"You miss me?"
• ♡ •
Kabir couldn't recollect the last time he had watched a musical play. It must have been sometime in his college days. It was the troupe's first performance. Advika sat beside him in awe. She was totally enraptured by the quickly changing shades of light that lit up the stage, the swiftly changing look of the stage, the musical chords that made one hold on to their breath and the phenomenal performers on the stage.
The father daughter duo sat up straight with their eyes glued to the stage when Heer made her entrance as Laasya. Similar wide smiles formed on their faces as ge character was introduced. As soon as the light went dim they seized the moment and exchanged looks that were exactly alike - proud and adoring.
"Mom looks so pretty," Advika spoke when Heer left the stage and other actors came up to do their part.
"She does!" Kabir agreed smiling.
Half an hour into the play, Kabir's face lost its luster. His fingers were impatiently tapping against the arm rest of the comfortable seat. While his daughter was totally invested in the performance. However, Kabir found it difficult to digest the chemistry Heer shared with Dev. Most part of it was through dance. "You want to go out and eat something ?" He asked Advika softly.
Advika turned and looked at her father like he had grown two horns. Her father was never the one to suggest her to eat outside except if it was his restaurant or ice cream. "Now?"
"Yeah," Kabir said shrugging his shoulders.
"You will let me eat outside food?"
"If it's clean then yes," Kabir answered.
A smile lit up on Advika's face, "Okay," she muttered in glee. He smiled and quickly got up from his seat and got the side passage. Soon Advika caught up with him and they made their way out.
* * *
"Advi!" Heer squealed and hugged her daughter as she reached outside the theater from the rear exit.
"Mom, you were awesome!" Advika complimented hugging her, "and you look so pretty," Advika added in awe looking at her face that had make up on.
"Thank you my angel!" Heer smiled kissing the girl's cheek. Heer was overjoyed that everything went well at their first show. There were a few glitches that happened but none would have been visible to the audience. She looked up to find Kabir standing a little distance away with his phone held to his ear.
"Mom, I need to pee. I will be back in two minutes!" Saying so Advika sprinted towards the common ladies washroom. Heer smiled waiting for Kabir to end the call. Who was he talking to anyway?
"Hey," he turned after ending the call after a minute's length or so.
"Hi, how was it?" Heer asked, her anticipation evident in her shining eyes.
"It was good," Kabir answered as the corners of his lips lifted upward. She looked prettier up close than she looked on the stage. She was dressed in a halter neck turquoise dress that was studded with silver stones. Her brown wavy hair appeared straightened and more smooth. Kabir couldn't take his eyes off her eyes that were highlighted by the dark eye make up.
Heer waited for him to say something about her performance. Her patience was gone waiting and she finally asked, "How was my performance?"
Kabir's gaze did a drop down to her lips as she spoke. She's asking something Kabir, his mind rebuked. "Ahh, it was good," he managed to say, his thoughts were still on her appearance. It burned him that Dev got to be so close to her throughout.
Heer stepped forward and looked around before looking at him again, "Tell me honestly, was I good ?" She asked holding his hands.
Kabir's heartbeat quickened. He immediately composed himself. "You were amazing, Heer. Couldn't take my eyes off... the stage." He said, feeling glad that he said stage instead of you.
"Really?" Heer asked to confirm.
He smiled and leaned so that his lips were inches away from her ear, "Well, maybe Shalini was a little better than you!" He whispered.
Heer rolled her eyes, "Biased!"she muttered accusing him moving her head slightly back as he pulled back. He chuckled, his hand still holding hers. If only he could kiss her and tell her how good she was.
"You were amazing, Heer. And you have stop asking for validation and start believing in yourself."
Heer looked into his eyes as he said that. Her heart filling with adoration for the man. He was... amazing. She smiled glancing down at their hands. "Thank you, Kabir. I don't think I would have been here in this moment without your support."
Kabir smiled, "ultimately we all get what our heart desires for, if we believe ourselves to be deserving enough. You believed in yourself Heer, that's why you are where you are."
Heer's smile broadened with pride as they gazed at each other.
"Mom, when did you buy this dress?" Advika asked admiring the fabric. Heer quickly took her eyes off Kabir and put her attention on Advika.
"That's what the theater group gave my character." Heer answered, gently pulling back her hands from Kabir's hold.
"It reminds me of Elsa's dress!" Advika grinned.
"Me too!"Heer said in child like glee with a wink. "Okay, give me ten minutes, I will change and be back. I am so hungry!"
"Okey dokey!" Advika replied.
Heer smiled and glanced at Kabir who nodded. She made her way inside with a stupid smile on her face.
* * *
Kabir sat beside his daughter as they spoke to Heer. Two days had passed since they had dropped Heer to the airport. The days went by so slowly. He was already missing her much more than Advika was missing her. Heer generally called them at night before sleeping.
"... I told Sharmila Maam but she didn't listen. She always listens to Dhruvi..." Advika was sharing her school stories. Kabir wasn't captured by the camera, but he could look at her. She was in a sleeveless black tank top lying on the bed while talking. The way she sat he could get a peek at the little of her cleavage. He could bet she didn't notice that he was back. He sat silently admiring her.
