death scenes from DN; HF
i miiight have a decent case of writers block where i literally can't develop my scenes the way i want to- so i'm using this as practice (and filler content)
these are some of the death scenes that i really loved (and you know how much of an angst sucker i am) so i decided to pull a good ol' fangirl move called REWRITING THEM! not all of the death scenes will be featured- i'm only going to do some, especially since i like dragging them out.
there wasn't a good place to put where i'm getting these death scenes from in the last paragraph so here's the book! that's the link, you better visit it and read or re-read it because istg if you don't give it attention i will PERSONALLY induce the most brutal death on you ever /j (but seriously it's not appreciated enough)
CS wrote the original so go give her some love too :D
with all that out of the way, enjoy!
Serenity's death:
"Stay together!" Candy Cane's usually subsided voice boomed through the room, authority ringing through his throat as he directed everyone through the darkness. "It's the only way we can know everyone's still here!"
It made sense- it would be so much easier to tell what had happened, it would give so many people a shoulder to lean on- so, everyone gradually felt their way around the dark, grabbing a buddy and forming their own small groups.
The commotion died down after everyone was settled. There wasn't much noise- only a small ticking of a clock, minuscule beat enhancing the eerie atmosphere by the counted seconds. The fireplace was crackling, sending out sparks that seemed to be dying by the second and lighting up-
A light source. Gosh, why hadn't anyone thought of that before? Piping up her voice, Serenity cupped her lips with a hand as she called out a message.
"Wait- guys!" Her tone was hopeful, light- almost too optimistic in such a dangerous atmosphere. "The fireplace is still burning! If we go there, we might be able to see each other better!"
And without waiting for an answer, her own two feet took her over to the light source. It was like animal instinct, walking over to the fireplace and eyeing a comfy pillow in the vicinity- she almost didn't hear Zen as they called out her name.
"Wait, Seren-"
But she never heard Zen finish their sentence. A hard punch to her back had knocked her off her feet, filling her with confusion at first. Then, when she felt her chest, a thick, warm liquid dripped down from a wound- when had that been there?
Serenity brought her hand up to see what the liquid was better, and gasped in shock as she saw deep red blood staining her fingers.
Then, a piercing pain spread through her nerves- screaming in agony, Serenity's body went stiff as it landed with a small thud on the floor. She could hear people calling her name, see the lights slowly lifting, but before anything could fully come together, a dark inky black took over her vision.
The slow, shaky breath she was going to take never came.
Wild's death:
It wasn't the death count he was worried about. It wasn't the mysterious host, controlling everything with a power so weak yet so strong it seemed like anything could happen. It wasn't even the way people were talking amongst themselves, wary and suspicious of their own friends.
No, it was Forbidden- the silver-haired, fidgety little brother he had, one that he'd taken care of for as long as he could remember. Forbidden seemed to be on his heels, scared of anything and surprisingly dependent; even for such a childish figure like him. Wild noticed him shaking his hand a little, and took it into his own in a subtle effort to console him.
A small squeak of surprise came from the figure- the pale hand tensed up, then relaxed after it identified who was holding it.
"T-thanks," Forbidden muttered, and Wild smiled in return. The two brothers stood in silence for a while, until Forbidden's small voice started on something again- Wild turned over, giving the marker his full attention.
"Wild...?" Forbidden had an unidentified tone to his voice- yet, it sounded sad, melancholy, but mysterious at the same time. He squeezed Wild's hand, and an air of worry spread through the area.
"Yes, Forbidden?"
There was a small shuffling noise, probably Forbidden stepping around. "I- I'm worried..."
Wild's smile faltered a bit as he took a step closer to the shivering person in front of him. "About what?"
"A- about this night... what'll happen if s-someone dies, and it's one of us?"
The room was dark, filled with small whispers and commotion from the remaining participants. Forbidden's voice was low, almost a whisper, but Wild could still hear the audible stress coming from it.
"Don't worry, Forbid," He tried to assure his little brother, putting on a more cheerful tone. "We'll last this game together. And that's a promise."
A small hiccup came from where Forbidden was standing- was he crying? Wild didn't have time to check before he was pulled into a sudden hug, caught unaware at first but accepting the embrace. "Thanks, Wild..." Forbidden murmured.
Wild was just happy that Forbidden was feeling better. He was starting to reply, but a sharp blow to his back was delivered- it didn't hurt at first, but a dawning realization came to him as a trickle of blood ran down his chin.
He was unable to move. Unable to think, and unable to feel anything- there was a sharp spread of agony across his system as he coughed out blood, but he didn't know who would have done it. The only person around him was Forbidden, but no- that couldn't be right...
Wild's head was feeling light as Forbidden whispered a message in his ear, confirming his darkest suspicions as his consciousness faded into an empty black.
"It's a shame you won't be able to see your promise, though."
Purple's (2nd) death:
Five days. Five nights.
A single letter had turned his life around. Death, betrayal- Purple himself had already died once, but thankfully Foliage had revived him. He'd have to thank the vinehead for that later. But what was next? Nothing made sense, and even for an ultimate optimist like him, there was some suspicion. Dark had already been voted off, Wild had been backstabbed by Forbidden- Purple was finding it hard to even breathe at a normal pace.
No, he had to keep his shit together. He was Purple, the one who was always able to keep a happy face when everything went wrong. It was what he'd been doing his entire life- a single week shouldn't have had so much of an impact on him.
Just breathe, he reminded himself. It'll be fine.
But he had already died once- there was no saying what was going to happen next.
"Oh, the lights are dimming," Foliage's voice snapped him back to reality, and he took a second to fix the awfully pessimistic look on his face. No one needed to see it.
Keep your shit together, he thought as a wave of panic rose in his throat. Everything will turn out just fine.
But Dark had died- faded away right in front of his eyes, scowl on his face as his role was slowly revealed. Dark Psychic had been etched into Purple's brain and he couldn't get it out no matter how hard he tried. He wanted to break down, cry, yell about everything that had been bothering him- but he couldn't do that. It just wasn't a Purple thing to do.
Snapping himself back to the dark, empty room, Purple glanced around- but of course, he couldn't see anything. It was black. Just black.
Mint and Peppermint seemed to be having a conversation- something about checking on each other? Purple tried to listen, see if he could find anything, but only Mint's voice was growing louder.
Only Mint's voice was growing louder, and Purple tried to yell anything that would warn the remaining survivors of who the true murderer was when two rough hands gripped the side of his head and-
A clean twist, turning Purple's head in an unnatural angle and spiraling the life out of him. It was painful, but only for a second- his knees hit the floor, and the last thing he remembered thinking was that he had failed.
He was supposed to be a helper, a savior, and he had failed.
damn this is a lot of dying in a single oneshot 🤐 (hope you're not too sad with this bc i literally just got bored)
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