Chapter 37 | bad timing
"You like me now, so I am not as grumpy as before."
• ♡ •
Heer was enjoying the party to the fullest. Maybe it was because she had Kabir by her at all times. Kabir spoke very less, but remained by her side. He had partcipated in conversations with Raghav, Dev and Shalini. Heer had suggested that they sit somewhere at the side of the huge hall to avoid more conversations as they ate. However, Dev and Shalini had spotted them and joined them at the table.
"Where's Advi?" Dev asked as he settled on the chair that was beside Heer's.
"She's at home," Heer replied glancing at Kabir. Even though he did maintain a very normal conversation with Dev, Heer could sense his reluctance from his eyes. Somewhere she felt it endearing - Kabir was possessive about her.
"What about you two?" Heer asked glancing at Shalini.
Dev cleared his throat, "Guys meet Shalini my girlfriend!"
"So finally official?" Heer quizzed with a smile.
Shalini smiled, "He wouldn't settle for less!" She winked at Heer.
"Congratulations to you two," Kabir exclaimed raising his glass of diet coke.
"How about a champagne?" Shalini asked looking around at everyone for approval.
"Some other time," Heer refused.
"Come on, little won't hurt!" Shalini tried to persuade.
Heer nodded in a negative, smiling. Soon the conversation drifted to what was the best on the menu and suddenly the only people having a full fled conversation station were Shalini and Kabir. Heer glanced at Kabir who was passionately explaining about some star restuarant desserts. Shalini was listening with equal enthusiasm. Heer simply smiled listening to their talks, her finger fiddling with the edge of her hand purse.
• • •
"I have never heard you talk so much in a day," Heer spoke her thoughts aloud as they drove out of the venue.
"I wasn't even talking. It was you." Kabir spoke taken aback by her statement.
"Really? Who was talking about the cranberry ice cream, white wine in cooking, fried fish chips, and pistachio pies and ... the rest?"
Kabir glanced at her. "Yeah, that was it."
Heer smiled, "that's the most I have heard you talk... to a stranger."
"Shalini and Dev are strangers...?" He asked perplexed.
Heer looked at him with confused eyes. "No, but you don't usually talk to people...that much."
"Really?" He asked cocking up a brow.
"Really," Heer confirmed earnestly.
Kabir nodded thoughtfully and then spoke a few seconds later, "maybe you just noticed today."
Heer stared at the road ahead lost in thoughts, "maybe."
The drive didn't last long as there was minimal traffic, one of the perks of driving after eleven at night. They entered the elevator of their apartment block. His eyes finally resting on her, as he leaned back against the metallic wall of the elevator. Her eyes met his chocolate brown ones. A sense of calm filling the air between them. The elevator doors opened shortly after the brief ding sound rang.
Heer followed Kabir out. "You think she slept?"
"Definitely," Kabir mumbled opening the door quietly. He held the door for her, she quickly walked in while Kabir locked it from inside. The living room was silent. The yellow light lamps, however, were still lit up.
"Guess she didn't want to turn them off." Kabir spoke as he noticed Heer looking around.
"I will go check on her," Heer spoke quickly getting off the heels. Kabir's eyes followed her retreating figure while his fingers helped him get rid of his shoes.
Heer smiled at the sight of Advika curled up on the bed with the thick book of fairytales beside her. She picked up the book and placed it aside. The light of the room was switched on. Heer went around tiding up her room, picking up her jewelry case from the bed and putting it back in he dressing table, shelving the story books that were scattered beside her. Lastly, she drew the curtains. She was happy noticing that Advika had changed into her nightdress. She pulled the comforter over her and leaned to kiss her forehead.
Heer's eyes caught Kabir standing against the door frame looking at her with a smile. He no longer had his blazer on or his shoes. She passed him a smile walking up to him. His eyes didn't leave hers.
"She probably slept reading," Heer informed him, looking over her shoulder to glance at Advika.