"Advika, don't you have to sleep?" He finally spoke and seconds later he noticed Heer sit up properly. He held back his smile.
"Okay, mom. Time to sleep. Good night mom!" Advika gave a flying kiss and Heer pretended to catch it and paste it on her cheek. She handed the iPad to her father.
"Advi, brush.."
"I know Paa!" She called out making her way to the room.
Kabir glanced at the screen, "She's growing up to soon!" He said.
"She definitely is growing smarter!" Heer chuckled.
"How was your day?" He asked smiling.
"Well. It was eventful. You know Yashita right, the woman who plays my aunt. So she had a rat in her room and poor lady made a ruckus about it."
Kabir chuckled settling comfortably on the couch as she went on to narrate that and then the new stage woes. Only when she yawned Kabir realized that they had been talking for a long time, almost twenty minutes.
"Get some sleep, Heer. I better go inside before Advika walks out to parent me!"
Heer grinned, "yes. Good night, Kabir!"
"Good night Heer. Take care!" He passed her a soft smile. She nodded and ended the call. Kabir rested his head back closing his eyes. They didn't even speak for that long at one go at home. Maybe this little distance would make things better between them. Maybe it will help Heer realize that they had this natural chemistry between them, that they had something more than just friendship between them. He smiled widely at the thought before walking to the room.
* * *
"Advi, where is Paa?" Heer asked as she settled on the bed. She looked up momentarily to find Shalini smiling at her. Due to some confusion a smaller number of rooms had been booked in the Jaipur hotel. It had been more than a week now and Heer was already feeling homesick. She missed Advika and Kabir. She missed home food and snoozing for a few minutes after waking up.
"Paa is busy talking to someone from office." Came Advika's reply. Heer nodded dejectedly. It had been two days since she spoke to Kabir properly. Every time she called in he would be busy with something or the other. She had taken care to call at night hoping he would not be busy with work. Two days back they had spoke for almost half an hour. She would fill him on her day and he would tell her about his. Lately, he was busy with the setting up of his new restaurant.
"Wait, he is here. Paa, Mom wants to talk to you," Advika spoke looking up. The camera shifted and Heer heard Advika take permission to watch TV for sometime. They seemed to have had an early dinner.
"Good night Mom!" Advika said appearing upside down on her screen. Hee chuckled, "good night, and don't watch too much TV!"
"Okay bye!" She said hurriedly before disappearing.
"You have spoilt her big time," Kabir accused settling comfortably on the couch.
"Right, all the bad things she learns from me and the good stuff from you," Heer mocked with a smile threatening to appear on her face.
"Exactly! So how is Jaipur!" Kabir asked smiling.
"Much better than Delhi!" She smiled.
"That's nice, so all set for tomorrow?"
"Yep," Heer answered.
"She misses you so much Kabir!" Shalini spoke.
Kabir looked at the screen with a little bafflement, "Who was that?" Shalini appeared on the screen answering his question.
"Hi Kabir! It's me. Trust me she's homesick!" Shalini grinned.
Kabir chuckled, "Are you Heer?"
"I miss Advi!" Heer confessed.
"And you, and the home food. She can't stop talking about it." Shalini answered while Heer rolled her eyes.
"Heer, you miss me?" Kabir seized the opportunity and teased her.
"Shut up Kabir," she mumbled glancing at Shalini, "Shut up!" She repeated to her shifting away. Her cheeks flushed.
"Kabir she's blushing!" Shalini teased loudly.
"Is she?" Kabir responded chuckling.
"Shalini, get out!" Heer squeaked irritated.
"Oohhh get out huh? What do you need privacy for?" Shalini teased further waggling her eyebrows suggestively.
"Please...get lost!" Heer muttered.
"Sure," Shalini laughed heartily shutting the door of the room after stepping out.
"What was that?" Heer asked looking at the screen.
Kabir chuckled, "Was just having some fun. How come Shalini was in your room? The last time I checked you weren't on the list."
"Shut up!" Heer muttered a stupid smile growing on her face. She went on to explain how there had been a confusion between the accomodation team and the hotel management.
"How did the PTM go?" Heer asked.
"Misha said it went well."
Heer's eyebrows furrowed, "Misha?"
"Yeah, I had a meeting with this businessman. He was interested in investing and partnering on the new restaurant project." He spoke, "hence I asked Misha to fill in."
"Was Advi okay with that?" Heer asked immediately.
"Of course, Misha has been going so.."
"Kabir, what I meant is... was she okay with me not being there?"
"She was Heer."
"What did you tell her?" Heer asked solemnly.
Kabir stared at the screen, "I told her that PTMs don't determine anything. I also promised that both of us will attend the next one."
Heer nodded, blinking thoughtfully.
"What are you thinking?" He asked taking a deep breath.
"I wanted to be there for her."
"I know Heer. But like I said these things don't..
"Kabir," Heer cut him off, "it matters to Advika. Things like this matter to kids."
Kabir fell silent. "But she's good with it and we will go for the next one."
Heer smiled a little, "she must be missing me.."
