Eilon - Spiderweb
"You want me to do what?!" I almost shrieked, staring into the dark eyes of Midnight Deluca.
"Shh, keep it down," she says, sweeping pale purple strands of hair behind her ears. "We're doing something good, to find Aster."
"Not anything good for Lila Deramaine." I remind her.
Midnight raises her eyebrow, "And since when have you cared about Lila Deramaine?"
"Good point." I admit, "but that has to be illegal!"
"You owe me," Midnight chides, "Remember when you had me..."
I shut her up, "Hey! you promised not to let anyone know. School hallways are very public places, keep your mouth shut, Midnight!"
Midnight smiles mischievously, "I'll keep my end of the bargain, if you keep yours!"
I sigh, "Where do you suppose you'll get this equipment from?"
"Oh, Honey," she grins, "Don't you think I've already thought of that?" With that, she's off, lost in the corridor's crowd. She turns over her shoulder, dressed all in black and with a fur-lined khaki coat and heavy Doc Martens, she's hardly a Princess Charming, "You underestimate me, Eilon Greene!"
We're gathered in The East's office after school. Midnight has fabricated an intricate mystery board scattered with photos of Aster, her family and Lila, interlaced with red string, thumbnails and sticky notes. She seems obsessed, but Kitty and Fox are just glad someone is doing something. The cops haven't updated them on any leads, but Fox doubts they've found much.
Stepping into the musty old room lined with books, I'm intimidated. I don't think I've ever been this close to either Kitty Roseavelt or Fox Grey before. Their presence is overwhelming. Not to mention Midnight, she is somewhat intimidating, although we'd known each other almost our whole lives. I wouldn't call Midnight and I friends, but mere acquaintances, forced together Eastmore High's social hierarchy system. Those like Midnight and I at the bottom of the pyramid stuck to themselves, whilst the likes of Kitty Roseavelt, Aster Evans, Lila Deramaine and Fox Grey intermingled.
Fox and Midnight ignore me mostly, though, of course, except for Kitty who gives a small piteous wave. Midnight gestures to me after a pause. "This is Eilon Greene."
They knew that of course. Eastmore is a small town, but Midnight is quite dramatic, and likes to think of herself as enshrouded in mystery. Which she is of course, what with her family history.
Midnight seems to read my thoughts, sharply interjecting and turning to Fox. He is tall and broad-shouldered, with wavy brown hair and a chiseled jawline. He reeks of betterness. Once this is all over in a week, with Aster Evans back by his side, he and Kitty won't even remember us. "So, did you ask her out?" Midnight asks, expectantly.
"Uh, yeah." says Fox, looking down at his scuffed shoes. "She seemed excited and suggested we head to Hazel & Frank's but I suggested we go to her house instead. Saturday."
"Good," says Midnight, but Kitty remains unusually silent.
"Alright, all hooked up." Midnight announces, after weaving a set of microphones through his shirt. She gives him an earpiece, "Make sure she doesn't see. Eilon, all connected?"
I nod, seated at my monitor. We're in my room. Which is personal, private and embarrassing, but I need access to my equipment.
"Okay," says Kitty, "Remember, Fox, we'll drop you off at Lila's, Midnight and I will remain in the car parked outside her house, and you and Eilon can communicate through the ear pieces."
Fox nods, and I bid them adieu as they go down to the car. My bedroom is on the top floor of our house, and from my computer set up at my desk, I can look out the window below. The three of them pile into Fox's jeep. It's big and red and ominous to someone like me. I couldn't even dream of getting a little hatch.
They roar off down the road, and I wait patiently for a sign. Exactly seven minutes later, I can hear Fox tune in. "Hey, uh, Eilon, we've arrived."
"Oh, uh, okay, great. Good luck."
I can hear his feet crunch on the gravel as he enter's Lila's house. I feel so terrible. It's like a spiderweb. Lila's the fly, Fox's the spider and Midnight, Kitty and I are the thin, whispery silver threads tying her in place. Trapping her. Locking her down. With no escape.
Terrified, and realizing my mistake, I whip out my phone.
I can't do this! Abort mission!
All I get in response is:
You really want the whole school to know your secret? ;)
Blackmail at its finest.
I hear the doorbell ring, and faintly, Lila's reply. "Hey, Foxie, so glad you could make it! Luckily my dad's at work, so the house is empty."
"Great." I hear Fox reply awkwardly. I never knew someone like Fox Grey himself could be awkward.
"Come in," Lila says in the background. "Now, I hope this isn't about Aster? I mean, everyone's blaming about what happened to her. And I'm sorry, really, but I didn't do it."
Fox pauses, before catching his breath and replying, "No, no, of course not!"
"Oh, Good." Lila responds, "Like she was my friend and everything. But it's been two weeks, people, get over it!"
I can just imagine Fox's jaw locking in anger. "Don't you dare -"
I know it's mine time to speak up, so I whisper back, "Hey, don't screw this up, or we'll never know what happened!"
"Don't you dare mention Aster," Fox says instead. But it doesn't sound genuine. "I'm so over her."
"Finally someone who agrees with me!" Lila giggles.
"So, uh, why don't you take me on a tour of the house?" Fox suggests.
"Oh, come on, you've been here before," Lila reminds, "Remember the night of the party? When you know...someone went AWOL?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know, I just wanted to see the house properly. You know it's so...uh, nice?" Fox comes up with an excuse.
I seize my moment, "Seen any security cameras?"
"No, not yet," he whispers back.
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