that. And I heard something; uh, a twig crack in the bushes before he came out of nowhere. A man in black. Kitty, despite what they say, there was someone else there. Someone hiding in the bushes."
Mum took me and Sam out of the room, right before he passed. She said it was peaceful and quiet. I never took in what he said to me in all this confusion but, now it makes sense...do you think Aster was there?"
The rest of us are standing in awe at Kitty's story. I straighten up. "Quite possibly. But the police never found any witnesses?"
Kitty shakes her head, "None at all. They said it was a quiet, empty night and no-one was about. They have found any new leads in ages. Jon's in charge of the case, but it's kinda become a cold case; they took a pause after Jon and his wife went on an island cruise. Said the stress of the case getting too much to bear. No-one's seen him in months."
Fox's eyebrows furrow; tightly knit like two furry caterpillars meeting. "Your dad; Aster. What the hell happened those nights?"
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