Chapter 22 | birthday party
"You're just too busy in your kitchen to notice."
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It was Advika's birthday. Luckily it was a Saturday. Misha had offered to take Advika out so that he and Heer could get the place ready. Kabir was actually looking forward to spending time with Heer until evening. Her new job as a theater artist was very hectic. She left early came late which left her little time to spend with Advika and him.
They had spent most of the morning baking the cake. Kabir had actually got all the ingredients and fancy equipments for the icing. Heer had helped him with the icing. After that she had rushed to decorate while Kabir finalized the cake's look and put it into the refrigerator.
An hour after lunch, a pissed Kabir was instructing his cook, he had called over for help. He was pissed because Heer had a dear friend over and the two were rehearsing the dialogues. He had stepped out of the kitchen to find them laughing as they performed their play scenes. He had simply turned around and entered the kitchen again.
Minutes later Heer entered the kitchen. Kabir refused to react to her presence as she filled two glasses of water.
"Harita, that looks nice," he heard Heer compliment his cook.
"Thank you, Didi!" The lady replied.
"So, Kabir, what..."
"Dev is still here?"
"Oh, yes, he is blowing up more balloons because he lost a bet to me." Heer grinned. "Anyway, I was saying, what time is Misha coming?"
"Two hours from now perhaps," Kabir answered focusing on the vegetables on his chopping board.
Heer looked at the time, "Okay, um, you still haven't told me what you brought for Advi," she tried finding out again.
Kabir's lips curled up a little and he looked up, "Told you it's a surprise."
"For Advika, you can tell me!" Heer tried convincing him.
"Heer," he said looking at her.
"Fine, I am not telling you too then," Heer shrugged her shoulders.
Kabir could sense her desperation to know what he had bought for Advika. "Heer, I don't want to know!"
"Whatever!" Heer muttered haughtily walking out leaving behind a smiling Kabir.
It was twenty minutes to six. Thankfully, Dev had left more than an hour back. Kabir had taken a refreshing shower and put on denims and a black tee. He had taken a few extra minutes to spray his perfume, set his hair and analyze his look.
"Kabir," Heer called rushing into the room. She had opted to go to ther other room's bathroom to shower.
"You aren't," Kabir noticed she was in nothing but bathrobe, a very modest one. The thick white material went below her knees and had full sleeves. "Ready yet?" He completed. Where on earth did they make bathrobes like that? Wait, why was he even concerned about how short or rather how long her bathrobe was?
"Tell me what to wear. Should I wear a dress or jeans top or a Indian dress? Saree?" She asked walking to the cupboard.
"Why are you asking me?" Kabir asked baffled.
Heer looked at him over her shoulder, "Because, I don't know. It's a first. What do mothers wear on their daughter's birthday?"
Kabir chuckled, "are you serious? Wear anything. How does it matter?"
"What do Advika's friends mothers generally wear?"
"What?" Kabir uttered with wide eyes. "How am I supposed to know?"
"Haven't you been to Birthday parties before?"
"Uh, no. Misha usually tagged along with Advika to her friends' parties."
Heer nodded, "okay! No suggestions then?"
Kabir met her eyes, "No," he turned away. What was he staring at her lips while she spoke? Why was he being a hormonal jerk? She looked very pretty in that bathrobe perhaps that's why. He silently walked out of the room scolding himself. There were days when he just had tempting desires when he looked at her. Today was just another of those few days.
* * *
Kabir was having her a hard time keeping his eyes off Heer. She looked gorgeous in the mustard yellow colored jumpsuit that had elegant floral prints and cold shoulder sleeves. Her brown waves were left open. She was totally busy greeting guests and making them comfortable. Her smile would warm any heart.
"Kabir, why don't you come out?" She spoke as she entered the kitchen to grab a tray of the snacks this time.
"Heer, no. I don't like socializing. Please spare me!"
"Misha is downstairs, she will be here any minute." Heer replied smiling.
