Chapter 18 | back home
"If you don't even try to pursue what you like, your own dreams, then you'll always regret."
• ♡ •
The Monday morning witnessed farewells. After a quick breakfast the guests were checking out. Kabir hadn't spoken to Heer about the previous night. He had randomly walked out of the hall last night to get away from the chattering relatives. He was initially taken aback to find the two of them standing so close and talking. But when he heard them he knew what was happening. Heer was getting the closure she needed.
What he didn't expect was her to mention him. He hadn't brought it up. He wasn't planning to bring it up either. First she said she liked him when she was drunk, she had started sharing her feelings with him and then last night she was telling Rajeev what she felt for him.
"Kabir," He heard Heer's voice.
He turned around to look at her. "I checked the room," she informed handing him the key. "I will be with Misha," she added and walked away from the reception. Kabir was lost in his thoughts when Maanav placed an arm around his shoulders.
"It's been such a wonderful weekend!"
Kabir smiled, "You should come over and stay with us."
"I would have Kabir, but Esha has wanted to visit Sri Lanka since forever. But I will try coming back to Mumbai a day or two earlier and I am definitely coming over to stay. It's been a while I haven't eaten tarts."
Kabir grinned, "pineapple tarts! You still like them?"
"Why not!" Maanav spoke walking towards Rohan.
"Hey!" Rohan smiled.
"So Mr. Brother In law, you better keep our sister happy!" Maanav spoke in a warning tone."
"I don't know about your sister, but I sure plan to keep my wife happy," Rohan jested.
Maanav chuckled, "That's why I like you!"
Kabir smiled, "keep coming home once a while."
"I will, I mean I have to, I don't think Misha can stay without her dear brother's cooking." Rohan smiled.
Kabir chuckled, "that's a valid point!"
"What are you two doing to my darling husband?" Misha spoke approaching the trio.
"Guy-talks Misha, you wouldn't want to know!" Maanav teased putting and arm around his sister.
Misha scrunched her nose in distaste, "Don't spoil my husband."
"No way, we were just giving him some tips on how to handle you!" Maanav smiled at his sister.
"Like?" Misha asked folding her arms.
"Misha, it's a guy-talk for a reason!" Kabir spoke up.
"God, you two are such...ugh." Misha made a face and moved to Rohan's side. Rohan grinned as Misha wrapped her arm around his.
Kabir and Maanav exchanged smiles. "Do you want me to sing Phoolon Ka Taaro Ka?" Maanav asked laughing.
Misha pouted, and hugged Maanav, "I will miss you!"
Maanav smiled and replied, "I won't miss you!"
"Bhai," Misha whined.
"You better don't forget us!" Kabir spoke as she moved to hug him.
"Nah, I can never forget you two!" Misha smiled with tears in her eyes.
"Mish," Kabir spoke taken aback, "You're too cool to cry. Plus we'll be in the same city. You can walk in any time."
"Good, that's what I wanted to hear!" Misha grinned pulling back.
"See, Rohan. Told you she's a ..." Maanav spoke.
Misha turned to Maanav with a hand on her hip.
"Sweet little sister!" Maanav completed and the others laughed.
"Okay, so they're all here!" Esha spoke hurrying towards them. "Come on, people come closer we need a proper farewell selfie." Heer and Advika followed her.
Soon hugs and farewells were exchanged. Kabir looked on as Heer hugged Misha, the two giggled about something. Kabir's parents was there too. Kabir touched his mother's feet and stepped away. While Heer greeted both his parents.
They were walking towards the parking when they saw Rajeev standing waiting for his car probably. Heer's heart dropped as she looked at him. He was dressed in blue denims and white shirt, had his sun glasses on. She felt Kabir's arm wrap around her waist and looked at him.
"This way..." he said softly leading her on. They walked past Rajeev. Heer knew he was looking at them. Before sitting in the car she looked back to find him still standing at the same spot. This time he was looking in her direction. She sighed and wa about to get in when Kabir suggested she sit behind so that she can sleep for sometime.
"It's fine," Heer spoke, getting inside.
"Can we not stay here for some more time?" Advika asked looking out of the window.
Heer and Kabir exchanged a glance. "We need to go back home Advi. You have to catch up on school."
"Why can't we all stay together?" Advika asked as the car pulled away from the resort.
"Because our house is too small for everybody." Kabir answered.
Advika frowned, "Can we not have a big house?"
