Chapter 6 | new friends
"You shouldn't stop ... "
• ♡ •
Heer was greeted by Kabir at the door. She smiled and he nodded. She wondered why she even expected a smile in return. She entered and made her way to the shoe rack. "How was your day?" She heard him. She glanced at him to make sure he was talking to her.
"Umm, it was good!" she answered not bothering to make efforts to smile.
"Hmm, I got a copy of the key made. Just remind me to give it to you in case I forget." He spoke.
"Sure." Heer muttered, looking around, "where's Advika?"
"She's gone to freshen up." He answered beginning to get back to his laptop placed on the center table.
"You didn't go to work today?" She asked placing her bag on the sofa and plopped down on the sofa beside it. He had told her that he had an office at twenty minutes' drive from their place.
Kabir averted his eyes to her. She seemed visibly exhausted. "No," he answered. "Working from home."
"Do you generally do that?" She had barely seen him go out for work in the almost two months she knew him. Only thrice if she counted right.
"Yeah, actually we are setting up our third outlet. So all the paperwork and desk work is almost close to done. The building is being finished. Once it's ready we'll start with the interiors and furnishing. At that time, I will be out."
"Right!" Heer said flexing her neck. "You don't visit your restaurants?" She asked out of sheer curiosity.
"I do, but there is no strict schedule. I just walk in on unannounced that way it keeps the staff on their toes."
"Wow!" Heer responded running her hand over her neck to massage. The day had been very active. In the morning, Kabir had driven Advika to school and then Heer to work. Usually, Advika took the school bus, but since it was the first day of the academic year they drove her to school. She seemed so excited when she introduced her to her friends who were all smiles on meeting Advika's new mom. Here's stomach decided to growl. She sat up placing a hand on her tummy, she had had an early lunch which explained her hunger. "Kabir, is there anything to eat? I mean I would have made myself something but obviously you're very possessive about your kitchen so,"
Kabir stared at Heer. Heer kept her self from scowling at him. He stared her like she had asked if she could eat him. Her thought made her look closely at Kabir. He had a simple white t-shirt on, with black trousers. He made simple look extraordinary.
"I have prepared fruit salad... generally Advika is hungry too when she comes back. So I usually make some light snacks or salads." He spoke, Heer nodded deciding to have a brief wash.
"Mom!" Advika squealed charging towards her.
Heer's lips instantly curved up. "Slow down sweetie!" She spoke beaming, getting on her knees. "How was your day?" Heer asked kissing her cheek.
"Awesome!" Advika's happiness was very evident on her face. "How was yours?"
"Good!" Heer answered.
"Did you make any friends?" Advika inquired interestedly.
"Yeah, a few." Heer smiled. "What about you?"
"No new friends, I already have so many friends. They all said you were very pretty."
Heer grinned ear to ear. "They did?"
"Yes," Advika smiled widely.
"Are you hungry?" Heer whispered to which she immediately nodded.
"Me too!" Heer whispered placing another kiss on her daughter's cheek.
The girl turned to her father, "Paa, mom, and me are hungry!"
Kabir who was very keenly observing the exchange nodded getting to his feet. "I think mom needs to freshen up, you come along!"
Heer made a face as the two walked ahead to the kitchen. Was he taunting her? She wished she could pounce on him and scratch him like a wild cat. What was his damn problem? If things went on like this she was sure there would be a day when she'd actually do something stupid. Like messing his kitchen or chopping his hair when he was sleeping. She wasn't really a hostile person, but Kabir Jaisinghani was instilling some rudeness in her.
* * *
Heer and Advika reached the badminton court to find a boy practicing alone. He seemed roughly of the same age as Advika.
"Hey there!" Heer greeted him. He looked up at her with a scrutinizing gaze. He had big brown eyes that his behind his half framed spectacles.
"I am Heer and this is Advika, my daughter!" Heer introduced. The boy looked at her and then at Advika whose eyes were fixed on the bright fluorescent colored shuttlecock.
"You're new here?" Heer asked unzipping the badminton pouch.
