Chapter One
Cole feels the sensation of wet muck against his skin. Light slightly glimmers against his eye lids as he slowly opens his eyes only for cole to find himself surrounded by trash.
Piles and piles of trash as far as the eye can see. Wait the wet muck was trash EW EW EW cole thinks to himself rapidly attempting to wipe it off.
Suddenly cole is snapped out of his trance when a car is hurled at him. Pain shoots through coles abdomen as he is pinned down by the car. He uses his strength to push it off. His eyes darting around to find what had thrown it.
Coles eyes land on a giant amalgamation of trash and objects. Its throwing and destroying everything around it. In front of it he notices a purple person running towards him. Before cole can even think the person has thrown coles arm over his shoulder to help him walk.
"Who are you" he cole mutter out as he grips onto the stranger as they run away from the giant creature that was causing mass distruction.
"Thats not important" the unknown person says to cole. Cole sighs as they run towards a castle tower like structure. When they finally reach the castle cole turns to see that the being wasnt following them anymore.
As a sense of relief washes over cole he now has the opportunity to properly take in the appearance of the person who had saved him. He was purple and cole managed to recognise ther figures features from when he met the munces and geckles in shintaro.however cole cant seem to tell for the life of him which this person was.
In the middle of coles thoughts the figure opens the door taking cole inside and leading him over to a couch. Suddenly cole finds at his feet two kids one he recognsied as being a young hypnobrai the other more evidently human.
The small children immediately begin harassing cole with many questions.
"Who are you"
"Where are you from"
"Why is your face funny"
"Are those your pyjamas"
"Geo says we shouldnt were our PJs outside"
He finds himself quicklys overwhelmed and it takes him a few seconds to figure out what he wants to say only to be interrupted by the purple guy from before.
"Now fritz, spitz your going to overwhelm him. Lets try to avoid that this is a new situation for him and without doubt a stressful ones"
So thats the kids names cole thinks to himself only half processing everything that was going on. It was frankly a little overwhelming and he could hardly remember how he ended up here.
"Now i should probably introduce myself. My name is Geo. this must be a little overwhelming for you" the purple guy who cole now understands to be cole geo says.
"Geo thats an interesting name, I'm cole and uh yeah it is overwhelming uh where am i?" cole asks to geo watching as geo grabs a medical kit from the cuboard. He had almost forgot the injury he had sustained from having a car hurled at him.
"Well cole, your in the land of lost things. This building is called the rookery and that thing that attacked you is known as the hoarder" the figure says walking over towards cole with the med kit in hand gesturing for cole to lift up his shirt so that geo can tend to his injury.
"The land of lost things? The hoarder?" cole questions lifting up his shirt carefully revealing some harsh bruising and a long deep cut up his ribs with a piece of metal inside.
"Its a place where lost things end up. When things are forgotten they end up here. And sometimes it happens to people... " Geo pauses looking to cole with a sympathetic look. Did his friends forget about him he couldnt help but wonder. Had they not cared about him was he really that unimportant to end up here.
"And the hoarder?" cole questions biting his lip harshly as he feels Geo pull the piece of metal out.
"We dont know where it came from it just appeared one day out of the blue" the following moments after geos response are filled with silence as cole deals with the pain of the treatment to his wounds. He had felt worse pain recovering from injuries he had sustained over his many quests and travels as the black ninja however that didnt mean they didnt hurt when he got them.
"Your taking this very well" geo breaks the silence as he finishes dabbing the gash with alcohol to clean out the wound.
"Well ive been injured alot ive gotten good at dealing with it." he says with a grin flinching for a second as Geo starts stitching up the gash.
"Thrill seeker are we?" Geo says half jokingly.
"Oh you know it Im the most thrill seeky to have ever existed I'm just So cool like that." cole and geo laugh together for a few moments. Before something dawns on cole
"How did the kids end up here" cole asks looking and geo confused and a little sad at the idea that these innocent sweet kids had been forgotten by someone.
"I dont know. I just found them here one day and be and bonzle took them in"
"bonzle ?" cole asks not familiar with the name.
"They are another member of the finders- well thats what we call ourselves anyways." geo says tying off coles stitches and letting cole put his shirt back down.
"So all of you just appeared here? Why dont you just leave" Geo goes silent pausing for a moment before walking back over
"We cant weve all tried we just end up lost or end up back here in someway"
"Im so sorry geo" geo gives cole a warm smile before putting his hand on coles shoulder
"let me show you to your room" he says before helping cole walk over towards a room. Geo opens the door for cole leading him to the bed allowing for cole to lay down. Cole softly smiles a geo as geo walks away to the door slowly shutting it
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