"Hmm," he responded with his gaze traveling to his daughter. Damn, she was a big girl now. He would never stop wondering how his little baby girl had grown into this wonderful, responsible eleven year old. She definitely had the sense of maturity just like her mother. Kabir hadn't noticed when Heer had walked away. He walked up to the bed and sat beside his daughter's sleeping form. With a smile of contentment he gently kissed her forehead.
As Heer dried herself after her short shower, her feet began to feel the ache. She couldn't wait to crawl under the comforter and sleep away. She stepped out of the washroom after putting on an oversized tshirt and cotton capris. Almost immediately Kabir got off the bed and marched into the washroom.
Heer laid on the bed thinking about Kabir. His words, about how perfect the evening was with him.
"I thought you would have slept," his voice fell into her ears making her turn to look at him.
"Hmm," she hummed in response.
Soon the lights went off and he was on the bed beside her. Instinctively, she moved closer to him. He turned sideways, his fingers gently caressing her cheeks. She held his fingers dragging them away from her face. "Let me sleep."
A heartwarming smile graced his lips, "good night!" He wished softly.
"I don't mind your hand being here," she said with a shy smile, dragging his palm to rest on her waist. His smiled only grew with soft amusement.
She slowly leaned closer and kissed his forehead. Kabir froze, his eyes shutting as though on automatic to feel every bit of that soft pure kiss. The moment was nothing short of magic. He parted his eyelids, looking at her intently. "Good night," she whispered. In the next few seconds, her arm curved around his torso and her eyes closed.
He took a deep breath before closing his eyes to slip into a peaceful slumber.
* * *
Heer woke up to find Kabir's side of the bed empty, as always. She sat up and squinted her eyes to look at the wall clock. It was a few minutes to eight. Sighing she got off the bed.
"Good morning!" She greeted her two favorite people as she entered the kitchen. Advika was solving the crossword on the newspaper while Kabir was standing beside her helping her out.
"Good morning Mom!" Advika wished her cheerfully, leaving the pen to hug her mother.
"Did you have a good sleep?" Heer asked gently caressing her head.
"Yes, I did. I didn't even know when I slept."
Heer smiled, "yes, while reading about the Swan Fairy."
Advika grinned getting a cheek kiss and then diverted her attention back to the crossword. Heer's eyes met Kabir's. He had stepped slighty behind and turned towards her fully. He tapped at his cheek with his index finger, while saying, "Good morning Heer,"
Heer smiled and took a huge step closer to him. "Good morning!" She whispered softly, circling her arms around his neck while simultaneously her lips pressed agaisnt his cheek. She felt his arms wrap around her waist giving her a warm squeeze.
She pulled away, her eyes quickly meeting his. Kabir momentarily looked beyond her to check on Advika and then quickly placed his lips on Heer's. Heer widened her eyes at him, totally caught off guard with that kiss on her lips.
"Let me get you your cup of tea," saying that he moved past her, walking around the kitchen island. Heer sat on the kitchen stool her gaze not leaving him. She wondered how he always managed to get up early and have a bath by the time she woke up. He smelt fresh when he hugged her.
Soon Advika took each of their attention while asking help to solve the crossword. After finishing both, the crossword and her breakfast, Advika made her way out to watch the weekly telecast her favorite art and craft show that ran on weekend mornings.
"Slept well?" Kabir asked getting off the stool to stand beside her.
"Very well," she smiled turning to him. His palms rested on her thighs, while his eyes looked deeply into hers, a crease at the corners of his eyes. Her hands reached to glide ove this cheeks. She leaned in slowly for a proper kiss that was long due.
The doorbell startled her and she immediately withdrew her hands from his face. "Dammit," he whispered and quickly turned around and walked out.
A stupid smile played on Heer's lips as she proceeded to finish the last bit of her breakfast. The housemaid walked in greeting her. Kabir walked in, instantly his gaze meeting hers. She grinned and looked away. Kabir stood across the kitchen island looking at her. His heart filled up with joy as he saw the pink shade of shyness color up Heer's cheeks. Her eyes would look at him and then dart away. He followed her into the room while the maid began moping the kitchen floor.
