"I want you, only you, as you are."
• ♡ •
Soft touches along her cheek caused her to open her eyes. Her eyelids lazily parted to allow light to enter. The hazy sight of her husband became clearer. He smiled and kissed her forehead, "wake up beautiful!"
Heer's lips curved up. There was no way she could not love him. Kabir was about the small things, just like life was. Heer raised her hand to pull him closer. He wasn't expecting it seemingly, for his body immediately landed on hers. "Heer, what are you doing..." he muttered trying to regain his balance.
"It's okay. I like your weight on me." Heer muttered burying her face in the junction of his shoulder and neck.
Kabir relaxed his body, feeling his every inch ease agaisnt hers. He gently placed his face against her shoulder. His lips kissing the skin around the thick strap of her tank top. He felt her legs wrap around him. He smiled at her. She was a big time cuddler. "Heer, you need to wake up."
"Some more time please," she muttered wrapping her arms around him, sending a wave of arousal down Kabir's spine as her warm breath fanned his neck.
"Heer, come on now, get up. You need to get ready."
"Lift me up," Heer murmured.
"I am not really looking forward to a broken back," Kabir remarked amused.
"You could be a little more romantic while refusing," Heer replied pulling her face away from his neck to meet his gaze. He turned at the right moment so that their faces could align.
He gently glided his hand over her thighs to give her the cue to unwrap. Heer pretended to not know what he was up to. "What's on your mind?" She asked looking squarely at him. Her sleep had rubbed away. The position they were in, with his pelvic against hers and her legs wrapped around his pelvic, reminded her of those deep thrusts of ecstasy he pushed her into. The sweet to and fro rocking of his body against hers.
Kabir smiled indulgently, "Certainly not that which is on yours!" He muttered kissing her cheek.
"You are a tease," Heer muttered as he placed another kiss, this time closer to the corner of her lips.
"Says the one who has me locked between her legs." He remarked smugly, leaving a gentle nibble at her earlobe.
"Oh Gosh, stop that," Heer mumbled tightening her legs around him.
Kabir chuckled, "Come on sleeping beauty, get up now."
Heer pulled him closer as he tried to get away. "Okay, my prince charming!"
Kabir chuckled sitting up on his knees as she loosened the hold of her legs around him. She remained sprawled on the bed with her legs on either side of him.
Heer noticed how his gaze dropped down to her abdomen where her tank top had crawled up to reveal her velvety skin. His gaze then went further down to the junction between her cotton shorts clad legs which was wide open. Lazily his gaze reached her eyes, filled with tension.
Heer playfully raised her foot off the mattress and placed it on his thigh. His eyes were quick in following her movement. "Now, what's on your mind?" She asked in a teasing tone.
"You're a minx, Heer!" He muttered grabbing her foot firmly in order to stop it from caressing his thigh.
"Says the man who had his eyes all over here," Heer exclaimed suggestively inching her hand lower from her belly.
Kabir was beyond appalled at the cheeky version of his wife. It was as though she was slowly waking up all his sleeping desires and forgotten rusted libido. He could feel his manhood begin to tighten at her subtle seduction. He was overwhelmed at how alive he felt in that moment. His eyes flickered, resting on hers. It was as though she was waiting for him to claim her. Heer was a terrific partner in bed. He was not blind to her obvious longing to be loved, cherished and pampered. He wanted to quench all her thirst just like she filled him with love.
He carefully leaned his body on hers and grabbed her hands pinning them to the bed. "As much as I would love to show you what more I can do than just seeing, this is not the right time." He whispered in her ears and then gently blowing over her earlobe. His fingers tightening around her wrists as she tried to move her hands.
"Kabir," Heer let out a pleading drawl. She wanted him so bad. It was like she just couldn't have enough of him. She loved how he just knew what she felt.
"Heer, she. You have no clue what that does to me." He whispered.
"Can't we just..."
"No. Not now." He answered before she could even complete her question. He immediately got away and this time off the bed. He was not willing to take the risk if changing his mind. The last thing he'd ever want is to his daughter or mother to walk in when he was busy satisfying his and his wife's lust.