He sighed getting off the stool wiping his hands. He walked out along with Heer only to witness Dev walking in. Lately, he had begun to dislike this man. Well, it definitely had to do with the fact that Heer admired and spoke about him a lot.
"Hey, Dev!" Heer greeted cheerfully, "Hi Aadi!" She greeted the kid who was roughly Advika's age.
"Hi, aunty!" He greeted.
Kabir noticed Heer force a smile at that word. He smiled amused only to notice Dev tryingjard to hold back his grin.
"Hi Kabir!" Dev passed him a smile. "And meet my Bhabhi," Dev introduced his sister in law.
"Hi," Heer shook the woman's hand. "Heer," she introduced herself.
"Trishna," the lady smiled shaking her hand.
"This is Kabir," Heer introduced cordially.
Trishna smiled and nodded, "I have heard about you a lot from Aadi!" She spoke looking at Heer.
"He is a wonderful boy!" Heer spoke noticing that Aditya had already made his way in. "Why don't you all come in and make yourself comfortable?" Heer smiled inviting them in.
She returned to Kabir smiling. His eyes never left her. "You're a wonderful host." He complimented.
"Well, I am wonderful at many things. You're just too busy in your kitchen to notice." Heer replied stepping out into the corridor.
Kabir followed her out with slow steps. Her words forcing weird thoughts to spring up in his head. Was she flirting? Or was it just a simple remark that he was overthinking about?
"There is my birthday girl!" Heer squealed with delight as the elevator doors parted to reveal Advika standing there dressed in a blue frock. In seconds, Advika was in Heer's arms, while Heer showered her with kisses. Kabir smiled as a similar image from past flashed in his mind. That of his late wife showering their baby girl with kisses when the nurse handed her their little girl. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat.
"Kabir," Misha's voice made him turn.
Misha noticed her brother's glassy eyes. "Wish her!" She said softly.
Kabir smiled as Heer got to her feet still holding Advika's hand. "You look gorgeous, Princess!" He complimented bending down to lift her up.
"I am eleven now, you shouldn't pick me in your arms!" Advika pouted as her father picked her up.
"I told you, you will always be my little baby!" Kabir muttered kissing her cheek. "Happy Birthday, Advi!"
"Thank you," she said grinning ear to ear as she hugged him. A tear dropped down to Kabir's cheek from his left eye. "Ready to enter your party?" He asked smiling.
"Yes, but put me down!" She requested. Kabir smiled putting her down not before pecking her forehad. She held his hand, and he walked her in.
The guests who comprised of boys and girls with a few of the parents sang the Birthday song welcoming her, while Misha was busy capturing the video. Kabir stayed back at the door looking on. He missed Varsha. He felt fingers brush his fingers. He looked aside to find Heer smiling at him. "It's okay to miss Varsha," She spoke up with her lips forming into a slow smile.
Kabir curled his fingers gripping onto her hand, as he turned his attention back on his Birthday girl. Heer's gaze lingered on his face a little longer and then dropped to their hands before looking up again.
"Are we cutting the cake?" Misha asked while the kids surrounded Advika with their gifts.
Heer looked at the kids and then turned to Kabir. "Shall we?"
"Yeah, let's get done with it!" He muttered.
Misha chuckled, "too many people for you huh?"
"Too many kids!" Kabir mumbled and Heer smiled as he walked past her. Their hands parting in the process. Misha didn't miss to notice that.
"I will just help him," Heer spoke following Kabir's trail.
"Sure," Misha said with a stupid smile making it to her face. Heer sure had her way to Kabir's heart. Misha was happy for him.
"Your driver is here, Missus!" She turned around to find her husband walking in with all the covers in his hand.
"Oh, I forgot!" Misha muttered taking a few bags from him.
"Well, that's how a husband is treated after honeymoon," Rohan sighed.
"Shut up, Rohan, follow me!" Misha spoke making her way to Advika's room.
"As you wish, Missus!" Rohan muttered playfully and Misha grinned.
