Chapter 33 | breezy evening
"I want something just like this."
• ♡ •
The light of day had drained away, giving way to the velvety dark of night. The cold breeze entered the room from the wide open balcony door cooling the living hall. Kabir had set up the living hall for their dinner, putting comfortable floor mats around the table so that they could have a long lazy dinner time. Heer had convinced Misha to change. Kabir was pleasantly surprised when his sister walked out dressed in black trousers, a red top looking positively dolled up.
Heer had excused herself to change while Advika was helping him arrange the cushions. He looked in the direction of the open balcony door when he heard the pleasant tinkling of the new wind chime that Heer had put up in the morning. They had hanging stars and a crescent moon. Hearing the click of his room door open. He turned around glancing up. Dang, no. Heer had no right to look that beautiful, especially when he was trying to keep himself sane around her.
A steady smile grew on his face as he took note that she wore the dress that Advika and he had gifted her. The pale yellow of the dress, complimented her dark brown hair, which she had left loose. When his gaze met her eyes, something strong transpired between them. She looked away, Kabir's smile widened a wee bit as he noticed her cheeks turning pink. He quickly set his lips back to a straight line and made his way to the kitchen.
A few minutes later, Heer entered offering to help. As much as Kabir wanted her to stay out of his sight, he didn't want to upset her by rejecting her helping hand. Last of all, he didn't want her to tag him grumpy. He brought out a dinner set from the top closet. They were pure white colored, with golden borders made of glass. Heer quickly busied herself cleaning the plates. "Kabir, should I do these bowls as well?" She asked pointing to the soup bowls.
"No," Kabir answered looking up from behind the island as he was mixing up few colored solutions.
"Are you making a cocktail?" Heer asked watching him.
He grinned, "Mojito, mock-tail."
"How talented are you?" Heer asked impressed.
"Well," Kabir grinned making a quick bow of gratitude. It was strange how appreciation from Heer gave his pride a kick upward.
Heer smiled, her eyes didn't seem to look away from his face. That sharp jaw covered with ligh stubble, those pools of chocolate he had for eyes, those perfect lips. "Can I, umm, taste?" She asked diverting her attention from Kabir Jaisinghani to the deep blue liquid he was tasting using a spoon.
"Sure, but it's extra sweet right now. Once we pour soda into it, the taste will be perfect." He spoke and turned around with a filled spoon in his hand. He didn't expect her to be so close to him. The sweet scent of her perfume hitting his nostrils. Vanilla, he guessed. He expected her to take the spoon from his hand but instead she parted her lips. Kabir quickly guided the spoon into her mouth. How he wished it was his tongue instead!
Heer scrunched up her nose, "it's too sweet!" Kabir nodded absentmindedly, his gaze on her now wet lips as she flicked her tongue across them. Heer focused her gaze on him and almost instantly she felt her heart throb. She was close enough to make out that his eyes appeared darker than usual. Chocolate color was now transfused into that of dark chocolate. Her breaths became ragged as his face leaned closer. Her gaze flickered down to his lips. At the moment, she couldn't think. She wanted to throw her arms around his neck, thread her fingers into his hair and pull him close to kiss away his perfect lips, and maybe press her body against his in hope to relinquish her body's desire.
Kabir couldn't make out whether he heard his breath or hers. The alarm that had gone off at the back of his mind was no longer heard. He could only hear their tangled breaths and feel his pounding heart. Unable to keep his fingers off her angelic face anymore, he let his fingertips reach her cheeks. His two fingertips gently stroked across her cheek, stealthily they reached the strands of her hair and tucked it behind her ear. Kabir loved the way she was so receptive to his touch, her immediate response was to suck in a breath. Hurriedly, his eyes went back to hers.
He tried reading those eyes. He failed. He couldn't understand what she wanted or what she felt. Although, he was vaguely aware that her body was asking for his. Just like his ached for hers. She moved her face closer to his. His eyes didn't leave hers. Those mysterious black holes. He was lost in them. Her lips came closer to his and his attention was back onto their proximity. "Heer," he breathed heavily moving away slightly. Her eyes snapped wide open and she immediately jerked back slightly.
"Sorry," she murmured stepping away. Kabir held back his urge to pull her close and tell her there was nothing to be sorry about.
