Eilon - The Video To End All Videos
"I totally believe the found it at the Deramaines! Classic Lila!" Kitty huffs, feeling the smooth edges and curves of Aster's phone. She's seated on a soft arm chair, as we sit in a tightly knit circle, somewhat like a strange cult.
"But get this," says Fox, "This was the last photo and video, taken the night Kitty's Dad died."
"Just like the diary entry," Midnight's eyebrows come together.
"Do-do you think they're connected...?" Kitty asks, confused.
Fox presses play and we watch the mysteries the video has to hide.
The screen is dark, except for a few patches of darkened leaves and twigs. A tangle of spiky shadows. A hedge. There's a slight crackle, twigs I presume and the camera shifts to the ground; covered in dark leaves and sticks. The shadows enveloping the foliage. There's heavy breathing; hyperventilation and gasps; panicking. Something loud echoes not that far away. It makes me freeze; that bone-chilling sound. A gunshot.
"Oh my God, Oh my God!" Aster's voice. Wispy and panicky. The camera blacks out; the breathing heavier.
Another shots rips through the air followed by screaming and gasping then a deep voice in the distance. Muffled, but distinct. "Allan, you deserve this, and you know it. Hey! Who's there? Come out, or I'll shoot you!"
Aster's breathing becomes heavier, her fear echoing through the video. Then the video stops.
Kitty is silent; but her expression says it all. Her fear and shock; her eyes as wide as dinner plates, her lips slightly parted in awe.
"Oh my God," says Midnight, rubbing her temples, "there's no way. No way! Aster saw Kitty's dad get killed?"
"She-she'd know who it was then, if she saw through cracks in the hedge," I reason, going cold. "She could have seen the murdered through the cracks.
"Is that why someone came after her? The killer?" Fox asks, confused.
"To cover it up. She was the only witness," Midnight muses.
"No-one's ever testified," Kitty says, onto something. "No witnesses ever came forward."
"Maybe she just couldn't take it anymore," says Fox, his voice flat, "Did she kill herself? Or did someone else?"
"Yes," says Midnight, "Either is possible, the murder of Kitty's Dad got too much.."
"Just shut up!" says Kitty, slamming her hand on the desk. "I'm over constantly talking about them, I don't want to be reminded of the fact...he was murdered...and then Aster; this-this is all too much!"
"We were just trying to help," says Midnight, annoyed, "like we have been the past few weeks. It's not our fault your Dad and Aster's deaths were intertwined."
"We don't know she's dead!" Kitty bursts, angrily. "No body's ever been found; no-one's confessed to a murder!"
"I think you need some alone time," says Midnight softly, giving Kitty a glare as she walks out the door, and Fox follows like an embarrassed dog with his tail between his legs.
Kitty places her face in cupped hands.
Carefully, quietly, I creep over. I place my hand on her shoulder, my head spinning.
I stumble, scrambling for words. I never know what to say. I've never been in this situation before. I never thought I would be. Comforting golden
Kitty Roseavelt in a dark, empty room.
"I-I get it." I say, "Death is hard."
Kitty looks up, her hair ruffled, her face like a map, divided by thick black rivers of running mascara. "Have you ever lost someone?"
I cough, clearing my throat, making and effort to push up an old memory. An old, painful memory. "My brother," I say weakly, my eyes dropping to the dark floorboards.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I had no idea," she says, wiping her tears which smears black all over her face. "I thought everyone knew everything about each other in this tiny town."
I shake my head, "No-one ever cares about the Greenes, everyone know we don't fit in." I explain, shaking my head.
"I-I'm so sorry," says Kitty again, brushing a strand of hair out of her face, "H-How and when; if you don't mind me asking..."
"Cancer." I say, looking off in the distance, "Almost four years ago. He gave up fighting, and in a way my mother never forgave him for it."
"That must of been so hard," says Kitty, choking up. "I-I guess I shouldn't complain. I mean, Midnight's mum left didn't she? Is no-one normal in this town?"
I laugh, lightening up, "I guess not. Suppose that's why we're all here."
I clear my throat. Nervous; terrified, and prepared for rejection. I look at Kitty, her smile lighting up the room, in that small moment. I close my eyes tight, and open the up again, my fists clenched. "Um..er, do you want to go to the spring dance t-together?"
Unexpectedly, she smiles, "Sure, yeah. You're fun to be around, Eilon, you get it."
I feel like I have won. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this. Me? And Kitty Roseavelt?
I have never felt more radiant, as we call Fox and Midnight back into the room; I'm beaming as we rewatch the video, and Midnight gives me a suspicious look.
"How ever will we know who did it?" Fox asks, confused.
"That voice," says Kitty, "I know that from somewhere..." her face screws up in concentration, "I just can't ...it's at the back of my mind..."
"I think we should hand this into the police." I say, defiantly, standing my ground.
"No way," says Midnight, "We can't trust them, what if they're involved?"
"I don't think that's a good idea," I say, sticking to my status quo of the goody-two-shoes nerd.
"We need to find her on our own," says Fox, speaking up, "The police haven't publicly released any information. There's something suspicious going on...for sure."
"But what have they got to hide?" asks Kitty, innocently.
"Anything," Midnight says, shaking her head, "anything at all."
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