"You're a killjoy!" Heer muttered sitting up. He glanced at her noticing how she gathered her unruly hair and rolled it into a bun.
"But I think I can do with that!" She added kissing his cheek before hurrying away into the washroom. Kabir blinked thoughtfully. Was she serious about it? Was she mad at him?
"Heer, about earlier..." Kabir spoke as they walked into the room afte breakfast. He hadn't got a chance to talk about whatever happened in the morning mainly because Heer and Advika were almost always together.
"About what?" Heer asked confused looking at him after applying the lipstick. She was excited to show Advika her own school. She was looking forward to a tour around once upon a time her city with her daughter and husband.
"Heer, are you mad at me for the morning?" He asked directly looking at her. He couldn't tell whether she was mad at him and pretending to be normal or if she was genuinely normal.
"Yes," Heer muttered amused, "I am very mad at you, you have no clue how mad."
Kabir squinted his eyes trying to navigate through her expression to reach her mind to find out what was she actually trying to convey. Heer was hard to read at times, especially when she was successfully hiding something. Period.
Heer grinned looking over her husband's shoulder. The door of the room was only very minutely ajar. She quickly wrapped her arms around him, looking into his eyes. "I wasn't expecting anything this morning... was just being... sexy." She completed with a wink, whispering the last word of her statement.
Kabir sighed in relief. "Okay!"
She leaned forward grabbing the collar of his shirt, "But I would definitely love to see what you can do than just seeing," she said softly while her cheeks began coloring up.
She stepped back with a grin.
"I was right, you're definitely a ... minx!" Kabir muttered with a grin.
"Well, maybe I am. Now tell me how do I look?" Heer asked taking two steps away so that he could have a full look. She had put on a simple orange colored anarkali suit.
"I prefer you in shorts and that sleeveless thing." He flirted with a grin.
"I thought you would prefer me in stil less...or even naked." Heer confidently countered causing his cheeks to heat up and eyes to widen a ee bit.
"I will just wait outside." He muttered turning around. Maybe it was just that she just got up on a different bed.
"Kabir," he heard her call him when he reached the door. He turned to look at her.
"You didn't answer my question..."
"You will always look beautiful to me." He answered with a smile. His heart jumped up when Heer blushed nodding. Well, they were even then.
* * *
The day had been a little exhausting but fun. Heer had thoroughly enjoyed spending her day with Advika and Kabir. They had gone around the city, first they had seen her school albeit from outside then Kabir had taken them to his school which was bigger and they had also been given entry. Advika had happily spent some time in the school park. While he and Kabir sat by watching their girl swing away, chatting about old times and school memories.
Heer was now helping her mother-in-law by setting up the earthen lamps. It was the day prior to Diwali. The festive spirit was evident from the noise of occasional crackers from outside and the escatic laughter and shouts from the neighbors.
"Mom, can I also light the lamps?" Advika asked stepping into the small veranda.
"Sure sweetie, but carefully." Heer elaborately guided Advika to light the lamp using the candle.
"Mom, yesterday Daadi was saying that Diwali is a festival that's celebrated with family. It's a festival about reunion with family. Are you going to meet your parents too?"
Heer's proud smile faded at her daughter's question. She quickly revived from the swamp of troublesome thoughts. "You and Paa are my family. So I will be here. Like Misha bua is with Rohan Phupha."
"Oh! So ladies have to be with their husbands."
"Yes!" Heer smiled.
Advika fell into thoughtful silence. "So I can't spend Diwalis with you when I grow up?" She asked with a frown.
Heer was in a fix. "No," she uttered, "Umm... we are different. So we will always spend Diwali together."
"Eskimo promise?" Advika asked her face lighting up just like the earthen lamp.
Heer leaned closer and rubber her nose against Advika's. "Promise!"
"Okay, so when do we start bursting crackers?"
"Tomorrow sweetie."
"There are so many of them. Can we not burst a few today? Please. Pretty please."