Kabir sighed, "We can princess, but they already have their homes like we have ours."
Advika fell silent looking outside. Kabir switched on the music system. His thoughts went back to Heer, to what Maanav said.
* * *
The next four days had gone in a blink. Advika was catching up on her studies, Heer and Kabir were busy with work. It was Friday evening and Heer and Advika were snuggled up on the couch watching a Disney movie. Kabir walked out of the kitchen to find them curled up against each other. His lips curved up admiring the scene before him.
"Ahem," he cleared his throat, making his way to the sofa.
"What are you girls watching?" He asked sitting on the other side of the couch.
"Maleficent!" Advika answered.
"Another princess movie huh?"
"No, Paa. This one is about a fairy who turned evil!" Adviak answered her eyes focused on the screen.
"Wait, that's Angelina Jolie?" Kabir asked puzzled.
"No Paa, she is Maleficent!"
Heer chuckled, "Advi, the actress's name is Angelina Jolie."
"Oh!" Advika exclaimed her eyes still fixated on the TV.
Kabir sat for a few minutes and then got bored. So he walked away into the balcony. Heer's eyes flowed Kabir's retreating figure. She walked after him. Off late he had been really sweet and non grumpy. She hadn't even thanked him for being there for her. She walked into the balcony. The night was cold and it was drizzling.
Kabir turned to her, their eyes meeting. "Had a busy week?"
"Yeah!" Heer answered, "You seemed busy too."
"Yes, the new restaurant. From next week the interior designer team will start working. I may be out, plus I have to start hiring too."
"That's an interesting job!" Heer smiled leaning on the railing.
Kabir smiled, "It's harder than you think. To get loyal chefs is a pain."
"So you will train them ?"
Kabir looked at Heer nodding affirmatively.
"That's cool!" Heer mused.
"What about you?" He asked looking at Heer.
Heer looked at him puzzled.
"I saw you going through that Theater website. You actually kept that director's card?"
Heer looked at him widening her eyes. "You're spying on me?"
Kabir grinned, "No, just saw your laptop screen, unintentionally!"
"Was just going through, just like that!" Heer spoke looking at the sky.
Kabir turned and looked at her.
"What?" Heer murmured looking at him.
"Spill it,"
Heer pulled her lips into a tight line, "there is nothing,"
"Right, you like dancing, you sing and that's a musical play. Still nothing?" Kabir asked looking at her.
Hee turned to look at him, " Ragjav Dixit is actually a popular theater director."
"I know, do you want to go for it?" Kabir asked placing his elbows on the railing. He had actually looked up the man two days ago when he had seen the website open on Heer's laptop.
"I used to be a aprt of the drama team at college. To be a Part of a musical play was my dream!" Heer confessed.
"Go for it then!" KKabir said thoughtfully.
"It's not that easy. I mean I am not even half as good as I used to be. I am pretty sure he was drunk that night when he offered his VIP card!" Heer said. She couldn't not think about it. If only this came years back. Maybe she'd be successful and happy in life.
"Heer, at least try going for it. If you don't even try to pursue what you like, your own dreams, then you'll always regret."
Heer looked at Kabir carefully, "It's easier said than done. I pursued what I thought I liked and it turned out bad. Not going for it again." Heer spoke looking down.
"Everyone doesn't get chances like you got Heer. Use it!" Kabir spoke walking inside. Heer stood in silence thinking about it. She was already so disputed in her mind. A lot had been happening lately. Meeting Rajeev, Misha's wedding, getting drunk, argument with her mother and her manager was giving her a headache. Her slow and predictable life was rocked with twists and turns. She appreciated Kabir's support. She made her way to the kitchen while Advika was still engrossed in the movie.
"Kabir," she spoke up leaning against the kitchen counter after drinking water. He looked up from his laptop at her.
"I just want to say thank you," Heer said softly walking towards him. She stopped a foot away from the stool he sat on.
He looked up at her. His heart went on the fifth gear. His feelings only grew deeper for her. He smiled and nodded. Heer returned an awkward smile and walked away. Maybe he was just returning the favor. He was there for her just like she was there for Advika. Heer's thoughts went back to the musical play as she sat beside Advika.
* * *
It was a bright Sunday; Heer and Advika were baking. Kabir had finally agreed to let them bake in his kitchen provided they followed some rules to keep the place clean. Kabir sat with his laptop on the kitchen island while the two baked on the other side. Heer was certain he did no work but only checked on them. So much love for his paradise.
