Chapter 15 | making mends
"Stay here, I won't trouble you. Promise."
• ♡ •
It was past four o'clock. Heer was glad that she had wrapped up her work related stuff in the morning itself. There was no way she could work here. She had been helping Mrs. Jaisinghani with getting things in place and occasionally greeting guests she didn't even know. She was now on duty leaving welcome packages in all the guests room, one of the resort's staff was helping her at that.
She ticked off room 305 on the list and moved forward. "Bhaiya, this one as well." She said pointing to room 306. The man opened the room using his master key and picked up to hampers and kept them on the table. While Heer inspected the room. "Bhaiya this one was supposed to have extra bedding," she spoke looking at the sheet her mother in law had handed her.
"We'll put it up at night," answered the man.
"Hmm. Okay," Heer answered looking at the phone in her hand that was vibrating.
"Heer, where are you?" Kabir asked from the other side.
"Uh, I was getting hampers placed in the rooms."
"Oh, okay, I wanted the room's key. Advika is a little drowsy so I thought we could both nap for a while."
"Yeah, cool. Can you collect the key from me? I am on the third floor."
"Okay, will be there!" Saying that Kabir ended the call.
"Next room, Bhaiya!" She spoke walking down to the next room. The door was already open. She knocked at the door. But there was no response. Perhaps it was open for cleaning. She waited as the man picked up to hampers from the car and walked in. She followed him in. The room seemed in perfect condition.
She was about to open the door to the washroom to check but it opened from the inside. Before her stood Rajeev. Her breath hitched and her eyes widened slightly. His eyes looked right back at her. "Hi," he uttered giving her a full look.
His voice, his mere presence bothered Heer. She quickly moved away, making her way out of the room
"Heer," he called out following her.
Heer didn't care about anything. At the moment she just wanted to get away from the man. He held her hand just when she was nearing the door. "Heer," he mumbled.
She looked ta him and then her wrist that he held. "Leave my hand," she spoke looking up at him.
"Look, Heer, let me at least talk. I know--"
"Leave my hand, now." Heer repeated, her every word weighed heavy.
He let go of her hand. She quickly turned around and rushed dout of the room only to collide with someone outside in the corridor.
"God, Heer, what's up with you today?" Kabir mumbled his hands on her arms to steady her.
"Uh," Heer stared at him. He was very close and that's all she could process. Her mind was still trying to digest that she just ran into Rajeev.
Kabir's eyes immediately looked up as a person left the same room where Heer walked out from. Rajeev. He recognized the person immediately. His glance immediately fell on Heer. That explained a lot. She looked lost, and was walking mindlessly. "Are you okay?" He whispered looking over her shoulder to see the guy pretend to walk towards the other side of the passageway as though taking a call.
"Yeah," Heer breathed out, realizing that her hands were on his biceps.
"I just came for the key," Kabir reminded her.
"Yeah, um, I will come along." Heer spoke. Kabir nodded and they had merely taken two steps away when the staff member called for her attention. "Ma'am what about these?"
"Oh yeah," Heer muttered looking at the list on her hand. Her gaze went back to the man at the other end of the corridor.
"Do you want me to do it?" Kabir offered sensing that Heer didn't want to be around.
"Yes, please." Heer answered quickly. "These rooms have been done and these still have to be. Also, just inspect the rooms to make sure they are okay for occupancy." Heer hurriedly explained handing him the list and pen. But with that she also handed him her phone.
"Heer, this is...ah your phone." He spoke and she looked up finally to meet his eyes.
"Sorry," she muttered and took it back. Silently she sailed away. While Kabir looked on.
* * *
"Hey," Kabir spoke as Heer opened the door for him almost fifteen minutes later.
"Hi," she said softly. "Advi is already asleep." She informed entering the room.
The room was cold and dark. Just perfect setting to sleep away. "You spoke to him?" Kabir asked curiously as he sat on the chair.
"No," Heer gave a monosyllabic answer and sat on the bed.
"I think you should talk to him." Kabir spoke looking at her. He could see that it was clearly bothering her and that in turn bothered him.
"What do I say?" Heer asked softly glancing up at him.
"I don't know, whatever it takes to give you a proper closure. If you keep avoiding him, you'll get nowhere. He still affects you."
"He does. He reminds me of how stupid I had been. I don't want to talk to him. Never again."
"You hate him?"
"Heer, you have to talk to him. Even if that includes screaming or giving him a punch or two."
Heer chuckled softly, "So you have a nerve for humor too!"
Kabir smiled broadly and shrugged. Heer smiled amd slowly her smile faded. "What would you do if you're in my place?" She asked searching his eyes.
"Woah, that's a big question. I'd just show him that I am happy he left. Are you? Happy?"
Heer immediately glanced at Advika. "Very!"
Kabir smiled. She definitely had a endearing bond with his daughter.