"Sorry," he mumbled looking away. The last thing he wanted was for her to think that she was the one crossing the line when it was mutual.
"I will, umm, I will be... outside." She stuttered her voice wavering, her cheeks were colored with embarrassment.
Kabir nodded, and exhaled sharply when she left, leaning forward on the counter. Would a kiss hurt them? Given their topsy-turvy relationship, impulsive actions weren't safe for them, kissing was definitely one of them.
* * *
They were all seated on the mat around the table. Rohan and Misha were ignoring each other's presence. Advika and Heer did most of the talking occasionally backed up by Kabir's little inputs. Kabir had made sure Advika sat between them. He wasn't going to put himself through the torture of being so close to her but not touching or doing anything else. The lasagne he had cooked was well appreciated by everybody.
"They are ignoring each other," Heer whispered as she entered the kitchen behind Kabir with the used dishes in her hands.
"I know. I have an idea, hopefully they will give up ignoring each other then and talk out," he replied softly placing the dirty dishes into the sink.
"What is it?" Heer asked, he turned resulting in an almost collision. Heer held on tighter to the plates.
"Let me," Kabir spoke taking the plates from her hand and placing them into sink. He quickly washed his hands and turned. This time Heer stood a step away. It was just awkward to deal with their proximity when either knew that the other felt the same way. It was as though their bodies were trying to find ways to touch.
"Umm, I was thinking we will send them for a walk around." Kabir spoke as Heer stepped towards the sink to wash her hands.
Heer was flustered. Her stupid brain was trying to push her more closer to him. She turned the faucet on and suddenly the water came out in full force splashing against the stack of plates spluttering all around. "Shit," she mumbled trying to push the dishes down. Kabir immediately leaned closer turning the knob to lower the force.
"Sorry," she muttered glancing at him. His shirt was slightly wet just like her dress.
"It's okay," Kabir spoke stepping away before his mind went on the gear of bodily desires. He glanced to notice that her dress was slightly wet.
"I will wash them," Heer said pointing to the dirty dishes.
"Not now Heer, later," he spoke closing the tap once she had washed her hands. He took the hand towel off the hook and handed it to her. Their eyes meeting once again. Wasn't there some way to do away with sexual tension?
* * *
"Heer, why don't you sing for us! It's been a while.." Rohan spoke to kill the awkward silence that had seized the room.
"Yes, mom!" Advika reacted by squealing in excitement and turned to Heer.
Misha and Kabir exchanged apprehensive looks. "You don't have to Heer," Misha spoke up sending an icy glare her husband's way. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat wondering what part of his request was wrong.
"It's okay, I will sing. It's been a while, I haven't!" Heer spoke getting up to fetch her guitar.
Kabir sat up straight when Heer came back and sat on the sofa beside him. Advika sat on the other side. Kabir's eyes savored her sight as she checked the strings and struck a few. Her coffee brown hair hung like waves over her ear, the hue altering as the strands bounced and moved. She made simple seem ethereal. His head tilted slightly catching a glimpse of the smile that she flashed looking at Advika.
I've been reading books of old
The legends and the myths
Achilles and his gold
Hercules and his gifts
Spiderman's control
And Batman with his fists
And clearly I don't see myself upon that list
Kabir's smile didn't fade. Her voice was soulful just like the music that her fingers produced with the aid of the guitar. Her eyes were closed. It was as though her lips rolled out words that came right from her heart. She smiled turning to him. The breeze blowing in from the open balcony door was kissing her brown waves making them shy away back and forth. Maybe it was true that broken people made beautiful music.
But he said, where'd you wanna go?
How much you wanna risk?
I'm not looking for somebody,
With some superhuman gifts.
Some superhero,
Some fairytale bliss.
Just something I can turn to,
Somebody I can kiss.
Kabir's smile wavered a little as she looked away into space singing it. Was she pouring her heart out, subconsciously? They said that lyrics gave away what one felt. Was Heer subconsciously confessing what she felt?
I want something just like this.
The way she smiled at Advika singing on the various notes, the way her eyes sparkled, made Kabir's heart fall for her again. How did she not see how perfect she was for him? Her eyes traveled to his when she repeated the line again. I want something just like this. At the moment, she was singing what his heart held. Jeez, like she wasn't a mystery enough that she was confusing him further. She was like black bitter coffee with sweet white vanilla, confusing, but left him craving for more anyway.
