Hey! Don't Bite Me!
"It couldn't have been that bad," Lin remarked grabbing a 'green machine' smoothie as we walked to our table for dinner, "I mean you only worked with her for 15 minutes,"
I sighed, "It was worse," sitting down as we ate I filled her in on my terrible lesson with Keira,
"Alright bring her up to a trot," Doing as Keira said I asked Prim for a trot which she glided into and soon Keira gave her next direction, "Check Diagonal" I did as she said, and changed it, "I said check the diagonal! Not change it! Geez!" My face heated up, but I was on the wrong one when she said that...
"Turn earlier and side pass to the rail," Alright I could do that, turning so we were down about the quarter line. I asked for the side pass, "Her butt is dragging! Keep her straight! Don't fling around your hands so much!" Keira exclaimed, by the time I was at the rail, I was annoyed, Prims ears were starting to pin back and Keira was still yelling,
"Do it again!" Lining Prim up at the quarter line again I started the side pass keeping my post smooth, Prim did the same with her trot and her legs cross cleanly, her body straight,
"Don't let her slow down!" Seriously? This girl could probably knit pick Charlotte Dujardin, By now Prim was done. As soon as we made it to the rail she shook her head and kicked her back leg. Giving her a sharp kick to stop her kicking she resorted to a buck. Sighing I rode it and continued on. Prim was not having it anymore.
"That's it..." I didn't pay attention much until I heard the swish of a flag. My eyes widened slightly as Keira waved the flag behind Prim's butt. "Forward! I want clean forward half passes!" I bit back a comment and urged Prim onward,
"Come on girl, work with me, we'll be done soon," I murmured. Prim snorted and arched her head in collection, her tail swishing in annoyance. The flag snapped through the air again.
"Forward! Push her into it!" I gritted my teeth and continued urging Prim on until I heard the sound of the flag slapping her on the butt, not enough to hurt her or anything but enough for her to freak out. Prim bolted a few steps then stopped and reared straight up. Leaning forward I hugged her neck praying she wouldn't fall backwards. She didn't.
She landed on all four hooves again and instantly I gathered the reins and pushed her into a choppy working canter, my hands high to prevent bucks and get her mind off of it. Circling her twice, I finally pulled up to a walk and then a halt in front of Keira whose face was as red as a tomato.
"What the hell was that? I didn't say working canter!" she growled, I'd had enough,
"Our lesson is over. Hit Prim with that flag again and see what happens," I growled right back before walking Prim out to the rail on a long rein,"
"Please tell me you're joking," Lin gaped,
"Yes, because I totally just made up that whole story," I snapped sarcastically before sinking further into my seat, "Of course it happened, even as much as I wish it hadn't" I admitted, Lin frowned,
"What happened next?"
I sighed, "Solomon asked what happened and Keira stopped me from talking, saying Prim was tired and had ended well so we decided to end it there," More gaping from Lin,
"Can I punch her? I really wanna punch her," my eyes widened at her and I quickly shook my head,
"No one even knows what happened but you, everyone was invested in their lessons and Solomon wasn't even facing us at the time," I mumbled,
"Oh you've gotta be kidding me. No one even knows what happened?" I shook my head.
"You've got that part wrong," I looked to my right as Jacob took a seat beside me,
"I saw everything, and I told Solomon everything," I groaned dropping my head onto the table,
"Great, now she's gonna have it out for me even more then before..." I could feel their eyes on me,
"What do you mean then before?" I sighed picking my head up off the table and told them about everything she said to Leo after our trail ride.
"Beo! Beo! Beo!" Lin started chanting with Jacob and I watching curiously,
"Beo?" Jacob questioned.
"Beth and Leo of course!" she exclaimed throwing her hands up as if it was the most idiotic question she's ever heard.
"Not again..."
"Oh yes again! He defended you against her! He definitely likes you!"
"Did I forget to mention that they're dating? Oh and right after that conversation they were making out? Oops my bad..." I stated dryly, Lin stopped her cheering and her eyes turned deadly,
"You mean...this girl...is in the way of Beo! I shall kill her!" I think she was actually gonna do it before Jacob grabbed her as she got up and tried to storm by him,
"Lin! Lin! Calm down! Lin! Hey! don't bite me!" Jacob and Lin grappled with each other for a moment as the whole cafeteria watched us. I kept my head down pretending not to know them until finally Lin gave up and sat back down with a huff.
"You done?" I asked my face bland,
"I'm done," Lin huffed, crossing her arms.
"Alright everyone listen up, the first show is this saturday, meaning you have three days, well four counting today, to prepare. You will be expected to prep your horse the night before and clean all of your tack. As well as pack anything you may need," Solomon informed us, "And as of today with shows starting you will only have your morning and evening lessons, the rest of the time is personal training, chores, riding and whatever else is needed. Lessons will only be about half an hour to forty five minutes in an effort to make sure your horse isn't over worked as show season starts. Evening lessons today are canceled, although I expect you to do some personal training," everyone soon dispersed but a wave from Solomon toward me left me staying in the tack room we had used as a meeting place..again.