"Heer," he sais as he held her wrist, pulling her closer to himself. His other hand shutting the door. Heer broke into a soft chuckle as he caged her between the door and himself.
"What's so amusing?" He asked with the hint of a smile on his face.
"Nothing," Heer spoke up smiling widely looking at him. Her gaze dropping to his lips. He ever so gently guided her hand to his shoulder, his hands then proceeding to rest on her hips. He leaned closer and Heer felt her heartbeat quicken. The smile fading away as her eyes meet his intense look.
Only when she thought that she'd be swept away into their private world, Advika's loud voice broke their private moment. "Aunty, where's mom?" She was asking the maid.
"Gosh, perfect timing!" Kabir muttered pulling away while Heer rolled her lower lip between her teeth, biting at it.
"I'll just..." she muttered moving away. Silently opening the door she left the room.
* * *
Time and again Heer found Kabir's eyes on her while she helped Advika with her homework. They hadn't gotten a private moment since their last interrupted moment. She would be lying if she said she didn't like his attention. She was more than happy to have his attention.
"Can we watch the movie now?" Advika asked excitedly as she finished the last sentence of her last answer.
Heer nodded following Advika to the couch where Kabir sat. She sat beside him. Advika switched on the TV and settled beside Heer, her head resting against Heer's side. Heer smiled and curled an arm around her as her gaze made it to the television. Heer turned to look at Kabir whose fingers had wrapped around her left hand. She smiled instantly as he winked at her. She leaned sideways and rested her cheek against his shoulder. His arm took the cue and curled around her shoulder.
* * *
Advika was busy playing a board game with Aditya who had arrived shortly after lunch time. Heer had excused herself to help Kabir in the kitchen to the two kids who had coaxed her to join them.
"Hey, Can I help?" Heer asked approaching Kabir, who was washing the dishes.
"You can dry them, but please be careful."
Heer picked up the cloth and a wet plate. She glanced at him with her lips forming a smile. "Oh crap!" she exclaimed, pretending to have let the plate slip out of her hands. Almost immediately he turned and held her hands.
Heer broke out into laughter. "You plate is safe,"
Kabir rolled his eyes, muttering, "so funny!" He took the plate from her hand and kept it aside and then took away the cloth from her hand.
"Uh -hu!" Heer exclaimed , trying to snatched the cloth back. "I was just kidding, give me the cloth."
"No kidding in my kitchen!"
Heer scrunched up her nose, "don't be Mr. Grumpy now. Give it to me."
Kabir sighed and washed his hands quickly. He then turned to her, "I am not grumpy."
"Yes, you are. That was the first impression I had of you."
He frowned, "That's misjudgment on your part."
"No Kabir. You were grumpy. Now, well, you are not as grumpy as before."
"See, there. That proves it that it is misjudgment on your part. You like me now so I am not as grumpy as before."
A slow smile bloomed on Heer's face and within seconds it reflected on Kabir's face.
"Do you think now is a good time?"
Heer grinned. "You are slow and waste a lot of time," as she said that, her hands circled around his neck. Her fingers grasping onto a handful of his hand at the back of his head. She pulled him closer pressing her lips on his. She felt his hands grasp her waist. His wet palms felt cold through the soft fabric of her tunic. Shortly their tongues engaged in a passionate duel of love.
"Damn," he muttered breathing heavily, breaking the kiss. Her cheeks had colored up in a shade of red and her lips appeared pouty and darker in shade. Her cheeks colored up further noticing his see-through-the soul gaze.
He leaned closer to kiss again when Advika's loud voice called for Heer. Heer couldn't help but grin while he sulked. "Awfully bad timing!" She whispered in his ear, withdrawing her hands. Kabir let out a sharp exhaled staring at the tiles. Definitely bad timing!
* * *
"Heer, this is pointless. It's only eight and we're sleeping!"