* * *
"Okay, so let's take it out," Kabir spoke as they managed to carefully put their cake on the food trolley. "Your guitar is in place right?"
"Do you really think I should sing? I mean, we can skip the me singing with the guitar part and do we all sing instead."
"Heer," Kabir spoke looking at her. "You're a stage performer. You can't back off from performing before such a small audience. Besides trust me you sing really well."
"I know I sing well," Heer spoke rolling her eyes as her lips slowly loosened to form a grin.
"I take my words back then, you sing worse than I do!"
Heer's eyes widened, "wait a minute, you sing that horrible?"
"Shut up, let's go," Kabir muttered pushing the trolley as he realized his goof up.
Heer chuckled, "I think I should be at the guitar and you should sing then,"
"Heer, Are you coming?" He muttered walking ahead with a smile playing at his lips.
Kabir was right next to Advika beside Misha while Heer sat across from the on the high raise stool with a guitar in hand. The blue lights had been turned off and the room was lit up with golden light. Kabir's gaze frequently found its way to her. It was the same old birthday song but it had never sounded better to Kabir. He didn't hold back his wide appreciative smile, nor did he look away when Heer's gaze met his. He was sure if angels sang they sounded just like her. Heer was nothing less than an angel for Advika. His smile wavered momentarily but he managed to keep a small smile intact as Heer completed the song.
* * *
Kabir slipped into the balcony and slid the door shut, cutting out all the ruckus. Heer was busy chatting with the guests who had turned up. The cook was taking care of the kitchen. He poured out red wine in two sleek flute glasses and then sat on the stool staring at the night sky. The sky was dark with heavy clouds. Perhaps it would rain later in the night.
He took a sip from one glass. The wind blowing at his arm was colder than the wine. In those fleeting minutes, loneliness hugged him. He missed Varsha more than ever. If only they didn't decide to celebrate out. Varsha never really liked going out for dinner but he did. They were supposed to celebrate the award his restaurant had bagged that day. He remembered how he tried convincing her that they'd celebrate at home for a change. While she wanted to go out for dinner. If only she never chose that seven star hotel that was targeted by the terrorists. If only she didn't reach early to that hotel. He took a sharp intake of air and slipped the wine.
"Caught you," he heard the familiar voice and then the sliding of the door. "Woah, drinking all alone in a kids party?"
"Mish," he warned her.
Misha smiled, "Not here to police you. I take it that you're missing Varsha. But seriously Kabir two glasses?" Misha fronwed picking up the flute glass, placed on the empty stool. She sat on the stool looking at the dark skies. She silently sipped on.
"It's red wine!" Kabir warned.
"I know! Varsha's favorite. That you forced on her!" Misha said in an accusing yet amusing tone.
Kabir smiled, "She loved grapes. So she had to like this, I just introduced her to it."
"I am happy you are moving on Bhai!" Misha spoke up earnestly looking at him.
She held his hand, "You don't have your ring on, you're back to smiling and you finally let someone work with you in the kitchen."
"Yay, Sherlock!"
Misha chuckled. "You have no clue how happy I am. I just see the old you coming back slowly. Ever since Varsha left, I lost you. You think I don't know that you're living like Varsha? Being the quiet one. My brother was a fun person."
"Varsha was a fun person," Kabir defended.
"Yeah, she was. But she was an introvert and her fun version was limited to the people she loved. Otherwise she was strict, disciplined, and the kind who'd prefer silence. But you were the kind who was fun, loud, there would never be a dull moment with you. I have never seen you so serious before Varsha. What have you done of yourself Bhai? I am sure even Varsha doesn't like you like this. I understand that... it may be your way to keep Varsha with you. But what about the Kabir Jaisinghani? The one who lit up the room and made sure to put a smile on ever face. The one who didn't hide in shadows but loved making new friends. You just didn't loose Varsha, Bhai, you also lost yourself."
Kabir's jaw tightened. He didn't have anything to say because Misha was right. He didn't know who he was. All he knew was he was Varsha's husband whom she left behind, to raise their daughter alone.