"I heard that you showed up on time and completed the morning feeding with time to spare," he started, I nodded affirming this, "As you probably know Jacob has informed me of what happened with Keira when my back was turned.I want to let you know I do not blame you for what happened with Keira. She should have never used the flag with such a high strung horse as Prim, especially tapping her with it, Prim doesn't have enough calmness for that. With that being said, I would like to work with you and Prim today 1 on 1, so meet me in Arena 1 in half an hour. I want to see just how high this girl can jump," and with that he was off.
Heading to Prims stall in a daze I took her to the cross ties and quickly tacked her up. Why would Solomon say that now? Why hadn't he just lunged her before to see how high. Nonetheless, this just meant some extra jumping.
"Alright little lady, you ready to go?" I questioned her rhetorically before buckling my helmet and leading her to the arena. Mounting her I tightened my girth a whole from her back before sending her to the rail. I had about 15 minutes until Solomon got here so a nice warm up would be good. A few jumps were set up, nothing super high, but high enough. After about a lap I asked her for a trot, and went through some bending exercises until asking for a canter which she went into without a complaint. Praising her on her smooth transition I cantered a few circles before lining her up for a small crossrail about a foot or two high.
Prim jumped it with ease and I laughed as she did a ridiculously small buck as if to protest it wasn't high enough.
"Seems like you're warmed up enough," I slowed her to a walk just as Solomon entered and gave him a nod as he made his way to the cross rail putting it up two holes and to a vertical instead of a cross rail. "Alright take her over this next one," I nodded, sending her to a canter, circling her once around the jump I lined her up for it and went into a two point with ease. Clapping her in the neck as we landed in a clean and smooth canter.
"Good, she has good balance for those jumps which is something I like to see," We cantered another lap as Solomon put it up another hole. Sending her straight at it I rose easily into a two point as she cleared it yet again with room to spare.
"Nice Beth!" he raised it even higher and my mouth thinned at the height. Was he sure we could do that? "Alright, Keep her straight on and trust that she can jump it. I know it's higher but I know you two can jump it," Prim perked up at the sight of the jump and I shook my head clear of all the doubts. Prim could do this, we could do this. Sending her straight at the jump I held my breath as she launched herself into the air, my breath escaping as a gasp at the pure amazement of Prim's power. She grunted as she kicked out her back legs, the whole jump seeming to move in slow motion until finally we landed and I pumped a fist in the air letting out a loud,
"Yes!" as I slowed her to a trot. Grinning I clapped her on the neck and slowed her to a walk.
"So...I lied," I pulled Prim to a stop in front of Solomon,
"About what?"
"I know how high Prim can jump, I wanted to see how high you would jump. And I think 1.3 meters is pretty high," I gaped at him,
"You...You tricked me?" Solomon grinned at me,
"Like I said, I know you have the skill for this team, I also know that something happened to change you in the past two years but I do know you have less experience then almost all these other riders and you ride as well as them, you could probably even be better, but you have to want it,"
"Shoot high, and trust your horse to get there,"
"Tell me Beth, do you want this?"
"Bye sweetheart, keep jumping for me,"
"Do you want to make it to the top?"
"Beth! It'll be alright, you'll be alright,"
"Do you think you can make it there?"
"He's gone, and he's not coming back,"
"Are you going to make it there?" I took a deep breath and looked straight at Solomon,
"I'm going to make it there, and I know I can be the best," Solomon nodded,
"Good, now show me you can," He clapped Prim on the neck before stepping back, "Take her over that jump again and release a little bit earlier," I nodded, sending Prim out to the rail at a trot before asking for a canter. Taking a deep breath as we cantered towards the jump I tightened and loosened my grip and together we went over the jump, the world once again seeming to stop around us as Prim powered over it her neck stretching in a beautiful arc as we cleared it and landed cleanly.
"Good! I think that's enough for today, go ahead and cool her out," I let out a breath of relief and let Prim go on a long rein and took my feet out of the stirrups as we walked around the arena.
Solomon waved before exiting and I was left to my own thoughts. Solomon kept mentioning two years ago but in truth it was only about a year ago that the thing that started it all happened. And only five months since so many things changed...and went wrong. I sighed, before steering Prim to the center and hopping off. Rolling up my stirrups I led her out of the arena, my head down as we plodded along. I had gone through so much before coming here.
But now...I wasn't sure if this dream was worth it? I hadn't even made it into the top ten my first week, how would I ever get onto the team with scores like that. I shook my head clear once again and clipped Prim into the crossties before starting to untack her. At least...At least the day was finally over.