"We need to wake up at one!" Heer muttered pulling the comforter over her. They had wrapped up the dinner sooner than usual. The evening had rushed past them.
"Do we really have to go?" Kabir asked for the fourth time or so.
"Why are you so resistive to the idea of us going?" Heer asked turning side ways.
"Because... it's illogical to wake up at night to eat and apply henna, and whatever you ladies plan to do. And then fast the whole of next day."
Heer looked at him carefully, trying to figure out what could be the reason of his constant disapproval. She wanted to keep the fast of karwa chauth. She wanted to do everything a normal Indian wife did for her husband. She craved for normalcy in her life. She had had enough of not following the norms and rules of he society. She had been a rebel enough, now she just wanted to do everything right, just as everybody else does it.
"Why are you so against it?" Heer finally asked.
"I am not against it. It's just pointless." He muttered in response.
Heer stared at his bothered expression. "You don't believe in God, do you?"
Kabir looked at her like a deer caught in headlights. "No,"
"Still you ask Advika to pray everyday?"
Kabir remained silent.
"You believe in God. You are just angry at him, aren't you?"
He chose silence again and looked away. Heer gently slipped her fingers between his. It was enough for her to know it had to do with Varsha. Probably her demise. There was this sorrow that reflected in his eyes every time he thought about Varsha. She could see it this time too.
"Varsha believed in God. She was a very religious person. It's just so unfair that she ..." he paused unable to say it. "We always kept fast for each other. I used to joke telling her that I was adding years to her life. The entire concept is pointless." He exhaled sharply turning to look at Heer. "I should have shut up... sorry." He apologized noticing the unpleasant look on Heer's face.
"No, it's okay. Everybody has a past, their own kind of baggage. You and I are no exceptions." She spoke softly. "Besides it's not going to be fair that only I get to talk about my past."
Kabir's fingers gently caressed her palm that rested on his chest. They remained in silence lost in their own thoughts. "We should stop this thinking about past." He muttered.
"I agree," Heer said with a hint of a smile. "We can talk about..." she started saying then paused thinking of something.
"Now..." he suggested with a grin slowly growing on his face
Heer withdrew her hand and turned around, resting on her abdomen. Her hands supporting her chin as she balanced her upper with on her elbows. "What about now? That we should sleep?"
"Or..." Kabir dragged the word suggestively while his fingertips traced the side of her face.
Heer looked at him amused. "We can kiss?"
"Not just that," he looked at her doubtfully, his phrase sounding like a question.
Heer shifted closer to him, crawling on her elbows. "Just that."
Kabir looked at her suspiciously. That smile her petal like lips were curled into, dripped of mischief and amusement. "You don't want to, um..?" He shied away from using the term.
"Have sex? No." Heer answered confidently, the mischievous smile very much spread out on her face. "Not tonight." She looked at him adoringly.
"Why not?" Kabir asked frowning. He wondered where the sexual tension disappeared or how it diminished in size.
"Because... I want to sleep," she answered in a hushed tone her lips inches away from his. She tilted her face, and left a wet kiss on his cheek.
"Heer," he withdrew and looked at her with puzzlement.
"Sleep, Kabir!" She mumbled lying down on her back comfortably.
Kabir blinked after catching that smirk on her face. He turned, his body almost leaning over hers. "You're such a tease!" He remarked letting his thumb caress her lips.
She caught his wrist looking at him with a challenging smile. "It's not going to work,"
One corner of his lips twitched, and he leaned closer. His lips taking her lower lip between his. He nibbled at her lower lip, being sure to not be sharp. She gasped and he smiled pulling away. "Two can play the game!" He replied with ultimate cockiness of a woman charmer. He lay back not breaking contact with her.
She smiled shifting in order to cuddle up against him. "Good night!"
"Good night!" He muttered letting his arm wrap around her comfortably.
Let me know your thoughts on their journey so far and what you feel about it. Anything particular you're looking forward to see as this story nears it closure (3 to 4 chapters more, perhaps).
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