"You know, I have always been mad at you for doing this to yourself. But... I understand now, how hard it must be for you. I can't think of not having Rohan in my life..." Misha's voice cracked.
Kabir turned to find her taking a deep breath. Her eyes misty. He placed a hand on hers. "I am happy for you Mish!"
"I am happy for you too! You're giving Heer a chance. She finally has managed to bring back the old you... something I could never do in my years of staying here. She has done it in months and I am sure she will eventually bring back the original you."
Kabir stared at Misha, as her words hit him hard. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. He inhaled sharply and looked away taking a long sip from his glass.
"It's okay, Bhai. You deserve to be loved and taken care of as much as Advika does. That brings me to ... I need to tell you something. It's about Heer. I knew it all along but I never felt the need to tell you... Maybe..." Misha took in a dep breath and gulped the contents of the glass. "Maybe, I was selfish to not tell you before. Because I honestly thought Heer would be an excellent choice for being Advika's mother and your wife. Heer... she had a relationship. " Misha looked at her brother.
Kabir silently listened on, although he knew what Misha was arriving at. "She was in a live in relationship that was way back... five years or something. She got pregnant..." Misha paused this was harder to tell. She just hoped this didn't change anything between Kabir and Heer. But she just wanted her brother to know.
"And had an abortion. I know, Heer told me!" He completed for Misha and drank from the flute glass the remaining liquid.
"Oh, wow." Misha breathed. "I really didn't want to keep you in the dark about it, but I knew from a week before marriage. Her neighbor happened to be one of my school friend's aunt."
"It's okay. I know and... since you've brought this up." He spoke turning to face her. "Look, I am saying this because I don't want to keep you in the dark. But whatever happened was the past and it's better we don't let it change our present." Misha looked on puzzled and anxious.
Kabir took a deep breath, "the person was Rajeev Thakur, Rohan's first cousin. Look whatever happened was between Herr and him. It shouldn't affect your relationships with your in laws. But I just wanted you to know."
"Rajeev," Misha repeated. "He.... I can't believe it."
"I just wanted to let you know. You do have to tell Rohan about it. I don't want you to strain any relationships within your new family. But I just wanted to be honest."
"It happened during my weeding didn't it. Now I understand why Heer was so off during the entire period. Did something happen?"
"Nothing, he knows that I know. We are all at peace."
Misha nodded and slowly a smile crept up her face. "She told you.."
"She did," Kabir repeated getting off the stool.
"You like her, don't you?"
"Misha, shut up,"
Misha smiled as she got off the stool. She have a wide smile and then hugged Kabir. Kabir let out a deep exhale and wrapped his hands around his little sister. She had grown up too well.
"Hey, all okay?" Rohan called as he entered the balcony. "I have been looking for the two of you," he said.
"I think he means you," Kabir muttered walking past Misha. "Give her a hug," he whispered into Rohan's ears as he slide inside.
He felt much better, much lighter after having that conversation with his sister. His gaze ran around the room. Most people had probably left. His gaze landed on Heer who was laughing throwing her head behind. His lips began curving upward bit stopped when he noticed how she hit Dev's arm. He was chuckling while giving a high five to his daughter. Aditya and his mother were there too. His heart felt heavy again. He decided to head to the kitchen.
As he was on the way to check on the kitchen he stopped as he heard the guitar. He turned around smiling to notice that Heer had the guitar in hand. His gaze then drifted in the direction in which she was smiling. Only to notice Dev smiling back at her. She played the guitar while Dev sang. For a strange reason a tightness began to grow on his heart. He didn't like it a bit. The mor she tried telling himself that there was nothing between them, the more the reasons he got to believe that something was definitely brewing between them. His nood turned sour as he walked away.
Okay, that took long, because I was caught up in other things and had too much disturbance every time I sat to write this chapter. Hopefully, there will be an update tomorrow as well.
Would love to know your thoughts.
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