i've once again returned to my roots of foliage x dark. it's not leaving my system no matter how sidetracked i get, so you're stuck suffering with me now >:3
the goofy ass scenarios i came up with:
Purple: Hey, Foliage, what's your type?
Foliage: Bad boys with red hair and a temper...
Purple: Come again?
Foliage, suddenly realizing what he said: I said I dON'T KNOW-
Dark: I feel like doing something stupid.
Foliage: I'm stupid, do me!
Dark: *exiles Foliage from the living realm*
*Dark is about to fucking fight someone*
Foliage, picking his bf up and running away: Nope, nope, nope, not today.
Purple, talking to Khaki: Watch this!
Purple, to Foliage: Oi! What color eyes do Dark have?
Foliage: This beautiful ebony black that pierces through all of my feelings straight into my heart and... hang on, what?
Foliage: Sorry I'm late, I was doing things.
Purple: FYI, Dark was "things".
Dark: No, I'm Dark. When did you forget my name?
(that's all lmao)
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