Claps echoed and that's when Kabir realised that he had been lost thinking about her. Advika very excitedly requested Heer to sing Oh! Susanna, to which Heer agreed if the others joined her. She glanced at him, her eyebrows arching up questioning him, he shook his head dismissing her inquiry.
"Misha, why don't you take Rohan around the complex? He wanted to have a walk around," Kabir spoke once they had finished the popular primary school song.
"Really?" Misha asked in an unenthusiastic, mocking tone.
"I can come too!" Advika offered. Kabir and Heer exchanged looks.
"No," Heer spoke too quickly, her voice having an unusually high pitch. "I mean, Advi, we can, umm, don't you want to try the puzzle Rohan Phupha bough for you?" Heer was glad for her immediate presence of mind.
"Yeah, I can help you too. So, Misha you show him around." Kabir spoke decisively passing his sister a glare that said don't you dare argue.
Misha made a face and got off the comfortable couch, "Come on Mr. Thakur, let me show you around the apartment complex," she spoke.
"After you, Mrs. Thakur," Rohan replied with a smirk, extending his hand for his wife to walk. Misha glared at him.
"That worked," Heer whispered after the door clicked shut, with a wide grin spreading on her face.
Kabir turned looking at her, her eyes in level with hers, their faces barely five inches away. "Yeah," he replied softly.
"Mom, I will lay out the puzzle pieces on my bed." Advika spoke picking up the cylindrical box.
"Yeah, that's a good idea. You start I will wash the dishes and be back." Heer spoke tearing her gaze away from her handsome husband's face.
"Heer, you don't have to, I will...." Kabir spoke up.
Heer glanced at him, "let me, please? As it is I feel very guilty that you do most of ...everything!"
Kabir's lips tugged at the corners, forming a grin. "Okay, do the dishes, I will take up the cleaning. Don't...
"I know, don't try cleaning your expensive baking dish!" Heer completed for him and he smiled in response nodding his head in agreement.
"You should really teach me how to make that good lasagna," Heer spoke as they walked towards the kitchen.
Kabir's grin widened with amusement, "like you have asked me to teach you, seera, paneer pie, choco-chip cookies and biryani? Wait does the list end?"
"Haha so funny!" Heer muttered, setting herself on work mode.
Kabir occasionally looked at Heer. She was carefully washing the glass crockery. She kept struggling with her open hair that kept falling front. Unable to resist his urge to offer help, he walked towards her, "Do you want me to tie it?"
Heer felt a swarm of butterflies in her stomach when she heard him from close behind her. She chuckled at his offer.
"What?" He asked frowning slightly, being careful enough to keep a little distance between their bodies.
"I am okay, don't trouble yourself with it,"
Kabir was now offended, "Hey, I am a father of an eleven year old girl. I can definitely tie your hair."
Heer smiled and turned her head looking at him over her shoulder. "Try your luck," she smiled continuing to gently scrub the plate in her hand.
Kabir stepped closer and gathered her hair in his hands. In the process, his fingers brushed her neck and shoulder. Heer stiffened at his electrifying touch. Despite the fabric shielding her body from the touch of his bare skin she felt the heat.
If Kabir was to be honest with himself, then he had to admit that he loved how her body reacted. Pleased with his effect on her, he traced his fingertips over her neck, this time very, very, deliberately. He heard her suck in a breath and his male ego partied at that.
"Where's the wrap around?" He asked gathering her hair together, ready to tie a band around it.
"Uhh, I don't have one," Heer managed to respond. This was such a bad idea. She wanted more of those touches, preferably at other places on her body. "Tie it up into a bun." She spoke further, without realizing she had been washing the same plate for more than a minute now.
"How?" Kabir asked softly, thoroughly basking in her scent.
Heer involuntarily licked her lower lip, feeling his breath on her neck. "Twist it,"
Kabir followed her instructions gently twisting the ponytail.
