Finally reunited (1-shot)
Flashback: (WARNING SMUT!!)
It was their very first tour and both Harry and Niall were getting more and more excited around one another even though the tour just started. Little did they know that their lives would change in a matter of moments. At their first stop both Harry and Niall had snuck several beers past Paul's eagle eyes and had a little too much. Now they were both naked and laying in Harry's hotel bed. "Good god you're so sexy." Niall mumbled into Harry's ear while three fingers disappeared into Harry and reappeared with such a brutal pace which left Harry moaning underneath Niall.
"Just fuck me already Ni." Harry slurred and Niall was more than willing to comply. After coating himself with a lot of lube Niall swiftly pushed into Harry's tight heat groaning at the wonderful sensation. He started brutally abusing Harry's body much to the latters pleasure. Luckily they had the luck to have gone upstairs before anyone else so they didn't have to worry about the noices of pleasure they were both making. After a while both Harry and Niall felt their orgasms approaching and with a cry they both came with a cry of each other's names.
8 1/2 months later:
Harry wandered the streets of Nashville rubbing his hugely swollen stomach. None of the boys knew which still surprised him a lot. Suddenly a huge pain shot up his spine making him gasp out loudly. Luckily he managed to get to someone's doorstep and sit down and try and get through the contractions that were raging through his aching body. As the owners of the house walked up to ask him what he was doing in front of their house Harry screamed out in pain as a contraction came and his water broke soaking his jeans at the same time.
"Oh my goodness you're pregnant!" the man said who was luckily a doctor. "Get the poor thing inside the house Richard and help him." the mans wife shouted. The fact that his water broke and he was having the strongest contraction yet reduced Harry to a sobbing rambling mess. Without a word of process the man named Richard carried the poor labouring teen inside his living room and placed him on his back on the sofa.
"Katie. Get some towels and boil a pair of scissors in hot water while I check how dilated this boy is." Richard called to his wife Katie who immediately set off to work preparing the utensils. Richard put on a pair of medical gloves before turning to Harry asking "Can you tell your name son?" Harry who had to fight hard to get his breathing under control managed to wheeze out "M-my n-name is H-H-Harry." Richard placed a soothing hand on Harry's arm and checked his dilation causing Harry to shake and whimper even more.
"Alright Harry. You're almost there. Just two more centimeters to go." Harry was in such intense agony with his contractions on top of each other that he just scrunched up his face and panted heavily. After half an hour Richard announced that Harry was at last 10 centimeters dilated. Katie knelt beside Harry and took his hand which he gladly squeezed "Ok Harry. On the next contraction I'll count to three and then I want you to push down for 10 seconds until the contraction wears off or I tell you otherwise ok?" Harry was feeling so scared and awful that he could only scream "PLEASE JUST GET THIS KID OUT OF ME ALREADY!"
Then out of nowhere Harry had this undeniable urge to push and just went with his body's urges and bore down letting out pained grunts and squeaks and crushing Katie's hand . After the contraction wore off Harry panted "I c-can't d-do th-th-this. It r-r-really huuurts." Harry whined as a new contraction came and took over his body. "Katie. I want you to help this poor boy into a squat. This should speed things along." Katie positioned herself behind an almost hysterically sobbing Harry and hooked her arms underneath his armpits so he was squatting on the towel covered sofa. "Ok Harry let's deliver your baby." Richard said before Harry bore down and squealed in shock of how much faster this was going on.
After a few pushes Harry felt a burning sensation start in his lower body and he squeaked "IT'S B-B-BURNING. M-MAKE IT S-S-STOOOP!" Harry begged and Richard said "Harry listen. That feeling is he feeling of your baby crowning. He or she is almost there. I want you to pant the baby's head out so that you won't tear. Can you do that for me?" Without giving the doctor any answer Harry started panting "Woo r-r-really woo woo...hurts b-bad." Harry whimpered feeling so pathetic and weak. Richard got up and quickly went to the kitchen and brought back a glass of water with a straw and a cool wet flannel. He gave those things to his wife who busied herself with tending to the clearly distressed teenage boy.
Suddenly Harry let out a choked gasp and let out a sharp yelp as the baby's head was finally out of his body. "That's it Harry. The head is out. I need a couple of strong pushes to get the baby out completely." "JUST GET IT OUT PLEASE!" Harry screeched. He just felt terrible. His lower body felt numb but not numb enough to dull the pain. Richard smiled at Harry and took the weakened teens hand and placed it on his baby's head between his legs. "Feel that? That's your baby. You're so close Harry. Please don't give up." Katie said behind him.
Listening to the soothing words of this kind couple have Harry new strength and he began to bear down again. As the first shoulder popped out Harry yelped and as the second one came free Richard took the child underneath its armpits and gently pulled while Harry gave the last push. "Ohmygodohmygod...OH MY GOD." Harry struggled to breath as he felt Richard gently pull the baby free from his body and put it onto the towels. Harry slumped back onto Katie being careful of the cord which Richard was quick to cut and closed his eyes waiting for his baby to give the first sign of life.
When he finally heard that high pitched wail he started whimpering and Richard and Katie slowly and carefully layed the boy against the armrest of the sofa and handed him his baby after Katie said "Oh my goodness Harry. He's absolutely beautiful." "H-h-he?" Harry gasped and Katie said "Yes dear. You have a healthy baby boy." Harry winced as he delivered the afterbirth which was quickly disposed of along with the towels and looked at his and Niall's son and couldn't believe that this little miracle was his. "Do you have a name for him son?" Richard asked softly. "There's a name which Niall, my boyfriend and the father, always liked to picture giving his son."