Heer chuckled watching her daughter imitate a little girl from a movie they had seen. She looked super adorable when she batted her eyelids and made a pout. "Okay, you need to get Daada Ji's permission. If he says yes then it's a yes else it's not until tomorrow!"
"Easy-peasy!" Advika squealed running inside, passing a curious Kabir on the way.
"Okay, what's with her vocabulary nowadays? Easy-peasy, okeydokey, huggie, whizzpoopping, phizzwizards..." he threw up his hands.
Heer began giggling, "you heard her say 'whizzpoopping'?"
"Yeah," he answered positively, "what does it even mean?"
Heer began laughing heartily, "when did she say that or in what context?"
"Umm.. she was telling me something about the girl who sits behind her."
"It means farting." Heer told him and continued laughing while he had a weird expression on his face mixed with bewilderment.
"Its from The BFG, Roald Dahl!" Kabir still looked out of context. "How can you not know Roald Dahl, Kabir?"
"I know him. But who is BFG?"
"The Big Friendly Giant!" Heer exclaimed walking up to him. "You are such a buzzkill!" She added and walked pas him inside. Well, maybe it was time he started taking interest in their vocabulary, rather than ending up not understanding what the two spoke.
"Easy-peasy!" He muttered to himself walking in.
* * *
"Kabir, can you relax?" Heer asked grabbing Kabir by the arm and pulling him back to stand beside her. "It's just a flower pot. Besides your father is with her." Heer added looking at Advika excitedly trying to light up a flower pot.
"What if it blows up?" Kabir asked tensed. "She's so close to it!"
"Your father is there, can you chill?"
Kabir turned to look at her.
"Maybe you can be a little easy on him. People change with time. He definitely regrets what he used to be. It's evident. Kabir, I know you see it too. He cares for Advi. Advi enjoys his company too. Today he was teaching her how to play chess and she just can't stop talking about her Daadu. Maybe it's time you just let the past go."
Kabir looked away from her face at his daughter and then at his father. Heer was right. "Okay," he muttered glancing at her and then smiled.
Heer smiled and pulled his cheeks, "You can be so adorable at times!" She mumbled blowing a kiss.
Kabir tried to hold back his smile and express irritation but failed.
"Baby, are you blushing?" She asked teasing him nudging him at his ribs.
"Heer," he muttered in disbelief folding his arms.
"Baby!" She repeated trying to get past his arms to touch his torso.
"I am going to keep calling you... baby!" She giggled kissing his cheek.
"Heer!" She heard her mother-in-law's voice and her eyes widened and cheeks colored up. Shit! She turned arpund quickly.
"Yes," she muttered extremely embarrassed while the older lady smiled, "I need some help, come!" Heer nodded and glanced back at Kabir who was now heartily laughing quietly.
"Couldn't you speak up?" She whisper yelled and with flaming cheeks and embarrassment filled eyes she hurried away inside after her mother.
Kabir chuckled to himself turning to look at his daughter who was jumping on seeing the brilliantly sparkling flower pot. She turned around giving high five to his father who was as happy as her.
* * *
"You are biting your nails, it's unhealthy." Kabir pointed out as he entered the room. Advika, him and his father were engaged in a game of carom after dinner while his mother and Heer were discussing the preparations for the following day.
"Kabir, couldn't you tell me your mom was behind me?" She spoke after she had shut the door. "I don't know what she would be thinking of me now."
Kabir's lips curved up delightfully. "That, you love annoying her son?"
"Hahah so funny. Did she see the -" she blew a kiss just like she earlier.
Kabir's smile widened. "So, what if she did? It's normal for a husband wife to express affection."
"Kabir," Heer muttered sitting on the bed. "I don't want her to think of me... negatively."
"And why do you care of her opinion of you?"
"Because she's your mother my mother-in-law. It matters!" She answered.
Kabir took a few steps and stood before her. He held her hand looking down at her. "You're being utterly dramatic. I am sure my mother only finds you adorable just as I find you!"
"Trust me. Now, are you sleepy?"
Heer's eyes widened slightly, "It's night. Everybody feels sleepy," she answered with the ghost of a smile lingering around her lips.