"I don't take to strangers." The boy said and then turned back focusing on bouncing the shuttlecock on his racket's net.
"Cool, we were just trying to be friendly so that we can play together!" Heer spoke smiling winking towards Advika. Advika grinned taking her racket. The boy stared at them as Advika started playing. She was still a beginner, she missed to hit the shuttlecock most of the times and had poor service skills. The boy made a face watching them.
"Can I play? I am better than her." He spoke, Heer's eyes widened. She caught Advika getting offended. What was with Male species these days? So rude! Even her new manager back at office was a piece of the rude cake. Too full of himself. Was she attracting rude male species on the planet?
"Hey, that's a very rude way of putting things," Heer spoke up before Advika could say anything. Advika narrowed her eyes at him.
"I just said the truth." The boy pouted.
"She's still learning." Heer defended Advika.
"Okay.." the boy said in a small voice turning away. Heer felt guilty immediately.
"Hi! You should seriously let the kids do the talking." A male voice said. Heer looked up to find a man dressed in running shorts and tee making his way towards the boy. He was tall, muscular, and had a charming face. Heer felt even more embarrassed. "I was just saying that it wasn't the right way of putting things."
"Okay!" The guy smiled at her and then turned to the boy, "Come on Adi, I am sorry I am late." This one didn't seem rude but she felt he mocked her on her face with a smile.
The boy nodded and ran to the side of the court where Heer was standing. They started playing beside them. Heer shrugged it off asking Advika to be ready. While Advika was trying to play well, the boy was playing really well with the tall guy. Heer found her eyes time and again going to the man. He was literally the definition of an eye-candy. Was he related to the boy? An older brother or father or uncle?
"Advi, hit it upward not downward." Heer coached Advika on the other side whose hits always ended at the net.
"Come on, let me show you," the man interrupted getting close to Advika. He did the service and Heer quickly hit the shuttlecock and he demonstrated to Advika how to hit. The second time Advika did it but it landed on the net again. "I am not tall!" She huffed getting irked.
"Don't worry sweetheart, you don't have to be tall. Just get your arm movement right." He spoke putting down his racket. He moved his arm in the air and asked Advika to mimic. Heer looked on, with a slight smile playing on her lips. The man was sweet. She felt a gaze in her and turned around to see the boy, Adi as the man had addressed him frowning.
"Come on let's play, turn this side!" Heer suggested turning towards him.
"Like this? We are on the same side of the court.."
"Yeah come on who cares for the net. Start!" Heer smiled.
The boy looked on pondering and then nodded and did the service. The boy was too good. Heer actually had a nice time playing with him. He laughed when she couldn't handle his smashes. Boys and their show-off. Nonetheless Heer had a great time.
"Hey, I am Dev!" The man introduced himself when they finally stopped playing.
"Heer!" Heer gave his hand a shake.
"I didn't mean to be rude... but you should let your daughter answer for herself don't keep defending her. Girls should be taught how to give back." He flashed a heartwarming smile.
"Yeah," was all Heer could say. Damn, what was wrong with her.
"Your daughter just started Learning?"
"She is pretty enthusiastic."
"She is!"Heer grinned glancing at Advika who was now striking a conversation with Aditya, the name Heer had learned while playing.
"So, he's family?" Heer asked looking at Aditya and then Dev.
"Yeah, my nephew. My elder brother and his wife's son. They stay here I am just here for a while."
"Oh, nice!" Heer smiled walking towards Advika. "Ready to go?" She asked glancing at her wristwatch.
"Yes, mom!" She picked up the badminton pouch.
"See you later!" Heer smiled at the man who was running his hand through his hair soaked in sweat.
"Yeah, sure, nice meeting you Heer," he turned towards Advika, "and lovely meeting you Advika!" Advika flashed him a smile before they headed out.
"Bye Adi!" Heer smiled ruffling his hair as she passed him.
"Bye Aunty!" Heer stopped abruptly and turned. "Don't call me aunty. Call me Heer!"