(Y'all are gonna be so mad at me for this...)
"Now entering the ring, number 216 Elizabeth Palmer riding Journey's Calling," taking a deep breath I urged Journey into a canter as we rode towards the first jump. The current rider in first had a time of 45.4 seconds and four faults from the final jump. All I needed to do was beat that time, or go clear. We needed to fly above that. Steering Journey towards the first jump we cleared it easily, the strides nice and open. Slowing Journey to shorter strides for the next jump, a double oxer, I gave her an extra kick before the jump, not letting her falter before we flew over it.
Turning her on a dime I heard her grunt beneath me but still, we kept moving onwards, her dappled grey coat rippling with power. We soared over jump after jump. Only three jumps, each only a stride apart, remained, and as we launched over the first, the landing showed me almost immediately that something had gone wrong. She stumbled and before either of us could straighten ourselves the next jump was in front of us and we went careening through it.
Journey let out a heart breaking whinny as she kept running and I hung on tightly to her neck as we crashed into the next jump and I finally flew over her neck, landing on my chest and on a fallen pole. My breath was instantly knocked out of me, the world going dark for what seemed like an eternity until I opened my eyes and found myself back in the present, Journey rearing, trying to untangle her reins which had tangled around the now broken jump. I attempted to take a deep breath but ended in a coughing fit from a sharp pain in my side and in my chest. Ignoring my body's protests I pushed myself up and off the pole my vision instantly turned dizzy and people finally arrived at the scene.
"J-Journey," I coughed out as paramedics arrived at my side, "I'm fine, just look after Journey," I rasped,
"Easy Elizabeth, tell us, do you hurt anywhere?" I continued trying to climb to my feet before a gentle but firm hand kept me in place,
"I said, I'm fi-" I let out a hacking cough, covering my mouth I pulled away my elbow to see blood staining my show coat,
"Elizabeth please stay still," they didn't have to tell me twice, I fell onto my back and talking around my resumed,
"Elizabeth...Please answer...where does it hurt?" I groaned, as the sky spun above me and my eyes fluttered shut Journey's haunting and scared whinny sounding through the air.
"Elizabeth!" I shot up in my bed, my forehead nearly colliding with Lin's who was standing over me with a concerned look on her face. I panted as my breath came in quick short gasps, "Beth? What's wrong?" I continued gasping and Lin ran into the bathroom, I heard shuffling before a familiar object was shoved in my hand.
With shaking hands I guided my inhaler to my mouth. One inhale. Hold my breath for a second. One more inhale. Hold my breath one more time. And breath.
My breathing finally slowed to a normal pace and Lin sat on the edge of my bed,
"Thanks..." I breathed heavily,
"What was that?" Lin watched me carefully as I set the inhaler on my nightstand,
"I just had a nightmare, it must've set me off,"
"Oh..." I surprised her by pulling her into a hug,
"Thank you, I mean it, you were a big help," she hugged me back for a moment before pulling back and looking at me seriously,
"Beth...who else knows about your asthma?" I stared at my hands in my lap, "Please tell me...does anyone but me know? Here at least?" I shook my head,
"Only you and a friend back home know," I felt Lin staring at me,
"You need to tell Solomon," I snapped my head up to look at her,
"No." her eyes widened at my stern tone, "I can't tell anyone, at least not until after the camp, I don't need anyone thinking it's going to stop me from riding as hard as the rest of you,"
"But Beth...It could be dangerous not to tell anyone,"
I sighed, "I'll be fine, Lin"
"Beth, I'm being serious, this could end up being really dangerous, I mean, what if I hadn't known about your asthma tonight, who knows what would've happened!" Lin's voice was steadily rising and I quickly shushed her when I saw the numbers on my clock saying it was three am.
"I know, but I can't tell them not yet..." I trailed off,
"Fine, but I swear if something happens I'm going to tell Solomon," I nodded and Lin went back to her bed while I fell back on mine. Staring at the ceiling for about half an hour I found there was no way I was going to be able to sleep anymore tonight. Looking over at Lin I found she was already fast asleep.
Quietly getting out of bed I grabbed a pair of jogging shorts, a t-shirt, sweatshirt and my sneakers before hurrying into the bathroom. Changing quickly I grabbed my phone and headphones before sneaking out the dorm room.
Holding my sneakers in my hands I crept down the hallway to the front doors before putting them on and leaving the building. Sighing at the warm crisp night air I put in my headphones and put on some music before heading off at a jog. Maybe I was an idiot for going on a run at three am but at this point I knew there was no other way I was going to be able to sleep. Not after that dream... especially because it was real...it was memory from five months ago.
Sooo new chapter! Yayyyy, what's you guys think? We're diving into Beths pst a little bit more now ;)) hope you guys like it and sorry this chapter was a little bit shorter...I thought it was dramatic enough for one day XD
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