"No, not as such. She's training me in badminton. I am teaching her to work in the kitchen. And she's got me around to making beaded jewelry and watching princess movies with her. We don't really miss you.."
Heer narrowed her eyes at him as a mischievous grin formed on his face. "Please don't make it sound like chocolate cake when it is bitter gourd juice."
Kabir chuckled, "You caught me. Come back soon, I don't think I can handle watching Disney anymore and she is becoming very adamant and demanding like you."
"Mr. Jaisinghani when did I ever demand anything?"
"But you always give in to her demands so she's making me do that now."
Heer scoffed, "You've spoiled her not me."
"Hey, watch your tongue,"
Kabir looked around and then back at the screen, "Advi isn't around.. "
Heer smiled, "So, what did you make for dinner?"
"Changing the topic are we?" Kabir smiled.
Heer couldn't help but smile looking at that charming smile. "No, we are just talking. I had this dal called Dal Muradabadi. It had panner pieces in it."
"Heer," Kabir looked astonished, "You grew up in Kanpur and Dal Muradabadi is breaking news to you?"
"What do you mean?" Heer asked offended.
"Heer, have you ever eaten put in Kanpur?"
"Yeah!" Heer shrugged.
"And you get to know of Dal Muradabadi in Jaipur. You definitely live in some other city. You know what next time we go to Kanpur I an taking you for a street food spree."
"Woah Woah, let me sink this in, you and street food." Heer said dramatically.
Kabir realized that he had spoken a little too much. "What?" Je shrugged his shoulders as though it was no big deal. "I used to bunk classes a lot and visit different food joints in the city. Where do you think I learned the most amazing cooking hacks?"
"Oh my God, Kabir!" Heer giggled, "It's like there are two versions of you."
"Come on, every great chef will always agree that street food is filled with the best cooking tricks bit every sophisticated restaurant owner will agree that they do lack hygiene."
"Who cares about the hygiene as long as the food is great!" Heer muttered tying up her hair. Kabir smiled looking at her.
"I do. An dyou will too if you end up with diarrhea!"
"Omg, Have you ever?" Heer asked catching the point.
"Well," Kabir cleared his throat, "so what time do you plan to sleep?"
"I sense a change of topic here!" Heer chuckled.
Kabir tried holding back his lips from forming a grin.
"Oh, you two are still at it?" Shalini spoke entering the room. "It's been more than half an hour. What are you two up to?"
"Nothing just talking.." Heer answered and looked at the time realizing that she indeed had been talking to him for more than thirty minutes now.
"Hey, Kabir, I hope you enjoyed your privacy but I am here now." Shalini teased laying down on the bed beside Heer.
"Oh, I definitely did. Thanks Shalini." Kabir said and Shalini chuckled while Heer stared at the screen with warning eyes.
Kabir chuckled. He hadn't been so...himself in a while. "Good night, girls!" He said looking at the screen fondly.
"Good night Kabir," Heer said softly. She just didn't want to end the call but she had to. Once she had she excused herself to use the washroom. She hadn't felt so good in a while. If anything she realized how much she missed Kabir. She looked at the mirror washing her face.
She couldn't lie to herself any more. She liked Kabir more than a friend. She had been running from the fact. Now, a part of her wasn't ready to run anymore. It wanted Kabir like any woman would want the man she loves. "No," she muttered feebly to herself. She can't, she would spoil everything that she had with him and be left with nothing again. This time there was more to risk than ever. It wasn't one person but two people who meant everything to her. They were her home and she wasn't willing to let that home go away. She sighed. "Just a friend," she muttered softly to herself.
* * *
Kabir sat silently after the call had ended. Heer's words wouldn't leave him. She was right, there were two versions of him. One that he was and the other that he had become after Varsha left. Misha had said that too earlier on. He didn't know how and he he had changed so much. The carefree Kabir was gone. He didn't know how to reverse things but today he realized Heer did that. Heer brought out what he truly was.
He glanced at the ring Varsha had made him wear. Only this time he had put it on his left hand after his brother had given him a reality check. Maybe his guilt made him remove the ring. He had done as his brother had advised put it back on. But it felt right to love Heer. It felt right to want her to love him back. Everything felt so right. He loved Varsha, but he loved Heer too. They were two different people. He wondered how he even fell for Heer. But he did and he loved her strongly.
He fidgeted with the ring. "I really like her, a lot." He spoke softly as though confessing to his late wife. "I love her Varsha..." he mumbled. He looked away gently slipping the ring off his finger. "I will always love you," he mumbled looking at the ring before kissing it. A tear from his eye dropped on the ring, he gently rubbed it. This time he was confident it wasn't guilt that made him remove the ring. It was the desire to move on. It was the longing to be a one woman man again. Only this time the woman was Heer.
Omg, I can't believe I was able to complete this chapter so soon.
Coming to Heer's ring that was mentioned in last chapter, you can find it being mentioned in the earlier chapters.(since a lot of you were wondering what ring!)
Coming to this chapter, I would love to know your thoughts!
Also, I think this book is going to be as long as KAI or IAH in terms of word count. The count so far is roughly 84000 words!😯
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