She heard Dev chuckle. "What?" She frowned.
"Nothing," he chuckled raising his hands in defeat. Rolling her eyes, Heer made her way out. Did she really look like an aunty? Well, she was thirty... what else did she expect kids to call her? Anything but aunty. Even a Didi was okay, for God's sake, not aunty.
They met Kabir outside there block. "Hey!" He greeted giving Advika a high five. She quickly ran in to call the elevator. "
"What do kids call you?" Heer asked Kabir out of curiosity.
"Uh, What!" He looked at her bewildered.
Heer raised a brow questioning. "Like Advika's friends..."
"Umm, uncle." He answered like it was the stupidest thing for her to ask.
"You don't feel weird about it?" Heer frowned. She felt like someone had slapped her right on her face by calling her aunty.
"Uhh, no." He answered looking at her like she had grown two horns, as they walked to the elevator. Advika filled him on their meeting with Dev 'uncle' and Aditya. Kabir simply nodded while Advika went on to tell him how rude he was, then how Heer shut him up and finally how his uncle taught her to play.
Heer flopped on the couch soon after getting rid of her shoes by the rack. Advika switched on the fan sitting beside her. "Today was fun, we should play doubles with them." She suggested.
"Yes, Sweetie, but first you have to learn better."
Advika nodded looking away. "Do you have homework?" Kabir asked walking out from the room wiping his neck with a hand towel. Heer looked at Advika. "Uhh, no."
"How about you fill us on, whatever happened in every class today? Okay, so quickly wash up and be here at the desk." Kabir ordered more than asking. She nodded obeying. Heer smiled, she was one patient kid who knew not to mess with her dad.
"Can I help you with cooking?" Heer offered, wondering how he'll manage Advika and cooking.
"I think I can.."
"Sure, manage." Heer muttered walking into the room.
He stared at her. Off late she was being very rude to him. He didn't like it a bit. He shook his head walking to the kitchen. He had boiled the vegetables for the mix veg gravy in the afternoon itself. So it wouldn't be hard to get the gravy ready.
* * *
"Um, Misha is coming tomorrow!" Kabir informed when they all were eating their dinner in the dining area in their kitchen.
"Yaay!" Advika exclaimed excitedly.
Heer smiled noticing the girl's enthusiasm. Obviously she was close to Misha given that Misha stayed with her for a long time. Kabir looked at her. "I know, she had called me on Sunday morning." Heer was flattered to see the surprise on his face. Yeah, his sister called her and she also agreed that her brother was a pain in the ass.
"What's so amusing?" Kabir asked looking at her carefully.
Heer drew her lips into a tight line and shrugged concealing her grin. "Nothing," she smiled.
"Her wedding celebrations begin next Friday..." he spoke.
"I know, she told me." Heer offered him a smile loving the look of surprise on his face.
"Yeah." He mumbled focusing on his food. Oddly Heer loved the expression on his face.
* * *
It was Tuesday night, Heer and Advika were watching some TV while waiting for Kabir and Misha to arrive. Heer looked at the time on the clock. She quickly picked up the empty packets of chips she had brought for Advika and herself. She disposed them in the dustbin and came back. She was hungry as a starved gorilla. She sat back on the couch after drinking a glass of water for the fifth time in the hour. Finally, she heard the doorbell. Advika ran to the door.
Misha smiled kneeling down to hug her niece. Heer smiled and glanced at Kabir who was struggling to balance his sister's luggage to drag it in. She quickly reached out to help him. His eyes met hers and she took charge of the wheeled suitcase and the airbag. She walked in and hurriedly took it into Advika's room. She walked back to be greeted by Misha's embrace. "So good to see you again, Heer!"
"Good to see you too!" Heer smiled, happy that she chose to call her Heer than Bhabhi. She had requested her to call her by her name.
"Had a tiring flight?"
"The flight wasn't tiring, the luggage claim was."
"Obviously, if you carry that much luggage what else do you expect," Kabir commented not even looking at them. "Wash up, dinner will be waiting!" Saying that he made his way to the room.