With a look at his son Harry beamed and said "Welcome to the world Cameron Eric Horan-Styles." Suddenly he realized that he couldn't possibly look after his son. He gasped and then burst into loud sobs and wails which startled Richard Katie and even little Cameron who didn't like that his mummy was crying. Katie's mother-instinct kicked in immediately and she pulled the poor boy close to her chest and asked "Whatever is the matter sweetheart?" "I c-can't take c-c-care of C-Cam-meron. I'm-m i-in a b-band. I d-don't have the t-time or m-means to." Harry struggled to let his words come out.
Katie and Richard looked at each other and Richard said "Why don't we look after Cameron for you?" "Would you really do that for me?" After a nod from the couple Harry cried out "Thank you. Thank you so much." and buried himself in a group hug careful of his son who managed to find one of Harry's nipples and latch on.
After a short rest Harry put on his trousers which Katie had been so kind to wash. At this point Cameron was sleeping peacefully not aware that his mummy was about to leave. Harry took one last glance at his son and stroked his pale bit of hair and stroked his pale cheek. He looked so much like Niall it pained him so much to leave him. "This isn't a good bye forever my little bug. We'll see each other soon I hope and when we do you'll be able to meet your" Turning to Richard he said "Thank you so much for all your help again. I don't know what I would've done without you and Katie." "Take care lad. Maybe one day we'll be able to visit one of your bands concerts together with Cameron." "That would be so amazing. Until then. Good bye and Good luck." With one last final wave Harry left the doctors couples house his heart breaking into one million tiny pieces.
When he came back he saw Niall his face buried in Liam's chest and Liam Louis and Zayn all with equally sad but dry faces. Paul saw him first though and yelled "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN. THE BOYS AND I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU ESPECIALLY NIALL!" Harry just eyed them sadly and said weakly and void of any emotions "Does it really matter? I'm here now." At that Niall came up to Harry and just held him tightly like there was no tomorrow. This looking at the exact copy of his son made Harry crack and burst into tears and sob "I'm s-so s-s-sorry N-Ni. S-some...thing happened wh-which I c-can't t-talk about yet...and I j-j-just w-want to b-b-be with you." Together Niall and Harry went to their hotel room ignoring the others shocked faces and just buried themselves under the blankets and cried themselves to sleep trying so hard to forget the horrors of their day.
3 years later:
These past three years were everything but easy for both Niall and Harry. Niall had been so worried that day that he started having abandonment issues and Harry started shaking madly every time he was reminded of that faithful day may it be by a mother and her baby or even the most simple baby items. The young couple even had to go through therapy to help get over these issues so that at least their fans don't get too suspicious. And therapy seemed to be doing the trick.
After their first horror tour they had two more and by the third one they decided to keep happy and at the same time as close enough as possible to each other. Then on the third tour on their American leg they went to Nashville which frightened and excited Harry. He could barely eat a bite of any food that was brought in front of him and that had its affect on Niall too. But before the concert began Paul came up to Niall and Harry and said "There's a couple outside with their son who would like to see the two of you." Harry managed a stiff nod and almost robotically dragged Niall out toward where the couple was standing.
When he saw who that couple was his smile threatened to be brighter than the sun. For there stood Richard and Katie with Cameron in Katie's arms. "RICHARD. KATIE. Oh my goodness. It's really you. After all these years I was beginning to think I might never see you again." "Oh Harry. We said that we would come to one of your concerts. And we have two little something's to share with you."
Richard took over for his wife and said "After you left we did a little research on who you were and stumbled across the fact that you were part of one direction. After that we decided to buy all your albums and let Cameron hear your voice which he recognized so quickly it surprised even us. And second it's his third birthday and we wanted him to spend a little time with his mother on stage." "HOLD ON A SECOND. MOTHER?? WHAT HAVE I BEEN MISSING!"
Harry swallowed thickly but with an encouraging nod from Richard and Katie Harry began telling Niall everything. From their one night to being pregnant and finally delivering their son in Richards and Katie's living room and giving him to them. "So he's really mine...I mean ours?" Niall asked. "Yes he is. I know this won't be easy for you but I want him to be happy and live a fulfilling life and Richard and Katie can give him more than we ever could. So can he stay with them please" Niall looked at Cameron looking at him with the exact replica of Harry's emerald eyes and Niall knew that the whole ordeal must have been so horrifying to Harry that Niall knew he made the right choice.
Looking at Richard and Katie Niall said "Can we have him on stage just this one evening for his birthday please?" "Of course you can." Richard and Katie smiled. And Harry and Niall beamed as they got ready for the show and their son got a fitting pair of blue ear mufflers. Then the show began and Niall and Harry were more than happy to show off their greatest unknown treasure off to the world. They both knew that at the end of this night Cameron would go back to Richard and Katie but they promised to keep in touch and keep them updated. Also they promised to let Cameron know who he really came from. Knowing those things Niall and Harry enjoyed the reunification of their little family.
I'm not too sure if I like this one-shot or not. I need your comments and votes. Please be honest as that's all I can ask for. And there will be no expansion of this one-shot it will stay as it is.
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