"She got mehendi on her hands!" Heer exclaimed.
"Yeah, she's got your name written on her left hand." Kabir told her.
"And yours in her right.." she said glancing at him. He simplytirned to fill himself a glass of water.
"Kabir," Heer called out softly. He turned to look at her.
"Thank you, for marrying me."
Kabir stared at her. Was it even a marriage? Marriage meant bringing two people together and binding them. "I should be the one thanking you, Heer," he admitted honestly. "Advika, loves you!"
Heer smiled as her eyes moistened, she glanced at Advika's palm that had her name written inside a half-heart shape. "She does." Heer breathed out. "Did she eat?" She asked Kabir frowning.
"Yep, had to get her." Kabir smiled.
God, his smile was a killer. The sides of his eyes wrinkled when he smiled. It was totally swoon worthy.
"I will go hand this to Maa," Heer spoke taking the list.
"Are you sleeping too?" She turned asking Kabir.
"No actually I will...just be here." He really didn't want to go down to face his father or his brother.
"Okay," Heer spoke moving towards the door.
* * *
It was fee minutes past seven and Heer sat with two mehendi artists working away on her hands. Advika sat beside her admiring the art. Her mother-in-law ahd made it a point to get to of he best artists to apply henna to her. Heer had tried explaining to the older woman that she wasn't much fond of it but the latter wouldn't agree.
"Ma'am what name?"
"My name!" Advika said excitedly. "Advika."
Heer smiled, "Advika!" She confirmed as the lady looked on with uncertainty.
"Advika, spell your name for Didi," Heer spoke glancing at Advika who was beaming with happiness. She did as she was told.
A waitress came up to Heer with a glass of juice. Just what Jeer needed. "Advi, please take that glass for me, carefully." Heer requested.
Advika took the glass and held it for Heer. The juice stained the corner of he mouth as Advika tilted the glass more than required.
"Opps, Sorry," Advika pouted.
"Here.." Kabir gave his handkerchief to Advika. She took it wiping Heer's mouth. Heer's eyes met Kabir's. He was smiling. Oh now she preferred the grumpy Kabir because his smile was totally enchanting her.
"Advika, go request that aunty there to give you a straw." Kabir told he pointing to the waitress.
"Okey-dokey!" She exclaimed quickly making her way to the lady, raising up her long skirt. Kabir chuckled looking at his ten year old.
"She's a diva!" Heer commented, her gaze on Advika.
"She grew up too fast!"
"Hey, she's still ten, please." Heer shook her head.
"Yeah, and it feels like it was only yesterday she was in arms. A pink baby with a tiny nose and curious eyes."
Heer smiled, how she wished she could see Advika like that. "That would have been a magical moment, wasn't it?"
"Most definitely was. She was so tiny. I can never forget how my fingers trembled to hold her. But that look ... the way she saw me with those eyes wide open and then burst out crying. I was terrified. It took Varsha a while to calm her down. I literally shaved every day to not look intimidating." Kabir passionately narrated while Heer had her eyes on him.
"Poor thing, you sacred her!"
"Hey, she was baby. She always loved playing with me and peeing on me!"
Heer broke into giggles, "Really?"
"Yeah," Kabir shrugged.
"Did you ever change her nappies?" Heer asked curiously.
"More than Varsha did." Kabir answered.
"Feeding her, obviously after she started eating, and changing her nappies was my duty."
"Aww.." Heer responded smilingly widely and he glanced at her.
Their eyes met. Kabir just couldn't look away. There was something that wasn't there before.
She leaned closer sideways, "It's the first ever time you spoke about her without getting upset. You should remember her with a smile like that, I am sure wherever she is, she liked it too." She whispered and then moved away. Kabir's eyes stayed fixated on her. Her words steadily knocking sense into him.
"Excuse me," He spoke getting up.
"Kabir," she called and he glanced at her.
"Stay here, I won't trouble you. Promise."
"You're not troubling me, Heer," he said softly and walked away.
She stared at his retreating figure. Her gaze fell back to her hands. Maybe she shouldn't have touched that nerve.
* * *
Kabir stood at a distance watching Advika feed Heer. It was such a heartwarming sight. Heer's hands were covered with mehendi still, so Advika offered to feed her. By the looks of it, Adviak was enjoying it a lot. He had no clue what they kept talking and giggling about.
"She's nice," He heard his brother's voice.
"Maanav, please."
"Kabir," he held his brother's hand. "You have every right to be mad on me. But how long? Forgive me."
Kabir stared at him. "You should have been there."
"I know," Maanav spoke hanging his head down in guilt. "I just... couldn't make it."
Kabir scoffed, "Of course, office was more important."
"Kabir, you really think, I wouldn't..."
"Esha would have given you advice not to. I get it." Kabir spoke freeing his hand. Esha didn't exactly like their family from the beginning. She had come from a home where things were well off.