"Mom packed those extra bags. Not my things." Misha gave back.
"I thought it was your wedding!" Kabir exclaimed glancing back at her.
"Get lost. The only reason why I stay at your place and not a hotel is your cooking."
"Whatever!" Kabir scoffed and disappeared into his room wondering whether that was a compliment or otherwise.
"So, how is life with this ..." Misha looked around to see Advika wasn't around in hearing range and when she didn't she continued, " Pain in the ass!"
Heer chuckled. "He's your brother, at least don't call him that. Maybe something milder?" Misha was the complete opposite of her brother.
"Really, Heer? I get it he's your husband. I don't like anyone saying anything against Rohan too." She grinned widely.
Heer let it pass instead of arguing. "Why don't you freshen up? I am super hungry."
Misha smiled, "sure." Saying that she made her way to the room. While Heer called put to Advika to come for dinner.
Kabir entered the kitchen hurriedly after changing into his night tee and tracks. Heer glanced at him sitting at the stool. "Where is Advi?" He asked.
"Misha is showing her a summer dress she brought for her," Heer replied restlessly tapping her fingers in the countertop.
He nodded bringing out the plated while he left the food to heat. Heer looked on impatiently. He began cutting the onions, then carrots, and finally cucumber. Soon after he was laying the pieces steadily on the plate in a neat arrangement.
"Kabir, quit that, please. Anyway, everyone knows you're a good chef. Just let me eat that till you get the gravy into a dish." Heer spoke her patience hitting rock bottom.
"Just two minutes..." Kabir muttered. Heer tightened her jaw and got off the stool marching towards him. She picked up a slice of a cucumber and stuffed it in her mouth. Kabir stared at her in disbelief. "I was plating them..."
"I am super-duper hungry." Heer glared at him and then picked a piece of carrot.
Kabir stared at her, "!" Saying that he put the chopped salad pieces onto the plate. Heer happily carried the plate and sat back on the stool.
"Advi, dinner is waiting!" She screamed eyeing the paneer makhani, Kabir had dished out into a bowl.
"Coming mom, two minutes!" Came Advika's loud voice. Kabir shook his head. Advika wasn't the kind to shout like that, but well, after Heer entered their lives this was not very uncommon. Weirdly, he liked that. It reminded him of how his mother would shout and call him downstairs when she needed his help or had to tell him something. The way Advika responded was exactly how his ten-year-old self would.
"Kabir, I am super hungry. I am not waiting anymore." Saying that Heer launched forward grabbing the dish. She was quick in serving her plate and then picked up two rotis from the breadbasket Kabir was still filling. Kabir's lips curved up as he saw her stuffing her mouth and humming.
"God, Kabir, this is so good..." she made a soft moan chewing while closing her eyes to savor the taste. Kabir's smile didn't waver. "You shouldn't stop ... " she spoke stuffing another bite into her mouth, pointing to him making chappatis. Kabir let out a chuckle.
"Heer, Kabir, what are you guys up to inside? Can we enter the kitchen?" Misha shouted from outside. Heer's eyes widened while Kabir looked stumped. Damn, no! What was wrong with Misha! Did she really think they were up to something inappropriate in the kitchen, that too at dinner time?
"Of course, you can enter," Kabir answered finding his tongue while Heer finally swallowed what was in her mouth almost choking. She quickly got off her stool to get the jug at the end of the kitchen.
Misha entered with watchful eyes. She looked at Kabir and then at Heer drinking water with her face turned the other side. Kabir was throwing daggers at her through his eyes.
"What?" Misha shrugged, "just wanted to play safe." She spoke sitting on the stool while Advika looked on confused.
"What happened?" She asked looking at her Bua and then her father.
"Nothing!" Kabir muttered glaring at his sister.
"Okay," Advika shrugged and then smiled at Heer who walked up to her and sat beside her. Misha watched on observantly, without saying anything.
So, happy to see so many readers joining this journey, despite this not being a FF of an ITV couple. 💖
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Would love to have your feedback on it.
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