"More, tighter," she guided him. Her hands had turned off the tap. Her hand held the next dirty plate but she didn't make any effort to scrub. Her total attention was on Kabir. Her mind fantasizing how he could disobey and turn the scene into a sexier scene. She closed her eyes momentarily as another wild imagination filled her mind. Fuck, not the right time.
Kabir took a deep breath and twisted her hair further, making sure to be gentle. His head clouded with indecent thoughts. What if he just turned her around and pulled her closer to kiss?
"Roll it around your finger, all the way," she guided, now a smile on her face.
"Am I doing it right?" He asked, it came out as a breathless husky voice. He couldn't stop his mind from imagining what better things his fingers could do then tie up her hair. She felt tingles down south at that thought.
"Hmm," Heer hummed in response.
Kabir couldn't look at her face and wondered if it was his stupid mind messing with the gentlemanly thoughts, that made him hear it like a moan. He took a sharp inhale and darted his eyes to her hair from her neck that had been giving him more thoughts. He was tempted to let his mouth explore that skin. He focused on getting the hair bun right. "Now?"
"Tuck it in. From down, into and the out."
Kabir blinked. It was definitely his hormones playing with his brain. She probably said 'tuck'. He should pay attention to her hair. "Won't it tangle?" He asked slightly nervous. She had beautiful hair and it would be a pity if she had to get it cut because he knotted it.
"Nope, do it," she spoke smiling. The man who standing behind her was the cutest she had ever met. If only he had waltzed into her life earlier. They would have made a perfect couple. She immediately felt guilty for having that thought. There wouldn't be Advika if there was no Varsha. Wishing that she had Kabir instead of Varsha seemed wrong. However, that didn't stop her from thinking. What if they met when there was no Rajeev and Varsha? What if she was his first wife? What if he wa sher first love?
"Is it okay?" Kabir asked staring at the bun.
Her slightly mover her head and the bun fell, loosely hanging. She chuckled, "it works for now!"
A smile pulled his lips up, "okay!" He stepped away, "I will go check on Advi!" He spoke quickly making his way out of the kitchen. With long breaths he tried calming his raging male hormones. Dammit.
A little more than ten minutes later, Kabir walked out of Advika's room. She had taken up the challenge to solve the puzzle all by herself. He walked into the balcony to find Heer standing by the railing. She had earphones plugged into her ears and was looking at the night sky. The night had turned colder. The breeze was moist and hinted the coming for rainfall.
He walked in and stood beside her. She immediately unplugged the earphone from her ear and looked at him sensing his arrival.
"I was just..." she murmured.
"Hmm, which song?" He asked.
She smiled, "A Higher Place," she answered.
"Adam Levine?" He asked.
She nodded with smile. "Maroon five fan, huh?"
"I like their songs!" She answered softly. Kabir smiled at her admiring her smile.
"I liked that movie," he added looking at the night sky, placing his elbows on the railing.
"Begin again?" She asked with sparkling eyes.
He looked at her again, nodding in a yes. She stood right next to him and he craved to pull her into his arms.
"Well, there are some things where we match!" Heer smiled, "I loved that movie."
"I bet the reason was you could relate to Gretta!" He responded quickly to notice her smile waver.
"I didn't mean it that way..."
"No, you're right. I did find myself in her."
Kabir continued to gaze at her face. There was a tinge of sadness in her eyes. He should have thought before speaking his mind. He took the dangling earphone and plugged it into his ear. "Let's cheer you up!"he muttered holding hout his hand for her to take.
"What?" Heer exclaimed looking at him.
"Come on, shake a leg with me!" He winked holding the hand.
"On this song?" Heer asked, giggling and turning her body towards him.
"Why not!" He mused as she pulled out he phone and played the song from the beginning.
She held her phone and placing her fist on his shoulder. "Here," he said asking for her phone. She looked at him adoringly, handing me phone to him. He pushed it into his pocket. She quickly stepped closer lest the earphone pulled out of her ear.
They smiled at each other swaying together, moving back and forth in quick steps trying to match each other's moves. Their soft laughter, silent smiles and lame attempts at synchronizing their lips to the lyrics of the song giled their hearts with joy. After years, Heer finally felt there was someone who did take her into a higher place, a place where she was at peace. She didn't know what tomorrow held but right now, she was with him in a place where they were just... happy.
You take me to another space in time
You take me to a higher place
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