"Is this enough?" Advika asked as she stopped stirring.
Heer looked frowning, "No, I guess we need to still do some more. Shall I?"
"Yes mom!" Advika said immediately she was tired stirring the mixture on and on. "I am going and making bracelets this is boring!" Advika added.
Heer looked at her and smiled, "Okey-dokey."
Kabir looked at Heer after Advika left. "She has very little patience!"
Heer smiled, "she's ten, it's natural!"
"Want some help?" He asked looking at the way Heer mixed the batter.
"No, I can do this on my own. Just a cake!" Heer spoke.
"Hmm," Kabir responded noticing how a drop went out of the bowl.
"Have you thought anything about Advika's birthday?" Heer asked.
"No, it's still what... three weeks away?" Kabir spoke looking at the calendar on his screen.
"Yeah but we have to plan right?" Heer asked looking at him. While he noticed hiw a little more of the batter flee out and landed on he tshirt. He didn't have OCD, but he just didn't like a messy kitchen or cook.
"Heer, look at that. You're spilling!" He spoke up disapprovingly.
"Oh, uh, it's okay I will was it." Heer spoke looking at her tunic over the stomach that had a little stain.
Kabir got up and walked around, she definitely needed help. "Did you put in baking soda?"
Heer looked at him trying to recollect. He sighed, taking in charge.
"So did you think about the play?" He asked as he started putting the fully prepared batter into the baking dish. Heer who was looking on with a smile, frowned.
"I don't know, even if I do get in, it's going to be crazy routine. I just got a job where I have already utilized the allowed leaves. Plus you have your work stuff that will see you to be out of home. I don't think it's a good idea."
Kabir's lips formed a small smile. He really liked how Heer prioritized Advika. But he felt it was very wrong for her to leave what she always dreamt of. "We will work it out. At least go in for the audition!"
Heer looked at him, "You really think I can..."
"Doubting your own self is like taking two steps back from.the start line."
Heer smiled, "That definitely works on Advika."
"It does!" Kabir smiled.
"You're nice like this." Heer remarked smiling.
Kabir looked at her surprised, "like what?"
"You know smiling an being normal, instead of that grumpy face."
The small smile didn't leave Kabir's lips. Was she flirting now? He felt like a proud teenage boy. "I am not grumpy!"
"Yes, you are!"
"No way," kabir nodded his head beginning to clean.
"I will do the dishes,"
"Heer, you don't ..."
"I won't break them!" She spoke already at the sink.
"By the way, what about Maanav did he call ?"
"Yeah, he did. Yesterday evening when I was at the gym. He said they won't come. Apparently, something important came up so they are going back to the US on Wednesday. They're taking off from Delhi."
"Oh!" Heer responded. She was actually looking forward to having Esha's company. She was a wonderful woman.
"So, umm Esha and Maanav, did they have a love marriage?" She asked, the curiosity had been biting her. Her bet was on love marriage.
"Uh, no. It was an arranged marriage." Kabir answered.
She turned around surprised, "Really?"
Kabir looked up at her, "Why would you think otherwise?"
"I don't know, they kind of seem like ..."
"Don't be so judgmental!" Kabir muttered placing a few more dirty dishes in the sink.
"Not being judgemental. They make a cute couple."
"Maanav was a goner the first time he saw her!"
"Oh my God, love at first sight!" Heer gushed turning around.
Kabir was amused at her reactions. "Umm, does it exist?"
"I don't know... but it's cute!" Heer spoke turning back to the sink. Love at first sight, couldn't be a thing could it? She was taken back to the day she first saw Rajeev. She was sure he was the kind she'd never like, however she had been proved so wrong. Falling for him was a mistake not love.
Kabir was lost in his own thoughts as he cleaned the counter. Love at first sight did exist. He still remembered how Varsha had enchanted him the first time they met. Her amber colored eyes a deep pool of restless gold. He still remembered that sweet smile. She wasn't loud, not the woman that got heads turning. But she definitely had him enslaved at that first eye lock and blush. She was the most beautiful wallflower waiting to be noticed.
His eyes fell on his ring. She was gone, forever. Maanav was right perhaps, he was still stuck at her owing to his stubbornness to accept the truth.
Would love to know your thoughts on the chapter!
There may be no update tomorrow!
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