"We were in mid of an IVF treatment! As much as we wanted to come we couldn't. We never told anyone about it. They'd make a big deal out of it. And then it worked, Esha got pregnant for three months. I didn't tell anyone because... you know. Esha wasn't in the right mind after the miscarriage. And everytime we spoke to mom dad, they'd always bring up the topic of kids. Plus you were going thorough your own loss. I didn't know Kabir... I still dont know. I am tired of it all. It's like everything is all over the place."
Kabir stared at his brother with sympathy. He held his hand leading him away from the lawn. They needed to talk. Maybe he had been too blind to see that other people also went through loss. After years he was seeing that brother who needed him to be there for him.
* * *
"Hey, Heer, come on in. These guys were bonding I guess. Both were drunk."
"Drunk?" Heer asked surprised no wonder he wasn't answering his phone. It was eleven and Heer was extremely tired.
"Umm, yes, I came up to find these two wasted." Esha spoke leading her inside. Heer was surprised as she saw Kabir laughing. It was a pleasant sight. He looked up at her and then his eyes went to Esha.
"Oh Esha, you seriously called her?"
"I am not that drunk, okay," Kabir's voice slurred a little.
"It's okay, I just didn't want you to enter the wrong room." Esha joked. Maanav chuckled. While Kabir rolled his eyes.
"Good night bro!" Maanav said as Kabir got to his feet. Heer was appalled when Kabir moved towards the single seated sofa and hugged Maanav.
"Good night!" He spoke patting his shoulder.
"Thanks!" Maanav muttered as Kabir walked towards Heer.
"You too!" He said aloud, "let's go?"he asked looking at Heer.
"Yeah," Heer agreed walking to the door.
"Good night Kabir and Heer!" Esha smiled waving before sh shut the door.
"Woah, so you still drink." Heer spoke looking at him with scrutiny to determine how drunk he was.
"I had to a little. For old times sake. Maanav got wasted. He's always been the one to get hit fast." Kabir spoke walking beside her.
"Do you want to take the stairs?" He asked looking at Heer.
"Sure," Heer spoke it was anyway just two floors.
Kabir noted that she was dressed in black pajamas and a pink tee. Her hair was still braided. "Hey," he held her hand noticing that the henna was off. "You got the mehendi washed off!"
Heer smiled at him, "yeah I did. Can't sleep with the smell."
Kabir raised her hand to his nose, "Yeah smells eww..,"
Heer grinned as they reached the third floor. Her eyes went to the room in which she had ran into Rajeev. "Do you want to go talk to him?" Kabir asked looking down the passageway.
"No, no!" Heer said quickly walking up the stairs.
Kabir chuckled leaning against the wall looking at her. "Don't be such a pussy cat. Go and tell him that he's the biggest jerk you've ever met in your life and you regret spending every single minute with him."
Heer stared at Kabir. He was definitely under the effect of the drink. It wasn't as easy a she thought it was. He'd never even understand how hard it was for her.
"Heer," he called climbing up, "I can give him a black eye or two, if you want me to!" He winked.
Heer couldn't help but grin. Drunk Kabir was adorable. "I will let you know!" She said pausing as they reached the mid section of the staircase.
"You know what I would have done if I were you?" Kabir asked looking at her.
Heer stopped and turned to face him. "What?"
He took two steps close to her. His fingers pushed the bunch of hair that covered her eyes a little behind he ear. He leaned closer and Heer's heartbeat skyrocketed. She could feel his breath on her ears. His hand reached to hold her arm as he leaned his head over her shoulder. "I would burn him before dumping all that I have to say on him. Would make sure he regrets his decision of leaving, lifelong. I would make sure that he always lived with the - what if I hadn't left."
He pulled away to look at her. Her lips had never seemed so tempting. Her fair skin was flushed. He traced his fingers gently over her full cheek. "You're a nice person Heer and you definitely didn't deserve that jerk,"
Heer's lips quivered as a strong emotion rocked her senses. Yes she didn't deserve him. Finally, someone saw that it wasn't her fault. It was him who was wrong. "Thank you!" She mumbled looking at him.
He smiled his gaze dropping to her lips again. He had never felt so strong an urge to kiss her. He wanted to know what it felt like. He wanted to be there for her. He wanted to be the best thing that happened to her. The emotions messed with him. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to show her how amazing it felt to have someone love you, be there for you and care for you. He wanted to be the person that she had never had.
She moved away climbing the stairs. He slowly followed her closing his eyes momentarily. Those feelings weren't right he was married to Varsha , he loved Varsha, he had promised her that she'd be the only one. "Damn it!" He cursed under his breath climbing up the remaining stairs.
Sorry was busy, didn't have time to reply to all the comments on the previous chapter but I did read them. I am so happy that you all are loving the story of these two, oops three! ♡
Hope you liked this chapter too!
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