"I wanted to take you out. Just you and me. And icecream maybe?"
Heer's face brightened up. "Ice cream?"
Kabir smiled and nodded.
"Without Advi? She will get super mad if she comes to know."
"Who is going to tell her?"
Heer looked at him suspiciously. "So, we are going to sneak out?"
"Sort of. I told mom I might take you out. Advika is already on bed with her by now. And you know she sleeps in no time."
"Wow, so you have it all planned?" Heer asked impressed. " Let me change then."
"Heer, you look fine." He spoke as she got off the bed.
"No way. It's a date. I need a better dress." She smiled.
"Okay, just a heads up, wear jeans preferably."
"Why?" She enquired curiously.
"You don't have a problem sitting on a bike, do you?"
Heer looked at him dumbfounded. "You are taking me out on a bike?"
He nodded slowly.
Heer smiled, "give me a few minutes."
* * *
The night wind blowing against her face was strikingly a contrast to the warmth her arms felt being around Kabir's warm tshirt. Heer didn't remember when she felt so alive, so in love with her life. She rested her cheek against his shoulder. If her fate had screwed up her life all along so that she could end up with him then she had no complaints. Her hand reached to her jeans pocket.
An hour later, she was walking down the empty road with Kabir alongside. Her mouth was still cold with the ice cream they had shared.
"Isn't it the best feeling to walk on empty roads under the dancing leaves of evergreen trees?" She asked looking up.
He held her hand, "there are better feelings than that," he spoke.
She looked at him furrowing her eyes, "like?"
"Like holding your hand, or," he pulled her closer, "being in your arms." He spoke his eyes shining with love as he looked at her.
"That's ...." Heer paused, trying to overcome the rush of mushy feeling, "very romantic."
Kabir smiled, "and true." He gently unwrapped his arms walking ahead again. Heer tugged at his hand stopping him. He turned to look at her with surprise.
"Are you sure you will never regret this? Us?"
Kabir looked at her thoughtfully with a soft gaze. Measuring his steps he stood before her. "I don't think so..."
Heer looked at him warily. "What if I told you that I have spent a night in the police lock up?"
Kabir smiled and shook his head conveying a negative.
"What if I told you, I have done all the bullshit that you don't expect from girls. From smoking weed to making out with a random guy in public?"
He looked at her with determination. Albeit he took longer to response his response was the same. A negative. "Your past cannot make me not love you, Heer."
"I have been a screwed up case in the past Kabir."
"I know, but I still love you for what you are."
"Why? How?" She asked with tears in her eyes.
"Will you ever stop reasoning my love for you?" He vented after a pregnant pause.
Heer stared at him as she saw anger growing in his eyes. "Every time I am with you, I feel you deserve someone better than me."
"I want you, only you, as you are." He exclaimed a little too loudly.
Heer slowly smiled wiping her tears. Her hand reached to her pocket and she brought out the ring she had bought for him almost a week ago, just two days after he had slipped a ring on her finger. She kneeled on one knee before him. On one hand she held the ring and the other she stretched put before him. "Will you be my husband and accept me with all my flaws ..." she paused and then added, "and curves?"
Kabir's anger evaporated as soon as it came. " Seriously Heer? In the middle of the road?"
"I have always wanted to propose to the man I love in the middle of the road." She informed him.
He held his hand out for her. She slipped the ring on and then kissed it. She got on her feet clumsily and then threw her arms around him. "I love you, Kabir. And I am sorry for keeping you from knowing for so long."
"I always knew anyway!" He mumbled giving her a bone crushing hug.
Amidst the distant barking of dogs and rustling of leaves, they stayed in the embrace feeling their heartbeats synchronize. Heer pulled back to look at him through the happy tears in her eyes. She cupped his face smiling through the tears. "Thank you," she mumbled and leaned to claim his lips.
Kabir couldn't have asked for more. He hurriedly let his hands reach her neck. He deepened the kiss, pouring all his love into it. Their tongues met intimately like the breeze and leaves of the tree. Their souls finally found peace just like tired souls at night.
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