Non-Washable. (omg it's a pt 2)
Headcanon you didn't need to know: Yellow is 6'3" purely so he can reach the shelves in his shop. This means he is a TALL person, in case you couldn't tell.
Also, "marker" is term for "NPC in the game". "The Player" is the main character of the game, but we love talking about side characters, don't we?
Whirls of rustic colors surrounded Yellow's head. The dimensions twisted, mutated, and swirled. A strong electrical zap traveled through the course of his veins. Not a great experience he had time traveling.
Then, he landed like he just fell from the sky, gasping for breath. His head felt light and heavy at the same time, and he could swear he thought there was someone calling his name. Clutching the side of his head, he managed to stand up and balance. Not easy for someone who was six feet tall.
After he finally regained his senses, he managed to walk around- and bump into everything he saw in the process due to poor vision.
This is the PERFECT time for broken glasses, Yellow thought. He was about to stumble somewhere else when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder.
Turning around- and looking down, he saw a short marker with even shorter black hair. Clad in brown overalls and a white shirt, she asked Yellow "how in Washable's name did you fall from the sky in a tornado of mystery material and still be alive right now?"
"...I don't know," Yellow responded before wondering the same question. "Truth to be told, I'd like to ask someone that question as well."
"Well, do you have anywhere to go?" the mystery marker asked in a passive aggressive manner.
"Y-" Yellow was about to respond "yes, the obvious shop over there" until he remembered that he wasn't in The Server.
He was in the Washable Kingdom.
"Actually, on second thought, no," he said, feeling a little stupid for his late memory.
"Merchant told me to be nicer, so you can stay with me for a while if ya need to," mystery marker said. "By the way, I'm Primrose. What's your- actually, I'm not going to ask. Tell me who you are so I know you're not Wizard in disguise trying to kill me."
"I'm... Yellow?" he said, suddenly remembering how weird and awkward it was to have a color for a name.
Even weirder was the fact that he was talking with his ancient ancestor, who, he realized, was an incarnation of chaos.
"Okay, cool. Follow me? So we can interrogate you," Primrose said. She didn't give Yellow much of a choice, though, as she just brutally grabbed his forearm and dragged him over to the marketplace.
HELP, Yellow thought as he stumbled down the stairs, barely keeping his balance.
When they finally skidded to a stop, Yellow found himself facing another bored looking marker- with an attitude strangely similar to him when he was having a bad day.
"What do you want, Primrose?" the marker said.
"Okay, so you won't believe this, but I saw this dude hurtling down from the SKY-"
"I saw. Everyone saw. Bet he's from whatever 'The Server' is. That's what everyone that comes hurtling down from the sky says," the marker (with an attitude) interrupted.
"Wait- there's more?!?!?!" Primrose yelled. "MERCHANT, WHY DID I NEVER SEE THEM???"
"You were too busy bothering Tip Jar," Merchant replied.
Yellow tried to sneak his way out of the mess that ensued, and almost made it- if he hadn't been gripped by the collar and lifted 3 feet into the air by someone who was *actually very normally* shorter than him. The only reason they'd been able to do that was the fact that they could levitate.
What was even more absurd was time runes were circling the figure's body.
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